Naughty Little Girl. She is cunning, she is tricky, 1 am greatly grieved to tell, And her hands are always sticky With chocolate caramel; Her dolly's battered features Tell of many a-frantic hurl She's the terror of her teachers, That naughty little girl. She dotoe upon bananas, And she smears them on my knees And she peppers my Hav&nas, And she laughs to hear me sneeze, And she steals into my study, And she turns my book awhirl, And her boots are always muddy That naughty little pirl! When she looks as she were dreaming Of tlje angels in the air. I know she's only scheming How to slyly pull my hair; Yet why I can't discover Spite of every tangled curl, She's a darling, and I love her That naughty little girl. How a Beautiful Flower Named. was An old legend tells of two loyprs, walking by the river Rhine The lady begged her suitor to pluck a lit tle pale blue flower, growing on the bank. In doing bo, he fell into the water and was drowned; but, while sinking, he threw the flower to her, and eried: "Forget me not I" Thous ands of women will never forget what Dr. Piercers Favorite Prescrip tion has done for them. It is pre pared specially to cure those diseases from which they alone suffer, and of ten in silence, rather than consult a physician as periodical pains, weak back, prolapsus, and all uterine troubles. Purely vegetable, and guaranteed to give satisfacti n in every case, or money refunded. Casta For Infanta and Children. Caatoria promote! Dlgortton, and WOMBM Flatulency, Constipation, Sour I A Vach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness. I hus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Caatoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. "Caatoria is bo Well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescript known to nie." H. A. Archer. M. P., Ill South Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. "1 nse Caatoria to my practice, and And it specially adapted to affections of children." Alex. Robertson, M. D., 1057 2d Ave., New York. "From personal knowledge and observation I can say that Castorla is an excellent medicine tor children, acting as a laxative and relieving the pent up bowels an general system very much. Many mothers have told me of its ex sellout effect upon their children." T n i"i - Lowell, IV - ntaub O PiMV, 77 Murrav Street, N. T. Raiilroai Schedules. A antic Coast Line. Wilmington Branches. Weldon Failroad and Condensed Scaedale. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated April. 6, No 23 No 27 No 41 1890. Daily. Ftm'l Daily. 5 43pm d'y, ex Sund'y 620am 724am Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. When Baby was sick, we gave her Caatoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Caatoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Caatoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castorla, A Fitish Man. From "Fetishism in Congo Land," by one of Stanley's pioneer officers, . , . . i , n - a. omnnrAn in T.nn i nniiirv. we 11 uulh hh follows: The fetish man under any name is the authority oh all matters connect ed with the relations of man to the unseen. He is the exorciser of apirits, the maker of charms and the pre scriber and regulator of all ceremonial rites. He can discover who "ate the heart" of the chief who died but yes terday, who it was who caused the canoe to upset, and give three lWes to the crocodile and the dark Waters of the Congo, or even who blighted the palm trees of a village and dried up their sap, causing the supply of malafu, or palm wine, to cease, or drove away the rain from a district and withered its fields of nguba (ground nuts). All