The Baily Evening Visitor. 0BLISHBD BVBRT AFTXRBOOH, IBzcept Sunday, THB VISITOR is served by carriers In the eity at 25 cents per month, oayable to the carriers in advance. Prices for mailing : $A per year, or 15 cents per month. No paper con tinned after expiration of the time oaid for unless otherwise ordered. Communications appearing in these columns are but the expressions of the opinion of the correspondents writing the same, and they alone are responsible. A crost mark X after your name Informs you that your time is out. Address all orders and communica tions to BROWN & WILLIAMS, Raleigh, N C Local notices in this paper will be Five Cents per line each insertion. Largkst Citt Circulation. RALEIGH, N. C, MAY 25, 1891. SECRETARY BLAINE. It is mooted that the severe spell of sickness through which Secretary Blaine has been passing is not alto gether cf a physical charactor. There are intimations that his mind has be come involved though Secretary Tracy scouts the idea. THE SOUTHERN PRESBY TERIAN GENERAL AS SEMBLY. This body now in session at Birin ingham, Ala., is receiving numerous overtures, suggesting for changes in constitution, usage of the church. The East Texas Presbytery ask that it be distinctly affirmed by the church law that women cannot speak in pub lic assemblies. Florida Presbytery asks if other de nominations can use Presbyterian churches for worship. North Ala. Presbytery asks the ap pointment of a general superintend ent of Sunday schools. Potato Bugs. Growers of the Irish potato in North Carolina and Virginia are more or lens troubled by two species of insects which attack the vines. Doryphora dkcemli mkata, the Colorado beetle, is an old and well known pest. L vi ta murina, the black Blister beetle is less known, but is becoming more plentiful each year. The best reme dy for Loth these pests is Parish green or London purple. The purple costs less than the green, and is easier to handle, and therefore preferable. The poison is best applied wet, using one ounce to each six gallons of water. A common water pot will do for a few rows of vinr b, but where there is as much as one acre in a garden it will pay to get the knapsack sprayer, shown at figure 1 in Bulletin 76 of the N. C. Experiment Station. This bul letin will be sent free to any citizen of North Carolina, and to citizens of other States on receipt of six cents in stamps. Instead of plain wacer it will be more satisfactory to use the Bordeaux Mixture, prepared according to For mula No. 8, given in the above men tioned bulletin, using the Bordeaux Mixture as if it were water. This com pund mixture will protect the vines from blight as well as bugs. From four to Bix applications will be need ed according as the weather is wet or dry. Rains wash the poison off the vines. Gerald McCarthy, N. C. Expe riment Station. North Carolina Gems. Argonaut. A North Carolinan says, in a letter to the editor of the Scotland Neck Democrat: A few mornings since as I was making my way hurriedly through one of the most prominent streets in a northern city I noticed a large show window where there was al most everything nice in the way of jewelry, silver-ware, diamonds, and precious stones of all kinds, and paintings of celebrated men. In the midst of all this was a bronze table covered with velvet. In the centre of the table was the chief attraction to me. There was something in a chamois skin about 1? inches thick and probably A inches long. By the fde pf this lay some stones oi the size q( a'pcn, or a little larger. They ee in a setting in the shape of a scarf piu, and the others lay loose. I noticed a card sAying they were taken from amine in Alexander county, North Carolina. They were very clear, brilliant lit tle beauties, uud I thought they would be very nice for a scarf pin. I went in intending to buy one to put in my new spring scarf, I asked the saieoiuau to let me see those little gems from the mines of North