! traitor VOL. 2R. A Ti TTlTr-TT, IFIRIID-A."", MAECH 20, 1891. MEWS NOTES ABOUT THE CITY. What Our Reporters See and . Hear Worth Giving to Oar Readers News in Brief. There were do eases in the look-up this morning for consideration of the Mayor. Mayor Thompson's head is level on the station house question; the pres ent one is a disgrace to the city. 8outh Fayetteville street is to be widened and improved to the cor por.ite limits. Men's prayer meeting tonight at Central Methodist Church, at 7:30. Toung men are specially invited to be present. Mr. W. Duke, of Durham has inter ested himself in the Louisburg Fe male College. Ho proposes to bring this old institution to the front. The roofing of the west wing of the penitentiary is going on as fast as the weather will permit. This will com plete the prison according to the de sign submitted in 1869. The Retail Grocers Protective As sociation will meet this evening at 7:30 o'clock in the Mayors office. Business of importance will be brought before the meeting; a full attendance de sired. The Inspectors report the sale of fertilizers much larger than expected this season, and a number of ne brands are on the market. It is thought that the receipts from the new tonnage tax will exceed the es timates. A few days since during a short in terval of fair weather, a force of hands worked on the Hillsboro road near 8t. Marys. Bed mud subsoil was thrown loosely over the jruts, and, well you never saw the like. There was not an item of interest to be gathered about the court house today .The clerk of the Superior court has removed all his effects back into his office from whence they were temporarily removed while the room was undergoing repairs. Maj. C. D. Heartt, Chief of Police, in his report, recommmends that two additional police be put on at night, which he thinks will be necessary for the better protection of the people 8 A ( V.n si! fir Tka Uovn I CblJU yivyvi VJ VI IUC Clbjr. J. Lie wajvi concurs in the recommendation. Mayor Thompsou in bis report to the board has a good word to say of our police force. Chief Heartt and his very efficient force are a credit to the city. No city in the country the size of Raleigh can boast of a better force than the capital city of North Caro Una. ' We are going around pretty soon and take a look at the new executive mansion. We want to see how well our Governor is fixed up, and we want to tell our readers something about those beautiful Btone steps from our own native west. The Gov ernor need not make any extra pre paration for us; we will just walk around the building, or, maybe just peep in. Died. At the residence of Capt. R. F. Heflin in this city on yesterday af s ternoon, Mr. A. J. East. Hib remains were taken to Charlotte this after noon, accompanied by his brother. Mr. East waB night operator at the R. & D. Depot in this city. He made many friends during his short stay in our midst. Our State Hospital. Orders were issued yesterday for the admission of fourteen more pa tients in the State Hospital here,that nurxber having been discharged as cured. There are now 250 patients in the institution, while thirty are out side on probation. There are about 100 harmless incurable who could be returned to their respective counties if the latter had proper accommoda tions for them. The State Library. There is not a more interesting re sort In Raleigh than our State library and none which thould receive high er consideration at the hands of all the people of North Carolna. Since the stoppage of the circulating fea ture by which many books were loan ed out and a number never returned, the library is growing rapidly, and under the care of the librarian the books are arranged in the best man ner. The picture gallery alone is well worth a visit from all person" coming to the city. Card of Thanks Editor Evkniko Visitor: Per mit me through your columns to express my profound gratitude to personal friends ieighbors and citi zens generally for their generous and timely sympathy and aid in the af fliction through which myself and family have been passing. We never kne w how dear friendships are until they are tried. Kor are we always able to show how much we appreciate sympathy and kindness. But all that stricken and wounded hearts can ex press we offer to one and all. E. S. Cheek. Vital Statistics Report. We are indebted to Mr. H. H. Rob erts for the following statement for the fiscal year ending February 28th, 1891: Deaths in the city proper: Whites 101; colored 155. Total 256. Deaths occurring elsewhere and buried here 47; still births 31. Total burial permits granted 334. Children under 90; over 70, 27; over 100, 1. There were 291 births-147 white and 141 colored. There were 2,009 charity prescrip tions issued 1134 to whites and 875 to to colored. Treasury Department Notes. We had quite a pleasant interview this morning with State Treasurer Bain. The Treasurer has some ap prehensions as to whether the reve nue bill, as passed by the recent General Assembly, will entirely meet the wants of the treasury for two years. He says his experience is that it will not do as a general thing to put too much confidence in the mat ter of increased valuation of property for