ilk VtfittOC VOL. ZXlZXr. ZR-A-XjJmiOKe:. TH CTRSID-Arsr, TULAJCBC 5, 1891. JSTO.131 TO TIIK PUBLIC. The UalHgli Weekly Visitor. The undersigned will, in addition to the Daily Evekixq Visitor, issue the first num ber of a Weekly Thursday, March 5th. Thb Raleigh Weekly Visitor, tike the Daily, will be independent in matters of pol itics and religious denominations. It will not hesitate, however, to assail the wrong wherever found, when there is a reasonable probability of correcting it. In the publication of the Weekly Visitor, as in the Daily, we shall seek to furnish a journal that will be acceptable in the home circle of the refined. The Weekly will advo cate the interests of North Carolina, in what ever department of thought and action such interests may appear; whether in the school, on the farm, at the dairy, in the factory, or down in the mine. The price, per annum, for a single copy, is 75 cents in advance. In clubs of five copies or more 50 cents per copy in advance. Ad vertising rates will be furnished on applica tion. Believing that by issuing the Raleigh Weekly Visitor as a non-partisan secular newspaper from the capital of the State, we fill a place that needs to be occupied ; we re spectfully solicit the patronage of a generous public. T. C. Williams, Editor. Brown & Williams, Owners and Publish ers. NEWS NOTES ABOUT THE CITY. What Our Reporters See and Hear Worth Giving to Our Headers News in Brief. The cotton market is booming to day. So near and yet so far in running of the electric street railway cars. Aod still another marriage license this morning. The galleries in the Senate and House were crowded with ladies to day. The Senate refused today to ap propriate any money to the World's Fa4r. They will leave ua Monday. The bill to elect the Solicitors by the popular vote of the state at In rge; passed the House this morning. The Governor's Guard prize drill comes off tonight at 9 o'clock at the armory. ' .... Messrs. Wilson.Mason and Bedding field were today elected railroad com missioners by the legislature. Beaufort county contributed five convicts to the penitentiary this morning. Sheriff R.T.Hodges brought them in. McGibeny's musical concert on the aht of the 10th, at Metropolitan Hai, for the benefit of St. Johns' hospital. i Some child, on yesterday. left a .. Bhool book up in the State Library. Jy calling on Mr. Birdsongand de scribing the book it can be gotten. The railway commission stands as follows: Beddingfleld six years; Ma son 4 years and Wilson two years and is chairman of the commission. The Governor's Guard have de cided to organize a drum corps, with bugles, fifes and drums. They pro pose to have sixteen members. They will no doubt add greatly to tbe al ready handsome appearance of the guard. An old folks' concert is being ar ranged by the Kings' Daughters, to be presented in the near future. Pro gramme and time will be duly an nounced. Among the many enquiries coming into the Southern Immigration Bu reau, is one for 5000 acres of good farming, grazing and fruit lands, in the hilly section of the south. The Retail Grocers had a prelim-, inary meeting last evening and de cided to organize a Grocers Protective Association. They will meet for this purpose on next Thursday evening, the 12th, at 7:30 o'clock. Attention ! Sir Knights ! A regular meeting of Raleigh Com mandery No. 4 K T. will be held to night at 7:80 o'clock. Every member is requested to attend promptly. By requeBt of Eminent Commander. I. O. O. F. Regular meeting oi oeaion uaiea a vvii units i 7:30 o'clock . Lodge tonight at sharp. Work in the initiatory dir . Candidates required to be on band prom ply at that time Members of the order fraternally invited. Election of Officers. At the session of tbe board of direc tors of the Insane Asylum, held yes terday, Dr. F.T Fuller w&a re-elected 2st assistant physician and Dr. W. H. H. Cobb 2d assistant in place of Dr. Pearsall, who was forced