Tomorrow at the Churches. EDEHTOI ST. M. T.tXT. I'K. J. H. COBDOX, Sunday school 9:30 W.J.Young.Sunt. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8.00 p. m by the pastor. AU invited. ciimuL m. m. nr. vlll. hash, pastor. Sunday school9.30 a. m.W.X.Snelling.Supt. Preaching at 11 a. ru. and 8:00 p. m., by the pastor. All invited. BROOKLYN M. BKV. C. . IH'RAXT, PMITOR. Sunday school 3 p. m. John I'orter, Siit. Preaching at 8:00 p. m. Prayer meetingevery Wednesday night i :30. FIKHT BAPTIST BBV. IR. J. W. CRTEH, PASTOR. Sunday school 9:30. Thos. H. Briggs, Sunt. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8:00 p. in. All cordially invited. TABERNACLE BAPTIST REV. DR. J. J. HALL PASTOR. Sunday school 9:15. N.B.Broughton, Supt. Preaching at 11 a. ni. and 7:15 p. m. Pub lic invited. CHRISTIAN J. L. POSTER, PASTOR. Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Preaching at 11 a, m., ano 8.00 p. m., by the pastor. All invited. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN REV. DR. J. S. WATKINS, PASTOE. Sundav school 9:30 a. m. Preactiing at 11 a. in. and 8:00 p. m. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Sunday school at Mission Chapel at 4:30 p. m. A cordial invitation is extended to all these services, CHRIST CHURCH REV. DR. MARSHALL. RECTOR. Fifth Sunday after Easter. Divine serviee and Holy Communion at 11 8 a. m. Sunday school at 4,30 p. m. Choral Evensong at 5.30 p . m . Services during the week: Wednesday at 5.30 p. m. Thursday Ascension Day, full service with celebralion of the Holy Com munion at 11 a, m., and Friday at 10 a. m. All invited. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. Rev. A. B. Hunter. Priest in charge. Fifth Sunday after Easter. Morning prayer and sermon and Holy Communion at 11 a. m. TheRt. Rev. Theodore B. Lyman, D. D., Bishop of North Carolina, will preach and administer the Apostolic rite or Confirma tion at this service. Sunday school at 9.30 a. m. Evening prayer and sermon at 8 p. m. Services during the week. Thursday As aension day. Morning Prayer and Holy Communion at 11 a. m. Friday evening prayer at 5 p. m. Seats free. All cordially invited. Wake Superior Court. The following business was trans acted yesterday afternoon and this morning: L. P. 8orrell vs Jno W. Wiggins; deeree confirming sale of land. Ann ElizaBledsoe vs Cbas. Bledsoe; verdict and judgment granting di vorce. Pioneer Manufacturing Company vs Pbmoix Assurance Company; ver-. diet for plaintiff for $1,666 67. B. 8, Tucker vs Mrs EUa II. Har rison et als;order appointing V. Ro w ter guardian ad litem of infant de fendants. C. Dowd receiver, &c, et als vs-J. W. Telfair and other; ju-'gments filed. E. B. Barbee surviving partner, &c, vs Martha W. Page et als; fioal judg ment confirming sale, &c. E. B. Barbee vs W. M. Jewell et als final judgment confirming sale, etc. J. Rowan Rogers and Ed. S. Hodge administrators of M. C. Hodge et al vs Reuben Hodge and wife; decree of foreclosure. Thos. H. Briggs et als vs W. Green Blake; judgment confirming report of referee. J. H. Lynn et als vs Eliza Jane Lynn et als; judgment for sale of land. Sallie Cardwell vs CharlesCardwell; verdict granting divorce. WA1TT, WA1TI, WMT1. Interesting Lecture. The lecture delivered last night at St. Mary's School before the Shake speare clubs was very interesting and attended by a cultured audience. All present were delighted. BUT DOnVT WAIT TOO I.ONU BEFOItti VOI EXAMINE MY STOCK OF CLOTHING. MY LINK OF STRAW, STIFF AND FELT HATS Are complete. Coine and see MY LINE BRFOHE BUYI5TU ELSEWHERE. Just arrive a nice line of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS LATEST NOVELTIES D. S. WAITT, Agt. mhll 3m Raleigh, N. C. Forty eight ballots and no choice is the record in the Florida Senatorial struggle. Delegates to the Scotch-Irish Co ii ven I ion. The following is the list of dele gates appointed to attend the meet of the Scotch-Irish Society at Louis ville, Ky., May 14th to 17th 1891. Gov. T. M. Holt, Col. Wm. John ston, Senator Z. B. Vance, Dr. E. Nye Hutchinson, Chief Justice A. S. Mer rimon, Prof. CD. Mclvery, Alexander Brevard, Auditor G. W. Sanderlin, Associate Justice W. Clark, Hon. S. B. Alexander, Hon. Jno. 8. Hender son, Joseph P. Caldwell, Prof. E. A. Alderman, Ex Gov. A. M. Scales, J. A. Gilmer, Gen. R. Barringer, Hon. H. R. Bryan, Hon. Geo. Davis, Col. W. 8. Bargwyn, Hon. C. M. Stead man, Hon. H. A. Gudger, Hon. T. L. Clingman, Col. C. W. Bradford, Col. W. J. Green, Hon. George Howard, 8. 