uentit A- 7OL XXVI. R-AJLJBQIO-"B, M03STID.-Y, "MI-Z" 4, 1891: jsto. 11 NEWS NOTES ABOUT THE CITY, What Our Reporters See and Hear Worth Giving to Our Headers News in Brief. Beautiful weather to work on the electric street railway and the gener al desire is to see it under way. Mr. Josephns Daniels, editor of tbe State Chronicle, has conquered the grippe and getting all right again. Sheriff Page informs us that there was a good4 rain in Morrisville and vicinity, yesterday afternoon. Work is expected to begin on tbe street railway, in earnest, in a day or so. The lev e of the Mayor was uuusu ally light this morning for Monday Only a trivial case or so on docket. strawberries ana green peas are coming in. A little rain will render them plentiful. They are a little too high at present for the average purse We regret to learn that there is no improvement in the condition of Rev. Dr. J. J. Hall. His son and also bis mother in law are quite sick. The county commissioners met in regular monthly session today and transacted the usual routine busi ness. A considerable number of northern gentlemen passed through the city last Saturday, said to be on a pros pecting; tour. It bas been suggested as a good idea to remove the fence from around Moore square as at Nash square. It will look much better. Forty nine colored persons were baptized by immersion in Taylor's pond north of the city yesterday morning. A large crowd from the city was in attendance. Treasurer Bain is anxiously waiting for old bonds to be exchanged for the new 4 per cent consols. Let all the holders of the old 6 per cent, bonds brine them in. No better offer 1b likely to be made. The protracted meetings at the Fay V tteville street Baptist church are pro eressinc satisfactorily. Bev. R. E. Peele, of Wilmington, preaches eaci night and there have been severa professions of faith. Ten days, four hours and thirty six minutes is tbe u paralleled record from Yokohama to Victoria. B. C. just made by the Empress of India, the first of the new Canadian Pacific Line steamers. .The receipts of cotton in Raleigh for the week ending May 1st, were 473 bales against 190 bales for the cor responding week last year. The re ceipts for the season were 36,315 bales against 20,675 last year. The ship ments for the week were 865 bales. The meeting of the Justices of the Peace for Wake county to levy taxes and fill the vacancy on the Board of Commissioners, in place of Capt B P. Williamson, resigned, does not take place until the 1st Monday in June instead of today as stated by us in our issue last Saturday. The will of the late Bennett Hol land of Holly Springs, this county, was admitted to probate in the office of tbe clerk of the Superior Court this morning. Mr. Turner T. Holland qualified as executor. The caterpillar invasion seems to have commenced in earnest. Large numbers or. tnem are seen in differ ent sections of the State. The army so far, bas not played much havoc in Raleigh, but we may as well be on the look out for them they will come. The old Board of Aldermen will meet at 10 o'clock to morrow morning for the last time. The new Board will meet at 12 o'clock m, for organic zation, &c. It is supposed, but not known, Whether or not the election of Mayor will take place to morrow, or At a snecial meeting. Of course May or Thompson officiates until his suc cessor is onosen. Rescue Fire Company meets to night.. RSee notice of city lot for sale by J. Rowan Rogers, commissioner. Ab tbe time for commencement ap proaches the average school girl and boy is buoyed up with pleasant hopss. The Rescue Fire Company has pur chased a fine bay horse, and will soon get another as a match. They are for the-new wagon. One of the first duties of the new Board should be the appointment of a regular sanitary officer. The warm spell will soon be on us and such an officer will be much needed. Monthly contributors to St. John's Hospital are requested to.leave their contributions with Capt. A. P. Bryan, at tbe Southern Express Companies office. Capt. Bryan and his entire force are always busy, and he cannot find time to call for donations. We regret to state that Mr. Sid Page, brother of sheriff Page, who lives at Morrisville, had the misfor tune to lose bis barn by fire, with four bales of cotton, last Saturday. The loss is about $600 with no insurance. The old city cemetery looks like a new place. Mr. Seth Jones, the effi cient sexton, has done some tood work there lately. The k ass has all been cleaned out, the roadways fixed up and many of tbe graves turfed. Mr. Jones deserves (special credit for his efficient services. He was passing along in the quiet enjoyment of life. He felt in full ac cord with himself and all the world. He suddenly wiped the pavement with a side thrust. He saw more stars in a moment than the telescope has developed in a century. The scene was at the upper end of Fay etteville street. The cause was too much banana peeling carelessly thrown away. Moral Let the new B6ard of Aldermen pass a law requir ing the eaters of the luscious fruit to carefully dispense with