The Baity Evening Visitor. UBU8HKD KVXBY AFTKKHOOM, (Except Sunday, I'lIB VISITOR Is served by carriers lathe city At 25 cents per month, payable to the carriers in advance. .Prices for mailing: S per year, or t5 cents per month. No paper con tinned after expiration of the time paid for unless otherwise ordered. Communications appearing in these columns are but the expressions of the opinion of the correspondents writing the same, and they alone are responsible. A cros$ mark X after your name informs you that your time is out. Address all orders and communica tions to BROWN & WILLIAMS, Raleigh, N 0 Local notices in this paper will be Five Cents per line each insertion. Largest Citt Circulation. RALEIGH, N. C, APRIL 18, 1891. A It lit E OPPORTUNITY. A special edition of the Visitor will be issued about the middle of May or soon after. This edition will contain the proceedings of the Con' ventlon to be held in Ralegh on the 13th of May, and will be sent out all over the United States and Canada. The Southern Inter-States Immigra tion Bureau will use this edition for the publication and circulation of special and attractive information. We propose to give land and im provement companies, real estate agents, chambers of commerce.boards of trade, and all sorts of mining,man- nfacturing and development compan ies Bpace to make known the attract ions and advantages they have to offer, to the very people who are in terested in just such investments. This May edition will make a bank of paper about six feet high when spread out one upon another at full size of paper without folding. They will be directed under the auspices of the Immigration Bureau so that the widest and most select circulation will be secured, z Boards of trade, chambers of commerce, boards of al dermen and county commissioners can advertise their resources and at tractions by using the columns in this special edition of the Visitor to an extent and advantage that is not available elsewhere. Write up your county, your town, your land corns pany, your land for sale, your hotel for resort seekers, your water power. Write it up attractively but truth fully, so that when your customer comes he will not be disgusted. All persons who want space in this spe cial edition are requested to commu nicate with the Visitor. This is an opportunity that no worthy enter prise can afford to let pass. Write us. Board of Aldermen. An adjourned meeting of the board of Aldermen was held last night. The committee on the auditorium re ported that it would be best to au thorize them to receive bids for the building and select the site. It was moved and adopted that parties hav ing suitable sites communicate with the board bo that options might be taken. A telegram was read from Mr. Jno. 0. George, of Baltimore, stating that he would be in Raleigh n ext Wed nesday. The Rex hospital committee made the following report : Resolved 1st, That the question of the location of the' Rex hospital be referred to Mr. R. H. Battle, Mr. R. T.Gray and the city attorney to as sertain if the land left by John Rex can be or should be Bold for the pur pose of securing a more eligible loca tion. Resolved 2d. That the committee on the part of the board of Aldermen recommend that the city appropriate annually two thousand dollars to wards the maintenance of the hos pital. Resolved 8d. That the joint meet ing of the trustees of the Rex fund and the committee on the part of the b6ard of Aldermen urge that prompt and vigorous 'action be taken with the view of an early establishment of the Rex hospital. Adopted at joint meeting March 17th, 1881. , Whereas the need of a public city hospital is generally recognized, and whereas the fund left by John Rex, after a lapse of fifty years, only amounts to $27 332 62, yielding