The Baity Ectnlog Visitor. -IRxeeot Sundmv.l TBSnsITOR is served by carriers in tne city at l:o cents per montn, DTble to the carrier In advance. Prioee for mailing: 8 per year, or S3 eenu per moo to. no paper eon ) tinned after expiration of the time paid for unless otherwise ordered. Communication appearing in these column are bat the ezpreuion of the opinion of the correspondents -writing tbe same, and they alone are v responsible. A erott mark X after your name Inform yon tbit yonr time Is ont. Address all orders and eommunlca- . -tiOQ to BROWN & WILLIAMS, Raleigh, N O Local notices in this paper will be Fire Cent per line each insertion. LaBSIST Citt CmcuLATioff. RALEIGH FEBRUARY 16, 1891. WILL N. C EXHIBIT AT CHICAGO? The Colombian Exposition to be held at Chicago is serving a wonder ful purpose to show the growth of im migration in public favor. The bills pending In the various legislatures, and the bills that have passed those bodies indicate this growth asjnoth lng else does. Texas is talking about expending a million dollars in adver tlslng the resources and attractions of that State at Chicago in 1892. Illi nois has a bill pending appropriating Jbne million dollars for that Btate in raddition to what the city of Chicago .is expending. The California legisla ture has appropriated $300,000 for the ; same purpose. Minnesota, New York, Tenn. Wis. and Washington $250,000 each; Colorado, Indiana, Nebraska, Pennsylvania $160,000, while a large Jntnnber have appropriated smaller ". itajns. ' -M'drth Carolina should not be be hind in this matter, indeed the whole South more than any other section of .this great nation, should make a lib era! investment in advertising at the Worlcfs Pair. There the great North and West will be accessable and will be attentive spectators to whatever the South may have to show especial ly. Let North Carolina make a lib eral investment It will pay a hun ' 3red per cent. An Iowa Court Decision. An Iowa court has just rendered a decision of a far reaching nature. An ingenious youth tied a thread to a nickel, dropped the nickel in a slot .machine, got what he wanted, then, withdrawing the nickel, repeated the operation until he had made a clean ' sweep of the receptacle's contents. , He, was charged with theft, but the Judge held that the defendant had 'merely done what the inscription on . the machine told him to do drop a nickel in the slot and had kept on doing it. Nothing was said about -leaving the coin where it was dropped. ;The youth was therefore set free." - We don't know how much law there is in the Iowa court's decision, there is certainly no equality in it. If the fellow with the slot machine was tak ing advantage of the bjy, that did not justify the court in deciding the case upon a technical construction of the card on the machine, in direct vi olation of the well understood mean ingof the card. Two wrongs never make a right. Highway Murder. It iVii4iw JeiPey farmer near Dover t jff'pjp (qundin an unconscious condition about 1 o'clock in the morning of the 11th; evidently he had been attacked by robbers. He was bleeding from several wounds when found; medical aid was summoned but to no avail, -, he died about 5 o'clock In the morn- "tog. He had been in Dover during the day and left for home about 10 o'clock in the night. He had been bragging of having $1,000 with him in Dover and it 1b supposed some one else wanted it. No clue yet; great 1 excitement prevails. ern blizzard. Is booked ."'lor Delaware "very shortly, where it Is under contract to . ruin the peach erop. ,:..: ..' "uifaL$fo9& Co. received' today . vftflfrTha: of JVircribla bam. sausage and VtttidnibB1' the befit "thing