8. Nash, Esq., President Kemp P. Battle, JosephuB Daniels, editor State Chronicle, Rev. T. H. Pritcbard, Samuel Ashe, editor News & Observer, T. B. Kingsbury, editor Wilmington Messenger. Gko. W. Graham, Prest. Alkx Graham, Sec'y. Late News Notes. A big lockout of Chicago cigar makers 1b looked for. Insanity experts are comparing notes at Washington, D. C. Cigarettes killed two Wisconsin boys at one shot. Harrisburg people comp'ain of the Legislature in the winter and mala ria in the Summer. A Scranton man taken sick on the street died while a prescription was being prepared. Lancaster ladies were shocked to see a drunken girl ride through the streets on the box of a cab. Paris officials fear an Anarchist out break tomorrow, but have prepared to meet it. The Majestic, just in at Liverpool; passed immense icebeigB on April 25, in lat. 32, long. 50. Minister Fred Grant, on a visit to Paris, was yesterday presented to President Carnot by Minister Reid England is interested in an eleven mile tunnel to connect New Bruns wick and Prince Edward's Island. The Labor Committee of theFrench Chamber of Deputies has approved a maximum working day of ten hours lor industrial operatives. Four months ago Sam Anderson, a farmer near Sheveport, La., married J. A. Wallace's divorced v ife, and on Tuesday Anderson was shot and killed by some one in ambush, and Wallace lias been arrested. The King's Daughter's The State Convention of the King's Daughter's will convene in the city of Raleigh on Thursday, May 14th, 1891. Mrs. Isabella Charles Davis, the General Manager of the Central Cir cle in New York will be present, and participate in the exercises of the convention. All delegates will be entertained during their stay in the city, and in order that sufficient homes may be secured by the committee, the various circles are requested to select their representatives at once and send their names as early as possible to Mrs. J. JLi. Foster, Kaleigh, JN . (J. Low Rates. The Richmond and Danville Rail" road will sell tickets to the Annual Convention Episcopal Church, Ashe- ville, N. C, and return at the follow ing rates from points named: Charlotte. $7 05 Greensboro, 7 90 Winston Salem, 8 80 Durham, 10 00 Henderson, 11 80 Raleigh, 11 00 Selma. 12 20 Goldsboro, 13 00 Rates from intermediate points in same proportion. Tickets on sale May 11th to 15th in elusive, limited returning May lftth 1891. $1,000 In Cash to be distributed among Canvassers for Clubs for the Weekly Time. A handsomely Illustrated Paper of ixteen Pages. LESS THAN ONE CENT A WEEK. Low Rates. The Richmond and Danville Rail road will sell tickets to the North Carolina State Medical Society and Board of Examiners, Asheville, N. C, and return at the following rates from points named: Charlotte, $7 05 Greensboro, 7 90 Winston-Salem, 8 80 Durham, 10 00 Henderson, 11 80 Raleigh, 11 00 Selma, 12 20 Goldsboro, 13 00 Rates from intermediate points in same proportion. Tickets on sale May 21st to 26th, good returning June 2d, '91. SALE OF VUii ULELAND. T)y virtue of a decree of the Superior Court jl or waKe uoumy amy made and entered in the case of hdward Moselev et, al. vs. W. C. Moore et. al., I will expose to public sale at the Court House door jin the City of Ral- eign, on Monday the 1st day of June, 1891 at 12 o'clock m. that valuable tract of land and mill property in Little River Township, Wake County, containing fifty-three (53) acres of land and known as "Moore's