Che matin uettttt VOL ZXUXTSTI. no. ie NEWS NOTES ABOUT THE CITY. What Our Reporters See and Hear Worth Giving to Our Readers News in Brief. Long season iu May so the know ing ones Bay. Mrs. H. H. Crocker had new Irish potatoes from her garden (or dinner today. Vei y early. 8ee Notice of valuable property for sale by 8. G. Ryan and C. M. Busbee, commissioners and receivers. Warm sunshine after this splendid rain will make the gardens put in new life. It has been decided to build a (ire proof annex to the female depart ment of the Insane Asylum. It is a much needed improvement. The Executive committee of the North Carolina Horticultural society has decided to hold the ninth annual Fruit Fair in Greensboro, on Tues day and Wednesday, August 4th and 5th. It is hinted that Monroe is making preparations for the shops of the Ra leigh and Gaston Railroad, hoping they will be removed from this city. What is Raleigh doing to prevent the removal ? T. M A. meeting fo&ight at the Bible cl ass room of Aden ton Street Church at All members are re quested to he pr.Kf-nt: important business to he transacted. Please meet promptly at 7:80. Bv order of the President. Ac a meeting of the Executive Oita mittee of the Board of Directors of the Insane Asylum held yesterday Capt. Jno. B. Burwell was chosen Chairman of the Executive I Commit tee in place of Capt. Octavius Coke, resigned. Only a headache cure. The one headache cure, but the infallible headache cure is Bradycrotiue. Mil 6t We are authorized by Gov Holt to say, that the copies of the stubs of the receipts for direct taxes will be here during the early part of next week perhaps Monday. He says that steps will at once be taken to have the money paid out to those cn titled to the same. A reception will be tendered to Mi y Davis, Miss Carter and other visiting delegates to the Kings' Daughters1 Convention at the Yarboro House this evening from 9 to 11:30 o'clock All members of the Y. M. C A , St Andrews Brotherhood, Kings' Sons, Kings' Daughters and Ministers are cordially invited. Have You Attractions to Set tlers and Investors to Offer ? The special edition of the Baleigh Visitor of 20,000 copies, now soon to be issued and sent to those through out the United States and Canada who are interested on the subject of the advantages to be found in the south, is the very best medium of ad vertising in this particular line, that is available at ten times the cost. This 20,000 edition -will contain ar ticles setting forth the attractions and advantages offered by the sec tions companies and Real Estate Agents who furnish such articles Now don't forget that the main thing in advertising is to get what you write in the hands of those interested in what you have to offer. This is just what we guarantee. We publish matter in the issue for the Southern Inter-States Immigration Bureau and thereby secure their best mailing ad vantages. Let us have your man uscript as soon as practicable, as we expect to get the issue out about the 20th. It will be the North Carolina Industrial edition of the Raleigh Vrs itor. The charge for space will be $25 per column. Call at the Visitor Office or address the Raleigh Visi tor through the mails. Don't let this opportunity pass. REAL ESTATE CONVENTION Large Attendance and Much Business Tr -unacted. Pursuant to a call issued by Gov. Holt, the first Real Estate Convene tion met in the hall of the House of Representatives yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock. There was a good at tendance, including many prominent gentlemen from different parts of the State. The convention was called to order by Col. W. J. Saunders, after which Rev. Dr. J W. Carter lead in prayer. Gov. Holt then addressed the con vention in a manner most appropri ate and well timed. The following committees were appointed: On resolutions- S. F. Toinlinson, P. B. Means, W. N. Jones, J. D.Cam eron, Jno. A. Williams, D. W. C.Ben bow, W. M. Pickett, J. A. Harrell, W. T. Dortch, H. C. Cowles. On order of business: W. C. Mur phy, J. B. Hunter, W. C. Chadwick, Geo. W. Sparger, J. Bryan Grimes, C. E. Foy, C. W. Shaw, G. A. Foote, Al exander Mclver, J. M. Broughton. The convention then adjourned until 8:30 o'clock p. m. On re assembling Oil. Burgwyn de livered an appropriate address. A resolution was adopted urging our Senators and Representatives in Congress to advocate such modifica tions .of the Inter-State Commerce law as would admit of special rates to persons who wish to examine prop erty and settle in North Carolina. A resolution urging the prosecution of the work on the geological survey, was adopted. After the appointment of a commit tee of six on permanent organization of the association the convention ad journed until 9:30 o'clocek this morn ing. TODAY'S PROCEEDINGS. The convention met at 10:30 o'clock this morning. The attendance was not as large as last night. The committee on resolutions re ported. It resolved that the commis sion and justices of the peace of the several counties be requested to have the products