this is within the ken of the Nganga Nkisi, and he is appealed to on all these occasions to discover the culprit, bv his insight into the spirit world, and hand him or her to the just chastisement of an outraged community. This is the on ly substitute for religion that the African savage possesses; its tenets are vague and unformulated, for with every tribe and every district belief varies and rites and ceremonies are as diverse as the fancies of the fetish men who prescribe them. 7 00pm 7 53am Le Weldon, 12 3Cpm Ar Rocky Mt, 140pm Ar Tarboro, 2 17pm Le Tarboro, 10 35am Ar Wilson, 2 18pm Le Wilson, t2 30pm Ar Selma, 3 30pm Ar Fay'tville 5 30pm Le G'dsboro, 3 15pm 7 40pm Le Warsaw, 4 10pm Le Magnolia, 4 24pm 8 40pm ArWil'gton, 5 50pm 9 55pm 1120am 8 40am 9 34am 9 49am Must Change The Place. West Shore. ';' Miss Twilling I suppose you re member, Mr. Calloway, that last night, in spite of my fruitless strug gles, you had the effrontery, sir, to actually kiss me. Galloway (meekly) Yes, I remem ber the circumstance. Miss Twilling-Well, if you think you are going to repeat that opera tion in the hall tonight j ou are much mistaken. I don't propose to leave this room all the evening. Costly. Harpers Bazar. "In envy your; husband's jolly way. He Is always laughing," Bald Mb. Dinks. "Well, it has its darwbacks " re turned the other. "John laughed so much I can't keep buttons on his TRAINS GOING NORTH. No 14 No 78, No 40, daily, d'y, ex .daily Sund'y. Lv Wil'gton, I3tf5am 915am 400pm Lv Magnolia, 2 05am 10 57am 5 36pm Le Warsaw, 11 11am 5 53pm Ar G'dsboro, 305am 12 05am 6 53pm J e Fay'tville, f9 20am hx Selma, 11 18am a.r Wilson, 12 20pm Lv Wilson, 3 43am 12 58pm 7 47pm Ar RockvMt, 1 30pm 8 18pm Ar Tarboro, 2 17pm Lv Tarboro, 1035am ArWeldoi.. 5 05am 2 55pm 9 30pm Taily except Sunday. John F Divine, General Superintendent. J R KkniiY, Sup't Trans. T M RufitRsoN, Gftueral Pass Asrt. Cape Fear A Yadkin Valley Railroad (Jompauy. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. northbound I D'yexS'y D'yeXS'v Nol Le Wilmington. 9 00 a m Ar Fayetteville, 12 25 pm Le Fayetteville, 12 55 p m Le Baniord. 2 27 p m Ar Greensboro, 5 00 p m Le Greensboro, 5 20 p m Le Walnut Cove, 7 00 p m Ar Mt Airy. 9 00 p m Le Bennettsville, 8 30 a m Ar Maxton, 9 40 a m Le Maxton, 9 60 a m Ar Fayetteville, 11 45 a m No 15 daily except Sunday. Le Ramseur 7 10 a m Ar Greensboro, 9 50 a m Le Greensboro, 10 40 a m Ar Madison 12 45 n m southbound D'y ex S'y D'y ex S'y JNoa JNo4 Le Mt Airy, 6 25 a m Le Walnut Cove, 8 82 Ar Greensboro, 10 00 a m Le Greensboro, Le Sanford, Ar Fayetteville, Le Fayetteville, Ar Wilmington. Le Fayetteville, 3 80 p m Ar Maxton, 520 p m Le Maxton, 5 80 p m Ar Bennettsviiie, 6 45 p m No 16 daily except .Sunday. Le Madison; 1 85 p m Ar Greensboro, 8 40 p m Le Greensboro, 4 00 p m Ar Ramseur, 6 55 p m WE KYLE, General Passenger Agent. J W Fry. Gen Sunt. 10 20 a m 1 00pm 2 30pm 2 55 p m 6 30pm TOBACCO MARKET. Reported for the Evening Visitor by Parker & Harvey, Tobacco Man ufactUrers. Smokers Common. 5 6 Good 810 Fillers Common 50 Good. 716 Cut ters Common 10 18 Good WW Fancy 2M Wrappers Common .. 1420 Good .........22ib40 ' Fine to fancy. 