Mills." The land is valuable land and has upon it valuable water power and mills and a cotton gin. Terms of sale, one-half cash, balance ai six montns witn interest at o per cent. The undersigned will give any ipforrna tion desired in regard to this property, C. M . BtJSBEB, Mslsttds. (mniissioner. Ciieapest Paper in the World. The publishers of the Philadelphia WEEKLY TIMES Intend to have SUBSCRIBERS Before January, 192, and to accom plish this in the shortest space of time the price has been reduced to KA CENTS JV A YEAR And cash to the amount of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS Will be paid to the getters up of clubs, as follows : For the first largest list, $250 For the second largest list, 200 For the third largest list, 100 For the three next largest, each 50 For the four next largest, each 25 For the ten next largest, each 10 For the 20 next largest lists, each 5 The above prizes in cash. This competition will be open to everybody everywnere men, women, boys and girls. Careful record will be kept of the subscribers sent in by each competitor, and the cash will be paid when th e contest closes, on the nrst day of U ceember, c91. The Philadelphia Weekly Times, A handsome Weekly Journal, filled with richly illustrated articles on every subject of contemporaneous in terest, inclnding Fiction, Literature, Travel, Adventure, Society, the Dra ma. Snorrm anrl Hnmn T.ifo trio Frm and Garden, with all the Current jMews oi tne world. A feature of the Wenklv Times is u department devoted to Our Boys and Girls This feature of The Times has aroused more interest among young eopie man any otner juvenile pub ication, not only because its stories, sketches, chat, puzzles and problems are bo entertaining and instructive, but because every boy and girl that reads it is a member of the famous eight o'clock club. The crimson and gold button of the club is sent free to every one of them. There are no fees of anv kind. Tou can find out all about the club and the hundreds of prizes it distrib ntes among boys and girls by sending for a free copy of the Weekly Times, the subscription price of which is only 50 cents a year. It will cost you only s postal card to get a specimen copy, and then by sending fifty cents, which we are sure you will do, it will be sent to you for one year. Subscriptions may begin with any number, jno continued stories. Address for all particulars rtijladelphia, Pa. (A " 1 I h L x 4 PPz $1.49 i$ 1 .491 UNRIVALLED BARGAINS. WHY? 1st. They are leaders. 2d. Bought cheap in case lots direct from factory. 3d. Immense quantity we sell. A nimble sixpence prolit is better to us than a slow dollar. WHITING BROS., E. R. Stamps, Trustee. 10 E. Martin St Lime and Cement CARSON & SON'S RlVERJv-N WOOD BURN 1 L1MK, EXTKa FINE QUALITY, EXTRA HEAVY BARRELS. It slacks well, is verv white and valuahli for building purposes; tanners, paper niak ers, &c. For sale at retail or by the car load as lew as any standard quality. One dealer writes to the manufactuicisat follows: "We have been handling your "Rivertoir Lime for the last four vears at the rail' oi from3,000 to 10,000 barrels per year, and cop sider it the best we have ever handled. P. slacks quickly and is free from core, Iuirj and specks. For general use there is nor.f better." Another wi it is: "You ask for oui 0M1. ion of your Lime, which we have been Qi i'hI ling lor about a year. We take great pleas ure in assuring you that we are selling nil ol the principal contractors and builders i: oui city, and shipping a good deal to neiiji bo ing towns, with entire satistaction to all W consider it the best Lime in our market. Vi find the barrels larger and in better condi tion than other brands we have sold and have never had to pay out a cent for coot -t Write for prices and testimonials trcn dealers, contractors and manufacturers, j JOJNEH&i'OWiSLJ.. Sole Agents, Raleigh, N 1857. 