I Personal Mention, Mr. J. A. Jones continues quite sick." Judge R F. Arm field Is at the Moee ly House. II r. Rom alas BelUmy, who Is em' ployed at the Western Uulou Office In this city returned form Durham, Saturday where he temporarily run the office In the alsence of the regular operator. Capt E. B Englehard, Is still con fined to hit room with Rheumatism. CoL A. M. MePheeters, has gone to Wilmington, on business! If r. Warren Hood, an old Raleigh boy but now of Baltimore Is in the city. Dr. W. I. Royster, is able to be out again after quite a protracted illness. Mr. Albert Johnson, who has been very ill Is much better. Mr. Cheek, the popular steward of the Yarboro House is confined to his room with sickness. Mr. Charles Smith, of Swindell's big Racket store is confined to his room at Mr. J. P. Galley's with sick ness. Mr. W. R. Israel of Darham is at the Yarboro. Dr. J. A. Sexton of Farmville, Va., is in the city. Mr. C. C. Hamlet 1b in the city In terviewing our merchants. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. TWENTY-THIRD DAY. SENATE. Met at 11 o'clock, Lieut. Governor Holt presiding. Prayer by Rev. Mr.Pittinger of this city. Journals of Saturday read and ap proved. 8everal petitions were presented. The following bills were introduced: Relative to fees of justices of the peace in certain cases. To provide for holding of the Su perior Courts in this State in the ab sence of regular judges who hold the same. To allow widows to claim value of estates in money. ' To incorporate the society for the prevention of cruelty to children and animals. CALEHDAR. ' Bill relative to the making of vi cious contracts, passed 3d reading. Bill requiring clerks of the Superi or Courts to make annual reports, passed 3d reading. Mr. Bellamy, by consent, intro duced a bill to provide for changing the time of electing the mayor of Wil mington. Resolution to pay C. M. Busbee $800 as services rendered to the rail road committee, &c, recommitted to the finance committee. ' The amendments to the school bill (for girls) added in the House, were read. The Senate did jnot concur and. a conference committee was ap pointed. Messrs. Ardrey, Turner and Grigsby were selected by the Presi dent as the Senate branch. Bill amending charter of the At lantic and Western Railroad Co.. passed third reading. Resolution requiring State officials to make reports to members of the General Assembly, passed. Bill to prevent unnecessary delay and cost in criminal trials, recommit ted to the judiciary. - Bill making it a misdemeanor to in terfere in an unlawful manner with witnesses, jurors, &c, passed 3d read ing. Bill giving witnesses before coro ner's inquests 50 cents per day.passed 8d reading. After passing several unimportant private bills the Senate adjourned. BEEHIVE STORE buys and sells every conceivable thing for cash cash that can be fold or exchanged. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castor-fa. - Wbea Baby was !&, rare her CMtort. , vyVa rt yas a Chad, aha cried for Cartoria, WWa aba became mat, ahednnc to Oaatoria, Wlua aba had ChUdrea, aha gave them Outaria. jyjETttOPOLlTAN HALL. ONE SOLID WEEkTcOMMENCING MONDAY, FEB. 2. Farewell Engagement of HARRY LINDLEY And bis Excellent Com pan v in a New Repertoire or new Plays. MONDAY EVENING: "Bride of the West." Special Scenic Effects. THE DUMMY ENGINE in MOTION The same prices 15, 25 and 30c. Notice of Dissolution The copartnership heretofore ex isting between Moses Fort and W L Powell is this day dissolved by mn. tual consent. Moses Fort assumes all indebtedness due by the firm, and all notes and accounts due the firm are to be paid to him. MOSES FORT, W L POWELL. Jannary 18, 1891. jo31 30d Racket Grocery! Having withdrawn from the part nership with J C Bevers and moved to MT Norris' old 'stand, south 6ide of market, you will find me at all times willing and waiting to at tend the call of eve"y one; and will try to save you money on everything you purcuase. l intend to sen, ana will do so, at small profit. Call and see'me before purchasing elsewhere. I will keep on hand at all times the very best grades of Flour, Lard.Meal, Sugar and Coffee. And, in fact, all that is required to make a first class grocery. ja28tf E. G. HORTON. tie med an "WHAT SHALL we do FOR BREAD TO EAT," Answered. Buy Bread from The best bread we have had in for ty years, said one of our oldest and most respected citizens. I C. H B. GROCERS, Bakers and Candy Mannfacturers STRONACH'S BAKERY. Only Best Materials Used. No Alum., Everything of the Best in Bread, Cakes and Pies. Fresh Baked Every Day. STROHACH J DST ARRIVED BY EXPRESS WHITE DRESS SHIRTS, HTTP! "DR.F.RS SHIRTS II HITE DRESS SHIRTS, PERCALE SHIRTS! ERCALE SHIRTS! ERCALE SHIRTS! New style Collar and Cuffs, New style Collar and Cuffs, White and Fancy Bordered H'dk'fs, w nue ana jjancy .Bordered H'dk'fs, FINE GLOVES, FINE GLOVES, And a Full Line of And a Full Line of HOSIERY HOSIERY at popular prices at aSaWAlTT'S Opposite the Post Office. Late Style Soft Stiff and Silk HATS HATS HATS HATS at D S WAITT'S. D S WAITT la ofifarW low figures to close out his OVER COATS and heavy weight CLOTH ING. Come and examine quality and prices. Notice. Thankful to CUHtomflrH n.nrt trianAa for their very kind indulgence during iu reseniutc ana eniarsrinsr or thn Laundrv Dlant and eat nam ml mfmn. age in the past, I take this method to inform them and to say in the future can serve them more promptly and satisfactorily than ever.