Caro lina. He placed them on the show cse, and after examining the large piece, commenting on its sparkling brilliancy, (it weighed 8 ounces) I took up one of the little gems set in gold for a scarf pin, inquired the price. '"Two hundred and twenty live dollars,'1 said he. "What !" said I in surprise. "More costly than diamonds " "Well." said he, "that is taken from this large one here, and is the largest and finest in the world, save one. The largest in the wo-ld is owned by the Duke of Devonshire, and is a South American stone.1' "Thank you." said I, "for your trouble and information, but I will not decide to purchase this morning." And I walked out impressed that there are valuable things in the mines of North Carolina, if this was a sample. Raleigh Post-Office MAIL SCHEDULE. OUTGOING MAILS. Via Keysville(R. P. O.) for BiMUMnd way, Via GoldsborolKx.Kt.) for Short Cut Si Golds, dis. Via Weldon and Norf . (R. P. O.) forN. E. Via Go'dsborodt. P.O.) for N 8. and East, Via Gibson sta. (R. P. O.) for W1L, Char, .v South. MaGiecnslwvont.r.O.) for N., S. and West, Via Weldon ta Norfolk (Ex. FUfor N. & East, Via Greensboro (Ex. Ft.) for ., 8. and West, DaTABTlBE- No of t rom frwom Train! P.O. 13 10 41 M li a m 7 45 8 If 10 40 Fin 00 3 15 Depot a m 8 15 8 45 11 25 p ni 1 32 4 00 I 5 35 6 10 4 30 8 00 5 00 1 30 INCOMING MAILS. AKKIVAL8. No. of Train Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. Busk Lima Beans. The old small Lima or Butter bean is well known in the South, and it is also well known that it is more pro ductive in the South than the large Lima so popular at the North. But all pole beans are troublesome, and many farmers neglect to have a sup ply of Butter beans simply because of the bother of poles. The new Bush Lima does away with all this trouble. The plant grows no taller than or dinary snap beans, and is enormously productive, bearing coutinously from July 1st until frost. By reason of closer planting a much larger crop can be grown per acre than on the climbing variety. This Bush Lima was raised in Campbell county, Vir I ginia, and was distributed by Peter Henderson & Co., of New York, as Henderson's Bush Lima. This variety has been tested at the N. C. Experi ment Station and found to be fully as valuable as claimed. There are sever al other Bush Lima beans now be ing offered, wnich belong to the large Lima class. These will Le tested the coming season and reported on. W. F. Massey, Horticulturist, N. C. Ex periment Station. Via Greensboro (Ex. Ft,) from H,, o. and West, Via Weldon (Ex. Ft.) from North and East, Gibson sta, (R. P. O.) from Char., Wil. & S. Via Greenbboro (R.P.O.) from N., IS. and West, Via Weldon (R. P. O.) from North and East, Via Goldsboro (R. P. 0.) trom JN., ti. V South, Via Keysville (R. P. O.) trom Kiehn;ond, Ox ford Durham, etc.. Via Goldsboro (Ex Ft.) trom JNortti, 12 45 38 10 41 ! n n At I A4 Depot1 P.O. a ii- 7 15 9 30 11 20 p in 1 28 3 55 4 48 7 OS 11 50 a m 7 35 9 45 11 35 p m 1 45 4 10 5X05 7 20 C 00 Trains marked thus, do not move on Sun day. Mails for train 9 close at 3 p m on Sun day. STAR ROUTES. Outgoing Mail Depaits , Raleigh via Shotwell. Eagle Rock and Wakefield to Unionhope, Tuesday and Friday 6 a m. Raleigh via Myatt's Mills to Dunn, Tues day and Friday 6 a m. Raleigh via Kelvyn Grove and Dayton to Fish Dam, Monday, Wednesday and Friday ti a m. Raleigh via Hutchinson's store and Ban gor to Rogers' store, Tuesday and Friday lpm. Raleigh to Massev, Tuesday and Friday 12 m. Incoming Mails Arrive Unionhope via Wakefield, Eagle Rock and Shotwell to Ral eigh, Wednesday and Saturday 7 pm. Dunn via Myatt's Mills to Raleigh, Mon day and Thursday 7 pm. Fish Dam via Dayton and Kelvyn Grove to Raleigh, Monday, Wednesday and Friday 7 pm. Rogers' store via Bangor and Hutchinson's store to Raleigh, Tuesday and Friday j2m. Massey to Raleigh, Tuesday and Friday at 10 a m. Free Delivery System. Free deliveries at 6:15 and 8:45 a m, 