tra the SIZES opbooks. ': The Old Definitions Are Now Practically Meaningless. Youth's Companion. The words folio, quarto, octavo, duodecimo and tbe like have almost, If not quite, lost tfttebr original mean lng. At first they hal reference only to the number of leaves into which the sheets used in making the books were folded. Thus, if these sheets were folded once, so as to form two leaves or; four pages, the book was called a folio; if the sheet were folded twice, so as to form four leaves, the took was called a quarto;if they were folded four times, so as to form fight leaves, the book was called an octavo and so on. But though, strictly and historical ly, quarto, octavo, etc., have refer ence solely to the manner of folding the sheet, they are, as a matter of common practice, used to specify the size of books. The practice of the publisher now adays is first to determine what size of page he wants. The sheet he uses will be large or email, according to the capacity of the press at his dis posal. On that sheet he may print, say, eight octavo pages, or he may print thhty two; but he will call the book an octavo, though by its folding it should be called either a quarto or a 16 mo. In other words, the publisher calls his book by the name of that one of the old sizes to which it happens to come nearest. G0ERN0 FGORDOlT TAKEN IN Pickpockets Clean Him Out While lie Passes Down Cortlandt Street to the Ferry. New York pickpockets are no re specters of persons. All is fish that comes to their net. The bigger the fish the cleaner they pick his bones. Governor Gordon.of Georgia, is the latest big fish to stray into the net that is cast for unwary strangers. And he went in pocket, purse and pennies. He was plucked clean. Governor Gordon, when he left the Astor House for the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot in Jersey City on Tuesday, had a ticket in his pocket and a roll of bills amounting to $148. He felt easy, therefore, in regard to getting to Washington, and went through Cortlandt street to the ferry in a comfortable frame of mind." But a change came over his feelings when he put his hand into his pocket to find his . ticket. It wasn't there. Neither was the roll of bills. The Governor was penniless in a foreign land. He had met the enemy, and the enemy had taken him in. Governor Gordon wasn't left like Robinson Crusoe, however. He found a friend in Agent Williams at the Pullman Car Company's office in the depot, who gave him money to get home with. The Governor departed, vowing that he would keep a string on his pocketbook the next time he comes to New York. TROUBLE IN SWITZERLAND. Her Watchmaking Industry Rapidly Dwindling Down. Great anxiety is felt in Switzerland concerning the decadence of the watchmaking industry which, next to the textile industry, is the main stay of the inhabitants of the coun try. The profits are dwindling down, as the United States and England are every 1 year 1 becoming more powerful rivals in this field. The demand, too for,f Swiss watches ,ia falling off con Siderably in certain countries, not ,bly in this country and in France- !CV!tBnI5?iI eBxJtUnL&isi A beautiful line just opened. ' Make your sel- ' lections early. 63BT Your friends will - all expect you to send them a val- entine this sea- : son., . . Alfred Williams & Wit. jaa : 'Go's. BOOK STORE. Raleigh Business Directory. Grocerles-ALVIN BETTS. No 12 East Hargett at. Family Grocer ies, Leather and. Shoe Findings. CHARLES ABRAMS, first class shoe maker. Up stairs. J s9 DT JOHNSON, No 16 East Har gett st. Staple and Fancy Gro ceries, Fiuits and Vegetables. WB MANN Si CO, corner Fayette ville and Hargett sts. Fine Gro ceries always fresh. JC BE VERS, No 7 East Hargett st. Heavy and Fancy Groceries always fre6h. Cewlug Machines -W S (1ZZLE, East Hargett et. New Home Sewing Machines. Repairing done. D W C HARRIS. 