4070 Children Cry for Pitclwr's Uslnrla: Btleigh Market Report, Corrected Weekly by W. S.'UZZLE, Grocer, No,M 2, East Hargett Street. MEATS White Bulk Baeon, Shoulders. Hams Western, Breakfast, N. O,. Bacon, LAUD Pure, Compound, FLOUR Beat per barrel, (jood, Medium, SUGAR Cut loaf, Powdered, Granulated, Light yellow, COFFEE Best Rio, Java, best Arbuckles roasted, MOLASSES Medium, N. O, best, Syrups, SALT Per sack, V1KEGAR 4 years old, BLACK PEPPER Grain or ground, RACE GINGER, TEAS Green, Black, Mixed, PICKLES, per gallon, BUTTER Country, Northern, EGGS, CHICKENS Hens, 40c, Spring 20 POTATOES Sweet, per bualiul, Earlv Rose. TOMATOES Canned, PEACHES-3 lb can, CORN per can, APPLES Green, per bushel, Canned, a pound, PEAS-White, Black HOMINY, per pound, GRITS, per pound, 7 lo 10 Hi 17 " i ' M b 26 111 1U a 2o s CURE ::Kv ST0PY0UR VG LJLT- Lml THROAT WILLI. !'le. 5 IM v ' n 7o 10 to i5 30 10 f 2 OU 15 H 20 yo 4c 4c Kailioad Schedules, &c. Raleigh and Augusta A-JL H It To takeeffect 9 am, ttuuday,, April. 5 loiMJ. Trains mov- Trains mo v- ing South. ing Worth. No 41, ' SSo 38. Pass and Mail. fass and Mail. Daily ex Sun. Daily ex Sun Leave. Arrive. 4 00pm Raleigh, 1120 am 4 19 " Cary, 11 01 am 4 31 " Apex, 10 49 am 5 05 " Moncure, 10 16 am 5 28 " Sanford, 9 52 am 5 54 " Cameron, 9 26 6 21 " Southern Pines, 8 58 7 20 " Hamlet, 7 38 8 15 " Gibson, Ar 7 00 am am am am Northbound Trains. Thro Frt and Pass 23, Daily exct fcmuday. P M LV 11 30 12 00 12 18am 1 07am 1 44pm 2 20am 3 08sm 4 30am Ar Southbound Trains. Thro Frt and Pass 22, Stations - Daily exct Sunday. Ar AM Raleigh 8 00 Cary 7 27 Apex 7 05 Moncure 6 00 Sanford 5 15 Cameron 4 26 Southern Pinos 3 33 Hamlet Lv 1 30 Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive PITTSBORO R R. Pittsboro, 9 10 a m Moncure. 9 55 Moncure 10 25 a m Pittsboro, 11 10 CARTHAG B R R. Carthage, 8 00 a m Cameron, 8 45 Cameron, 9 45 Carthage, 10 30 Carthage, 4 00 p m Cameron. 4 45 p m Cameron, . 5 50 Carthage, 6 35 WM SMITH, Supt, G ATLANTIC fc Jf. C. It K , Time Table No 15. In effect December 19th, 1888. ojng east, JO 01 Ar p m 417 4 49 618 9 26 Lve 8 80 420 4 54 648 p m Schedule. Pass trains Stations Goldsboro La Grange KinstiOn New Berne MoreheadOity Dailv Going wst No 5C Ar 1128 10 46 10 09 8 27 a m Lve a 10 48 10 14 844 688 JALBIffHa 9A8V0S B R. To take effect Sunday, April 5, 1890. Trains moving North. No 88. No 34, Stations. Mail train. Fas & Mail. 11 25 am 5 00 pm 12 05 5 89 12 28 6 01 12 44 6 19 1 00 6 86 2 07 7 45 p m 2 45 8 30 a m Trains moving South. No 41. No 45, Stations. Mail train. Past &Mail. Le Raleigh. Wake, Franklinton, Kittrell, HendersoD Littleton, Ar Weldon, Le Weldon, . Littleton, Henderson, Kittrell, Franklinton, Wake, Ar. Raleigh, 1215 pm 6 00am 12 52 6 42 2 22 7 63 2 89 8 11 2 56 8 29 3 17 8 50 3 55 pm 930am Louisburg Railroad. Trains moving North. No 88, Pass, Wo 8, Stations. - Mail & Express. Le Louisburg, 7 85 a m 2 00pm Ar Franklint'n, 810 2 85 Trains moving South. No 41, Pass, No 25, Stations. Mail & Express. Le Franlint'n, 12 80 p m 6 05pm CWdrwi Crj for PteheiVfastofe DRUGGISTS SELL The Famous Remedy for INDIGESTION, HAY FEVER, oiiDs, k!)ot?E puiu ItLffectioHs. A Combination ofmLocal and Constitutional Treatment PURELY VEGETABLE! ENTIRELY HARMLESS I 3 C Co., SOLE- PROPRIETORS ; Athens, Ga. Price, $ l .00. Six Bottles, $5.00. By express, prepaid, if not Icept by your Druggist. BOOK FREE. THE SECRET OF DOR SUCCESS. VV fNf E CLAIM that a combination ot local an J constitutional treat ment is necessary to thoroughly eradicate uatftrrh. exclusively local applications, if made when the trouble first begins, sometimes cure, but more frequently drive the. disease to other parts of the system, where it develops in a far more serious form. Blood puriliers may improve the condition of the system, but they seldom cure for they do not reach the seat of the disease. Certain Catarrh Cure is the only preparation which combines local and constitutional treatment, and can consistently claim to cure Catarrh in all its forms and stages. It is cheap, easily used, purely