Th &t$ Ecenlng Visitor. PUBLISH KD KYKRY AITKRffOOH, lExcept Sunday, THB VISITOR is served by carriers la the city nt 23 cents per month, payable to the carriers in advance. Prices for mailing: 5 per year, or U eents per month. No paper con tinned after expiration of the time paid for nnlets otherwise ordered. Comtnnnicatioos appearing in these eolamns are but the expressions of the opinion of the correspondents writing the same, and they alone are responsible. A cross mark X after your name informs you that your time is out. Address all orders and communica tions to :BROWJi & WILLIAMS, Raleigh, N C TO TUB PUBLIC. The Italeigh Weekly Visitor. The undersigned will, in addition to the Daily Evening Visitor, issue the first num ber of a Weekly Thursday, March 5th. The Raleigh Weekly Visitor, like the Daily, will be inileieiulent in matters of pol itics and religious denominations. It will not hesitate, however, to assail the wrong wherever found, when there is a reasonable probability of correcting it. In the publication of the Weekly Visitor, at in the Daily, we shall seek to furnish a journal that will be acceptable in the home circle of the refined. The Weekly will advo cate the interests of North Carolina, in what ever department of thought and action such interests may appear; whether in the school, on the farm, at the dairy, in the factory, or down in the mine. The price, per annum, for a single copy, is 75 cents in advance. In clubs of five copies or more 50 cents per copy in advance. Ad vertising rates will be furnished oh applica tion. Believing that by issuing the Raleigh Weekly Visitor as a non-partisan secular newspaper from the capital of the State, we fill a place that needs to be occupied ; we re spectfully solicit the patronage of a generous public. T. C. Williams, Editor. Brown & Williams, Owners and Publish ers. Local notices in this paper will be Five Cents per line each insertion. Largest City Circulation. A NOBLE ACT. RALEIGH, N. C, MARCH 7, 1891. MADE A MISTAKE. The Senate evidently made a mis take yeBterday in driving the people out of the lobbies and galleries of the Senate chamber. The action is with out a precedent. When any great And grave question is being consid" ered, and the public good demands that it be not discussed publicly, se cret sessions of such bodies are some times held, but in this case only a portion of the spectators were ob jectionable while the others were quiet aDd dignified, yet they must be rudely ejected from the building and thereby be accused, tried and convicted of an offence with which they had no connection and against which they had as much right to pro tection as the President of the Senate himself. It was hasty action without mature reflection. The Senate saw it this way after reflection, as was indi cated by its rescinding the resolution not long after its adoption. This way of hastily condemning people by whole audiences' is not just the right thing. Just a day or two since an officer of the Senate went whirling through the lobbies throwing his commanda tory remarks promiscuously in every body's face, with an air of as much authority as if commanding convicts. Many of those who were present are refined, dignified gentlemen, incapa ble of meriting his rude and uabe coming manner. It will not do to condemn by wholesale. THE DEADLOCK IN ILLINOIS. The Illinois legislature is having a hard time. They have already cast 142 ballots with 101 for Palmer, the democratic candidate, 98 for Streeter, the Farmer's Mutual Benevolent As sociation candidate, (Republican) and 5 for Oglesby. They have about reached an agreement by which the deflecting republicans will come into measures and Streeter will be elected U. B. Senator. Seven valuable horses were burned to death in the stables of N. L. Osborn, Bihghamton, N. Y,, yesterday morn-, ing. A Race for a Baby Won by a True Hero who Risks Ills Life. New York World. The fastest train on Long Island is the Sag Harbor express. It tears through all the smaller towns at forty five miles an hour, with never a stop. Pearealls, just beyond Jamaica, is usually one of these towns, but re cently the train slowed up there as suddenly