Charleston Will Have to Fight. City of Mexico, via Galveston, May 18 The Chilean steamer Itata is sailing under difficulty, and the United States war ship is gaining on her. It is expected that the two ves sels will reach Acapulco within a few hoars of each other. A BATTLE OK BAVAL MONSTERS Sab Frahcisco, May 12 The defi nitely ascertained fact Mint the Chilean insurgent warship Esmeralda is at the port of Acapulco, Mexico, awaiting the arrival of the Itata, on board of which is the Captain of the Esmeralda, has excited renewed in terest in the chase of the Itata from the fact that it is believed these two vessels would fight any United States vessel that attempted to take the Itata. City of Mexico, May 12. The Anglo American publishes rumors of the sinking of the Itata by the United States cruiser Charleston, but gives neither time nor place. Chilean Congressman Trum bull Arretted. Ricardo Trumbull, a member of the Chilean Congress and partisan of the Insurgent party, was arrested last night by the United States Marshal for violating the neutrality laws in connection with the shipment of arms and munitions of war, on the schooner Robert and Minnie and on the steamer Itata. His bail was fixed at $15,000, and he was released with John D. and Adolph Sp reck els as sureties. Trumbull was arrested on board the Oakland ferryboat and was on his way to Washington. Ex. Kights of Honor. The Supreme Lodge, Knights of Honor are in session this week at New Orleans. Delegates are present from nearly every state in the Union. Mr. S. J. Pemberton, of Rockingham, is the North Carolina representative. European paupers are still being shipped to this country by the cargo. An American agent in Liverpool says one hundred paupers are shipped every week to the United States, and the paupers are not so bad as the criminals. Can't the thing be stop ped ? Won't somebody stop it ? Turn up Something. As an exchange says, the man who, in this progressive age, sits down and waits for something to turn up or ap pear to others for assistance while he remains idle, will certainly fail to accomplish anything. Ho will not only fail in anything that may be passing, but will Soften cause oth ers to fail who deserved a better fate. So it is with towns, cities and communities. We must first arouse ourselves to action putting not only our hands but our pockets to work, we must be ready to do whatever our hands findeth to do, and if nothing will turn up why then we must unite our forces together and turn some thing up. The Ileal Estate Coaveution. This body adjourned yesterdav af ternoon subject to the call of the President. That the convent lou has been promotive of great good in the line laid down, is beyond quest ion, and we look for the best resolte to follow. Supplementary to the pro ceedinjrs of the body just adjourned or rather a continuation cf the ob jects sought, will be the convention of the development and real estate companies called to meet in Raleigh, June 24th next. In this connection, the resolution passed yesterday rela tive to the matter i of much impor tance, and slu uld n c ive the consid ertion of our people to a large exteut. It reads as follows : Resolved, That we request the citi zens of Raleigh to organize for the proper reception and entertainment of that body, which will be composed of gentlemen from many Southern states, and that the railroads be re quested to issue special rates to this important gatnering. There can be no doubt, that a prop er reception on the part of our people will have a great effect towards the promotion of the, objects to be at tained. Let our citizens organize for a most hearty reception. It will animate the occasion and show to the people of North Carolina that the citizens of Raleigh are fully abreast of the times in all that pertains to the material welfare of our state. Let us prepare at once to give the coming convention a rousing recepo tion. . NORTH CAROLINA ITEMS. The electric street cars in Charlotte will commence running tomorrow. The cotton compress of the R. & D Railroad in Charlotte has pressed nearly 100,000 bales sine last Septem ber. The Commercial National Bank of High Point will soon commence bus iness