the peeling Our Climate. We are indebted to Mr. C. F. Von Herrmann, of the U. S. Signal corps, for a summary of the weather, &e,, for April, in Raleigh and vicinity. The highest temperature reached was 85, on the 19th, and the lowest 81, on the 5th. What a glorious re cord we have. The finest climate in the country, and no mistake. Litchford Encampment, N 30, I. O. O. F. Will hold its regular meeting to night at 8 o'clock p. m , and every member is requested to be present. Visiting Patriarchs are also cordially invited. Work in the degrees, and other business of importance. A. J. Williams. Scribe. St. Mary's School. We learn that the present term of this time honored and most excellent institution is one of the most success ful it has ever had. This is as it should be, because it is conceded on all sides that there is no better fe male institution of learning in the country. There are hundreds of mat rons in our State who received their educational training within ite walls Long may it prosper. Our Capitol Square. Capt. Roberts, tbe efficient and po lite superintendent of the capitol and square, is most engergetic in his en deavors to make the property under his control as beautiful as tbe meagre allowance allowed him will permit. It is a great pity that the General As sembly does not make a more liberal appropriation for the square, so that it may be adorned in a manner re fleeting credit upon the State. It could be made at a small cost the most beautiful public park in the South. The Election. The municipal election today has been an; unusually quiet one. It seems to be generally conceded that the regular democratic tickets in the 1st, 2d, 3d and 5th wards will be elect ed. The 4th as usual will elect re publican aldermen. Died. At the residence of Mr. J. M. Betts, on north Harrington street, yester day morning at 4.30 o'clock, Mr. L D, H. Whitehead, in the 44th year of his age, leaving Ave children, togeth er with many friends to mourn their loss. The funeral took place at 10 o'clock this morning, from the res!' dence. Executive Notes. Tbe following commissions were issued at the executive office this morning: Judge J. F. Graves, of the 9th ju dicial district, to hold a special term of the Superior Court for Stokes county, for the trial of civil causes, to commence July 20th next. J. P. Sawyer notary public for Buncombe county. Commission notifying the board of commissioners of Stokes county that a special term of the Superiour Court will be opened July 20th next. T. M. Kimberly commissioned as 1st Lieutenant Co. "F,"4th regiment. .( P. Mangum commissioned as 2d Lieutenant Co. MPr''ith regiment. Both of these two commissions are to rank from March 20th, 1891. SPECIAL NOTICES. Nice line of hand sewing machines at W. 8. Uzzle's, 12 E. Hargett. To keep your bead cleau and clear, you should use egg shampoo. ma2 2t O. Viola, Barriers Ice Cellar. Ice in any quantity, also fresh fish daily, at my cellar No. 2r3. 8. WiN mington Street. Orders filled prompt ly. T. E. SoRBKLL. Hardware, &c. BUY A 100 bushels nice white corn at 4' a bushel W. S. Uzzle. 12 E. Bareett. i nave a nice lot of dry pine wood i all sawed and split, ready to be used or stoves or fireplaces; also an assort ment of shingles, all at my mill, west end of Hargett street on railroad. ap25 Im L H. Adams. Cabbage and transDlanted Tomato plants for sale. A. B. Forrest. i lm. 517 Polk St. Ice. Ice may be had at our cellar under Barbee & Pope's confectionery store, near Savings Hank, tomorrow and every day hereafter. Those wishing it sent out in quantities will please send orders to Jokes & Powell. ROACH TRAP Will catch roaches and soon rid your homes oi tnese pests QUAKER CITY Lawn Mowers, Will cut grass evenly and make your lawn looK smootb and neat. TOUNG AMERICAN NICKEL PLATED LAMPS. A neat new style lamp gives the light of 30 candles. Wicks are easy to put in. PRICES LOW. NOMAS B. BRIGGS 4 SONS, RALEIGH, N O. Cabbage, transplanted Tomato plantswbest variety, pot grown Egg plants, Moon Vines.Rosee.rare Chry antnemums, Uarnation, treranii'i TnberoseB and all kinds of beddi plants, Cut Flowers. Bouquets,Floral Designs. J? lower Seeds, sc. apl7 2w H. Steikmetz Florist. Have your lace curtain 'done up at the Oak City Steam Laundry in first class style. L. R WyaU's special horse and cow food going like hot cakes. A trial will Anvince you that it is tbe best on the market. mh19 tf MB Mm Em The Cattle Show. The annual Wake county cattle exhibit next Thursday promises to be fully up to all previous ones in point of attendance and the stock on exhi bition For Rent. Dwelling house (4 rooms and kitch en), No. 807 N. Person street. Apply to Leach Bros., my4 5t 23" Wilmington street. The need of a good spring medicine is felt by nearly every body, for the various impurities that accumulate The show will take place at I in the system during winter months McMackin's old stables as heretofore, and all necessary arrangements have been made. A special feature of the occasion will be the exhibit of milk. cream and butter. The list of thor oughbreds will be large. The