an annual income of $2,100, an amount insufficient to support a hospital open to all the indigent sick of the city ; therefore be it Resolved, That the Board of Al dermen of the city of Raleigh, in or der to secure the early establishment of the hospital, appropriates two thousand dollars per annum to the maintenance of the hospital after it is established. Alderman Parish reported that re pairs were necessary on the Centen nial Graded school fence amounting to $145. The school committee was authorized to let out the contract for the work. Mr. Leach moved that certain ex tensions of North street, Morgan St., Cannon street and North Salisbury street, the damages having been as sessed, be made. The motion pre vailed. Advice to a Young Man. Burdette, in the Brooklyn Eagle. So you were a little too pert, and spoke without thinking, did you, my son ? And you got picked up quite suddenly on your statement, eh ? Oh, well, that's all right; that happens to older men than you every day. I have noticed that you have a very positive way of filing a decision where other men state that an opinion, and you frequently make a positive as sertion where older men merely ex press a belief. But never mind; you are young. You will know less as you grow older. "Don't I mean you will know more?"' Heaven forbid, my boy, No, indeed; I mean that you will know less. You will never know more than you do; never. If you live to be 10,000 years old, you will never agaiu know as much as you do now. No hoary headed sage, whose long and studious years were spent in reading men and books, ever knew as much as a boy of your age. A girl of fifteen knows about as much, but then she gets over it sooner and more easily. "Does it cause a pang, then, to get rid of early knowledge ?" Ah, my boy, it does. Pulling eye teeth and molars will seem like pleasant recreation alongside of shredding off great solid slabs and layers of wisdom and knowledge that now press upon you like geological strata. 'But how are you to get rid of all this superincumbent wisdom ?" Oh, easily enough, my boy; just keep on airing it; that's the best way. It won't stand constant use, and it disintegrates rapidly on exposure to air. A Touching Incident. Youth's Companion. It was a cold windy day in Boston. The air was full of snow-flakes, but it was too cold to snow in earnest. On a back street was an iron plate in the sidewalk, around which thin streams of steam arose. On this bit of warm surface cowered a morsel of a girl, not more than four or five years old, pinched with cold and hunger and most scantily dressed. As she crouched over the warm plate an ill-looking cur came drifting down the street. He hesit ated as he came into the circle of warm air and with a wistful whine looked up into the face of the girl. Instantly the little thing moved over to make room for her fellow waif. "Poor doggie 1" said she, huggiDg her forlorn shawl closer about her. "Is he cold, too ?" And the two comrades in misfor tune shared together the hospitality of the iron plate in perfect good fellowship. SOMETHING NICE. INVITATION A T?TQ 80METHINGNICEjga ixltJyO""ISOMETIIlXa MCE. New Writing Papers NEW CARD NOVELTIES. A beautiful line of all i this class of fine stationery. latest designs in J ust received at Raleigh Post-Office MAIL SCHEPri.E. OUTGOING MAILS. Via Keysville (R. P. O.) for Richmond A way, Via Uoldsboro (Kr.Ft.) for Snort Cut Jt Golds, (lis. Via WeMon and Norf. (R. P. O.) for N. & E. Via Goldsboro (It. P.O.) for N 8. and East, Via Gibson sta. (K. P.I O.) for Wil., Clinr. . South. ia Giecnsboro (It.P.O.) tor 8. and West, Via Weldon A Norfolk (Ex. Ft.)for N. & East, Via Greensboro (Ex. Ft.) ior s. ana west, iJKI'AKTt KKft No. of F rom Ffrom Train! P.O. Depot 13 12 38 10 41 9 34 11 a m 7 45 8 