Bereaved. JAMES WHITCOMB HI LET Let ma eome In where yon eit weep lng aye. Let mewho hare not any child to die, Weep with yon for the little one whose love I hare known nothing of. Those little arms that slowly, slowly loosed Their pressure round yonr neck the hands you used To kiss. Such arms, such hands I never knew: May I not weep with yoaf Fain would I be of servicesay some thing Between the tears that would be comforting; But ah! so sadder than yourselves am I, Who have no child to die. ' The Century. THE GILT EDGED TROTH. A Seven-Foot Reptile Attempts to Swallow a Baby. Yakima Herald. George Whorton, of Brown county, tells a blood-curdling snake story. Mrs. William Huxelly, living in a log cabin, was making soap in a back yard, having kissed her sweet little six months-old baby to sleep in the cradle. Presently the baby screamed and she rushed in and whs horror -stricken to find a hideous black snake of enormous size trying to swallow the' child. It bad engulfed the hand, swoliowed it to the armpit and was writhing in its contortions and efforts to make farther progress. Grasping the hideous reptile in the middle it seemed to relax its hold and disgorge the child's arm, then turned upon its mother. She dashed it upon the floor and in her wild frenzy stamped it to death. It proved to be of the black racer species, seven feet two inches in length and measuring six and one-half inches In circumference. The baby lived. and the ..only incon venience it suffered from its terrible experience was that its arm and hand were, blistered as if scalded in hot water. " 130 Men Killed by a Mine Ex plosion, v An explosion occurred in the H. C. Frick Coke Co's mine iu Penns Iva nia on the morning of the 27th by which 130 sturdy miners were ushered into eternity, and a number seriously injured. It is estimated that there are more than sixty wives and families Mt wholly dependent on charity as the result of the fearful explosion. . v The work of redeeming the bodies of the unfortunate miners is still go ing on, and it is more than probable that the number found to have per ished will be greater than now" esti mated. . Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby was sick, we gare her Castoria. When she was Child, she cried f or Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, the gay them Castoria. A Dry Line. Charlotte News, .One by ooj? thcojjqjtipB and towns along the Carolina Central railroad, between Charlotte and Wilmington have gone dry, until now nothing ex cept a .temperance drink can be se cured along the whole length of the line,5 W distance of nearly 260 miles. The conductors used to have tougu times with 'loaded" characters, but now all- that is changed, and it is a rarity to 'See a disorderly character on the train. Occasionally a border ranger with breeches in his boots gets on with a supply secured from pome town off the railroad but he in stinctively fi&te himself ingood com panyand behaves himself.. Times are eally changing for the better. , Children Cry for Pitcher's