taxation. He thinks that with a proper assessment the valuation of the taxable property of North Caro lina should be $400,000,000. He doubts whether under the assessment this vear it will so over 1240,000,000. It is now $227,000,000. The settlement of the sheriffs this year has compared very favorably with those heretofore. There are eighteen sheriffs, however, whose time has been extended by the legis lature until May 1st. Personal Mention. We are sorry to learn that Capt. H. P. Guess of Cary is very sick. We are pleased to state that the condition of Mrs. J. A. Jones, is some what improved today. We regret to state that at latest ac counts, the condition of Dr. J. B. Dunn had not improved. Mr. J. N. Hubbard is now in daily attendance on his duties as Steward of the A. & M. College after a severe spell of sickness. Col. W. L. Saunders is quite sick. The following are registered at the Yarboro: s.N. Newton, Richmond, Va., E. A. Newton, Atlanta, Ga., E. S. Hartman, West Va. We are pleased to see the face of the genial Col. J. L. Morehead, of Charlotte, on our streets. Mr. T. D. Swindell, who bag been north for more spring goods, has re turned with a determination to burst things " right open," in the way of cheap prices. '"We were pleased to see in the city yesterday our friend, Capt. J. A. DodsoD, formerly of Greensboro, but now the efficient superintendent of the Georgia Carolina and Northern Railroad. - - A SPLENDID REPORT. Mayor Thompson Presents some Admirable Views lor the Consideration of our People. There was a full meeting of the Board of Aldermen last night and matters of the utmost importance were presented for consideration. Mayor Thompson laid before the Board his ancual report, containing some valuable suggestions and de tailing the improvements that have been made iu the city during the last twelve months. The report is quite a lengthy one, and we must content ourselves with notices of the most im portant features. Relative to an Opera House or Auditorium. He says: The amended charter, section 107, gives the Aldermen entire control and management of Moore and Nash squares, authorizing you to beautify and ornament them. You could dis charge this trust and at the same time erect a structure that would be an ornament to the city, by euilding an Auditorium of beautiful design on one of these squares. The completion of this much need ed hall would enable . you to utilize Metropolitan Hall for city purposes. The Mayor's office and court room can be used by the City Clerk and Tax Collector, the hall can be con verted into a court room and offices for Mayor and Chief of Police, while the eastern end of the building could be fitted up for a station house and headquarters for the police force. The station house now in use has long been voted a nuisance, and is a disgrace to the city. As previously urged by the Chief of Police.it should be discontinued and comfortable and decent quarters secured. The changes above suggested will enable the city to rent the east and west basements of the market house, and the revenue thus derived, added to the income from the new Opera House, will rap idly repay the money invested in the enterprise. In reference to the Rex Hospital, the Mayor says that the fund now amounts to $27,332.62. To this he recommends a yearly appropriation by the city of $2,000. Relative to the street car compleca- tions the Mayor recites the fact that at the December meeting the com pany was granted the privilege of discontinuing the horse cars for nine ty days to enable the company to change the system for an electric car service. Owing to the difficulties which have arisen between the Edt son Co., hud the owners cf the rail way, the ninety diys expired before the completion of the work. The Beard at a meeting !n March granted an extension of sixty days in which time, it was stated, all difficulties would probably be adjusted. He suggested that the parties at interest be notified that unless the cars are running by the time this extension expires that the charter from the city will be forfeited. Among other matters the various reports of the city officials were pre sented. The debt of the city was stated at $193,000. The receipts in the police depart ment for the past year were $11,127.34 This source of revenue steadily in creases. The receipts for general pur poses during the year was $51,849.75 The salaries paid to all officers, in eluding policemen, for the year was $13,051.04. The following committee of free holders was appointed to assess the value of the property to be condemn' ed for widening lower Fayetteville street and Cannon street: Messrs. E E. Barbee, C. E. Johnson, A. W Shaffer, W.N. Jones and J.W. Crowd er. The Board passed a resolution that if the cars were not in operation by May 1st, the charter will be void. Appointment. Gov. Fowle today accepted the re signation of Mr. J. W. Wilson as di rector of the State Hospital at Mor gan ton, and appointed Mr. E. W. F. Harper, of Caldwell, to succeed him. Notice of D. of R., I. O. O. P. The regular meeting of this Lodge will be held this evening at 7:30 o'clock in the Odd Fellows hall over the Citizen's National Bank, to which every nember is earnestly urged to ba present. Work in the degree. All candidates for the de gree will please present themselves for the conferring of the same. ftiRS. E. J. Williams, Sec. The annual report of the Health Department of New York, just for warded to the Mayor of that city, states that the number of deaths in New York during 1890 was 40,103 and the number of births 39,250. The death rate is estimated at 24.58 per l.ouo last year, against 25.06 in 1889. 