j j I Cabhafi blanti. tender he&ded let tuee, everywnt, magnolias, choice panjy and other flower seeds. White and yellow potato onion sets and freeh garden eeeda. Choloe eat flow en, boaqaete, basket and floral de signs. II. Btiihmstk, fel8 tw Raleigh, K. O. tor Rent. A comfortable Boom. Apply to Mrs M. A. Bledsoe, No. 11 West Booth St. Feb IS lw. W. II. & IC S. Tucker A Co. Dohlxp's Hats. We are sole agents in Raleigh for these celebrated hats, and will on Saturday February 28th, place upon sale, the new spring stylet for 1881. Every visiting gen tlemen, and members of the Legisla ture are invited to call and secure one of the new styles for this season W. H. & R. 8. Tuckie ft Co. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THOMA8 A. MONTGOMERY. WALTER B. GRIMES. MONTGOMERY & GRIMES, REAL ESTATE, LIFE, FIRE AND ACCIDENT INS. None but the very best Companies represented. Office: Holleman Building, Fayetteville St., RALEIGH, N C. fe24tf GO OR SEND TO Alfred Williams & Co's. 119 Fayetteville street, RALEIGH, N. C, For everything wanted in the Book Line- HANDSOME tOT OF JU6T RECEIVED. Have Tour Washing DONE AT Oat - City Steam Laundry, where It will be cleaned instead of being covered with paste, besides the patronage will be to Americans and citizens of Raleigh who spend their money here, not in China. JL.H&.Wyaitit 21G Fayetteville street, Keeps on hand at wholesale and retail, HEART PINE SHINGLES, LUMBER. GUANO in any quantity for gardens or fields. Genuine Ground Bone -MEAL, COTTON SEED MEAL, SPECIAL COW FOOD, HAY, CORN, BRAN, DUNLOP MEAL, TIERCE LARD, BULK SIDES, PEANUTS, OATS. HAND GARDEN PLOWS, FARM IMPLEMENTS, ' MACHINERY and REPAIRS, SEED IRISH POTATOES, Flower and Field GRASS and CLOVER.SEED. it; fel8 HAVE TOUR CLOTHING CLEAIIED-DYED-REPAIRFD AT Harris' Dye Works. Old. - ClotZtdLxLg taken for work. nrnni 1 uuu L . vve guarantee to save you irom Buying a i - a new suit. All orders by express will receive prompt Attention. fe24tf If SASH DOOR AND Blind Factory at . 4iJUU Raleigh. H 0. 1hd alnnVla Vinci nana nvnnnvfir fa pffcred for sale to make division among the heirs. If not sold private ly will be offered at the court house door in Raleigh. Monday. April 6th. 1891, at 12 m. Terms made known on date or sale. parties desiring to pur chase will please address. THOMAS H.BRIGGS, XeUQOd Executor. YANCBY STB01CI ill 1 BOO It DBALKRS IS COUNTRY PRODUCE, Auctioneers and Commission Merffiints, Manufacturers and Dealers in BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, ROAD CARTS. Farm and Spring Wagons, Nob. 819, 321 and 823 Wilmington St, and 130 Morgan St. We carry the largest stock of ve hicles in the State, and have control of all the best makes of Baggies, Carriages, Road Carts sold in this territory. In our Harness department you can find everything kept in a First Class establishment. We warrant all work sold in both departments and will make it to your interest when yon want to buy. Call and ex amine oar stock or write for cata logue and prices. YANCEY & STRONACH. Feb. 21, 1891 tf. SPRIG GOODS ! arriving daily. Frices lower than ever. An elegant line of PANTS just opened. Please remember we c'ose ovr store prompt ly at 7 o'clock eve-y night e::cept Saturdays, thus giving our salesmen some recreation. CLOTHIERS SHATTERS Ciw. 'OLD IIORTII STATE FOREVER." REASONS WHY J. C. S. LUMSDEN SELLS SO MAM Y CJT0VE8. 1st. Because he sells the Old North State, which is the beBt stove made. 2d. Because he warrants every stove sold, and if not satisfactory money will be refunded. 8d. Because every stove sells an other. 4th. Because the Old North Statejis a most perfect baker, with a very large oven. 5th. Because the Old North State has taken the premium at five suc cessive State Fairs. 