of their counties col led ed and placed on exhibition at trn coming exposition, and that they bp afterwards turned over to the com mittee of the Columbian exposition. It was further resolved that the Gov ernor issue a proclamation requesting a compliance with the same. The follow gentlemen were chosen officers of the permanent association: President W. H. S. Burgwyn. Vice Presidents Elias Carr, Dr. D. W. C. Benbow and C.J). Smith. Secretary W. T. Patrick. Treasurer T. K. Bruner. Resolutions favorable to education and agriculture were adopted. The convention was addressed by Dr. Murphy, Mr. Southgate, Capt. S. A Ashe and others. Normal School. A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Normal and Industrial School printer to work in a job and for girls will be held in Raleigh at 10 newspaper office, address, B VV. SPECIAL NOTI( i. Wanted. Hay. Leaksville. N. C. irvO 3t o'clock a. m. June 9th. In making the call, Superintendent Finger savs: "This meeting will be, not only for the purpose of locating the iusi tu tion, but also for the transaction of any other business that may be pre j sented to the board that comes with in the scope of their duties undo r the situation as hii office boy or to learn earc oi riabbajre and transplanted Tomato plants for tale. A . B Porbkst. lm. 517 Polk St. Situation Wanted. A bov about 15 vears old wants .-) Hardware, c. BUY A ROACHTRAP Wil statute. I think it will probably be at least best to select a president for the institution at that meeting. Doubtless othermatters will come up for consideration and the meeting will be an important one." some good trad. Address B the F.VKSiN Visitor. ICeinoval Sale. We have in store now tht la:gest I and most attractive stock of dry goods of all kinds we have ever shown. All of which have been bought for the Come and Look and You Will -wiiBtiWf 0,i be Convinced. , jn orfer to ci0se out as near as pos- For sometime we have been telling sible before moving the people of you about our great slaughter dress this vicinity will be treated to a reg- ! goods sale, a good many have been ular banquet of low ptiees. Al! lines j around and examined our stock, and of goods to be closed out and some : as soon as they saw the extremely low regardless of cost. Big will be the j ikfiioo tliof xwra utova BalliriO Aiir fiiu ' n'nrH frit' i to Via u ino hia tnill , (V,... ' ii jico, uucttv tw j tt v oi-t i 1 " r uuv i -1 1 v UM i 1 1 v wui ti luo r rj riu unci dress goods at, they could not help j for the next 50 da) s The first comes being convinced of its great unequaled get the pick. value, and invariably avail them- Norms' Dry Goods 3tork. selves of this rare opportunity of get ' 'IT ting a fine dress at less than one half , " ' " its rfifl.1 value. We invite everybody GKHT8 Straw Hats A better to come and see these great bargains that we are now offering, and will continue to offer until we move iu our new store on Fayetteville street. It will not cost you anything 10 look, and if you should find something in our mammoth stock of uress goods to suit you we will guarantee the price to be much less than you can buy the same goods for elsewhere. We have a very large and superb assortment j anv of white goodsjthese goods we bought very cheap and we are selling them at a real bargain. We are constantly receiving new attractions in millinery goods in the very latest and most fashionable style and designs. In shoes and slippers we can give you any size or style that you may want, and in this line we will guarantee to save you at leaBt 25 per cent D. T. Swindell. catrh roaches and soon rid your homes ni iiiesc jwsts QUAKER CITY Lawn Mowers, 1 : Will ent gras8evenly and makeyouri . lawn 100K smootn and neat. The Kings' Daughters'. The State Convention met this morning at 11 o'clock at the Sunday School room of Edenton Street M. E Church. After devotional exercises and receiving .delegates the address of welcome and responses were de livered. After an address by the State Secre tary, the convention adjourned until 4 p. m, There was a good attendance in eluding several distinguished ladies from a distance. The reception at the Yarl oro House will take place to night, which will be an interesting occasion. Removal Temporarily. W e have removed to 213 Fayette ville street, next to Stronach's. Hav ing had our insurance adjusted we will be open tomorrow for business All eoods at all damaged will be closed at once at a sacrifice. We have a large stock of parlor organs, pianos, &c North State Music Co C. G. Stone, Mancger. my 14 2t 1 line we have never shown First aud nicest of all are the Dunlap straw ' hats. They, like the Dunlap fur hats, I cannot be excelled by any uianr.fac j turer in the country. Then we have j men's stylish straw hatfi, which do ; not come quite 60 high Id price, ar j good, and the styles are correct In j fact, we have now a stock of straw hats from which we can suit almost 1 one we nave a particularly nice line of not by styles for young men, showing the very latest city shapes. Come and