CastoriaJ For Iafaata asdCMldrea. Castoriav promotes IMgetlon, and ' ovorooiiitM Flatulency, Cpustipation,' Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishneaa. Thus the child la rendered healthy and IU sleep natural. Castoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. M Castoria is so wen adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to an 7 prescrlptina known to me." H. A. Arcbik, M. v.. Ill South Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. T. law Castoria in my practice, and And it specially adapted to affections of children." Alex. Robertson, H. D., 1057 Sd Are., New York. w From personal knowledge and obserratJon I can say that Castoria is an excellent medicine for children, acting as a laxative and relieving the pent up bowels and general system very much. Many mothers have told me of Its ex cellent effect upon their children." Tin o rvAA Lowell, Ths Cxntaub Company, 77 Murray Street, N. T. Raleigh Business Directory. Groceries-ALVIN BETTS. No 12 East Hargett at. Family Grocer ies, Leather and Shoe Findings. CHARLES AB RAMS, first class shojB maker. Up stairs. ja29 DT JOHNSON No 16 East Hnr gett st. Staple and Fancy Gro ceries Fruits and Vegetables. WB MANN & CO. corner Fayette ville and Hargett eta. Fine Gro ceries always fresh. t r C BE VE RS, No 7 East Hargett st. ) Heavy and Fancy Groceries al ways fresh. Sewing Machines -W S HZZLE, 12 East Hargett st. New Home Sewing Machines. Hepairirg done. W C HARRIS, 318 East Martin st. Dyer and Cleaner. ja31 FJ H A RTSFIELD, 318 East Martin st. Watchmaker and Jeweller. JY MacRAE. Full line of Buist's Fresh Garden Seeds. Alt WATTS, 230 Fayetteville st, opp ill. market. Shaving, Hair Cutting, and Champooing done in best style. H JOHNSON, 331 Hillsboro Bt. Groceries, Cigars and Tobacco and Fruit a specialty. . DEBOY & CO, 103 Fayetteville st. French Bakery and Confec tioneries. 17 D SMITH, 222 Wilmington street, -i Choice Fruits always on htnd. 11 N BRYANT, Stall 8, city market. Choice Beef, Pork, &c. 1 M CHEEK, Stall 15, city market. J-JFi uits, Vegetables and Poultry. LO BAGWELL, corner Blount and Martin sts. Has opened a shoe Bhop over his colli n house. New work and repair solicited. Jos Watson, manager. A PERKINSON, successor to Crocker & Upchurch. Staple and Fancy Groceries. A M DANCY, Stall 22, city market. w " Pork, Western Beef and Sausage. lAf D SMITH, Stall 9, city market. " Fresh Fish and Oysters. IU B BELL, 508 Hillsboro st.Choice w " Family Groceries, Cigars and To bacco. Free delivery. W H OVERBY, 14 East Hargett st. "" Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Leather and Findings. 1JI R NEWSOM, 216 Wilmington st. w Fancy Groceries, Plain and Mix ed Pickles. AM THAIN, West Martin street. V Sign of Big Watch. Watchma ker and Jeweller. tAf B BUTCHINGS, 8 West Martin ww st. Saddlery, Harness, &c. L I) WOMBLE, cor Wilmington & Hargett sts. Groceries, Leather, Shoe Findings, Fishing Tackle, To bacco, Cigars, &c. 8P PENNINGTON, cor Salisbury and Uavie sts. Horse Shoeing and Black Smith. TOBACCO MARKET. Reported for the Evening Visitor by Parker & Harvey, Tobacco Man ufacturers. Smokers Common. 