3:15 and 5:45 p m, ex cept Sundays. Collections made at same hours. Sunday, 6:30 to 7:30 a m. Free de livery windows open on Sundays from 3:00 to 3:30 o'clock p m. Correct: A. W. SHAFFER, May 10 ly Postmaster. Raleigh Business Directory. REFRIGERATORS, Ice Cream Freezers, Fly Fans, Oil Stoves, &c, at apl7 lrn HUGHES'. DW C HARRIS, 118 East Martin st. Dyer and Cleaner. ja31 J 7. MacRAE. Full line of Buist's Fresh Garden Seeds. IjOw Rates. The Richmond and Danville Rail road will sell tickets to the North Carolina State Medical Society and Board of Examiners, Asheville, N. C, and return at the following rates from points named: Charlotte, $7 05 Greensboro, 7 90 Winston-Salem, 8 80 Durham, 10 00 Henderson, 11 80 Raleigh, 11 00 Selma, 12 20 Goldsboro, 13 00 Rates from intermediate points in same proportion. Tickets on sale May 21st to 26th, good returning June 2d, '91. Tickets for the Baptist Tabernacle excursion are on sale at Mr. J. R. Ter rell's store. SOMETHING NICE. INVITATION CAKDS.-Sr SOMETITING NICEigJ SOMETHING NICK. i OH JOHNSON, 331 Hillsboro st. Groceries, Cigars and Tobacco and Fruit a specialty. 1 N BRYANT, Stall 8, city market. viiuice reei, jrorK, aic. LC BAGWELL, corner Blount and Martin sts. Has opened a shoe shop over his coffin house. New work and repair solicited. Jos Watson, manager. w M DANCY, Stall 22, city market. Pork, Western Beef and Sausage. LDWOMBLE, cor Wilmington & Hargett sts. Groceries, Leather, Shoe Findings, Fishing Tackle, To bacco, Cigars, &e. BEEHIVE STORE buys and sells every conceivable thing for cash cash that can be sold or exchanged. J SCHWARTZ, 122 Fayetteville st. 1 he leader in choice Meats. Vir ginia Beef and Mutton. All Pork and Mixed Sausage. Come and see me. fe5 Advertisements. New Writing Papers NEW CARD NOVELTIES. A beautiful line of all the latest designs in this class of line stationery. Just received at Alfred Williams & Go's. BOOK STORE. Also in stock: Drummond's new book "The Changed Life." Price 35 cents. H J E FRANCIS, next to Savings Bank. Practical Boot and Shoe maker. Give me a call. fe9 The best thing in the United States for ONE CENT is the Philadelphia RECORD $4 per year, daily. $3 per year, omitting Sundays. For the Farmer and the business man the Record has no equal. Address 44 1 be Fecord,"; I biladel phia, Pa. J utiM . I V alnabie Laud for Sale. By virtue oi power conferrred,by judg ment reuuemi u F ebruary term ifcSn, oi tne superior Court ot W uke county, iu a cause euiulcu W. 1. tudiurvu vs A. ti, Dunu et ai, 1 sliult aell at uie ouurt house ui VV uku county, lor oasii to tne highest bidder, al public sale, the MlOWUkJ ueacn bed tract ot i.i 1 1. 1. .Lying ana being iu Wake county, i.i .ir toresiviiie, ou U.e Powell road, ami ioinillif uie lulius 01 S. 11. Dunn, I). ! . fori, m . -. Ik. A. Mill, U. W. Allen and others, aim begins at a stone in tne fowell road. J..&. Pureioy's and carvers corner, and runs thence south do w chains a inches to a stone in saiu road; thence west lu chuins 13 links to u black jack, J. S. 1 ureloy'u corner; i ne in south U iTtlttf 'JU links to a red oak, UMBOS north oi " east 1 ciiain 'Ji) links to Pow ell s road; thence along said road a s w direc tion u chains 64 links to ti, H. Dunn's cor ner on west side ot the Powell road; theuce north 87" W east do" chains ol links to a stone in D. v . Allen's hue; thence south 40 east u chains links to the rowell load, the ye- giniiuig, containing 10 acres, more or less. bale will be niauo on the bth day of June, A. D. ISiii, at izo clock ui. 8. G. RYAN, in yb dtd Commissioner. City Lot for Sale. On Monday, June lst,1891,at' thecourt house door in lialeigh, n. C, 1 will sell at jjubiic auction tne house and lot in the city oi Kal- eigh, JN. C.,'uow occupied by Keubeii Hodge anu his wire, tiaid loi lies on Cabarrus street and is the same which conveyed by Ken ben liodge and wile to Madison Hodge by mortgage recorded in book Sso. o2, at page