118 East Martiu st. Dyer and Cleaner. ja31 F J HARTSFIELD. 118 East Martin St. Watchmaker and Jeweller. JY MACRAE. Full line of Buist's Fresh Garden Seeds. M WATTS230 Fayetteville st, opp market. Shaving, Hair Cutting, and Champooing doae in best style. OH JOHNSON, 331 Hillsboro st. Groceries, Cigars and Tobacco and Fruit a specialty. NDEBOY & CO, 103 Fayetteville st. French Bakery and Confec tioneries. Ec D SMITH. 222 Wilmington street. noice 1 ruits always on band. ' p N BRYANT, Stall 8, city market. a. . Choice Beef, Pork, &c. EM CHEEK, Stall 15, city market. Fruits, Vegetables and Poultry. LC BAGWELL, corner Blount and Martin sts. Has opened a shoe shop over his coflln house. New work and repair solicited. Jos Watson, manager. CA PERKINSON, successor to Crocker & Upchurch. Staple and Fancy Groceries. ' MDANCY, Stall 22, city market. Pork, Western Beef and Sausage. Jl D SMITH, Stall 9, city market. Fresh Fish and Oysters. Uf B BELL, 508 Hillsboro st.Choice w Family Groceries, Cigars and To bacco. Free delivery. J H OVERBY, 14 East Hargett st. wwHep.y and Fancy Groceries, Leather and Findings. Af R NEWSOM, 216 Wilmington st. Fancy Groceries, Plain and Mix ed Pickles. MTHAIN, West Martin street. Sign of Big Watch. Watchma ker and Jeweller. WB HUTCHINGS, 8 West Martin of Qq Ar 1 nnr TTnrnDCB Art ail k(DUUll J AWAVWh7a wv 1 LDWOMBLE, cor Wilmington Hargett sts. Groceries, Leather, Shoe Findings, Fishing Tackle, To bacco, Cigars, &c. SP PENNINGTON, cor Salisbury and Davie sts. Horse Shoeing and Black Smith. TTPfiTinPOH & LANCASTER, rear U post office. Carriages and horses at your service day or nigni. ie BEEHIVE STORE buys and sells every conceivable thing for cash cash that can be sold or exchanged. J SCHWARTZ, If 2 Fayetteville st. The leader in choice Meats, Vir ginia Beef and Mutton. All Pork and Mixed sausage, uome ana tee me. Ie hl H HICKS,No228 Wilmington st. opposite Denton's corner. Fresh Fish and Oysters. FOR ARTIST ICAL HAIR CUT tincr nnri iOaiti sha.Vftfi'O to G.Viola & Son's Barber Shop,124 Fay'ville st.7 T E FRANCIS, next to Savings " Bank. Practical Boot and Shoe maker. Give me a call. f eD. DF FORT, 214 Wilmington street. Dealer in Staple and Fancy Gro- varices tuiu vuuutrjr x ivuuvv, , Ooffee SDe- NDREWS & GOODWIN, rear xUulius Lewis & Co's, BlacKsmicns. Horseshoeing a specialty Steel worker. Miscellaneous, Notice. Notice is hereby given that an ap plication will be made to the General Assembly of North Carolina at its resent session for the passage of a aw prohibiting the sale of spirituous, vinous and malt liquors within three miles of Mt Vernon Baptist cnurcn, wake county, N O. -' ' January 20, 1891 30d Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Legal Advertisements. Notice. By virtue of autliortty vested in me I will sell at public sale at Allen to Cram's shop, iu Raleigh, on the lth of February, 1891, at 13 o'clock, one cagiim and boiler and one aaw mill ana attachment to satisfy a mortgage given by J. T. Adams and K. M. Adams, recorded in the office of the Kegister of , Deeds of ake county May 1st, 1869, in book 100, page 7tttS. J W F KOlifcRS, J&28 tdp Mortgagee. Notice. To J S M ma, urn agent or attor ney: late notice that on the 7tn day of April, 18UJ, I purchased at a tax sale by the sheriff of Wake coun ty, N J, a lot of ' land taxed in your name lor the year 1889. That said land is described as follows: Situated in thu county and state aforesaid, near tbe eastern suburbs of the city of iiaieigh, N