choose your straw hat before the lot gets picked over. W. H. & R. S TUCKKR, & Co. Forty Farmer Boys Eighteen to thirty years old can get employ ment at once, at the South em Inter State Exposition, Raleigh, N. C. under competent carpenters, thereby be learning a trade that will helptbem during life Part of the number will be instructed in band music. Einnlovment will lnut until The Book Trust Knocked Out. j December 1st. 1891. Watn-s fifteen dollars per month and one suit of regulation uniform. Comfortable q carters furnished free. No one who drinks or uses profane language need apply. Make application in writing giving full particulars as to educa tion, &c , with a letter of endorse ment from some minister. Address F. B Chilton, General Manager, Raleigh, iN C. A CARD TO THB PUBLIC. Some six months ago we began the publication of our reprint of the famous Encyclopaedia. Britannica in 25 Volumes, which wo issed at $1.0 per volume. The price of the English edition' always has been aud still is 18.00 per volume, and the Seribner I r Tlj edition $5 00 per volume in the cheap- j est binding. j ce iD anV Qliautity, also fresh ii6h That the public appreciat, so great;11?' ' my ceiiar no. , . wu bargain is shown by the fact that toingtoa Street. Orders filled prompt- over half a million volumes of this l7 reprint have been sold in less than j j hftye & nice lot JJ . . e WQod SiX months. aU KUTOOd and enlii-. rondir rt ha neari This elegant, new edition we still : for 8tove8 or fireplaces; also an assort- same price, $1.50 per . ment of .hinc-les. all at mv mill, wnst offer at the volume. This is the greatest bargain nH nt RinMit nn Mn,.,i er known in books. ap95 1m L H AdAms. Better still, we will deliver the set complete on small easy payments, to ! jce suit the convenience of customers. I Remember this is Dot an abridge ment, but the great Edinburgh ninth ! Ice may be had at our cellar undei Barbee & Pope's confeeti' uery store, near Savings Bank, tomorrow and edition, reproduced page f ur page, ; evpry day hereafter. Those wj8kng with important articles on American subjects rewritten to date by eminent American authors, and new maps, later and better than in any other-edition. Special Offr. We claim that our reprint compares favorably with the high priced editions in every re spect, and in respect to maps, and strength and beauty of bindings is superior to them. Iu order that this it sent out in quantities will please send orders to Josks & P wkll. Cabbage, transplanted Tomato plants, best variety, pot grown Egg plants, Moon Vines, Hoses, rare Chrys anthemnms, Carnation, Geraniums Tuberoses and all kinds of bedding plan's, (Jut Flowers. Bouquets,Floral Designs, slower aeeds, &c. api7 Jw H. Stkinmktz, Florist. your lace curtain- done up at AMERICAN YOUNG NICKEL PLATED it is the best on the market niht9tt LAMPS. A neat new style lamp gives the light of 30, candles. Wicks are easy to put in. PRICES LOW. fHOMS 8. 5RIGGS SONS, RALEIGH, W C. MISS MiGGIE BEESE, Millinery, Ffi!lHSB,ll. TMPORTED AND DOMESTIC TRIMMED X. Hats and Ponnets. The greatest varietv desirable shades of fancv straw braids in the i of grey, tan, black, &c- for Ladies, Misses and wee little ones. ALL THE IKV SHADES In chiffon and other trimming materials; nowers in prolusion, so very natural you wonder nature does not also yield its perfume. Infant's fine crepe de chene and muslin caps and shirred hats. HAIR GOODS, Rushings, a beautiful line of all kinds of Ties. All the new hair ornaments, bracelets, jewelry, &c, &c. bt.ampeu linens, embroidery materials, wools and zephyrs. Prices reasonable and austaction guaranteed. .Miss ,M AGGIE REESE, M) Fayetteville St. April 8 tf. Raleigh, N. C. uc "3 v i the 0ak oity Steam Laundry in first lUDjjouuwu c mn.n.c iuv luiiuwiug class style, li. t( w Rt's specia proposition: We will furnish volume horse and cow food going like hot t. at, fit) cts n. fraction of a? .ml . cakes. A trial will convince you that if sent by express. Add 40 cts yuBbuge ii w.iuiBu uy iuhii amouui xhe resignation of Mr. W. G Oak pamior volume i . win te credited man. the 1st Vico PreHirfr,t nfti,, - w ' VI UUl on price of set when ordered R. 8. PEALE& CO., 815 381 Wabash Ae , CHICAGO MayW6t. Richmond & Danville System opens tne way tor tne promotion of one of our fellow citizens, at which all our people will be delighted if he.wants it. 4 UUJ Lute of Dry Goods, ftotjous, &c. W, H. i K S. 'fucker Co. A nDITIONAL SPRING PURCHASE s OUR buyer has just returned from the North where he has been securine Utips of goods to replace those disposed of earlier in me season. He found something new. fresh and nret- ty for all of the department , and our pat- may uuw nave me privilege oi seeing many lovely things which he has hroncht. out lor their pleasure T "vress Silks, 'ress Silks, "ress Woolens, JLress Woolens, (1 renadines, Xrenadines, Blaclx. Laces, Printed Co ton Fabrics, Scotch Ginghams, American Ginghams, Handkerchiefs, Table Liuens, Ac, &c. H. & R. S. Tucker & Co. 123 and 123 Fayc'. tevllle St.