with a capital of $60,003. The annnal tobacco sales at Oxford amount to ten million pounds It is said that the union depot of the Coast Line, at Wilmington, will be removed to Rocky Mount in July next. Tarboro has a knitting factory which turns out 1,200 dozen pairs of socks and stockings in a week. The new Christian Church in Dur ham will be dedicated the firstSunday in June. Rev. Dr. Jones, of Norfolk, will preach the dedicatory sermon The police brotherhood of North Carolina, will meet in Wilmington June 10th. On the 11th an excursion will be made to Carolina Beach or Ocean View. There will be a band contest at Charlotte on the 20th inst,' The first prize will be $300 and the second $1' 0 It is estimated that five millions pounds of tobacco will be sold in W il spn the coming fall. Low Kates. The Richmond and Danville Rail road will sell tickets to the North Carolina State Mm ileal Society and Board of Exanru A-h.ville, N. O., and return at t he following rates from points named: Charlotte, $' 06 Greensboro. ? 9 Winston Salem, Durham, 10 0 Henderson, 11 60 Raleigh, 8elni. 1 W Ooldsboro 13 00 Rates from intermediate points in same proportion. Tickets O" KHie ':iy -sibi iu u, good returning June 2d, '91 The Book Trust Knocked Out. a card to the public. Some six months ago we began the publication of our reprint of the famous Encyclopaedia Britannica in 25 Volumes, which we issed at $1.50 per volume. The price of the English edition always has been and still is $8.00 per volume, and the Scribner editiou $5 00 per volume in the cheap est binding. That the public appreciate so great a bargain is shown by the fact that over half a million volumes of this reprint have been sold in les than six months. This elegant new edition we still offer at the same price, $1.50 per volume. This is the greatest bargain ever known in books. Better still, we will deliver the set complete on small easy payments, to suit the convenience of customers. Remember this is not an abridge ment, but the great Edinburgh ninth edition, reproduced page for page, with important articles on American subjects rewritten to date by eminent American authors, and new maps, later and better than in any other edition. Special Offer. We claim that our reprint compares favorably with the high priced editions in every re spect, and in respect to maps, and strength and beauty of bindings is superior to them. In order that this claim may be tested by a personal inspection we make the following proposition: We will furnish volume 1. at 60 cts. a fraction of actual cost if sent by express. Add 40 cts. postage if wanted by mail. Amount paid for Volume I., will be credited on price of set when ordered. R. S. PEALE& CO., 315 321 Wabash Ae., CHICAGO Mayl46t. An Outlaw Killed. John W. Penton was captured on Saturday night at Milton, Fla. He resisted arrest tnd in the mellee was killed. He was wanted at Covington, Ky., for murder. Three Times Sentenced. A Pulaski, Tenn., special says: Lar kin Lancaster, who was charged with having cut off the head and severed the legs of Zick Dickson and then did same up in sacks and throwing them in Richland creek, was yester day convicted of murder and sen tenced to be hanged on the second Friday in June next. . A remarkable coincidence is that this is the third time that he has been convicted on the same day of the month of April and sentenced to hang on the same day of the month in June. He has appealed to the supreme court, and some lawyers think that it is a vex ing problem as to whether or not he will be hanged, and that it is no near er a solution than it was more than tw j years ago, Valuable Property for ale Under and by viitue of a deem made at April term IMtt, of Wake Superior Court m i , i- I ......1. I ...... i ill I a cause enutieu, u. r.unur jA-a.u. i -Johnson and J. V. Baroer against . H. J. Goodwin, the undersigned, as Commission ers and Receivers, will sell at public sale, on the 25th clav oi -iay, ioi, X at the court house door, m the city of Kai igh for cash, to the highest bnUler, all the propertv, assets, good will and rights of the firm of 'Goodwin Co. in the brick business on the "Maywood Place," about two miles south of the citv