vegetable, entirely harmless. By it, others, who had no faith, have been cured: YOU CAN BE, whether you have bad the disease one year or fifty ; whether it is in the head, stomach or bladder TRY JT NOW. DELAY S3 MEiS, Past Failures Need not Discourage You. $1,000 Rewarda Humbug! Don't Bk Deceiykd by tha offer of a large reward in case some medicine fail to cure you. If the reward ii claimed, there is always some way to evade its pay ment ; if never claimed, it is no evidence that everybody, or anybody, has been cured; but it speaks well for" the intelligence of our people, that no one ia fool enogh to expect its payment $1,000,000 might be offered with equal safety; tor it is needless to say that the user of such med icines always dies before their proprietor! are convinced that he "can't be cured." It is one of the most deceptive schemes that ever insulted an enlightened people. "We are disposed to give the public every protection possible against the imposition of scheming frauds or worthless nostrums, but NO DEPENDENCE CAN BE PLACED IN GUARANTEES. If Con gress will pass a law by which all medi cines are subjected to a thorough test, and their merits in the diseases which they claim to cure are rally established before they can be otlered tor sale, we will heart ily favor it. An honest remedy suffers more from the failure of other prepara tions to establish their claims, than from all other causes 'combined as disappoint ment in one medicine causes distrust in many. In Support of Our Claims, We oifrr the testirn ny of those who rmve tried Certain Catarrh Cure to their enure satisfaction. "An ounce of experience is worth a pound of theory." Our endorsers are well known persons, who arc alive and can be found. Not one (' our testimoni als was purchased at any price. Tney are the voluntary expression of parties who seek to Iionefit humanity. A perusal of them will surely convii.oe you that our claims are well iouuddd; if you have Catarrh, you cannot afl'ovd to bo indiffer ent to its progress. Treatment cannot he commenced too ep.rly. The longer disease continues, the more time it will reu nre to be eradicated. Your unsatisfactory f peri enee with other remedies should no, influ ence you against ouns. Lay aside distrust ; give Certain Catarrh ( uro a fair tost, and you will, throughout the remainder of your life, feel thankful to us for the advice. Certain Catarrh Cure ia mentioned to fa vorably, by our customers that we have great confidence in its merits. Alexander Di-vg ami Seed Co., Augusta, Go. Its Harmlessitcss. Makes it entirely safe to try Certain Jatarrh Cure for any trouble, without the slightest fear of injury. It is a purelj vegetable preparation, and to the most delicate constitution, or organ of the body, can p.-oduce no bad effect whatover. We hare futndled Certain Catarrh Cure irince its first introduction. It husgiven gen eral satis faction, and smc,1 has been the in crease in demand, thai our purchasw during the last six months have amounted to nearly ttoenitj-fiee gross. The Lamar Drug Co., Atlanta Qa., Mag 1st, 1880 BEMEMBtffi I Certain Catarrh Cure is not simply a snuff or local application, to drive the dis ease from the nasal organs into the system ; nor a blood remedy, to tone up the system and leave the nasal parts uncured ; but it is a combination of both methods, and the only remedy which will give satisfaction iir the many different stages of catarrh. The genuine bears our Trade Mark. Take no substitute. Price, $1. Sii bottles $5. Of Druggists, or by Ex press, prepaid, on receipt of price ilook of Information free C CO., Sole Proprietors. Athens, Ueorgfv