1 r Utttttt 0 NEWS NOTES ABOUT THE CITY, What Our Reporter Bee and Hear Worth (Jiving to Our Headers News in Brief See notice of sale of valuable land by C. M. Busbee, commissioner. Now for pie-nies fishing parties aud general fan of an innocent nature. Collections for this, the 4th Inter nal Revenue district for the month of April, were $68,529.09. The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Aldermen takes place tonigh. It is the last meeting of the old board. The sanitary officers will soon be around looking after the back lots. Let there be a general cleaning up before the hot weather sets in. The health of the city is at stake. Most of the people appear enthusi astic over the proposition for the city to take the balance of the necessary subscription to the street railway. Let it be done by all means. Let the city of Raleigh settle the matter of the street railway. Let the Board of Aldermen do so tonight. The people will endorse it by an overwhelming majority. About all of the jury cases on docket have been disposed of by the Superior Court. The motion docket is now engaging the attention of the court Although tonight is the time for the regular monthly meeting of the Retail Grocers Association it has been thought advisable to postpone it un til next Thursday night the 7th inst. In the Superior Court clerk's office this morning Judge Walter Clark qualified as administrator of S. D. Adkins and Mrs. Maynard qualified as executrix of the will of Allen May nard deceased. Let the crowning glory of Mayor Thompson's administration be an appropriation to secure the electric street railway. Remember it will in crease the valuation of property and enhance the prosperity of our city. Several gentlemen interested in op tions on swamp lands in the eastern section of North Carolina were here yesterday afternoon in conference with the State Board of Education. It is understood that the object ia to obtain an extension of the options. We hope our people will be alive to the necessity of having their premises thoroughly cleaned up before the ad vent of the heated term. Raleigh is naturally a healthy place, but, of com Be much will depend upon proper sanitary regulations. Work on the new depot is progress ing at a most satisfactory rate, and those who ought to know think the building will be ready for the fall trade. If it could be gotten ready by the opening of the exposition, it would be a great convenience. Attention is directed to the adver tisement of Mr. L. R. Wyatt, who has a splendid assortment of cattle food on hand. The special cow food is fast gaining reputation as the best. Also special horse food. The prices are the lowest. Call and see him. The opinion is general that the Board of Aldermen at its session to night would consummate a most popular measure if they would vote a subscription sufficient to complete for the electric street railway. If they possess the power to do so, no act would be more popular. It would be received with a general'huzzah" all along the line.iLet it belooked into. Preaching. At the Primitive Baptist Church iu this city by Klder Jaa. D. Draughn tomorrow, (Satordav) May 2d, at 11 a m. Public cordially lavlttd to attend. We will have two barrels fine shad tomorrow ; popular prices. Give us your order for Sunday. Also, fine gray and speckled trout, the cheap est in the city, at lizzies, 219 Wilming ton street. Lost. On Monday night, a K. of P. badge, F. 0. B. The finder will be rewarded by leaving same at this office. ap294t Governors Guard. There will be a meeting of this com pany at t her armory tonight at 8:30 o'clock for drill. By order of the captain. S. W. Hk win, 1st Sergt. Call Extended. The Church of the Good Shepherd has extended a temporary call toRev. Mr. Wingate, of Durham, who it is proposed for several months after which Rev. Mr. Pittinger will return and take charge. - An Interesting Lecture. Dr. Hume, of the State University will deliver a lecture tonight before the Raleigh and St. Mary's Shake speare Clubs at St. MaryB School. It will doubtless be an occasion of much interest. Daughters ot'Itebekah,!. O. O. F The regular meeting of the above nam d Lodge will be held at 8 p. in., tonight May 1st in Old Fellows Hall over Citizens' National Bank. Every member is requested to be on hand. Work in the degree. J. N. McRaby, N. G. Executive Notes. The following business was trans acted at the Executive office this morning: A reward of $200 was offered for the capture of Fields Anderson, convict ed in Alleghany county, of murder. Reward of $50 offered for the cap ture of Wm. Sutton, for murder. Appointments. Mayor Thompson has made the fol lowing appointments to represent the City of Raleigh at the Real Estate Convention to take place here May 18th: On behalf of the city, Messrs W. N. Jones and W. G. Upchurch. On