6th. Because he sells cook stoves within the Reach of alLfrom $10 to $60. LARGEST STOCK OF HEATING STOVES IN THE STATE. Special prices on stoves for church es and school houses. Fire clay chimney flue better than brick and much cheaper. Hardware, Crockery, Woodenware, Lamps and Lanterns, Lamp Oils, Gasoline, Ben zine, Window Glass and Putty. "Never Break" Steel Frying Pans warranted for 20 years. Tin roofing, Guttering. Piping and Tobacco Flues a specialty. Guns, Pistols, Cartridges, Loaded emeus, Ammunition, sc. Scales, weights and measures, and a thousand other things too numer ous to mention at J C S LUMSDEN'S, fell Raleigh, NC. I I i 1 I I I I I Since the first to I I I I I I I I I I I the last date above written the undersigned has repaired more than 40,000 watches and perhaps as many clocks, besides thousands of pieces of jewelry. He is still making a specialty of Watch, Clock and Jewelry Woik at his old stand, SECOND door west of . the National Bank of Raleigh, where may be found a good line of FINE Gold and Silver Watches, INE Marble and Walnut Clocks, INE Gold and Steel Spectacles and Jewelry for sale at the low est possible prices for CASH. You cannot afford to miss caL'rg on COLE if you wish anything in his line. His goods are all of the best classes. His workman ship none better. Ca . and see him at 18 WEST HARGFTT STREET, Raleigh, N. O. ' ' selS J. W. COLE, IJ Dollars! Dollars! i i ' i We Need Room and Waut Dollar. This is the truth, the whole , truth, and nothing but the truth. So we propose to make a BOLD DRIVE -TO- REDUCE STOCK. Mooing Micw Through the entire etock in Fall and Winter Goods This re duction sale will only laet through the remain der of January the boldest and most extreme effort to convert our Fall and Winter Goods into cash. Our stock is much larger than it should be. We must Unload and put ourselves in 6bape for Early Surina Trade, Therefore we inaugurate a Clearing Sale Which means that almost any price will buy anything in our store. DRESS GOODS, Velvets, Plush and Velveteens r GUT TO HALF PBIGE MiLLIU GOODS, Ribbons, Feathers, Tips, Ornaments, &c, RUT Tl HALF PIE You have read this half price prom ise before but not over our signature and founded upon investigations that you were paying full price. Do us the justice which we deserve and believe what we say to be true as we said in the beginning, we are compelled to convert our surplus Btock into money. Special Bargains IN GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Underwear, one-half hose, suspenders, scarfs, ties, hats, caps, &c. Did you ever realize what it is to buy goods at your own price. We are cutting right and left and sacrificing goods. As a guide tc value we nave none, the selling price is all that will be known in our clear sale, the cost will not be noticed. W. C. Separk, >. 13 East Martin St. 1 Jan. 17,1881. - 1 A.G. RHODES & CO., JLe&aJfnig FinimitiiiKe Effoiflse f D. 4 Floors Full of Goods of all Descriptor 4 We have in stock and to arrive this week about One Hundred Baby Carriages, the very latest patterns. All we ask in to inspect our stock and we guarantee to please you. fe2l tf AnJImpoB,ii;aBiiii,(meto4 WHERE ARE Y0UG01HG TO BUY YOUR DRUGS THIS YEAR? BE P O R E answering,there w fcar several things fo you to ' consider. First of all, satisfy your mind that you are dealing with a man iWl TBI1B0UGHLY V1BRSTAPS BIS SiK Next, you should be convinced that you are getting medicine of standard strength and purity; and, last, is it rot to your interest to Save a Mir Two when an opportunity is offered you to do so? 1 JJ. EM MobbHt, HjEIDIITG IDHTJO-Ca-ISX, Raleigh, fL C. us