Che ttettttt ill BALEIG-H, TUESDAT, ULTT 12, 1391: nSTO. 14 NEWS NOTES ABOUT THE CITY. What Our Reporters See and Hear Worth Giving to Our Headers News in Brief Cool wae coming, but no danger of Any more frost this season. Gov. Holt will not probably occupy the Executive Mansion before the middle of August. There will be services at the Union Mission on Wilmington street, to night, and every night this week. Go to the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce tonight by all means. There will be matters of the utmost importance to all our people. Several ladies and gentlemen left the city this morning on a fishing tour in the eastern part of Wake county. The Granville Grays commanded general admiration yesterday, by their soldierly bearing and gent'e manly conduct. There was a tremendous crowd in attendance at Oakwood cemetery, Richmond, Va., yesterday There are 13,000 ex-Confederatts buried there. Pullen Park is becoming a famous reBort for pic nic parties. The new round house is very convenient for a lunch resort and all the surroundings are pleasant. Every member is requested to at tend the meeting of the Youug Peo ple's Society of Chritian Endeavor tonight at the Baptist Tabernacle at 8 o'clock, sharp. Every body invited. We are under obligations to Gen W. R. Cox, for a pamphlet copy of his most admirable address on the life and character of Maj. General Stephen D. Ramseur, delivered at Metropolitan Hall yesterday. Among the most important busi ness to be transacted at the approach ing commencement at Chapel Hill, will be the selection of president of the institution, to fill the vacancy created by the resigration of Hon. K P. Battle. The climate and other attractions of Raleigh are such that numbers 01 pleasure seekers and tourists from other sections of the Union would no doubt sptnd the summer with us, il proper accommodations were afford ed. Such being the case why not hurry up the propos-d new hotel. A stranger from one of the south ern states was at Oakwood cemetery yesterday during the ceremonies. He said the location was one of the most beautiful he had seen anywhere, and, with a little care it would rank with the test cemeteries of the country. Now that the street car system is about an established fact, the new depot on the way and Caraleigh mills looming up in the distance, we hope our worthy city fathers will push the matter of an auditorium so that by next fall we will have a suitable re ception place for all gatherings. It is an important matter and should not be delayed. Died. Yesterday afternoon in this city Hf.. TV . i t a m r lit in. in n in e 1 1 ivi nrri h to i m nr n A. Morris, aged 18 years. The re mains were taken on the 11:30 o'clock train this morning to Henderson. You Are Interested. The meeting of the Chamber Commerce and Industry tonight is special interest and importance the people of Raleigh. If you do not think so be sure to attend the meet ing and you will be satisfied that you are specially interested in the work on hand. A cordial invitation is ex tended to all merchants and business men to be present, whether members of the Chamber of Commerce or not. A Knotty Case. The case of Josiah Turner vs W.W. Holden caine before the clerk of the Superior Court thi morning in the nature of suppleui Diary proceedings. Mr. Turner, it will be remembered, obtained judgment several years since against Gov. Holden for what was alleged to be false imprisonment during what was termed the "Kirk war ' in North Carolina. This judg ment was, we believe, for about $8," 000. Not long since execution was ordered to issue, and on this the Bher- if made the return "Nothing to be found." Now Mr. Turner has insti tuted supplementary proceedings in the premises alleging he can show that there are means by which the execution may be satisfied in whole, or in part. The proceedings will probably occupy attention for a day or so. Gov. Holden is represented by Cols. Fuller and Hinsdale and Mr. Turner by Messrs. Jno. Devereuxand Chester Turner. Ice Cream Soda at J.. Hal Pobbitt's. Five cents a glass. lhirleen oil mills were burned near Oil City, Pa , yesterday. Official Simplicity. We are told in the "Arabian Nights Entertainments," that the Caliph of Bagdad was in the habit of taking ex tended walks through the streets of his capital for the purpose of seeing for himself just how matters stood with his people. In othej words, he made himself the special guardian of the morals of his subjects, and ex pressed himself as being determined to right all wrongs bo far as in his power laid. In these rambles the ca liph was usually attendsd by his Grand Vizier, who can be made in comparison to correspond with our most excellent Chief of Police. The custom of the Caliph was productive of the greatest good, and there was no city in the world, at that time, more orderly, in all respects, than Bagdad. It was a departure, it was true, from established custom, because the Caliph was an autocrat in his do minions, but he was a good hearted and noble ruler, and he thought that official simplicity would best serve to win the