behalf of the Raleigh Land and Improvement Co., MeBsrs R. S. Pul len and J. M. Broughton were appointed. Personal Mention. Mr. W. S. Primrose left this morn ing at 9 o'clock for Tarboro whence he was called by the death of Capt. E. R. Stamps. General Manager Chilton of the Immigration Bureau, has gone to Texas for the purpose of removing his family to North Carolina. Mr. J. A. Holleman of the Intelli gencer has gone to Winston on busi ness. Dr. L. G. Broughton and wife, of Reidsville, are in the city at the resi dence of Mr. N. B. Broughton. He is recovering from a recent attack of typhoid fever. Tobacco Growers' Association. The following are the officers elect ed by this association at its meeting in Henderson yesterday: President D. Reid Parker, of Ran dolph county, N. C. Vice President J. E. Robertson, of Charlotte county, Va. Secretary E. C. Bullock, Halifax, N. C. Chaplain W.B.Upchurch, of Wake county, N. C. Sergeant at Arms J. H. Hall, of Halifax, Va. The next place of meeting has not been selected,but we can see no good reason why Raleigh should not be chosen. There was great excitement in the Minnesota house, ou the afternoon of the I7th, over the discovery tnat tne Australian ballot bill had been stolen. Tha hill had been oassed bv the sen ate and house,and sent to the engross ing committee. April Mortuary and Vital Sta tistics. We are indebted to the kindness of Mr. H. H. Roberts for the following statement of mortuary and vital stas tistics for Raleigh: DEATHS White males, 5 " females, 4 Colored males, 4. " females, 8 Total, 21 Brought here for interment from other places White males, " females, Colored males, " females, 3 I 2 0 Total, Still births, Total interment permits, Under five years of age White males, " females, Colored males, " females, Total, BIRTHS White males, " females, Colored males, " females, Total, . - 7 1 29 1 8 1 3 8 3 9 5 25 The need of a good spring medicine is felt by nearly every body, for the various impurities that accumulate in the system duriag winter months must be gotten out before health and strength can be had. King's Royal Gbrmatcbr has been thoroughly tried and proven to be one of the best remedies ever used. It is per fectly harmless and pleasant to take. It purifies the blood, strengthens and builds up the system, prevents dis ease, aids digestion, cures dyspepsia, chronic headache, neuralgia, rheuma tism and other blood and skin diseas es. Try it. A. E. Jordan ap30 5t The first and most important thing for every family is a home. Do you want a home? Perhaps you do, but see no way to get it. Well, we are prepared to say that you can get it. If you cannot raise enough cash to pay a small margin on one of our houses and lots complete, you cer tainly can pay $5 to $10 per month for a lot. No interest added. When you have paid for your lot you can then get a house on it the same way. Every man who will, may own his home. We are offering some good lots on $5 per month. Some better ones on $10 per month until paid for. No interest added. If you don't want to build, it will pay you to buy as an investment and thus save your money Send for our chcular with full par ticulars. J. M. Broughton Sr Co., ap25 lw Real Estate Agents. The Fastest Time on Record They are moving along now at a two minute gait, of course we do not mean literaly speaking, but this is the kind of move that you see now at D. T. Swindell's great emporium, since he has reduced the price on his enormous stock of tine dress goods down to one half it real value. Every one who has seen these goods, ap preciates this great reduction, and are now availing themselves of this rare opportunity of getting a fine dress at less than one half its real value. In our shoe department we have an endless variety of Men's, Women and Children's shoes and slip pers any size or style that you may want, and we guarantee the price to be least 25 per cent cheaper than they can be bought elsewhere. In our millinery department we are con stantly receiving new and attractive goods in the very latest and most fashionable styles, all of which are going at a great bargain. D. T. Swindell's SPECIAL NOTICE. Ice Cellar. len iu any quantity, also fresh fih daily, at my cellar No. 2 3. S. Wfl mingtou Street. Orders filled prompt ly. T. E. Sorrell. Ouija. The wonderful talking board for sale at Hughes'. ap27 I have a nice lot of dry piue wood all sawed and split, ready to bo used for stoves or fireplaces; a lso an assort ment of shingles, all at my will, west end of Hargett street on raikoad. ap25 tin L. H. Adams, i Hardware, &e. I BUT A ROACH TRAP I Will catch roaches ami soon rill your homes oi i nese pesis QUAKER CITY Lawn Mowers, Wifl cut crass evenly and make your lawn iook sinootn and neat. Lost. A ten dollar bill, snuewhere be tween the business part of the city