O, located on the south west corner of JNew borne avenue and titate street, being 50 feet ou said avenue and running back 1U1 feetoa State street. The time of redemp tion under the law will expire 7ih day of April, 1891. d f MUJNTAUUE, Purchaser. Raleigh, N O, Jan 0, '91 ja7 lm Summons by Publication. Sarah Cooper v Silas Cooper. Proceedings for divorce from the bonds of matrimony. A summons in the case having been issued for the defendant Silas Cooper, and the sheriff after using due dili gence having returned the summons with the endorsement that the de fendant is not to be found in Wake county, and it appearing by the affi davit of Sarah tbat the defendant iSilas Cooper is in thetttate of Virginia and that personal service of the sum mons issued in the case cannot be had on the said Silas Cooper, it it therefore adjudged and ordered that service of the summons by publica tion once a week in the Daily Even ing Visitor be made for six successive weeks, notifying said Unas (Jooper that an action has been brought against him by his wife Sarah Cooper irom the bonds of matrimony and that he appear at the next term 01 Wake Superior Uourt lor the trial of civil causes which meets iu the city of Raleigh on 23d day of February, 1891, and answer or demur to tLt complaint that will be bled during the iirst three davs ot the term: ana if he does not appear and answer ot demur that the plaintiff will apply to tne court tor the reliet demanded iu her complaint. This January 2d, 1891. JJNU W 'i'HUiUJfSUjN, ja3 oaw6w Clerk. EVIortgage Sale. On Wednesday, the 18th day. of February, 1891, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the court house door in the city of Raleigh, I will sell to the highest bid der for cash the interest of Dan Hall and wife in one house and lot situated iu Garner, Wake county, containing one acre. This saie is made by virtue of mort gage made by Dan Hall and wife as recorded in booi 100, page 380, Regis ter's office, Wake county. SAMUKL WATTB, Mortgagee. Jan. 17, 80d, pd. Notice. Having qu alined as executors of the last will and testament of Jordan Womble. Sr. deceased, this is to noti fy all persons having claims against his estate to present the same to the undersigned on or betore tne lutn day of December. 1801; and those in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. O GWOMBLE, delO 6w .Executors. Vgirinia Classified Life Insurance co y, 97 Main street, NORFOLK, VA TT.iaioa Inint, stof.k Comrjanv whicn A J U r - m f hi'nnD thA fldvflntn.p'PK of the old l VUA IlIUVM ,aw ' C3 line system of insurancewith the pop iiioi. ninn nf nmnthlv nremiums and UAUA ,.U,M VA J payment of death claims immediately on prooi. .TOliCies running ior iu years or lor 9.n vari-h ta iHRuad with eouitable options at the end of those periods. Tnose wno wisn to nave ooue a aum oof. in faaa nf thoir rian.Vi. fnr their families, hava here the opportunity , nfflnura paBirloint. T T "Nottino'hniii! Vice President, E V White; Secretary, F Richardson; Treasurer, W W Vicar; m r - -r-v i X T 1-C 1 . r - iiieaicai jjirector, u uauikiura, vuuu 1 T rA TI 1L V X TfatHnirriA.m. 15 V White, W W Vicar, F Richardson, L jli iianarora, m u, juage j neatu, Jb sneiaon, w w ueai. W. B. Boyd, State Agent, Nev "Rfirnn. 1ST. C. S W WHiTlNa.Locai Agent,RaleigL M IJ. UOJti Notice of Dissolution Tho nnnnrfnorahllil heretofore ex isting between Moses Fort, and W L Powell is this day dissolved by mu tual consent. Moses Fort assumes all indebtedness due by the firm, and all notes and accounts aue me nrm are to be paid to him. -m MOSES FORT, W L POWELL. January 18, 1891. 