rig Visitor. L'' (Hi LJEIC-'O:, TTTESID.A'Sr, FBBBDTABY 24, 1891. -NTO- 123 NEWS NOTES ABOUT THE CITY. What Our Reporter Nee and Hear Worth Hiring to Our Headers Ncwh iu Brief. Does uot thin weather make you feel like goioj; aching? Has anything been doue to secure the colored Agricnltu-nl College for Raleigh T There will be another baby buow in the capitol grouuda this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Quite a number of our citizens have gone to the Newherne Fish aud Oys ter Exhibition. A very interesting meeting is in r xrress at Brooklyn Methodist Churchjservics each night this week rue too.HC.o oreaKu continue very large and the prices very satibfactory to the farmers. This is as at it should be. The sunshine of the last two days seems to have put new life into the business men of Raleigh. Everybody to work aud keep things moving. What a treat the sunshine is after so much gloom in the elements. It is like a sense of resting to a tired man Oh! how nice well, we'll have lots of it next July. Why pay $35 for a suit, when for two or three dollars you can have your old clothes made new. Go to Harris' Dye Works. Read his adver tisemeut in this issue. Don't fail to look over the adver tisement of Messrs. A. Williams & Go 'They are worthy aud well qualified, to furnish you with just such books stationery &c, as you need Try them. A requisition was issued this morn ing by his excellency Gov. D. G Fowle, on the Governor of Virginia for Samuel Har.-ton, who is in jail at Danville, Va., for larceny. The bill appropriating the Bum of 1 15,0 X) to the Agricultural and me chanical College, passed its 3rd read ing in the Senate last night,all amend ments to cut down the appropriation being defeated. Now that the bad weather is bqut over, cotton and tobacco are pouring in. We noticed trains of tobacco wagons yesterday that reminded up of a circus procession. They would do credit to Danville. Verily Raleigh do move. The galleries and lobbies were crowded to overflowing last night. TJie speech of Senator Williams on the Agricultural and Mechanical Col lege, was a grand effort. The college has a staunch friend in the Senator form Pitt. A, called meeting of the Board of Al men was held last night to consider the question of making an appropria tion for securing the location of the proposed new Deaf and Dumb Insti tution at Raleigh. $5000 was appro priated for this purpose conditioned that it be located iu or near the city. A committee of three were appointed to confer with the Legislative com mittee on the matter. ' ' The funeral services of the lute Mr. J. G. Habel took place this afternoon at the Good Shepherd Church at 3 o'clock, Rev. 1. McK. Pittinger offl- ciating. The pall bearers were: Capt R T fcienin, Capt Elgir, Messrs D C Royster and, Frank Brannon, on the part of the family and those on the part of the Grand Army Post were: Messrs John T Ross, C U Beine, A B Forest and Col A W Shaffer. Manteo Lodge, No. 8, 1. 0. 0. F. Will meet this evening at 7 o'clock in regular session for work' in the initiatory degree. Candidates will "'please be present at 7.30 o'clock,sharp. An improved change in the confer ring of this degree makes it desirable for every member of the degree staff to be present. Resident and non resident members of sister lodges earnestly requested to come. Geo. L. TowUoffski, Sec'y, A fearful enow storm has been pre vailing uorihwest for a day or too and the weater is extreemly cold. A marriage will take place at Eden- ton street Methodist Church totnor row evening after service. Dou't forgot to re id the advertise ment of Mess. Montgomery & Grimes, which appears iu tip isnn". These two young men are worthv of a full share f the p'itroumr of the city, iind wn have no doubt it will I e ac corded tbem. The New rWn Fir people pro pose to have a real fox chase on the grounds this week, b,' procuring a live fox tnrniug it loose with 100 first class hounds after it. if they had half dozen foxes the thing would last longer. Mr. L. R. Wyatt can undoubtedly outwash any Chinaman in the State, if not in the United States. Read his advertisement in this issue and give him a trial. But if you don't want washing .done, just see what else he has Attention is called to the advertise ment of Messrs. A. G. Rhodes & Co., furniture dealers which; appears in this issue. This is a live furniture house and they keep a well selected stock of nice furniture on hand. Go and see them. Appointments by theGoveruor. W. H. B. Lineberger, 2nd Lieu teuant Co., K., 4th Regiment. G R Ryan, 1st Lieutenant, Co., K., 4th Regiment. E. T. Asbury, 2nd Lieu tenant Co , G., 2nd Regiment. 