5 8 Good. 816 Fillers Common 6 7 Good 711 Cutters Common ..1014 Good..... ... 2028 ' Fancy.. .............. 28S5 Wra poers Common ...... 1422 Good....... ........221bjl0 Fine to fancy.. .40S0 Children Cry for Pitcher's CastorW "COTTOIf MARKET. Corrected dally for the KvxjnNS Tib itor by M ATaxkex.Cotton Broker. Good middlin g ...... 6 Middling to strict middling 8t9 Receipts about bales. Market steady. PRODUCE MARKET. Corrected dally for the Eyenins Visitor by J. B. TERRELL, Grocers. Meats Bulk Bacon, 8 Shoulders, 6J Sugar cured hams, 14 a 16 Breakfast bacon, 12 Lard Flour Superfine, 3 50 Good, 3 75 Medium family,- 8 50 Sugars Cut loaf, 10J Powdered, 10 Granulated, 8 Standard A, 71 Yellow, 64 a 74 Coffee Rio, 20 a 25 Laguira, 25 a 274 Java, 83 a 834 Molasses Black strap, 25 80 P R Molases, 45 a 50 New Orleans, 60r,a 75 Bright syrup, 60 a 65 Salt per sack, f 1 75 Vinegar per gal 80 1 Black pepper, 80 Race Ginger, 20 Teas Green.l&'a 50 a 65 Black, 60 a 65 Pickles Sour, tper gal) 60 Sweet, 44 90 Butter, 18 a 224 Eggs, 20 , Chickens Hens, 30 Spring, 152a 224 Potatoes Sweet, 60 Irish, 90 a 1 00 Rail toad Schedules, &c. llaleigh and Augusta A-L 11 R To take effect 9 am, Sunday, Dec 7, lSUU. Trams mov- Trains mov ing South. Ing North. Sso 41, No 88. Pass and Mail. Pass and Mail. Daily ex Sun. Daily ex Sun .Leave. Arrive, 4 00 Dm Raleigh, 1120 am 4 19 44 Cary, 11 01 am 4 81 44 Apex, 10 49 km 5 05 44 Moncure, 10 16 am 5 28 44 Sanford, 9 52 am 5 54 44 Cameron, 9 26 am 6 21 44 Southern Pines, 8 58 am 7:20 44 Hamlet, 7 88 am 8.16 44 Gibson, Ar 7 00 am Northbound Southbound Trains. Trains. Thro Frt and Thro Frt and Pass 23, r Pass 22, Daily exct Stations ' Daily exct Sunday. Sunday. PM Lv Ar AM 11 30 Raleigh 8 00 12 00 Cary 7 27 12 18am Apex 7 05 1 07am Moncure 6 00 1 44pm Sanford 5 15 2 20am Cameron 4 23 3 C3am SouthernjPines 8 83 4 30am Ar Hamlet Lv 1 30 PITTSBORO R R. Pittsboro, ' 9 10 a m Moncure. 9 55 Leave Arrive Leave Moncure 10 25 a m Arrive Pittsboro, 11 10 CARTHAGE R R. Leave Carthage, ----.i . ,, , 8 00 a m Arrive Cameron. 8 45 Leave Cameron, 9 45 Arrive Carthaere. 10 30 Leave Carthage, 4 00 p m Arrive Cameron. 4 45 n in Leave Uameron, 5 60 Arrive Carthage, 6 85 WM SMITH, Supt, ATLANTIC AN. C. II It , Time Table No 15. -In effect December 19th, 1888. Going east. Schedule. Going west .No 51 Pass trains JNooo Ar Lve Stations Ar Lve p m 8 80 Goldsboro 11 28 a 417 4 20 La Grange 10 46 10 48 4 49 4 54 Kinston 10 09 10 14 6 18 6 48 New Berne . 8 27 8 44 9 26 p m Morekead City a m 6 ' , Pally ,V..- ALB19H& QA8T0S MB. To take effect Sunday, Dec 7, 1890. Trains moving North. No 88, No 34, Stations. Mail train. FastFr't. Le Raleigh, 11 26 am 7 15 p m Wake, 12 05 8 43 Franklinton, 12 28 9 35 Kittrell, 12 44 10 00 Henderson, 100 10 26 Littleton, -2 07 12 15 p m ArWeldon, 2 45 1 20 a in Trains moving South. No 41, No 25, Stations. Mail train. Fast Fr't. Le Weldon, 12 20 p m 2 40 a m Littleton, 100 3 60. . Henderson, 2 28 5 60 Kittrell,, 2 44 6 16 Franklinton, 2 59 6 45 Wake, , 817 7 20 Ar Raleigh, 3 50 p n 8 20 a m Louisburg Railroad. ' . 