to resign on account of ill health. The salary of the 1st assistant was cut down to $1, 600. Mr W. H. Crawford was re elected steward and Mrs. Saunders matron. Mayor's Court. The lona lost Willie Hay wood has returned. She was a witness in court yesterday. Chief Heartt had a war rant on hand which was made out several years ago. When the warrant was read to her all she said was "oh." At the trial this morning she paid oyer $7.25. Florence Spikes was before his honor for the' third time this week. She turned ia last night to clean out the neighborhood. It would have been a great blessing to the city if she had. & he paid $7.25. Three hack drivers paid $2.25 each for driving on the sidewalks. Confirmations. The Senate in executive session yes terday afternoon, confirmed the fol lowing appointments, made by the Governor: 1 For Commissioner of Labor Statis tics, John C. Scarborough. As Directors of the North Carolina Hospital (Insane Asylum) at Raleigh, N. C, R. H. Smith.of Halifax county; J. B. Broadfoot, of Cumberland conn ty; B. F. Boykin, of Sampson county. Eastern Carolina Hospital (insane asylum), L W. Vick, of Johnston, N. C; J. S. D. Sauls, of Wayne county; Wilson G. Lambe, of Martin. Trustees of the deaf and dumb and the blind asylum, Rev. Baylus Cade, of Raleign and James A. Briggs, of Raleigh. Directors of the State hospital (in sane asylum, Morganton), Jos. O. Mills. J. L. Davis and J. P. Caldwell Directors of internal improvements, Ed. Chamber Smith and H. E. Nor ris. Personal Mention. We are glad to see Mr. Thos. W. Blake on the street again, after a severe attack of sickness. Miss Dray, of Brooklyn, N. Y., is visiting at Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hughes' in this city. Mr. D. S. Waitt is reported much better today. Solicitor Pou, arrived in the city today and ia ready for the opening of court. Messrs. J. H. Uzzell and W. M. Per son, of Louisburg, are spending the day in the city. Messrs. R. R. King and J. W. Scott, of Greensboro, are in the city Messrs. Geo. D. Green and John A. Green, of Wilson, are in the city. Mr. Jno. D. Biggs, of Williamston, is in the city. E. W. Keer, Esq., of Clinton, is at the Tarboro. Mr. B. N. Duke, wife and two chil dren, of Durham, are registered at the Yarboro. Mrs. W. S. Blak, of Oxford, ia vis iting in the city. a Judge C. B. Green, of Durham is in the city. We. regret to learn that Mrs. Hall, wife of Rev. Dr. Hall has been con fined to her room since last Friday, and ia not yet able to sit up. Snow fell at Farmville, Va., on Monday night to the depth of four inches. There was also a slight snow fall at Norfolk. With ua it waa rain, and lots of it. I The Killing Process m w wmmw uv wim i uov4 w appropriate $'25,000 of the funds to be j . A TV t A fl A A ! rprurnecr- oy ine unuea states gov- . ernmaut of tbe special tax. The sum to be returned . to the State is $337, 000. This, of course, was paid by in diiduala and is to be returned to them by the State, but at least one third of It will never be claimed. It was out of this fund the appropria- ' tlon was proposed. I With this bill killed, and the immi- , gration bill killed, and the bill secur- : ing taxes from tbe W.and W.railroad ; killed, it looks as though the effort on the part of the legislature is to kill North Carolina. The Street Railway. In obedience to a telegram received last night from the Atlanta office of the Edison General Electric Co., of New York, the work of dismantling the street railway lines in the city was begun this morning. This back ward step is the result of a failure on the part of the contractor to meet the requirements of the electric com pany's sub contract. Negotiationa however are going on, and arrange ments may yet be made by which the work will be compkted.though noth ing is definitely known yet. The Bapl 1st Sunday School Con vention. The Batist Sunday School Conven tion will meet in the First Baptist church in this city tonight at 7:30 o'clock and will continue thiee dayB. The following ia the program: 1. Temporary organization. 