200 Reward. The Governor this morning offered two hundred .dollars for the capture of James A. Brown, for the murder of Barret Lowe, of Surry county. Attention Governors' Guard. You are ordered to meet in your armory Thursday afternoon, Feb. 86 at 4 o'clock in full dress uniform, by order of Captain. 8. W. Hkwin, 1st Sgt. Outlawed. A :n'i her spelling contest in Lexing ton, K.y., recently, Charles E. John sou, a North Carolinian, was allowed to enter, upon conditions that he would not be a contestant for the prize, Charlie accepted the condition, w ent in, and "trotted over the track" without a blunder; the next to him, took the prize, having misspelled one word. Charlie is the acknowledged champion speller and glories in his nativity. Personal Mention. Mr D. A King, of Winston is in the city. Mr. C. C. Cheek, of Ore Hill, N. C, is in the city. Mr. W. P. Lane, of Goldsboro, is loo v ing over the city. Mr. Henry L. Davis is on our streets. Messrs. P. J. Hyde, of Richmond; W. A. Ruffln, of Petersburg and D. Boyd Kimball, of Charlotte, are in the city. , Dr. Sanderlin reft today for New Berne to attend the Fish and Oyster Fair. Miss Delpbin Hall, of Salem is vis iting at Dr. Sanderlin 's. The following persons are register ed at the Yarboro : Messrs. E. M. C. Davis, G. A. Wall, E. S. Willis, of New York; Mess John and Wm. Wilkes, and R M. Dillard, of Charlotte; Jesse Speight, of Wil son; B. F. Rodger s, Jno. F. Brinton, of Concord; F. H. Fries, of Salem. Prof. Holladay, of the Agricultural and Mechanical College, who has been quite sick, is, we are glad to leai n, so lar improved as to be out. A Chicago man named Todd has in vented a cotton picker, which, it is said, works to perfection. If he can just guarantee it not to run the cotton off at night and Bell it, it will be an unqualified success. , THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. FORTY-THIRD DAY. SENATE. Met' at 10 o'clock, Lieut. Gov. Holt presiding. Reading of journals dispensed with. The following bills and resolutions were introduced: To incorporate the Parish Ware- house Bank at Durham. To pay expenses of the Supreme and Superior Court judges. To pay the engineer of the capitol aud Supreme Court building $50 ex tra. To increase duties of Judges and Solicitors. To amend section of Code relative to jurisdiction of justice of the peace. CALENDAR. Resolution confining speeches of members to five minutes and not to speak twice on same subject, passed. Bill to authorize Durham to issue school bonds, passed 3d reading. Bill to prohibit the sale of liquor in Apex, passed 3d reading. Bill relating to working convicts on public roads, passed 3d reading. Bill to incorporate the Belt Rail road Co., in or near Durham, passed 3d reading. A resolution of instruction to the State Librarian, passed. SPECIAL ORDER. Bill to amend the homestead, &c. An amendment that the homestead shall not be waived unless the wife signs, was adopted. A wide discussion ensued. The bill was recommitted. Bill to amend the pension laws of 1889, passed 3d reading. Bill to prevent discrimination in pensions of Confederate soldiers, lost. Resolution that the committee to inspect the buildings, &c, of the State University be allowed expenses, passed. Bill relating to dentistry, &c, passed. Bill to encourage residents of N. C. to search for phosphate, &c, in the navigable streams, passed 8d read ing. Bill to amend the laws relative to savings banks. (Allowing deposits to to be paid to the next of kin), passed 8d reading. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The House met at 10 o'clock, Speak er Doughton in the chair. Rev. Dr. Carter offered prayer. Among the bills introduced were the following: To amend the code in regard to the road law. To prohibit the sale of tobacco, ci gars, soda water &c, on Sunday. To remove the colored Normal School from Franklinton to Warren ton. To improve the stock Of horses for the safety of persons traveling in ve hicles. To give Union county the road law. To exempt from jury duty foremen iu manufacturing plants. To prevent the spread of hog chol era. The House decided to elect railway Commissioners on the 5th of March. The revenue bill was taken up as a special order, and the House went into committee of the whole, Mr. Sutton in the chair: The bill was taken up in sections and considered. An earnest effort was made by Mr. Morton to secure a repeal of the sec tion imposing a purchase tax on mer chants. There was a long debate, but finally the substitute was lost. The amendments were trifling to the other sections until the one was reached imposing a license tax of $50 on insurance companies; this was made $100, on motion of Mr. Jones. It was' stated that the increase would be applied to a fund for disa bled volenteer