-, Members of the Legislature and general public's patronage solicited... Wagon will call at any part of the city for orders left at office cr through .mail. Office 216 Fayetteville street, opposite W. C jx d. Dirouaen s. . xeiepnone 87. T. T H7V a mm CkUdrenjDryoiitchjjCtoi jaaaet " proprietor. 10IJ1 BDQIJ! HODUl'l Dollars!' Dollars 1 We Need Room and Want Dollars. This is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. So we propose to make a BOLD DRIVE TO REDUCE STOCK. AiMi Mill Through the entire stock In Fall and Winter Goods. This re duction sale will only last through the remain der of January the boldest and most extreme effort to convert our Fall and Winter Goods into cash. Our stock is much larger than it should be. We must Unload and put ourselves in shape for Early Sprina Trade, Therefore we inaugurate a Clearing Sale Which means that almost any price will buy anything in our store. DRESS GOODS, Velvets, Plush and Velveteens m ffl HALF PRICE warn goods, Ribbons, Feathers, Tips, Ornaments, &c, NT TO HP PRICE You have read tflishalf price prom ise before but not over our signature and founded upon investigations that you were paying full price. Do us the justice which we deserve and believe what we say to be true as we said in the beginning, we are compelled to convert our surplus stock into money. Special Bargains -IK- GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Underwear, one-half hose, suspenders,' scarfs, ties, hats, 3aps, &c. Did you ever realize what it is to buy goods at your own price. We are cutting right and left and sacrificing goods. As a guide to value we have none, the selling price is all . that will be known in our clear eale, the cost will not be noticed. : W. G. Separk, >. 12 East Martin St. Jen. 17, 1681. AnQnujivoii'itaiiiiiitCiiiesltnoiiii WHERE ARE ' Y0UG01HG , TO BUY YOUR DRUGS THIS YEAR? BEFORE answering.there w 1 v ft r several things for you to consider. First of all, satisfy your mind that you are dealing with a man WITiinilflSTIQSH Next, you should be convinced that you are getting medicine of standard strength and purity; and, last, is it i.ot to your interest to SavB a Dollar or Two when an opportunity is offered you to do so? Do Mai. Bobbin, Raleigh, N. C. 1 17 Favetteville Street, Raleigh, N, C. Clocks, Jewelry and Silyerware. A Specialty of ! AMERICAN WATCHES ,i. B. W. Raymond, urescpnt u, Spectacles and J FOR RA1 UfcO AD TIMERS. No. &5 Moveniert. Repairing Solicited and Neatly Doue. Rainbow Pebble Spectacles 1867. U ' J i J 1 1 -Since the first to I II II l I I I I I the last date above written the undersigned hus repaired more than 40,000 watches and perhaps as many clocks, besides thousands of pieces of jewelry. He is still making a specialty of - Watch, Clock and Jewelry Woik at his old stand, SECOND door west of the National Bank of Raleigh, where may be found a good line of FINE Gold and Silver Watches, INE Marble and Walnut Clocks, INE Gold and Steel Spectacles and Jewelry for sale at the low est possible prices for CASH. 2 You cannot afford to miss caL'rg on JVLiEj li you wish aayr.uing in his line. His goods are all of tne pest classes, his workman ship none better. Ca. and see him at 13 WEST HARGFTT STREET Raleigh, N. C. sel5 J W. CO IX VOOD, COAL & GRAINS. On January the 1st, 1801, we moved our up town office to 107 Fayetteville Street, next to the Raleigh Savings Bank. Our warehouse and coal and wood yard remains near the Central depot. Orders for coal, wood, grains, forage. &c, received at either place. Fayettevilie street office, Telephone No. 41; Depot, 61; Livery Stable, 95. . : , . . , "... - : . ; " Jones & Powell, BiLEiafl,3T. a - . DISSOLUTION. TLe 'copartnership heretofore ex isting -between Job t. Wyatt, and Philip Taylor is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The books notes and accounts will remain with Job P. Wyatt. All parties indebted will please come forward and settle as th busi ness must be closed. JOB P WYATT, hHlLIP TAYLOR. I have this day sold my interest in the business of Wyatt 6r Taylor tc Messrs Job. P. Wyatt & Bios. In re tiring from, the firm I return my thanks and appreciation to my friends and the public for their liberal pat ronage to the old firm, and 1 cheer fully commend the new firm as worth: of your esteem and patronage. PHILIP TAYLOR. jan2 aod. NEW 7FIRM. JOB P. TOTT i BROTHERS Successors to ; WYATT& TAYM Nob 15 East Martin st ano16 FTrhange Place. We have this day formed a copart-i nership under the firm name of Job P Wyatt & Bros,, and will continue the business of Grocers, Commission Merchants and dealers in Hay, Mill Feed and all kinds of Feed Muffs, Agricultural Implements, &o, and we solicit the patronage of the public. -JOB P WYATT, E 8 WYATT, PT WYATT, Jan 2, 18918m Notice of Amendment toCnarter x Notice is hereby given that , an application will be made at the pres ent session of the General Assembly for an amendment to the Charter of the Raleigh Street Railway Do. n JAJONES- ja8 80d Pres. of B S B'y Co. t 1 "Vi'K-