180d Railroad Bcliexlr t Rlcbaond ADanyllleHR CoY Condensed Schedule In effect Jan 4th, 189a Southbound. Daily. No U 3 15am 6 16&u- 5 65am 8 86ain " 10 25am t4 OOpa : 7 80pm 1 25am 8 27am 7 60a ro 5 60 10 83 19 08am 12 53pm 6 30 7 20 12 08 am 180pm 4 83 5 4tt 11 0C pm 1 5pm 65C 9 30pm No 9 Lv Richmond, 1 00pm 81K a 44 563 7 55pm 13 16pm 904 4 15 520 7 45 t0 05 8 00pm 9 45am 1 49 tf 55am 8 83 60 1120 254 4 02 9 00 am. 11 40 a m 3 40 7 80 am uurnevllle, Keysville, Ar Greensboro, Lv Goldsborn Ar Raleigh, Ije Kaleign Le Durham, Ar Greensboro. Lv Salem, Greensboro, Ar Salishnrv. Ar Statesville, Ar Asneville, Ar Hot SDrinn. Lv Salisbury, Ar unariotte, Spartanburg, Greenville, Atlanta. Lv Charlotte. Ar Columbia, Augusta, Northbound. Daily. Nolo No 12 9 30pm 10 45am Lv Augusta, Columbia, Ar Charlotte, Lv Atlanta. - 12 10 2 00pm 4 20 am 6 00pm 4 40 6 20 11 10 pm 12 40 am 5 02 am 553 6 27 0 lu 7 10 am 6 16 pm 800 12 47pm 2 19 6?3 7 26pm 8 80 Ar Charlotte, Salisbury, Lv Hot Springs, Asneville, Statesville. Ar Salisbury, Lv Salisbury, Ar Greensboro, 811 10 25 Salem. 1145am tl2 10 am 10 35 1H5 pm 12 33pm 4 80 am 1 32 7 35 137 f9 00am 310 100 8 20am 10 83pm 10 01 10 25 12 60pm 8 25 am 1 82 ' 4 C3 8 80 6 00 Lv (ireensboro. Ar Durham, Raleigh, Lv Raleigh Ar Golds boro, Lv Greensboro. Ar Danville, Keysville, Burkeville, Richmond, BKTWKKN WEST POINT. RICHMOND AND RALEIGH, via Keysville. Oxford and Durham. 54 and 102 Stations. 55 and ins H8 00am Lv West Point, Ar 5 OOdu? 9 40 am .ar xuenmona liv fi 35 1100am JjV tticimiond " Burkeville u Keysville " Chase City, " ClarksvUle Ar Oxford Lv Oxford Ar 4 80 " 1 00pm 2 05pm 2 44pm H 15pm 4 13pm 4 00 " 44 2 25 44 44 1 45 44 44 12 80 44 44 11 55am Lv10 40 " Ar 10 00am 44 8 55 44 Ar 10 46au Lv 8 15 4' 5 45 413 Henderson Oxford ' Lv It A - 6 57 Raleigh tDailv excent Sunriav. Daily. fDaiiv. fiXfifint, Sol Haas, Jas L TaxloK. Traffic Man'g'r. Gen Pass Agt. W A JTbk, Div Pass Agent. Raleigh. N C. MiscellaueaoH. Notice, Notice is herebv civpn that nnii. cation will be maae to the General Assembly of Worth Carolina at its present session for the incorporation uj. a cuuipuuy 10 noia ana improve real estate and do a general manu facturing business of all kinds at or near the great Falls of Neuse River of Wake county, N C, including the building and operating lines of tram WaVS and othar kiniia nf rnilmruiro from its proposed place of business to tne line oi regular railroads in said county. Application will also be made to prohibit the sale of spirituous liquors withiu two or three miles of said location, and also within two or three miles of Oak Ridere inalen.nri fnmnln school, in said county. jal9 80d 11857. i 1 1 1 1 1 1 Since the first to I I I I I I I I I I I the last date above written the undersigned has repaired more than 40,000 watches and perhaps as many clocks, besides thousands of pieces of jewelry. He is still making a specialty of Watch; Clock and Jewelry Woik at his old stand, SECOND door west of the National Bank of Raleigh, where may be found a good line of UJNJS uoid ana euver watcnes, INE Marble and Walnut Clocks, INE Gold and Steel Spectacles ana jeweiry ior saxe ar me tow est possible prices for ASH. You cannot afford to miss caL'rg on COLE if you wish anything in his line. His goods are all of the best classes. His workman ship none better. Ca. and see him at 13 WEST HARGFTT STREET, Raleigh, N. 0. y sel5 J. W. COLE, TO We wMajr Hotel WUh OPIUM HOT SPRINGS USERS 1 1 And Charge no Fes Va ttntf Anna aA fall ft ftnra rt what, la Atm&lOIl Uallroad ikre to ly called tbe "OPIUM HABIT," -which In eludes the habitual use of Opium, Morphine, Cocaine, and other klndced naroouoB. Address HArLBWOOD IM8TITPTB, HOT BralBtfo.

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