firemen. An earnest effort wa,s made to re duce the tax on marriage licenses, bat it failed. : - . . " Chamber of Commerce. At a special meeting of the Cham ber of Commerce aid Industry held this morning, Mr. R. H. Battle was called to the chair, who stated that the object of the meeting was to con sider the question of an Immigration Department for the State of North Carolina, ami to take such steps as may be thought proper to influence the 1 gislative committee which will meet this afternoon at 3:30 p. in., to consid er a bill now before them ap propriating $3000 to make efficient the Department of Immigration. Short speeches were made by several gentlemen favoring vigorous action, and on motion, the chair was reques ted to appoint a eleven gentlemen to go with him before the Committee this afternoon and urge the appro priation. Each member of the com mittee was authorized to select and request such gentlemen from other sections of the State, as they thought proper, who would act with equal authority as appointed by the meet ing. The following gentlemen were appointed, Mr. R. H. Battle being named in the motion : Messrs. A. A. Thompson, Rev. B. Cade, R. G.Powell, N. B. Broughton, W. C. Stronach, J. J. Thomas, W. S. Primrose, R. B. Raney, G. E. Leach, W. E. Ashley and Dr. P. E. Hincs, were appointed by the chair, and will appear before the legislative commit tee this p. m. SP ECJAL NOTCES. Shoes ! Shoes ! ! Shoes ! ! ! erotS sdoofir yrD 'sirroN eeoirp wol r f ytic eht sdeal The abo e inscription is true every word. Cand you solve it ? if not read backwards. "Good honest goods at quick selling prices" is our motto, The trade endorses our endeavors, We offer the leading makes of leading manufacturers in this country, and our prices are the same retailers ask for same goods in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Cincinnati and Chi cago. We are making a special run on a Ladies Genuine Dongolar Kid Button Boots at $1.50 and Gents fine calf shoes at $3. Norris' Drt Goods Stork. Cabbage Plants and Grape Vines for sale. Apply to ueo.hhbllem Febl4 lm.p. Wanted. I desire tt hire or adopt a nice girl aho't 10 or 12 years of age to be raised and trained as my child; or I will hire one for reasonable wages. Apply to Ruffin Roles, Saunders Street. If yon Have a Dollar to Spend you naturally want to get all yon can for it. Your manhood demands that you do all things to the best advan tage. Hence, if you know. a place iu town where special good values are to be had.youaregoing to that place We are fully persuaded that D. T Swindell's is the place where unusual values are to be had. We are offering pants at 75 cents which we know you cannot get elsewhere at the same price. We are offering some mens' bleached drawers at 25 cents that you must pay 50 cents for in any store in Raleigh. We are offering some mens' undershirts at 25 cents that cannot be bought wholesale at 25 cents. We are offering some mens' white shirts at 60 cents you cannot get elsewhere for less than $1. We are offering some nice all-wool carpets ot 60, 65 and 75 cents. We are positive you must pay 25 cents per yard more for it at any place, and thus ijt is all through our store. Hence we think D. T. Swindell's is the place. Mr. Edison says there is more than $600,000,000 invested in the electrical industry in this country. At that rate this country ought to be pretty well electrified', ChfldreaCryJorPitchCastoiW Hardware, Jtc. t Matchless AIRRIFLES The neatest, best Air Rifle made. A magazine Rifle holding 65 shot. HUNTING C OATS, LEUUINS, CAUTI8IDOE It AGS, OLUII L0.4DE1) SHELLS, WADS A.D CUTTEFS GUtf IMPLEMENTS. WOOD POWDER, BE4CK POWDER, SHOT. Best goods, lowest prices. Square dealing. THOMAS 8. BRICGS $ SONS, RALEIGH. N C. Dry Good, Xotious, &e. . H. S R S, Tucker Co. NEWGOODS SPRSftJG, 1891. Now ready our display of Dross Fabrics for ear'y spring, embracing the very newest tex tures, and most fashionable. Ladies' Cloths, Ciuiuil's Hair, Henriettas, Series, Novelty riaids Ami Stripes, And all the new Rough Effects. Dress - Trimmings, from the very best foreign man ufacturers in almost endless va riety. Dress Ginghams, White Goods, Laees and Embroideries. w. H. & R. S. Tucker & (X 123 and 125 Fayetteville street. BROKEN I OOKING GLASSES AND PLATES Can be mulaced with new ones at WATSON'S 112 Fayetteville St., Picture Frames Window Shades Made to Order Promptly.; Raleigh, N. C, Feb. 18, 1891. tf JOHN D. BRICGS, Bnilding Contractor and Dealer in Rough' and dreesed Lumber, KALLUid, N. O. Is prepared to do work in a mosc faithful and workmanlike manner, patronage solicited. . Orders may be feft with hardware house of T. H. Eriggs&Sons. ' feiadCO PICTURE k ART STORE