rates of fare on the several railroads have been fixed so reasonable that all who desire can attend Completed..' t 16 ith the exception of placing in the seats the new Baptist chapel, near the Agricultural and Mechanical Col lege, is now completed. It is a snug little edifice and adds much to the appearance of the locality. The ded ication will take place in a week or so, and the chapel will start out with a considerable membership. The West End Sunday school is now held every Sunday afternoon in a house on the Avent Ferry road near what is known as Cox's crossing, on the North Carolina Railroad. It has a must be gotten out before health and strength can be had. Kikg's Royal Gebmatcer has been thoroughly tried and proven to be one of the best remedies ever used. It is per fectly harmless and pleasant to take. It purifies the blood, strengthens and builds up the system, prevents dis ease, aids digestion, cures dyspepsia, chronic headache, neuralgia, rheuma tism and other blood and skin diseas es. Try it. A. E. Jordan ap30 5t The King's Daughter's The State Convention of the Klntr's Daughter's will convene in the city of Raleigh on Thursday, May 14th, 1891. Mrs. Isabella Charles Davis, the General Manager of the Central Cir cle in New York will be present, and participate in the exercises of the convention. All delegates will be entertained during their stay in the city, and in order tnat sufficient homes may be nAAMTwri hv tlm nnnimiit.na Iha vorlnns good attendance and increasing. The j circles are requested to Belect their sessions will be removea io lie new i representatives aiouce ana sena meir ohanel as soon afi proper arrange-1 names as early as possible to Mrs. J. wentB can be made. L. Foster, Raleigh, N. C. Summer Foot Wear. I Our display of ties and slippers for ladies and children, embraces some decidedly new styles for this season. Elsewhere in thiB napt r we tell you something about them. In ladies fine shoes we show the most popular goods and at the most moderate prices. These are from the fact oriescf Messrs ' Laird, Schober & Mitchell, and the Messrs Ziegler Bros We have a com-1 plete line of both the Common Sense and Opera lasts.and carry the follow ing widths in stock: B 0 D and E so .! no one need fear not being fitted. W. H & R. S Tucker, & Co. j Spring is Here, and W. Gh Separk is fully abieast of the times. Be has in his establish-1 ment the finest selection of spring , goods ever brought to this city. The best of it is, he is selling goods at such prices as are bound to attract . tbe attention of the public. Just j think of it. Ladies' nice shoes of first class make, only $2.00 unlaundried shirts at 50 and 75 cents, and laun dried shirts at $1.C0. All other goods at corresponding low prices and of as good quality as can be found in the State. Let our people call at Se park's and judge for themselves. Re member the place. W G. Separk's 12, E. Marth. St. Apr. 13 tf. - Noriis' Dry Goods Store. New lines of gents' fine shoes all styles, ;ind ladies' slippers in Oxfords and Blutchards for summer wear just received. NoLby styles in straw hats .t New York prices. Bargains in gents' Uress shim, col -lars and cuffs. The handsomest display of gents' scarfs ud fine neckwear to b- seen. Gauze and Swiss ribbed underwear better and cheaper than ever. White muslins, all kinds; India lawns, cheek, plain and stripes at all prices. Corsets for the slim, medium or stout in 29 different styles. Fa&t blacK and balbriggar. hosiery in full elastic makes. Special drives to be inaugurated; many handsome dress trimming to he closed out at 25 cents on the dollar. The prices now made on woolen dress goods are beyond comparisons. A word to tbe wise, etc. N orris' Dai Goods Store. Millinery, 11891. TMPORTED AND DOMESTIC TRIMMED JL Hats and Bonnets. The greatest variety of fancy straw braids in the desirable shades of grey, tan, black, &c- for Ladies, Misses and wee little ones. All THE m SHADES. In chiffon and other , trimming materials ; flowers in profusion, so very natural you wonder nature does not also yield its per fume. A Complete Line of Infants' fine crepe de chene and muslin caps and shirred hats. HAIR GOODS, Bushings, a beautifnl line of all kinds of Ties. All the new hair ornaments, bracelets, jewelry, &c. i&c. Stamped linens, embroidery materials, wools and zephyrs. Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. Miss MAGGIE REESE, 200 EayetteviUe St. April 8 tf. Raleigh, N. C. Dry Goods, Notions, &c. tf. fl. t R S. Tucker & Go. LADIES LOW SHOES AND Our lines of Low Shoes and Slippers are now shown in completeness, and never before have we offered lo our patrons such an assortment. AMONG THE NEW '1 IES.WE SHOW THE BLACK SUEDE SCHALCHIE, BLACK SUEDE ADONIS, PAT, TIP EDSON, : i THE PAT, TIP, BLUCHER TIES, IN DONGOLA ON BLACK SUEDE QUAR TERS. OXFORD TIES, BOTH THE OPERA AND COMMON SENSE LASTS. Every description of Summer Foot wear, and at the lowest prices consistent with RELIA BLE GOODS. W. H. A R. S. Tucker A Co- 123 and 125 Fayet teville St

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