tftcmti a VOL nsro. 11 NEWS NOTES ABODT THE ClTY j What Our Reporters See and Hear Worth Giving to Our Readers News iu Brief MeBera. W. B. Mann & Co. have a new aud beautiful delivery wagon. Cotton seed is in demand in con sequence of the frost. There was no news at any of the departments in the capitol today. The new Board of Aldermen will meet tonight for the election of of ficers and other business. A number of prominent persons from different sections of.theStite are expected to attend the Memorial ser vices in this city, next Monday. Two mad-dogs were killed near Cary yesterday. It is reported that there are several more in that section that nesd killing. A caucus of the Democratic Alder men was held this afternoon at 4 o'clock for the purpose of nominating City Clerk, Chief of Police fro. The North Carolina Teacher for April is before us. It is a splendid number of special interest, prominent among which is an account of the teachers visit to Paris There will be a meeting of the W. R. Wonible Hood aud Ladder Com puny at their rooms tonight at 8 o'clock. The Oxford Day s-ys that Gran ville county will have ;i large repre sentation in Raleigh at the linruigra tion Convention on the 13th inst. The number of convicts received at the penitentiary this spring, bo far, has been under the average. This speaks well for the improvement of the morals of the people in the seve ral counties. Ice cream and strawberry festivals will soon be in order. How would it do for our ladies to get up an enters tainment for the benelit of the Soldiers Home V The dedication of the Soldiers Home next Monday will be an inter esting and imposing event. We look for a large crowd of ex conf ederates to be present. Tob" Marshall the faithful janitoj of Metropolitan Hall caused a mosi beautiful bouquet to be placed on the desk of Mayor Badger this morn ing. ' Tob" keeps his department in "apple pie" order. There will be a meeting of the Re tail Grocers' Protective Association tonight at 8 o'clock at the office of Mr. J. 8. Wynne, over the store of Messrs. Mann & Co., corner of Fay etteyille and Hargett streets. Among the visitors to Raleigh next Monday will be Mrs. Ramseur and Miss Ramseur, the wife and daugh ter of Gen. Ramseur, whose life and services will be the theme of the ora tor of the day. Mrs. Judge Schenck, also a daughter of ften. Ramseur, will be in attendance. Mayor Badger has started out on his duties with a determination that order shall prevail in Raleigh, and of fenders may as well make up their minds that they cannot disturb the public peace with impunity. He is disposed at all times to be just, but at the same time justice wiil be so dispensed that the laws shall be vig orously enforced. Merchants generally advertise for all the trade they can get and under ordinary circumstances Whiting Bros, do too, but in simple justice to their salesmen, they request their friends and patrons to try and do their shop p'ing between the hours of 6 o'clock a. in., and 11 o'clock p. m .Saturdays. They want to give their employees time to go home and shave and take a nap before going to Sunday school. Last Saturday night they had to hus tie out a crowd of buyers just as the clock was about to strike 12 p. m. The New Depot. We are much pleased to learn that there will be no break in the work on the new uuiou depot. If no unforseen circumstance takes place In this event, we cvu reasonably hope that the building will be ready for the re ception of passengers by the coming fall. It would be of the greatest con violence if the building could be in readiness by the time of the opening of the exposition iu October, and we hope it will be. Baptist t 'mi tent ion. Tlit following ladies and gentlemen from this section have gone to the Southern Baptist Convention at Bir mingham, Ala: Miss Fannie Heck, Miss Vollie Page, Morrisville; Rev. Dr. C. Durham, Rev. Dr. Bailey, Col. Heck, J. C. Scarborough, Rev. Dr. San erlin, G. W. Greene, Wake For est. Appointments. The following gentlemen have been appointed by the board of county commissioners as delegates to the Real Estate Convention which meets in this city on the 13th: B P. WiU iiamson, P. H. Mangum, L. D. Ste phenson, A. C. Green and Julius Lewis. Missionary Meeting. The Woman's Missionary Society of the Raleigh District M. E. Church, South, will meet in annual session at Edenton street Sunday school room, on Saturday, the 9th, at 10 a. m. The members of Edenton street and Cen tral auxiliaries and Bright Jewels, and all who feel an interest in mis sionary work, are invited to be pres ent. Dr. J. H. Cordon will preach a spe cial sermon on woman's work in mis sions at 11 a. m. on Sunday, the 10th. Mrs. R. H. Wuitakkr, District Secretary. Row Schedule. On and after next Sunday there will be a change of schedule on the North Carolina Railroad. The mail train from the east will arrive in Ral eigh at 4:48 p. m., and lay over until (5:10 p. in., when