30 10 40 00 3 15 4 02 4 30 0 00 a m 8 15 9 00 11 25 p in 1 33 4 00 4 37 5 00 1 00 INCOMING MAILS. ARRIVALS. No. Of Train Via Greensboro (Ex.Ft,) from N S. and West,! Via Weldon (Ex. Ft.)' from North and East, Gibson sta, (R. P.O.) from Char., Wil. & 8. Via Greensboro (R.P.O.) from N., S. and West, Via Weldon (R. P. O.) from North and East, Via Goldsboro (R. P. O.) from N., E. & South, Via Keysville (R. P. O.) from Richmond, Ox- f nrf Tn rVt a -m air Via Goldsboro (Ex Ft.) irom ixortn, 12 45 33 10 41 9 14 12'! At I At Depot P.O. a in 7 15 9 30 11 20 fin 28 3 55 4 32 6 53 a m 8 00 9 45 11 35 p m 1 06 4 10 4 50 7 00 7 45 ' 8 00 Trains marked thus, do not move on Sun day. Mails for train 9 close at 3 p m on Sun day. STAR ROUTES. Outgoing Mails Departs Raleigh via Shotwell. Eagle Rock and Wakefield to Unionhope, Tuesday and Friday Gam. Raleigh via Myatt's Mills to Dunn, Tues day and Friday 6 am. Raleigh via Kelvyn Grove and Dayton to Fish Dam, Monday, Wednesday and Friday 6 am. Raleigh via Hutchinson's store and Ban gor to Rogers' store, Tuesday and Friday 1pm. Raleigh to Massev, Tuesday and Friday 12 m. Incoming Mails Arrjve Unionhope via Wakefield, Eagle Rock and Shotwell to Ral eigh, Wednesday and Saturday 7 pm. Dunn via Myatt's Mills to Raleigh, Mon day and Thursday 7 pm. Fish Dam via Dayton and Kelvyn Grove to Raleigh, Monday, Wednesday and Friday 7 pm. Rogers' store via Bangor and Hutchinson's store to Raleigh, Tuesday and Friday 12 m. Massey to Raleigh, Tuesday end Friday at 10 a m. Free Delivery System. Free deliveries at 6:30 and 8:45 a m, 3:15 and 5:45 p m, ex cept Sundays. Collections made at same hours. Sunday, 6:30 to 7:30 a m. Free de livery windows open on Sundays from 3:00 to 3:30 o'clock p m. Official: A. W. SHAFFER, ap2 ly Postmaster. .Raleigh Business Directory. REFRIGERATORS, Ice Cream Freezers. Fly Fans, Oil Stoves, &c, at apl71m HUGHES'. CABBAGE PLANTS and GEAPE VINES For sale. Apply to March 14 lmpd, GEORGE SHELLEM OARDERS WANTED, Two or" three gentlemen can get board by applying at 314 Hills boro street. Accommodations good. JC BE VERS, No 7 East Hargett Bt. Heavy and Fancy Groceries always fresh. Sewing Machines-W S ITZZLE, 12 East Hargett st. New Home Sewing Machines. Repairing done. W O HARRIS, 118 East Martin st. Dyer and Cleaner. ja31 JY MacRAE. Full line of Buist's Fresh Garden Seeds. WATTS, 230Fayetteville st, opp market. Shaving, Hair Cutting, and Cham pooing done in best style. OH JOHNSON, 831 Hilisboro st. Groceries, Cigars and Tobacco and Fruit a specialty. 11 N BRYANT, Stall 8, city market. , Choice Beef, Pork, &c. LC BAGWELL, corner Blount and Martin sts. Has . opened a shoe shop over his coffin house. 'New work and repair solicited. Jos Watson, manager. . AI M DANCT, Stall 22, city market. " Pork, Western Beef and Sausage. LD WOMBLE, cor Wilmington & Hargett sts. Groceries, Leather, Shoe Findings, Fishing Tackle, To bacco, Cigars, &c. EE HIVE STORE buys and tells every conceivable thing for cash cash that can be sold or exchanged. J SCHWARTZ, 122 Fayetteville st. ihe leader In choice Meats, Vir ginia Beef and Mutton. All Pork) and Mixed Sausage. Come and see me. . fe5 TE. 80RRELL, No. 228 Wilmington St, opposite Denton's comer. u'RESH FISH AND OYSTERS. . -V febd T El FRANCIS, next to.;SavingB Bank. Practical Boot .andShoe maker. Give me a call. ie9 Alfred Williamsr & Go's. V BCOK STQRE. - . . Also In stock: Drummohd's new book " "Thn HIiatimvI T.iffl'. Prinn SR ranln. ' PO We wlUy Hotel bUU, t iUilromd (area to opiun Hot springs USERS 1 1 And Charge no Fes For any cms wa full to corn of what li mmmmi. 