love and confidence of his people. About 11 o'clock each morn ing the Caliph would preside for the dispensation of justice, and his ob servations gave him ample chance to "hew to the line" with the strictest impartiality. We are led to these reminiscences by noticing that our new Mayor is fol lowing a most noble precedent. Un like the Caliph of Bagdad our worthy Mayor does not go disguised. He would find it hard to do that if he desired, because there is hardly a man, woman or child within the pre cincts of his authority who would not at once discover in some manner his identity. But he does look around to see what is going on and he is al ways on schedule time. For instance, he is at the seat of authority at the early hour of between 9 and 10 o'clock each morning, much to the relief of such unfortunates as have spent the night in the basement. He dispatch es business promptly. He comes quickly to the point and "nothing extenuates or sets down ought in malice." In other words, our munici pal executive bids fair to be an early bird, and evinces a desire and inter est to see as much for himself as pos sible concerning the proper regula tions of the city. Now we must not be understood as hinting in the moat remote degree that, like the Caliph of Bagdad, our "Badger" walks around in the midnight hours. Such is evidently not so. as his early rising attests, but, for being early at his post in the morning and readily dis pensing of all matters, he could give the Caliph Haroun Alrischid two in a game and beat him. With such a Grand Yizier as Charley Heartt and the other adjuncts at his disposal, our Caliph is far superior in all re spects to the old time renowned offl cial of the East. Soldiers' Home. A meeting of the directors of the Soldiers' Home was held at the Home yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The following were present, Messrs. W. E. Ardrey, of Mecklenburg, A. B. An drewB, of Wake, W. P. Roberts, of Gates, W. C. Stronach and F. H. Bus bee, of Wake. Col. A. B. Andrews was chosen President and Miss Williams the matron was requested to perform temporarely the duties of matron Mr. W. C. Stronach was elected Chair man and Messrs. F. H. Busbee and J. S. Carr mfmbers of the Executive Committee. The regulations for the admission to the Institution will be published by the Executive Committee The following are the lady man a agers: Uirst district, Mrs. Tnos. J. Jarvis, ot Pitt; second district, Mm. O. W. Farrar, of Edgecombe; third district, Mrs. Thos. H. Sutton, of Cumberland; fourth district, Mrs. Jos. B. Batchelor, of Wake; t fth die trict, Mrs. J. Turner Morehead, of Rockingham; sixth district, Mrs. II. C. Jones, of Mecklenburg; seventh district, Mrs. Joseph P. Caldwell, of Iredell; eighth district, Mrs. Geo. P. Erwin, of Burke; ninth district, Mrs. H. A. Gudger, of Buncombe. Regulations for the managers will be prepared by the Executive Com mi t tee and the manager for each dis trict will appoint an associate from each county their districts. The board will meet again at the call of the President. Headquarters. The Southern Express Company has established the headquarters for their division agtut in Durham. He will have charge of the business over the North Carolina road from flold boro to Wilkesboro, the Oxford aud Clarksville i the Lynchburg and Durham roads. Mr. W. A. Eliason in the agent Hardware, V . Personal Mention. Mrs. A. M. Powell is quite sick. Hon. Josiah Turner is in the city. Mr. Perrin Busbee, of the Univer sity base ball team, is in the city. Mildred, the little daughter of Mr. E. B. Barbee, is quite sick with pneu monia. Mr. M. L. Oldham, who has been quite sick, was able to be at his place of business today. Rev. Dr. Hall, who has been quite ill, is much improved. Mr. W. K. Dennis, of Durham, is in the city. Messrs. Jasper McRary and E. S. Cheek left this morning with others to attend the Grand Lodge which met in Oxford today. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. J. i J. Rummerlin.on South Person street, is quite sick with bilious fever. . Dr. Horace Bates and mother, of Atlanta Ga., who have been spend ing a few days with relatives in this city, left this morning for an ex tended trip to Eastern Virginia. SPECIAL NOTIfJF. Wanted. A printer to work in a job and ' newspaper office. Addres, B. W. j Ray, Leaksville, N. C. my9 3t Cabbage and transplanted Tomato plants for sale. A. B. Forrest. lm. 517 Polk St. Situation Wanted. A boy about 15 years old wants a! situation as an office boy or to learn j some good trade. Address B., care of , the Evening Visitor. W. H.