2. Welcome J. W. Carter. 3. The scope of work for this Con vention W. L Wright, N. B.Brough ton. Conference. 4. Appointment of committee: (a) On enrollment of delegates. (b) On constitution and by laws. Friday, 9:30 o'clock a. m. 1. Prayer and praise. 2. Report of committees: (a) On enrollment of delegates. (b) On constitution and by laws. 8. Permanent organization. 4. Our need of thorough scriptural teaching T. M. Pittman and C. M. Cook. Conference. 5. Appointment of committees: (a) Sunday school associations. (b) Colportage and Bible distribu tion. (c) Sunday school mission work. (d) Time and place of next meeting. Friday, 3 o'clock p. m. Reports of committees and discus sion of same. Friday, 7:30 o'clock p m. 1. Our opportunities to reach the people of North Carolina with the gospel through the Sunday school work E. K. Proctor, Jr., and R T. Vann. Conference. Saturday, 9:30 o'clock a. m 1. Prayer and praise. 2. An annual summer meeting C. A. Rominger, C. E. Taylor. Conference. The remaining time to be arranged for by the convention. C. Durham, T. H. BRIGGS, N. B. Broughton, J. T. PULLEN, Committee. Special to the Members of the Legislature. We have a large and carefully se lected stock of Pianos and Organs and receiving others daily. In such a large body of men in the Assembly, there is necessarily a large number who should have and desire instru ments, who do not already have them, To these we are specially speaking, and our high grade goods and general low prices will Induce them to buy. and we would like to have them call and let us tell them how cheap they can buy a good instrument. We have in stock " Wegman & Co.," "Kranich & Bach," and "Knabe Pianos," and the "Miller" "Waterloo," and "Need- ham" Organs. Each one Is positively durable and reliable. Come in and don't delay, we contract to taae a certain amount of each of the above instruments per year and thereby can save you money. Youra etc., T hb North State Music Co., Cecil G. Stohb, M'g'r. The Chicago Hotel Thief. ; i J urn.i!. , The Cbir v o lioti I thief is a man of nerve. One day last week wiu-n n Illinois poli ician was hitting ou hi , overcoat in one of tbe plunh nover'-d ; chairs at the Grand Pacific, discuss -! ing the Senatorial outlook with an . acquaintance. the polite thief stepped up to tle suf-st. rim, t 'pping bim ou thft fshou'.der, aiil: i "You are fitting on my overcoat, sir." "Oli, I bt-g yo'T pardon," replied the g'u ft as lie lifted himself from the garment, and continuing the dis- ( cushion, let the fellow walk olT with a $50 ulster The guest told his expe-j rience to "Sam" Parker, who extend ed this consolation: "Oh, that's nothing. You go back ( to the same chair and the thief will i come back and stea' your shoes." Last Monday the thief of nerve en tered the writing room of the Palmer House. A man was sitting at the desk busily engaged in writing. His new silk hat was on the table not two inches from his elbow. The thief wore a black derby without lining or sweatband. When he departed he wore the guest's $3 silk, leaving the worn out derby behind. But the man of nerve was not satisfied with that. He paid a Palmer House messenger boy 25 cents to carry this note to his victim: "Oh, where did you get that hat?" This was the first intimation the guest had of his loss. Not long ago a guest was taking a nap in one of the easy chairs in the rotunda of the Tremont House. The thief stepped up to him, removed his hat from his head and left an old slouch in its place. SPECIAL NOTCES. Peach and Honey Tobacco at C. O. Ball & Co's. Just received at J. C. Bever's 550 pounds of nice N. C, meat, consisting of hams, shoulders and sides, also 150 pounds country lard. No. 7, East Hargett street. W. H. & It. S. Tucker & Co. "Dunlaps Hats." The new spring styles are now shown, and gentlemen should make their