of Raleigh. The purchaser at said sale must give a justified bond in the sum of tlO.OJC, conditioned to fully carry out and perform all of the contracts of said hrm, especially the contracts of said fiem with the Caraleih M'f g Company. S. G. IV AJ, C. M. BUSBKE. myl4 td Commissioners and Receivers. WA1TT, WA1TT, WA1TT. BUT DON'T WAIT TOO LONG BEFORE YOU EXAMINE MY STOCK OF CLOTHING. MY LINfi OF STBAW, STIFF AND FELT BATS Are complete. Come and see MY LINE BEFOBE BUYING ELSEWHERE. Just arrive a nice line of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS LATEST NOVELTIES D, S. W AITT, Agt mhll 3m Raleigh, N. C. SI 49 Ii.R.Wyatt Has just received a lot of OAT AND CORN CHOPS Splendid feed for Horses, especially BROOD MARES and COLTS. THE SPECIAL COW FOOD Is fast gaining a renowned reputation for quantity and quality of MILK and BUTTER. THE SPECIAL HORSE FOOD Will soon bring out the poorest horse and make him fat and sleek. UNRIVALLED BARGAINS. wby ? 1st. Thev are leaders. 2d. Bought cheap in case lots direct from factory. 3d. Immense quantity we sell. A nimble sixpence protit is better to us than a slow dollar. WHITUiU 15KUS., E. R. STAMrs, Trustee. 10 E. Martin bt. yancey & mora, DEALERS IN GOOD SAWED SHINOLES ALWAYS ON HAND AT LOWEST- PRICES Lime and Cement CARSON & SO.N'S RIVERTOJN WOOD BURN l LIME, rSATKa FINE QUALITY, EXTRA HEAVY BARRELS. "It slacks well, is very white and valunbh for building purposes; tanners, paper mak ers, dtc. For sale at retail or bv the car load, as iov as any standard quality. One dealer writes to the manufacturers hi follows: "We have been handling your "Rivertoii Lime for the last four years at the rati ft f roni3,000 to 10,000 barrels per year, and con sider it the best we have ever handled. Il slacks quicklv and is free from core, lui rip.' and specks. .For general use there is mnf better." Another writes: "You ask for oui omi.' ion of your Lime, which we have been Onid ling tor about a year. We take great pleas ure in assuring you that we are selling all ol the principal contractors ana builders it. oui city, and shipping a good deal to neigMio ing towns, with entire satisfaction to all. W consider it the best Lime in our market. W rind the barrels larger and in better condi tion than other brands we nave sold, and have never had to pay out a cent for coor et age on your barrels." Write tor prices and testimonials lien dealers, contractors and manufacturers. JONES & POWELL Sole Agents, Raleigh, N 1857. C0t' NTRY PRODUCE, Auctioneers and CommissioD Merchants, Manufacturers and Dealers n Buggies, Carriages, Road Carts Farm and Spring; Wagons, Nos. 319, 321 and 323 Wilmington Street, and 130 Morgan Street. We carry the lareest stock of vehicles in the State, and have control of the best makes ot .Buggies, Carriages and Road Carts sold in this territory. hv Injour harness department you can find everything kept in a FIRST CLASS estab lishment. We warrant all work sold in both departments and will make it to your advar tage when you want to buy. Call and exam ine our stock or write for catalogue.and prices YANCEY & STRONACH, Auctioneers. March 9 tf . THE JOURNAL OF SOCTEOTC. j E. D: MANN, Proprietor. Published (New York) Evkby Thursday. "Between the line of raillery and cynicism wad great lessons of life, morality and hope." The newsiest, brightest, wittiest, 'wisest, clover est, most original, and most entertainine DODer ever published. A complete and perfect Journal for cultivated n,'n and women, being a topical and out spoken critic and chronicle of the events, doines interests, and tastes of the fashionable world It is always up to date, and carries with it the atmos phere of the metropolis. In purity and power of literary style it has no equal on this continent. A veritable symposium of well-bred satire: deftness and daintiness of touch; strength, inde pendence and originality of thought; refined Hum or; caustic comment; piquancy of ieflt: abort stories; musical, dramatic, Uterary 'and arterltlclsm, and topical sketches. The fame of its Financial Department, as the most reliable authority on flimnHni sub. Jocts, investments and speculation, is world-wide Its interest is by no means local: being the rec ognized journal of American society, it is equally entertaining in all parts of the country i . H? 68011 week DT firstxdass newsdealen in Amsrica and Europe. Every newsdealer wil keep and supply it if requested. Newsdealen supplied; by the American News Co., 89 Chambers Street, New York, and by all other news companies. Regular subscriptions may be sent direct to office of publication, or through any newsdealer OTSubscriptlon agency: One year, $4. 