1 Trains moving, North. , i V 1 No 88, Pass. : No 8, Stations. . . Mail St Express. Le Louisburg, 11 20 a m 5 55am Ar Franklint'n, 11 65 6 30 : Trains moving South. ' ' ; Nd 41, Pass, No 25, , Stations. Mall & Express.', Le Franlint'n 8 15 p m 7 20am Ar Louisburg, 8 50 pro 8 00 1 WM SMITH. Supt. EsitaMisiaeal. MiX THE CHEAPEST AFTERHOOM PAPP m NORTH CAROLINA. SoilDSoriptioxL Price r Per Year, $3.00; Per Ptlonth 25 Cents THE EVENING VISITOR, PUBLISHED DATLY, EXCEPT SUNDAY, BY Brown - & - WiUiams, AT rwenty-Five Cents JMontlj, SUBSCRIBE NOW. ALL THE LOCAL HEWS STATE HEWS, GEHERAL HEWS MISCELLAHY. REMEMBER, THAT Ym BMLY VISBTOR 'il i ' ' ' IS THE OLDEST AFTERNOON TAPER ; 1 Published fn the Citv cf Raleigh. BROWN & WILLIAMS, Proprietors. Atlantic Coast Llue. Wilmington & Weldon Bail road .and , Branches. Condenses Scaedule. TRAINS QOIN SOUTH. Dated, Jan. 19, No 23 No 27 No 41 ,1890. Dally. F'tm'l d'y, ex Daily. Sund'y Le Weldon, 128Cpm 543pm 6 20am Ar Rocky Mt, 140pm 74tm Ar Tarboro, 2 17pm 1 LeTarboro, 10 85am Ar Wilson, 2 18pm 7 00pm 7 53am Le Wilson, f2 80pm ArSelma, 880pm ArFay'tville 530pm Le G'dsbpro, 815pm 7 40pm 840am Le W arsa-w, 4 10pm 9 34am Le Magnolia, 4 24pm . 8 40pm 9 49am ArWil'gton, 560pm 9 55pm 1120am TRAINS GOING NORTE. . , No 14 No 78, No 40, ' ' i - daily, d'y, ex daily Sund'y. Lv Wil'gton, 12 85am 915am 4 00pm jLv Magnolia, 2 U5am 10 57am 5 36pm Le Warsaw, 11 11am 5 53pm Ar.q'dsboro, SiOSam 12 05am 653pm LeFay'tvillo, t9 20am Ar Sehna, ' 1118am Ar Wilson, 1220pm - - LvWilson, 8 43am 12 58pm 747pm Ar Rocky Mt, , i;80pm 8 18pm Ar Tarboro, 217pm L Tarboro. 10 85am A Weldou, 6 05am ,255pm 9 30pm "jjauy except sunaay. T ;V . . JohsTF Divine, ' General Superintendent. J R Kkflt, Supt Trans. T f Emkrson, iTTRr Prp-i Airt tape Fear k Yadkin Valley Railroad Company, OOffSFNSED SOHKDUtE. northbound I D'yexS'y I D'yelS'y Nol Wo 8 Le Wilmington, 9 40 a m Ar Fayetteville, 12 25 p m Le Fayetteville, 12 55 p m Le Sanford, 2 27 p m Ar Greensboro, 5 00 p m Le Greensboro, 5 20 p m Le Walnut Cove, 7 00 p m " ' Ar Mt Airy, : ;9.00pm ' Le Bennettsville, r 8 30am Ar Maxton, 9 40 a m Le Maxton, 9 50 a m A i fayetteville, 1145 am No 15 daily except Sunday. Le Ramseur 7 70am Ar Greensboro, 9 60 a io, Le Greensboro, 10 40 a m ! Ar Matlison 12 45 p ml southbound D'y ex S'y ll)'y ex S'y No 2 No 4 Ije Mt Airy, 6 25 a m 1 Le Welnut Cove, 8 82 i ' Ar Greensboro, 10 05 a m Le GreenBboro, 10 85 a n . . , Le Sanford, 100pm Ar Fayetteville, 2 80 p m " ! I Fayetteville, 2 55 p m - v 1 v , Ar Wilmington, 6 80pm Le Fayetteville, 8 30 p m Ar Maxton, ' 5 20 p m Le Maxton, , 5 80 p m Ar Bennettsviiie, ' 6 45pm : . ; No, 16 daily,, except. SundajfW J . Le Madison, r 1 85 pi m. Ar Greensboro', 8 40 p m ' Le Greensboro, 5 4&0pni'.l? ArMillboro, I'BSp'ta ' --,:; V . W EKlLEf,'; General Passeriger Agent. ChildrenCry forVPitcherVCiKtork i ,

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