selections without delay. Remember, that Dunlaps Hats are excelled by none, and can only be had in this city at Tucker's W. H. & R. S. Tucker & Co. Incomparable Bargains. The invincible proof of the popu larity of our prices is our increased sales. Handsome, stylish, well made shoes of the very best shoe stock, at the closest possible prices are the fa vorable inducements. Is 15 to 20 per cent worth saving? Is honest repre sentation worth anything? Compare the prices, test the qualities, examine the styles and judge for yourselves. Others comment favorably. We court your verdict. Think of it. Hanana $5 shoe for $3.75. Dorschs' tlftQ ghna fnv 43 fin Tha "Paoi!" Y &iwv jm-w w rutwv d. a-a vuil shoe at $3 is without a peer. We sell ladies fine shoes lesa than any one in Raleigh and stand ready to convince the most skeptic. Our ladies Dongola kid button boot at $1.50 is a great favorite. JNew shoes arriving con- stantly Norris'Dry Goods Store. JOHN D. BRIGGS, Building Contractor and Dealer it Rough and dressed Lumber, RALEIGH, N. C. Is prepared to do work in a mos laltntul and woramanliKe manner, patronage solicited. Orders may be feft with hardware house of T. H. Briggs & Sons. fe!2d60 THOMAS A. MONTGOMEBY. WALTER H. GRIMES MONTGOMERY & GRIMES, REAL ESTATE, LIFE, FIRE AND ACCIDENT INS None but the very best Companies represented. Office: Holleman Building, Fayetteville St. RALEIGH, NC. fe24 tf What is Man?" Oh! what is man? A frame of bone, Of sinews, flesh and nerve alone, Made cold by snow, and warmed by fire, A thing of impulse and desire; A little food and drink and sleep, An hour to work, or smile, or weep; Gifted more or less by fate And circumstanced by love or hate, He propagates by newer birth Then gives his ashes back to earth An animal of exquisite plant. What else is man? Well, he is a being who will go his full height to get goods at rock bottom prices. He is a being who will go to Swin dell's in spite of all opposition when he can get a good undershirt for 20 cents. Man or woman will go to Swindell's when they can get those nice 10c ginghams for 8c per yard. Any man who wants a white shirt will go to Swindell's when he can save 40c on one shirt. Men are bound to go where they can get good box at 8c. Swindell's only. Men will burst their suspenders getting to Swindell s tor tney can get another pair when they et to Swindell's for 10c. The balance you can guess. Cabbage plants, tender headed let tuce, evergreens, magnolias, choice pansy and other flower seeds. White and yellow potato onion seta and fresh garden seeds. Choice cut flow ers, bouquets, baskets and floral de signs. H. Steinmetz, felS 2w Raleigh. N. C. Cabbage i'lants and Grape Vines for Bale. Apply to Geo. Shbllem. FebH lm.p. Hardware, &c. Matchless The neatest, best Air Rifle made. A uuagazine Rifle holding 65 shot. HUNTING COATS, LEGGINS, CARTRIDGE BAGS, CLUB LOADED SHELLS, WADS AND CUTTERS, GUN IMPLEMENTS. WOOD POWDER, BLACK POWDER, SHOT. Best goods, lowest prices. Square dealing. THOMAS H, BRIGGS ft SONS, RALEIGH, N 0. Dry Goods, Notions, &c. ff. H. ft' R S. Tncker ft Co. In every De partment we are showing NEW GOODS. For stuff dresses our assortment comprises just the goods for early spring. All the fash ionable colors and every reasonable price to choose from. Pattern Dresses. We have a particularly choice line of Pat tern Dresses, in medium priced goods. These we show in small ,pin stripes and checks, in medium large broken plaids, cheviot mixt ures, &c. No two alike, and patterns once sold will rot be duplicated. Special attention is directed to this line of dress fabrics, and we would suggest to our friends to make their selection early. COTTON DRESS FABRICS, FRENCH AND SCOTCH GINGHAMS. OUTING CLOTHS, CHEVIOTS and PERCALES. This line of goods is complete, and our cus tomers can make . all their selections before the warmer weather is upon us. w. H. & R, s. Tncker & Co. No. 123 and 125 Fayetteville street.