as a train can slow up with a frightened engineer clinging to the throttle. As the train came sweeping down the engineer saw right in the middle of the track a little child wav ing its arms and smiling cheerily at the onrushing mass. The baby was the son of Henry Powell, proprietor of the Pearsall's House, across the way from the station. He had wsn deied in between the rails and was delightedly waving to the rretty lo comotive that was shrieking out its protest in wild whistling. George B. Watts, passing near by, heard the whistling and wondered carelessly what it was all about. He glanced down the track and saw the Jittle fellow waving and smiling in the path of the train. There was one bare chance of rencbii g him before the engine, and the jung man took it. He ran as he never ran before. The train was still going at terrific speed in spite of the engineer's efforts and to the onlookers the two seemed to reach the child at the same mo nient. Watts was the quicker by a shadow, and he caught up the child and rolled out of the way as the train swept by with the engine shrieking a shrill recognition of the heroism that had saved the little one. Latest New Items. A very rich tin mine has been dia covered recently in Mexico, about 40 miles from the city of Durango. The discovery was accidental. A till granting municipal suffrage to women has passed to the third reading in the Michigan legislature. Bradford Grimes the chief clerk of the city, treasury of Richmond, Va., was arrested on the morning of the 4th charged with embezzlement. The Farmers' .Alliance warehouse at West Greenville, S. C, which had just been completed, was destroyed by fire on Wednesday night, supposed to be incendiary. Loss $10,000 no in surance. Pullen, the Tennessee embezzeler who was being tried for a crime, came forward last Monday v ith the cash and ended the case. Richmond, Va., will be the location Raleigh Business Directory. JC BE VE RS, No 7 East Hargett . Heavy and Fancy Groceries i - a j a fresh. Seeing Machines-W 8 1'ZZLE, 19 East Hargett st. New Home Pewing Machines. Repairing done. D W GHARRIS. 118 East Martin st. Dyer and Cleaner. ja31 FJ HARTSFIELD, 118 East Martin 6t. Watchmaker and Jeweller. JY MacRAE. Full linenf B .list's Fresh Garden Seeds. MWATTS,230Faeiteviile t. opp market. Shaving, Hair Cut ting, and Chainpooing dore in best style. OH JOHNSON, 331 Hillsboro st Groceries, Cigars and Tobacco and Fruit a specialty. I N BRYANT, 8tall 8, city market. Choice Beef, Pork, &c. Iji M CHEEK, Stall 15, city market. Fruits, Vegetables and Poultry. LC BAGWELL, corner Blount and Marti a sts. Has opened a shoe shop over his coffin house. New work and repair solicited. Jos Watson, manager. CA PERKINSON, successor to Crocker & Upchurch. Staple and Fancy Groceries AI M DANCY, Stall 22, city market. ww Pork, Western Beef and Sausage. Af D SMITH, Stall 9, city market. ww Fresh Fish and Oysters. f B BELL, 503 Hillsboro st.Choice w w Family Groceries, Cigars and To bacco. Free delivery. XTb HUTCHINGS, 8 West Martin st. Saddlery, Harness, &c. LDWOMBLE, cor Wilmington Hargett sts. Groceries, Leather, Shoe Findings, Fishing Tackle, To bacco, Cigars, &c. Legal Advertisements. SP PENNINGTON, cor Salisbury and Davie sts. Horse Shoeing and Black Smith. BEEHIVE STORE buys and sells every conceivable thing for cash cash that can be sold or exchanged. J SCHWARTZ, 122 Fayetteville st. 'i he leader in choice Meats, Vir ginia Beef and Mutton. All Pork and Mixed Sausage. Come and see me. fe5 1AI H HICKS,No228 Wilmington st. w opposite Denton's corner. Fresh Fish and Oysters. FOR ARTISTICAL HAIR CTJT ting and clean shave go to G. V iola & Son's Barber Shop,124 Fay'ville st.7 T E FRANCIS, next to Savings "Bank. Practical Boot and Shoe maker. Give me a call. ie9 DF FORT, 214 Wilmington street. Dealer in Staple .and Fancy Gro ceries and Country 'Produce, Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar and Coffeespe cialties. Consignments solicited, f 10 ANDREWS & GOODWIN, rear Julius Lewis & Co's, Blacksmiths. Horseshoeing a specialty Steel worker. of Federal Court of appeals for Vir ginia and Maryland, North and South Carolina and West Virginia. Three