17 Called tba "OPIUM HABIT," which In- KiBuea me naDiiuai vhoi opium, juorpnine, Cocaine, and otber kindred narcotics. Address SI ATXB WOOD IWBTITWS. HOT WIIOTI, AKK. Legal Advertisements., .Sale ol Oberlin Property. BY V1KTU E of power conferred on me by a certain inortu,'e. executed by Dawsou Davis and lieltu Davia, which u duly re corded in registry of Wake county, in book 88, at pace iWJ. 1 will offer for bale at the court nouse aoor in uie cuy ox luieiga, i., to Uie highest bidder, for carh, on buturday May 2, lsOl, at VI o clock m., a certain lot tit the village of Oberliu, known as the Dawaon Davis lot, and more particularly described in the mortgage above rciorerreu 10. ii. F. MONTAUUK, Mortgagee. Raleigh, N. C, April 1st, 1SU1 tda Administrator's Sale. 1)UKSUANT TO AN ORDER OP TIIE Superior Court of Wake county, 1 will sell at public auction for cash, on Mon day, April 'JO, lsil, at twelve o'clock m, at the onice oi tne laie joun uauing, rjsq., in the News & Observer building, the following property : One lot law books, including N. C Reiorts, one lot of otlice furniture, and oth er articles not mentioned here. V. B. MOORE, Adm'r., Apl 9tds. John liatling, dee'd. Auction Sale oi Land BV VIRTU E of jKjwer conferred on me by P. Alexander, Jerry Dunn and Susan Dunn, by two several mortgages which are recorded in registry of Wake county, in book 74, at page 73, and book 101, at page 115, as well as by request of said Jerry and Susan Dunn, I will oiler for sale at the court house door in the city of Raleigh, N. 0., to the highest bidder, tor cash, on Saturday, May 2, 1891, at 12 o'clock ni., the property in said mortgage described, consisting ot one certain lot in Mason Village, containing one acre, and known as the residence of the said mort gagors, R. h MONTAUD E, Mortgagee. Raleigh, N. C, April 1st, lti'Jl tds Wood, Cole, &c. liWS mm Coal Dealers We call special attention to the Coal we propose to handle this sea and which we are receiving daily. Kanawha, West Virginia, Splint. Superior to any in the United Statee for grates md open fire places. NEW RIVER LUMP for grates and stoves. It s the equal of any and surpassed by no other (save Kanawha Splint), be it under any name what ever. It has been upon the market for the last ten years, this is the first season for Raleigh and North Caro lina. We have the New River for steam also, which we will put by the side of any other coal and guarantee equal, if not better results. We are the agents for this coal ana can ship for domestic and steam users to Charlotte, Henderson, Durham, Winston, Oxford and other points di rect from the mines. Give it a trial, is what we ask. We have also a very choice lot of Ked and White Ash for grates and stoves, which we screen before sending to our customers. Bvy now and save money. Write tor prices Oak, hickory and pine wood, long or cut, on hand all the time. ANDREWS & GRIMES. is wuhi we asu. HARD COM. HOOD JOHN D. BRIGGS, Building Contractor and Dealer ii. Rough and dressed Lumber, RALEIGH, N. C. Is prepared to do work in a most faithful and workmanlike manner. patronage solicited. Orders may be feft with hardware houBe of T. H. Eriggs&Sons. feJ2d60 TinaCcrdial CURES DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, CHILLS and FEVERS, MALARIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, KIDNEY TROUBLES, NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM. Pis Jnvlgorat. inf Hnu upi lierhtful to take,! and of zreat value as a Medicine fort weak and AilingPf' Women ana Cnii-t dren. TT gives NEW i LIFE to the whole SYSTEM I by Strengthening the Muscie9, Ton ing the NERVES, & completely Di gesting tne lood. fONTAINSl no hurtful Minerals, is com- posed of carefully!! seiectea vegeta-4 ble Medicine! combined tkill-j fully, makine a Safe and Pleasant Remedy, A 8006,018,' by leading physicians, tell ing how to treat disease at Home, mailed, together with a set of hand, aomecards by new Heliotype process, on receipt of 10 c. For ttl by til OrnreMi u4 Gracen. Should On dealer Dear jrou not keep VOM1U CORDIAL, rmult fl.OO, 4u4 AUl flat Iwttl will b wilt, charges paid. f t bcmsjw ojut at Vollna Drug and Chemical Company, BuiuoaaV an. n. a. a, . Standard SFIavorins HOUSEKEEPERS can prove by a sing1 ; iriaf that. these Extracts are the or. safest, .jtfieyare truo to thoir names,- full measure yd highly concentrated.