it will leave for Greensboro. The train from Greensboro will ar rive in Raleigh at 1:28, as now. The fast freight and passenger train will leave for Greensboro at 1:30 a. m., and will arrive in Raleigh at 7:15 a. m.' There is no change in the Key sville train leaving Raleigh, but arrives at 7:08 p. m. I have all the 1 shing tackle yon are looking for. L. D. Womblb. The Real Estate Convention. We hope our citizens will give their usual hearty welcome to this body which meets here on the 13th inst. It is something new for such an in terest as that of real estate to meet in consultation. But the very novel ty is one reason why it should attract pleased attention. The existence of such a body, and confident of its use fulness, is a mark of progress. It is safe to say that it is the real estate men who have aroused Southern towns from their habitual lethargy, who have thrived them up and put them in motion. It is the real estate men who have taught the citizens of towns and cities the value of their possessions and the extent of their resources; who have set in motion all the new springs of social and munici pal life; who have urged and intro duced the modern appliances and nn provements essential to comfort, con veniences and safety of modern exis tence, aud in doing so, have en hanced the value of the old parts of towns and cities, and in so doing have compelled them to enlarge tneir nor ders. We therefore welcome this convene tion with unmixed satisfaction. Thomasville oak rockers 95o and $1.35, regular price $1.75 and $2.50, to close at once. W. S. Uzzle, 12 E.Har gett. Sewing machines and organs at W. S. Uzzle's, 32 E Hargett street. Mayor's Court Mayor Badger had quite a pre tracted levee this morning cauced from the disorderly conduct of severe al denizens of a disreputable hous on West Cabarrus street. The evi dence was of a most shocking and disgusting character. A fine of $ i and cost was imposed, with a warn ing that if they again make their ap pearance before his honor they would not fare so well. A colored boy named Alex Long was charged with being drunk and disorderly for which he was fined $5 and cost. Improved We were pleased to ii-t on the street today our friend Mr. John C. Synie. He was . d some yean ago, but we are leased to my tlmt he has wonderfully Improved, es pecfally in talking That lie may continue to recuperate is the fiucere wish of a hosl of friends iu this city and elsewhere. Hardware, &c. I liUY A The Coming Exposition. Everything points to the amplest success in the purpose to make the exposition in October and November the most striking event in our social, not to say industrial history. It is something for the people of Raleigh and of this section to reflect upon and prepare for. Think of i. For two months, not to speak of those which precede the opening of the ex position, visitors will be pouring into it from every point of the compass, from every part of this broad Union. Already ths railroads of the far Northwest signify their purpose to facilitate the movements of their people in this direction. So do the authorities of the Northern roads; so do those of the West and South. From every quarter come expressions of en couragement and pleasant anticipat ion. Of course we will rot suffer them to be disappointed. But we must not accept success as a matter of course. Like the attainment of every other worthy human aim, suc cess must be worked for. Let us all keep our minds fixed upon it, and we will achieve it. Important Announcement. Norris' Dry Goods Store. Look otjt for Bargains !- It is a well known fact that we are going to vacate the store we now occupy. and in order to close out as near as possi ble, our entire stock will be offered at a very close shave on New York cash prices. Profits will be sacrificed. Cost will not be considered in prices made to clear out every line of goods Such an opportunity seldom occurs and such advantages will be harvest ed by the prudent, thoughtful and ; wise. Come early and make a tour of inspection. Let us quote you the prices. This announcement is very impor tant and concerns you. Our lines of dress goods, silks, velvets, white goods, laces, embroideries, hosiery, corsets, gloves, shoes straw hats, parasols and wash dress goods of every description are especially invi-ting. Norris' Drs Goods Stork. SPECIAL NOTICE. The finest line Candies for the least money is at Uzzle s 219 S Wilmington street. ROACH TRAP Will natch roaches ami soon rid your homes oi incse pesis QUAKER CITY Lawn Mowers, Will cut grass evenly and make your) i ia,wu ioou siuootu and neat. For Kent. Dwelling house (4 rooms and kitch en), No. 307 N. Person street. Apply to Lkach Bros., my4 5t 231 Wilmington Btreet. Strawberries.Tomatoes, Cucumbers forSunday's feast. All to be had at Uzzle's tomorro-v, 219 S. Wilmington street. Situation Wanted. A boy about 15 years old wants a situation as an office boy or to learn some good