men were probably fatally injured by the explosion of a boiler in the dye house of James McComb, Albany, N. Y., yestered. A committee of Berlin merchants appointed to consider the question, yesterday decided in favor of making an exhibit at the World's Fair to be held in Chicago. Yesterday afternoon a kerosene lamp exploded in a room on the first floor of the large wooden building on Centre street, West Roxbury, Mass., occupied by the P. B. Robin son Dye Works. Loss, $75,000; in sured. Warner T. McGuinD, colored, who a few years ago won honors at Yale College, was yesterday, on motion of State's Attorney Kerr before the Supreme Bench of Baltimore city, admitted to practice at the Baltimore bar. ' GO OR SEND TO Alfred Williams & I Co's. 119 Fayetteville street, RALEIGH, N. C, For everything wanted in the OOK I.INE. HANDSOME LOT OF Stationerv JUST RECEIVED. TO II OPIUM H We wUl pmj Hotel bill Kallrosd Hires to OT SPRINGS USERS And Charge no Fee For any case we fall to cure of what Is common ly called the "OPIUM HABIT," which in cludes the habitual use of Opium, Morphine, Cocaine, and other kindred narcotics. Address MAPLEW00D INSTITUTE, HOT SPalWOB, ABE, Notice. Notice is hereby given, that an ap plication will be made to the General Assembly of North Carolina at its S resent session for the charter of the ademption Bond Association. Brown St Wiliiams. Jan. 20th,11891-80d. HAVE YODR CLOTHING CLE&IIFD-DYED-REPAIRED -AT Harris' Dye Works. : Old. - Olo-blxxg taken for work. We guarantee to save you from buying a a new suit. All orders by express Will receive prompt attention, fe24 tf Notice. . A Having this day been appointed and qualified as the administrator of the estate of Wiley Williams, dee'd. this is to give notice to all persons in debted to said estate to make prompt payment to me, and those to whom the estate is indebted to present their claims for payment on or before Jan uary 9th, 1392, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. ANDttEW J WILLIAMS, fel2 8w Administrator. Executor's Sale. Pursuant to an order of the Oupe rior 1 ourt of Wake county, 1 will sell at pnMic auction for cash, on Wed nebday, March 4th, 1891, at twelve o'clock, in front of Yancey & Stron ach's auction bouse, in the city of Raleigh, the following property, tc wit: 3 mules, 1 Jersey bull, 5 cows, 2 suckling calves, 2 yearling calves and 2 sows, the property of the estate of Mrs. Sallie L. Gat ling, fell td VAN B MOORE, Ex'r. Wood, Cole, &c. WOOD , COAL & GRAINS Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria? Children Cr, for Pitdera Castor! n January the 1st, 1891, we moved our up town office to 107 Fayetteville Street, next to the Raleigh Savings Bank. Our warehouse and coal and wood yard remains near the Central depot. Orders for coal, wood, grains, forage. &c, received at either place. Fayettevilie street ofnee, Telephone No. 41; Depot, 61; Livery Stable, 95. Jones & Powell, RALEIGH, N. O. AIM mm Coal Dealers- We call special attention to the Coal we propose to handle this sea- and which we are receiving daily. Kanawia, West Virginia, Splint. Superior to any in the United otateh for grates .nd open fire places. NEW RIVER LUMP for grates and stoves. It s the equal of any and surpassed by no other (save Kanawha punt), be it under any name what ever. It has been upon the inarKet for the last ten years, this is the first season for Raleigh and North Caro lina. We have the Mew River foi steam also, which we will put by tht side of any other coal and guarantee equal, it not better results. We are the agents for this coal ano can ship for domestic and steam user to Charlotte, Henderson, Durham, Winston, Oxford and other points di' rect from the mines. Give it a trial, is what we ask We have also a very choice lot ol Red and White Ash for grates and stoves, which we screen before sending to our customers. Bey now and save money. Write for prices. Oak, hickory and pine 111 fl fin wood, long or cat, on hand 1 1 II II 1 1 all the time. HUUU. ANDREWS & GRIULS. is wum.Ii we u-sti.. HARD COAL SASH DOOR AXD Blind Factory at Raleigh. JN C. This valuable business property is offered for sale to make divibion among