-;"- : ; i; f Miscellaneous. KEW - FIRM- JOB h 1KYA1T BEOTBERS buccwtor to ' TOT k TAYLOR Nob IS EoetMartluBtanQjlCFxrharge Place. . . We Lave thia day formed acopart nerhip oDUer the firm name 01 Job P Wyatt a Bigs, and continue the buGinebs ot ttrccen, CommieBiou Merchants and dealers in Hay, M1U Feed and all kinds of Feed btufta. Agricultural Implements, &c, and we solicit the iatronage of the public. JOliP WYATT H. a WYATT PT wye ATI. Jan 2, 1B91 2iu 1 Vgirinia Classified , Iiiie Insurance Co'y, 07 Main street, KOKFOLK, VA. This is a joint stock company whica couio.ucs 1 lie au untaxes oi the old line system of insurancewith the pop ular plan of monthly premiums and payment of death claims immediately on proof. ' Policies running for 10 years or for 20 years are issued with equitable) options at the end of those periods. Those who wish to have done a kind act in case of their death, for their families, havi here the opportunity "v-3 umcers f resident, !' j xsottinghaUK Vice President. E V White: Secretary. F Richardson: Treasurer, W W Vicar: J lueuicai director, u ijan&iora; UOUC-r ul 1 V U n V. ' OVA, M UCCbbJJ.. Directors T J Nottingham, E V White, W W Vicar, P Richardson, L L Lankford, M D, Judsre J E Heath. L Sheldon, W W Deal. W. B. Bow, State Agent, Nev Berne, S. C. tt W WHiTlKG.Locai Agent.Raleigh J u. noli Rlchoiond & Danville RR Co'y, Condensed Schedule In effect March 29th, 1891. southbound. Lv Richmond, ijurkevilie, Keysville, Danville. Ar (ireeneuoro, Lv Wolds boro. Ar Raleigh, Lie KaleiKU Le Durham, Ar Ureensboro, Lv tialein, (ireeosboro, Ar Salisbury, Ar btatesville, Ar Asheville, Ar Mot Springs, Lv Salisbury, Ar Charlotte, Spartanburg, bieenviile, Atlanta, Lv Charlotte, Ar Columbia, Augusta, l. Daily. No 9 Noil 1 00pm 2 55aui 2 59 4 6dau a 42 6 Slain,. 0 Ott 8 OOaii' 8 25pm 10 loan. 2 3pm HSOpn; idt 7 45pui 4 B7 1 Claiu 6 4;i 8 02am' 8 05 7 2Uiu ttiao 7 80 i 8 36pm ig it 10 24am 11 6?aiu 12 35 12 67pm 5 55am 6 38 v 8 82 -7 2c ' 10 32 12 03ai 12 00 1 SOpui 60 48y 42ti , 6 6.' 9 00 am 11 8ipnt 12 15 a m 1 46li, 4 40 66C T, 8 15 am 9 8upiu Northbound. Lv Augusta, Columbia, Ar Charlotte, Lv Atlanta, Ar Charlotte, U fx 1 1 1-. ... uousuui, Daily. Lv Hot Springs,' 11 32 pm No 10 No ii 9 80pm I0 46ajvi 12 20 2 00pvu 4 30 am 6 80 v 6 OC pm 7 10 am blO 6 40pui C b'4 8 Oli 12 87Fin 2 19 6 88 7 85pm 8 43 10 80 tl2 loam 1180pm GOOaiaJ J so . t9 00uui 12 50 io 40pm 10 85 3 2 b am 40(5 r 6 Ofe WEST POINT, RICHMOND AND RALEIOH. via Keysville, Oxford and Durhan. 15 and 14' ' stauons. iq and 18 17 50 am Lv w est Point, Ar ,0 uvji,ni Ar Richmond Lv f4 40 J XuV Aicnmond " Burke ville " Keysville " Chase Uitv, " Clarksville ArOiforc4 Lv Ojuora- . . Henderso Oxford Abheviiie. btatesville, Ar Salisbury, Lv Salisbury, Ar (Greensboro, Salem, Lv (ireensboro, Ai Durham, KaleiKh. Lv KaleigL Ar (ioldsboro, Lv (Greensboro, Ar Danville, Keysville, Burkeville, Richmond, 1 04 am 6 20 am 6 20 .7t0 8 50 11 30 am 10lt0 : 12 2bpm 12 n i8 81u 10 41 1 b8piL 216 410 . 9 15 am 10 85 am 12 45pm 1 4;,pm 2 22pm 2 6"pm 8 49pm 4 15 620 ' 8 64 Ar "Lv u Ar 4 86 8 43 2 00 12 24 u 11 47aii? LV10 W . 0 8U Ar 1 J 64 tiki LV A unuay 53 " Ar Raleigh tDaily except Sunday. IDaily, except Sol Haas, J as l Q axiiOB. Traffic ManVr. ee? V a W A Ttrk, Dlv Pass Agent. Raleigh N if Children Cry Jor PitxheCastoric?

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