1 1 1 1 i i i i i Since the first to I I I I I I I I I I I the last date above written the undersigned has repaired more than 40,000 watcher and perhaps as many clocks, besides thousands of pieces of jewelry. Hi is still making a specialty of Watch, Clock and Jewelry Woi k at his old stand, SECOND door west of the National Bank of Lialeigh, where may be found a good line ol INE Gold and Silver Watches, INE Marble and Walnut Clockt-, 1JN E farold and Mteel (Spectacles and Jewelry for sale at the low 2 est possible prices torUAHH. You cannot afford to miss calMrg on COLE if you wish anything in his line. His goods are all oi the best classes. His workman ship none better. Ca . and see him at 13 WEST HARGFTT STREET Raleigh, N. O. sel5 J W. COLE, L.R.Wyatt Has just received a lot of OAT AND CORN CHOPS Splendid feed for Horses, especially BROOO MARES and COLTS. J R- Terrell, 203 Fayetteville Street, Wholesale and Retail Grocer and CommissionMercbaat. For a good chew of Tobacco, TRY A STOLEN KISS. Special attractions in CANNED GOODS, PICKLES, 4c. CHOICE F RFAKFAfciT M RIPS HAMS &c. CHICE FLOUR. BEST BRANDS. TEAS, &c. Teas, Spices, Roasted and Green Coffee Cooking Extracts, Sweet and Sour Pickle Give me a call. Free delivery and polite at tention. Raleigh, N. C April 13, 1891. 1 THE SPECIAL COW FOOD Is fast gaining a renowned reputation for quantity and quality of MILK and BUTTER. THE SPECIAL HORoE FOOD Will soon bring out the poorest horse and make him fat and sleek. GOOD SAWED SHINGLES -ALWAYS ON HAND AT LOWE8T- PRICES ALSO 10-Inch Boards. Valuable City Property for Sale ONE vacant lot on Cannon street, ' 50x100 NE improved lot on " ' 30x130 One " " South " 50x1 J5 One vacant " ' " 35x1)5 One " "on alley between Cannon and South streets, 50x190 One vacant lot on alley, between Cannon and South streets, 35x190 Five vacant lots on West street, 42x105 One improved lot on Polk street, 52ix210 One vacant " " " 521x135 One " lot, comer Polk and Bloodworth, 105x1 Two vacant lots on North Blood worth, 52ixl5i Four vacant lots on North Blood worth, 521x210 Two vacant lots on Person, 52x210 One improved lot, corner Polk and Bloodworth, 105x106 One vacant lot corner Polk and East, 105x105 Two vacant lots on East street, 521x105 One improved lot on Morgan st, 521x105 "Rv nf nn twAa rf tin. c. ,,.,.;,. i ... of Wake county, in an action entitled, T. H. Briggs and others ex-parte, being a special proceeding for sale of land for partition, etc, the above described property is offered for sale, and unless sold privately, I will offer it at public outcry at the court house door in the city of Raleigh, on Monday. May 4th, 1891, at 12 m. Terms of sale, Half cash, bal ance in one, iwo ana tnree years with inter est at 8 rer cent. TiUp mo..,) nntil ,,nr. chase money is paid. IHUfflAB H. URIGGS, an3 tds Commissioner, &c. Easy Chairs New, fresh, clean stock, just arrived. Prices beat "M'rall. CORNICE POLES WINDOW 8HADE8, Picture Frames. Fred. A. Watson s PICTURE AND AFir STORE, 112 Fayetteville street, raleigh). c. YAWN mm DEALERS IN COUNTRY PRODUCE, Auctioneers and Commission Merchants, Manufacturers and Dealers in Buggies, Carriage, Road Carta Farm and Spring; Wagons, Nos. 319, 321 and 323 WUrnington Street, and 130 Morgan Street. We carry the largest stock of vehicles in the btate, and have control of the best makes of Buggies, Carriages and Road Carta sold in this territory. In our harness department you can find everything kept in a FIRST CLASS estab lishment. We warrant all work sold in both departments and will make it to. your advan tage when you want to buy. Call and exam ine our stock or write for catalogue and prices. YANCEY Ai STRONAOH, Auctioneers. March 9 tf. OUm Cry faJWjCwto j We will par Hotel bit! opium Hot sprTngs uERS Ann unarge no Fei for any ease we fall to core of what la common ly called the "OPIUM HABIT," wtalota In clndea the habitual uie of Opium Morphine, Cocaine, and other kindred narcotic. iadreM MAMWOOB MSTITPtl. MOT IMTIM, AKE

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