'The decrease of mortality in 1890, it is claimed, is due to the increase of charitable institutions and an im provement in the condition of tene ments." Finest seed Early Rose Irish Pota toes, nice sweet Florida Oranges and a fine lot shad and bunch fish. Low est prices. Prompt delivery. Phone 28. D. T. Johnson, Agt. Have your lace curtains done un at the Oak City Steam Laundry in first class style. L. R. Wyatfs special horse and cow food eoincr like hot cakes. A trial will convince you that it is the best on the market. mh!9 tf W. H. & R. S. Tneker k Co. Ladies' Shirts and Coats. The new styles in ladies' linen shirts. The novelty is solid black, though we show them m plain white, white grounds with small dots or figures, puff bosoms, &c. Pretty to use with these are the light colors in the new spring coats. The coats this season are brought out in various shades of. tans, greys and small checks. W. H. & R. S. Tucker & Co. Lovely Spring Goods. Our spring goods have arrived and to say we think them pretty will not express it. ' All that can be desired in beauty is embodied in the new spring goods, both in dress goods and cloth ing; and to tell you that we will treat you right is unnecessary, it is our in terest as well as yours, that we treat you right, that we give you goods at the lowest possible price.that we give you good goods at prices no one else will beat. In white goods we can give you values far under any thing we have ever been able to offer be fore. We would like verylmuch for you to compare our goods with other stocks in town We offer no bates to deceive you; what we offer at un usually low prices we can afford to sell at unusually low prices, because we buy at unusually low prices. Mil linery goods arriving. D. T. Swindell's. Special Drives Are the order of the day, and we can now announce one of utmost im portance to the public generally. Think of it: nice ladies1 shos of first class make only $2; unlaund rid shirts 50 and 75 cents; laundried $1. These are first class bargains. Spring goods arriving in endless variety of all shades and latest styles. The ladies should make a rush for them, as no such tempting offers have been made in Raleigh for a long time. Separk has determined not to be outdone in the bargain line, as will readily be shown by a visit to his establishment, This is no idle boast; it is right down solid fact. For variety and style, Se: park is unsurpassed. W. G. Separk, 12 East Martin St. Mar 16 lw Children CryJor PitcW's Castorfc! SPECIAL NOTICES. Go to W. B. Mann & Co's., for new crop Cuba molasses by the quart or barrel. M. 18 4t. Piano. A fine rosewood Piano for sale at low figures. Apply at this office. Mar 7 lw CABBAG E I'LA NTS and GRAPE VINES For sale. Atnlvto March 14-1 mpd, GEORGE SHELLEM, Norris' Dry Goods Store. Now is the best time of the year to se cure the greatest possible advantages in purchasing any kind of goods that pertain to winter. You can buy from us, with reasonable judgment, goods at you own prices thereby saving to yourself considerable money. Our selections for the spring trade sur pass our former efforts. New goods are constantly arriving. "Novel ties" in the leading fabrics are daily displayed. Shoes at popular prices is a prominent feature. The prices we fix on our goods arrest attention, creates an earnest, interested look, and makes for us a well satisfied cus tomer. It is our purpose to sell on a small margin, and our reputation for 6uch is already established. An early visit of inspection is solicited. Norris' Drt Goods Stork. Hardware, &c. Matchless The neatest, best Air Rifle made. A magazine Rifle holding 65 shot. HUNTING COATS, LEGGINS, CARTRIDGE BAGS, CLUB LOADED SHELLS, WADS AND CUTTERS, GUN IMPLEMENTS. WOOD POWDER, BLACK POWDER, SHOT. Best goods, lowest prices. Square dealing. THOMAS H. BRIGGS ft SONS, RALEIGH, N O. Dry Goods, Notions, &c. W. OR S. Tucfcer & Go. DRESSG00DS OF EVERY :-: DESCRIPTION!! It has been a source of great satisfaction to us to feel that our efforts in providing choice ureas lioous so eariy urns season Has been so eenerally appreciated, and constitutes the greatest evidence of the firth which our cus tomers place in our selections. mere has never Deen a season when such a variety of textures could be seen, and no matter whether you are inclined to a rough or a smooth surface, you can find upon our co. nters the greatest prolusion of either. Now for your EASTER DRESS. We are sure that among such an assort- mentor LADIES' CLOTHS, CAMEL'S HAIR, SCOTCH MIXTURES. ENGLISH HOMESPUNS, HENRIETTAS, TWEEDS, SERGES, &c., &c., , that you will experience no difficuHv u choosing either on account of kind or price. W. H. & R. S. Tucker & Co 123 and 125 Fayetteville Bt.s v 4

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