& R. S. Tucker A Co J Gknts Straw Hats. A better. line we have never shown. First aud nicest of all are the Dunlap straw hats. They, like the Dunlap fin-bats, cannot be excelled by any luanufac turer in the country. Then we have men's stylish straw hats, which do not come quite so high in price, arc good, and the styles are correct In fact, we have now a stock of straw hats from which we can suit almost any one We have a particularly nice line of no1 by stjles for youug men, showing the very latest city shapes. Gome aud cliocse jour straw hat before the lot. gets picked over. W. H & R. S Tuokkr, & Co. The sheriff of Rowan county brought four convicts to the peniten tiary today. All colored men. Removal Sale. We have in store now tht largest and most attractive stock of dry goods of all kinds we have ever shown. All of which have been bought for the cash within the last few months, and in order to close out as near as pos sible before moving, the people of this vicinity will be treated to a reg ular banquet of low prices. All lines of goods to be closed out and some regardless of cost. Big will be the word for the bargains we will offer for the next 50 days The first comes get the pick. Norms' Dm Goods Stork. Bibulous Jurymen of Queens land. The jury system appears to have its defects in Queensland as well as in other civilized countries. Recently a young man was on trial at Gympie, and when the jury retired to consider the evidence they saw the bailiff lock up the prisoner and go away for a drink. The "twelve good men and true"forthwith climbed out of a window and went to a saloon, where they were found when the judge sent to learn the reason of their delay in reaching a verdict. Result, a new trial for the accused. The finest new cut herring we have seen was received at Uzzle's at t:85 his day. 219 S. Wilmington street. I5UY A ROACH TRAP Will can-li roaches and soon rid your homes! ol I lii-if JK-'stS QUAKER CITY Lawn Mowers, Will cut grass evenly and make your lawn look smooth and neat. j YOUNG AMERICAN NICKEL PLATED A. neat new style lamp gives the light of 30, candles. Wicks are easy to put in. PPJCES LOW. THOMAS H. BRIGGS SONS, RALEIGH. N C. IK MAGGIE REESE, Millinery, ipaimsraij89i. 1 Nf PORTED AND DOMESTIC TRIMMED J. Hats and Bonnets. The greatest variety of fancy straw braids in the desirable shades of grey, tan, black, &c- for Ladies, Misses and wee little ones. Ice Cellar. Ice in any quantity, also fresh fish daily, at my cellar No. 2"3, 8. Wil mington Street. Orders tilled prompt ly. T. E. 5 ORB ELL. I have a nice lot of dry pine wood all sawed and split, ready to be used for stoves or fireplaces; also an assort ment of shingles, a,U at my mill, west end of Hargett street on railroad. ap25 1m L H. Adams. Ice. Ice may be had at our cellar under Barbee & Pope's confectionery store, near Savings Bark, tomorrow and every day hereafter. Th se wishing it sent out in quantities w ill please send orders to Jones & P well. Cabbt;g, transplanted Tomato plants, best variety, pot grown Egg plants, Moon Vines,Roses,rare Chrys anthemnms, Carnation, Geraniums. Tnberoses and all kinds of bedding plants, Cut Flowers, Bouquets,Floral Designs. Flower Seeds, &c. apl7 2w R. Steinmetz, Florist. Have your lace curtains done up at the Oak City Steam Laundry in first class style. L. R Wyatt's special horse and cow food going like hot cakes. A trial will convince vouthat it is the best on the market. mhl9 tf An Opportunity that perhaps will never be offered again. You may nover again have an op portunity of buying line dress goods as cheap as we are now selling them. We have a tremendous stofk for you to select from, and we will continue selling them at one half their e value uutil we move in our new store Our object is wh n we move we do not want to carry with us in our uew quarters any more of our present stoc than possible. Hence, the great reduction. We have just received a large and attractive assortment of new millinery goods iuall;helae and most fashionable styles and de signs. In this department we are now prepared to please the most fas tidious. We haye the largest assort ment of white goods ever brought to this market. These goods were bought very cheap in a job lot, and each piece is a real bargain. Any one wishing anything in white goods will find it to their interest to exam ine our stock before buying. Yours truly, D. T. Swindell. ILL THE HEW SHADES In chiffon and other trimming materials ; flowers in profusion, so very natural you wonder nature does not also yield its perfume. CoiiBte Line of infant's tine crepe de chene and muslin caps and slurred hats. HAIR GOODS, Rustlings, a beautiful line of all kinds of Ties. All the new hair ornaments, bracelets, jewelry, &c, fcc. Stamped linens, emoroiaery materials, wools and zephyrs. Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. AllSS MAUU1E KEE8E, 209 Fayettevdle St. April 8 tf. Raleigh, N. C. Dry Goods Notions, &c. if. H. & ft S. Tucker 4 Co. ADDITIONAL SPRING PURCHASE s OUR buyer has just returned from the North where he has been securing lines of goods to replace those disposed of earlier in tue season. He found something new, fresh and pret ty for all of the departments and our pat rons may now nave tue privilege ot seeing muny lovely things which he has brought out lor their pleasure. D ress Silks, ress Silks. D ress Woolens, ress Woolens, renadines, Trenadines, Black Laces, Printed Co'ton Fabrics, Scotch Ginghams, American Ginghams, Handkerchiefs, Table Linens, &c, &c. W. B. & R. S. Tucker ft Co. 123 ana 125 Kayet teville SU

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