00; six months 2.90; three months, $1.80. Samples free. Address : TOWN TOPICS, SI West 33d St., n w York. City, W, ALSO 1 C-lnch Boards. $1,000 In Cash to be distributed among Canvasser) for Clubs forj the Weekly Times. A handsomely Illustrated Paper of ixteen Pages. LESS THAN ONE CENT A WEEK.. Cneapesr Paper in the World. The publishers of the Philadelphia WEEKLY TIMES Intend to have SUBSCRIBERS i i 1 i i i i Since the first to I I I I I I I I t h e last date above written the undersigned has repaired more than 40,000 watches and perhaps as many clocks, beside." thousands of pieces of jewelry. He is still making a specialty of Watch, Clock and Jewelry Woik at his old stand, SECOND door west of the National Bank ol Raleigh where may be found a good line of INE (iold and Silver W atches, INE Marble and Walnut Clocks, 1JNJS Wold and steel Spectacles; and Jewelry for sale at tbe low est possible prices for CASH. You cannot afford to miss caU 'rg on COLE if you wish anything in his line. His goods are all of the best classes. His workman ship none better. Ca . and see him at 13 WEST HAROFTT STREET, Raleigh, JM. U. sel5 J. W. COLE, JT, R. Xerr ell, 203 Fayetteville Street, Wholesale and Retail Grocer and Commissionlf trcbant. For a good chew of Tobacco TRY A STOLEN KItfS. Special attractions in CANNED GOODS, PICKLES, &c. CHOICE EBFAEFAfeT 1 'J RIPS HAMS, &c. CHICE FLOUR. BEST BRANDS. TEAS, &c. Teas, Spices, Roasted and Green Coffee, Cooking Extracts, Sweet and Sour Pickle, Give me a call. Free delivery and polite at tention. Raleigh, N. C April 18, 1891. tf . Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorlai Before January, 1892, and to accom plish this in the shortest space of time the price has been reduced to KA CENTS JJ A YEAR And cash to the amount of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS Will be paid to the getters up of clubs, as follows : For the first largest list, $250 For the second largest list, 200 For the third largest list, 100 For tbe three next largest, each SO For the four next largest, each 25 For the ten next largest, each 10 For the 20 next largest lists, each 5 The above prizes in cash. This competition will be open to everybody everywheremen, women, boys and girls. Careful record will be kept of the subscribers sent in by each competitor, and the cash will bo paid when the contest closes, on the first day of Dceember, 891. The PbiladelpMa Weekly Times, A handsome Weekly Journal, filled wun ricniy illustrated articles on every subject of contemporaneous in lerest, mciuuing f iction, .Literature, xravei, auventure, aociety, thePBfa ma, Sports and Home Life, the Farm and Warden, with all the Current News of the World. A feature of the Weekly Times is a d partment devoted to Our Boys and Girls This feature of The Times has aroused more interest among young people than any other Juvenile pub lication, not only because its stories, sketches, chat, puzzles and problems are so entertaining and instructive, but be -ause every boy and girl that reads it is a member of the famous eight o'clock club. The crimson and gold button of the club is sent free to every one of them. There are no fees of any kind. You can find out all about the club and tbe hundreds of prizes it distrib utes among boys and girls by sending for a free copy of the Weekly Times, the subscription price of which is only 50 cents a year. It will cost you only a postal card to get a specin en copy, and then by sending fifty cents, which we are suro you will do, it will be sent to you for one j ear, I Wubsci i tititis may begin with any number. JSo continued stories. Address for all particulars THE TIMES, Times Building, Philadelphia, K.

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