the heirs. If not sold private ly will be offered at the court house door in Raleigh, Monday, April 6th, 1891, at 12 m. Terms made Known on date of sale. Parties desiring to pur chase will please address. THOMAS H. BRIGGS. fel2 60d . Executor. since tie first to I I I I I I I I I I i the last date above written the undersigned has repaired more than 40,000 watches and perhaps as many clocks, beside? thousands of pieces of jewelry. H? is still making a specialty of Watcti, Clock and Jewelry Woik at his old stand, SECOND door west of the National Bank of Raleigh, where may be found a good line of FINE Gold and Silver Watches, INE Marble and Walnut Clocks, INE Gold and Steel Spectacles and Jewelry for sale at the low est possible prices for CASH. You cannot afford to miss caU'rg on COLE if you wieh anything in his line. His goods are all of the best classes. His workman shin none better. Ca . and see him at 18 WEST HARGETT STREET, Raleigh, N. C. sel5 J. W. COLE, Mlacellaneaott. NEW . fIRM. JOB P. WVATT BROTHERS Successor to WYATT&mffi Nob 15 EaetMartiustauaie Fxharge We have this day formed a copart nershiD under the fl Wyatt & Bros, and will continue uie uuBiuess oi urocers, Commission Merchants and dealers in Hay, Mill Feed and all Uud f Feed otuffb, agricultural Imulenipnt. anH J? solicit the patronage of the public' jud r w i ATT E si WYATT PT WAfl. Jan 2, 1891 Zm Vgirinia Classified Lite Insurance Co'y. fa7 Main street, NORFOLK, VA Thisisa iointstock commnt viiinh combines the advantage, ol the old une system oi insurancewith the pop alar plan of monthly premiums and payment of death claims immAlin.t.Aiv on proof. Toilers running for 10 years or for 20 years are issued with equitable options at the end of those periods. Those who wish to have done a kind act in case of their death, for their families, havo here the opportunity . Officers President,T J Nottingham; Vice President, E V White: Secretary, F Richardson; Treasurer, W W Vicar; Medical Director, L Lankford; Coun sel, J E Heath. Directors T J Nottingham, E White, W W Vicar, F Richardson, L L Lankford, M D, Judge J E fleaih, L Sheldon, G W Deal. W. B. Boid, State Agent, Nev Berne, N. C. 8 W WHiTiaa.Locai Agent,Raleigh Sf O nolt Richa ond & Danville R R Co'y. Condensed Schedule In effect February 1st, 1890. bouthbound. Lv Richmond, Burkeville, Keysville, Danville, Ar Greensboro, Lv Gold6boro, Ar Raleigh, Le Raleigh Le Durham, Ar G reenBboro, Lv Salem, Greensboro, Ar Salisbury, ir States ville, Ar Ashevilie, lr Hot Springs, bv Salisbury, x Charlotte, Spartanburg, Greenviic, Atlanta, Lv Charlo te. ir Columbia, Augusta, Northbound. Lv Augusta, . Columbia, ir Charlotte, Lv Atlanta, Ar Charlotte, Salisbury, Lv Hot Springs, Ashevilie,, Statesville, Ar Salisbury, Lv Salisbury, lr Greensboro, Salem, Lv Gi'etnsboro, Ar Durham, Raleigh. Lv Raleigh Ar Goldsboru, Lv Greensboro, ar Danville, Keysville, Burkeville, Richmond, No 9 1 00pm 8 02 3 42 tf 15 8 SOprn 12 lupin 2 04 416 5 20 7 45 te 30 8 30pm 10 35am 12 35 5 55am 8 32 10 45 12 20 4 41 4G3 10 00 am 12 40 a m 4 40 8 15 am Daily. No 11 8 15am 5 16an 5 56am 8 25a in 10 2oam t4 80pa 7 35pm 1 25am 8 27am 7 60s no 8 60 10 83 If 03am 12 57pin 6 38 7 20 12 08 am 130pm 4 33 5 4tt 11 0 phi l 46pm 55C 9 30pm No 10 9 80 pm 12 20 4 30 am 6 0Cpm 4 40 6 20 11 32 pm 104 am 5 26 ain 6 20 27 811 Daily. No ia 10 45 am BUOpm 610 7 10 am 6 3b pin 809 12 27pm 2 19 -6J8 7 2opin 880 10 37 1145ain U2 10 am 10 35 12 33pm 138 1 87 310 8 20.m 1001 12 50pm 181 8 80 1115 pm 4 80 am 7 35 , t9 00am 1 00 no 37pm 1005 8 25 am 4 08 BJBTWBEU . VVE8T POINT, RICHMOND AND RALEIGH, via Keysville, Oxford and Dttfhath. 15 and 14 Stations. 16 and 13 17 50 am Lv West Point, Ar 6 00pm 9 15 am Ar Richmond Lv J4 88 " i0 85am Lv Richmond Ar 4 80 " 12 46pm JBurkeville . ' 2 21 " 1 40pm " Keysville ' 1 40 " 2 17pm " Chase City, " 12 24 2 60pm " ClarkBville U 4?aa 8 41pm Ar Oxford Lv10 67 " 4 05 " LrUxford ir Kii5un 5 05 " " Henderson ' 9ly" 8 46 " Lv Oxford At 10 5 o. 6 82 " Ar Raleigh 8 15 ' tDaily except Sunday. Daliy. I Daily, except Monday Sol Haas, Jab L TayiiOR, Traffic Man'g'r. rt, W A Ttrk Div Pass Agent! Raleigh, K C. ChildrenCry foiPitchert futofbil