and the North Carolina Depot, or at the depot. The fiDder will be re warded by leaving the same at Messrs Orowder & Rand's. ap28 3tp iSAML'KL Dupree. YOUNG AMERICAN NICKEL PLATED Shantung Pongee. This is a soft cotton material with an India Silk finish, and in most beautiful designs. We have just opened a line of these goods and the price is only 13 cents. Besides these we have all manner of thin printed cotton Fabrics, Organdy Lawns, Figured Dimities, Batistes, &c. Li wo A challies we have soma lovely ef fects, and the prices arc not high. Our line of thin dress fabrics is so complete, that you cannot fail to l;e pleased. W. H. & R. S. Tucker & Co. ! LAMPS. A neat new style lamp gives the light of 30 candles. Wicks are easy to put in. PRICES LOW. FHOMAS B. BR1GGS SONS, RALEIGH, N C. IlSS MAGGIE REESE. Millinery, MI&MI1J91. Norrls' Dry Goods Store. Today we have added other lines of ladies' and gentlemen's shoes and slippers, and opened up the prettiest stock of straw hats it has ever been our pleasure to show. The prices of all are much cheaper than a year ago, and we stand pledged to suit every customer tha . comes in search of shoes or hats, in quality style or price. Our spring showing of parasols and umbrellas for sunshine or rain eclipses all past records; and for washable fabrics, we yield to none. In the mat ter of low prices we claim to lead;and in verification we respectfully point you to the goods and ask you to s e, feel and judge for yourselves. Norris' Dr v Goods Store. TM PORTED AND DOMESTIC TRIMMED L Hats and Bonnets. The greatest variety of fancy straw braids in the desirable shades of grey, tan, black, &c- for Ladies, Misses and wee little ones. All THE NEW SHADES. In chiffon and other , trimming materials; flowers in profusion, so very natural you wonder nature does not also yield its perfume. i unngurtB Line of Cabbage and transplanted Tomato plants for sale. A B. Forrest. lm. 517 Polk St. Ice. Ice may be had at our cellar under Barbee & Pope's confectionery stor, J near Savings Bank, tomorrow and i every day hereafter. Those wishing it sent out in quantities will please send orders to Jones & P well. Infants' fine crepe de chene and muslin caps and shirred hats. HAIR GOODS, Rushings, a beautifnl line of all kinds of Ties. All the new hair ornaments, bracelets, jewelry, &c, &c. Stamped linens, embroidery materials, wools and zephyrs. Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. Miss MAGGIE REESE, '2W Fayetteville St. April 8 tf. Raleigh, N. C. Cabbage, transplanted Tomato plants, best variety, pot grown Egg plants, Moon Vines, Roes,rare Chrys anthemums, Carnation, Geraniums, Tuberoses and all kinds of bedding plants, Cut Flowers, Bouquets,Floral Designs. Flower Seeds, &c. apl7 2w H. Steinmetz, Florist. Situation Wanted. A boy about 15 years old wants a situation as an office boy or to learn some good trade. Address B., care of the Evening Visitor. Dry Goods. Notions, &c. Have your lace curtain done up at the Oak City Steam Laundry in first class style. L. R. W van's special horse and cow food goinsr like hot cakes. A trial will convince von that it is the best on the market. mh ' W tf tf. 11. S R S. Tucker $ Co. BLACK LACES. Every one will admit that this is to be a season for BLACK LACES and we 'ndi those who contemplate the pur cnase of any kind of a Black Lace Dress, to see our display of these beautiful dress materials. Our hue of BLACK LACES is now in its prime, and contains the newest and most desirable styles that will be shown this season. Spring is Here, and W. G. Separk is fully abi"i:t. of the times, He has in his estaolish ment the tinest select on of spring goods ever brought to this city. The best of it is, he Is s elling goods at such prices as arc bound to attract the attention of the public. Just think of it. Ladies' nice shoes of first class make, only $2 00 unhtundried shirts at 50 and 7 cents, and laun dried shirts at $1 CO. All other goods at corresponding low prices and of as good quality as can be found in the State. Let our people call at 8e park's and judge for themselves. Re member the place. W G 8epark's 12, . Martin St. Apr. 13 tf. LACE F1II8ICIKL In these, are some particularly attractive patterns, several of which we consider worthy of special mention. One a chantilly effect with alternate stripes of leaf and serpentine band design, running lengthwise entirely through the flounce. Another, wittwalter nate stripes in spray, and bar designs, run ning crosswise at oottoni of skirt, and all above thickly studded with small spots. DRAPERY NETS. In Chantilly, Russian,&c in Polka Dot, Leaf Design, Large Detached Fteures.&c. LOW PRICES. tip. Our patrons will bear in mind that we have provided Laces at prices within the reach of everyone. W. H. & R. S. Tucker Co. 123 and 125 FayettevlileSt. i i m i.