trade. Address B , care of the Evening Visitor. i IOUNG AMERICAN NICKEL PLATED I LAMPS. A neat new style larup gives the light of 30 candles. Wicks are easy to put in. PRICES LOW. THOMAS 0, BRIG6S k SONS, RALEIGH, K O. Ice Cellar. Ice in any quantity, also fresh fish daily, at my cellar No. 2:3, S. Wil mington Street. Orders filled prompt ly. T. E. Sorrkll. ii i I I '.Van ted. One good jo!) printer and on" good book printer. E. M UXZVLh, 2t Raleigh N. C. I have a nice lot of dry pine wood all sawed and split, ready to be used for stoves or fireplaces; also an assort ment of shingles, all at my mill, west end of Hargett street on railroad. ap25 1m L H, Adams. Cabbage and transplanted Tomato plants for sale. A. B. Forrest. lm. 517 Polk St. Do You Need White Dress Goods See what Swindell has in white goods before you buy, because it is your interest to do so. You have no idea what good values can be had at Swindell's in white goods We have a very big stock of white goods, and we bought these white goods from a concern which is retiring from busi ness and we got them for right much less than the goods cost to make, and we are selling them for right much less than the same quality can be bought elsewhere. A word to the wise is sufficient. Now about our fine dress goods sale. We are still selling our nice dress goods at the exact wholesale cost of same; and from present indications we will not have any dress goods to move in our new store. This is no false alarm but a genuine sale. Do not fail to go to Swindell's when you go shopping. It will pay you hand--, somely. Tours truly, D. T, Swindell. Ice. Ice may be had at our cellar under Barbee & Pope's confeeticnery store, near Savings Bank, tomorrow and everyday herenfter. Those wishing it sent out in quantities will please send orders to Jokes & P wbll. Cabbago, transplanted Tomato plants, best variety, pot grown Egg plants, Moon Vines,Roes,rare Chrys anthemums, Carnation, Geraniums, Tnberoses and all kinds of bedding plants, Cut Flowers. Bouquets.Floral Designs. Flower Seeds, &c. apl7 2w H. Steinmktz, Florist. Have your lace curtain - done up at the Oak City Steam Laundry in first class style. L. R WyaH's special horse and cow food going like hot cakes. A trial will convince you that it is the best on the market. mh!9 tf Summer Foot Wear. Our display of ties and slippers for ladies and children, embraces some decidedly new styles for this season. Elsewhere in this pup r we tell you something about them In ladies iiue shoes we show the most popular goods and at the most moderate! prices. These are from the fae orinscf Messrs Laird, Sehober & Mitchell, and the Messrs Ziegler Bros We have a com plete line of both the Common Sense and Opera lasts, and curry the i'-v low ing widths in stock: BCD and E so no one need fear not being fitte.i. W, H & R. S I UCKBR, & CO. Sii MAGGIE REESE. Millinery, IFRII&S1MU1. TMPORTED AND DOMESTIC TRIMMED JL Hats and Bonnets. The greatest variety of fancy straw braids in the desirable shades of grey, tan, black, &c- for Ladies, Misses and wee little ones. ALL TIE NEW SHADES In chiffon and other trimming materials; flowers in profusion, so very natural you wonder nature does not also yield its per fume. A Complete Line of Infant's fine crepe de chene and muslin caps and shirred hats. HAIR GOODS, Eushings, a beautifnl line of all kinds of Ties. All the new hair oruaments, bracelets, jewelry, &c, fcc. Stamped linens, embroidery materials, wools and zephyrs. Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. Miss MAGGIE REESE, 20i) Eavetteville St. April 8 tf. Raleigh, N. C. Dry Goods, Notions, &c. W. H; ft R S. Tucker Sl Co. LADIES LOW SHOES AND Our lilies of Low Shoes and Slippers are now j siiown m completeness, and never before have we offered to our patrons such an assortment. Tomorrow morning at 10:30 will be shown fine Roe Shad, although it is late in season. Uzzle's 219 S. Wilming ton street. & Spring is Here, and W. d. Separk is fully abi east of the times. He has in his establish ment the finest select on of spring goods ever brought to this city. The best of it is, be it. selling goods at such prices as are bound to attract the attention of the public. Just think of it. Ladies1 nice shoes of first class make, only $2 00 unlaundried shirts at 60 aud 75 cents, and latin dried shirts at $1 00. All other goods at corresponding low prices and of as good quality as can be found in the State. Let our people call at 8e park's and judge for themselves. Re member the place. W. G Sbpark's 12, E. Martin St. Apr. 13 tf. MONG THE NEW '1IES, WE SHOW THE BLACK SUEDE SCHALCHIE, , ULACK SUEDE ADONIS, ! PAT, TIP EDSON, THE PAT, TIP, BLUCHER TIES, ! IN DONGOLA ON BLACK SUEDE QUARTERS. OXFORD TIES, BOTH THE OPERA AND COMMON SENSE LASTS. ' Every description of Summer Foot . wear, and at the lowest prices consistent with REL1A I BLE GOODS. W. H. & R. S. Tucker ft ft, 123 and 125 Fayetteville.St,