wis, oi uie Kegister s orhce ot ake county. oaie made unuer judgment oi Vv ake Supe rior Conn 111 i'ie case Ot J. Kowan laeia and hid. O. liodge, aduirs 01 M. C. liuuge and otiiers against iteuoeii liodge and wue, .Iso. idol, civil issue docket. Xeiins of sale, cash. Hour oi sale, 12 in. J, ItC-WAN ROGERS, my4 tds Commissioner. SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. T y virtue of a decree of the Superior Court JlJ ot VV ake county amy made ana entereu in the case of ad ward Moseley et, al. vs. W. C. Moore et. al., 1 . will expose to public sale at the Court House door jin the City ot ivai eigh, on Monday the 1st day of June, 1891 at 1U o'clock m. that valuable tract of laud and mill property in Little River i'ownship, Wake County, containing lilty-three (pdj acres of land and known as "Moore s Mills." The land is valuable laud and has upon it valuable water power and mills and a cotton gin. Terms ot sale, one-hall cash, balance at six months with interest at 0 per cent. The undersigned will give any informa tion desired in regard to this property. C. M. LuSbiiE, May 1st tds. Commissioner. Administratrix Notice. Having this day qua'ined as the ad ministratrix of the estate of the late 21. F. King, this is to notify all pers sons hav iug claims against the estate to present the same to me for pay ment on or before the 11th day of April, lb&g or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery, all persons indebt ed to tne estate will please settle without delay. CORNELIA H. K.IBG, Administratrix. Wood, Cole, &c. mwi k mm, Coal Dealers- We call special attention to the Coal we propose to handle tins sea son and wnicn we are receiving uany. Kanawha, West Virginia, bpimt, Sunerior to any in the United States for grates and open tire places, ft JfiW RIVER LUMP for grates and stoves. It s the equal of any and surpassed by no other (save Kanawha plmt), be it under any name wnat- ever. It has been upon tne maraet for the last ten years, this is the first season for Raleigh and .North Caro lina. We have the New River for steam also, which we will put by the side of any other coal and guarantee equal, if not better results. We are the agents for this coal ana can ship for domestic and steam users to Charlotte, Hendereon, Durham, Winston. Oxford and other points di rect from the mines. Wive it a trial, is what we ask. we nave aiso a very choice lot oi Rett and White Ash for grates and stoves, which we screen before sending to our customers. Buy now and save money. Write for prices. Oak, hickory and pine UI II II II wood, lontr or cut. unhand II II 1 1 all the time. llVUIfs ANDREWS k GRIfflbS. is what we ask. HARD COAL; Tt It Wo will pa; Hotel hills, opium Hot springs USERS And Charge no Fee Tor any case we fall to cure of what it common ly called the "OPltJrt habit," which in cudes the habitual use of Onlum. UornKlne. Cocaine, and other kindred narcotics. Address MAM.KW00D INSTITUTE, HOT BrilNflB, AKK. SlandaifFlavprins Tracts HOUSEKEEPERS can prove by asingk' trial that these Extracts are the dKiaWsti jhey are true to their name?, full measurc ifld highly concentrated. Mlsoeltyneoua. Vgirinia Classified Uie inirance Co'y. V7 Main street, JN Uhr'ULa, VA This is a joint stock company whlcn combines m advantage oi the old line system of insurance with the pop ular plan ol monthly premium and payment ol death olaims Immediately on proof. r-olicies running for 10 years or toi 80 years are issued with equitable options at the end of those periods. Those who wish to have done a kind act in case of their death, for their families, hu here the opportunity Officers JrTesideut,T J JN ott ingham Vice .President, ti, V White; Secretary' Richardson; Treasurer, it W Vicar; Medical Director, L Laukford; Oouc sei, J ti Heath. Directors T J JN ott iug ham, ti V White, W W Vicar, F Richardson L L Dankford, M Jj, Judge J JC rteath L Sheldon, ti W Deal. W. B. -Hoyjj, totate Agent, JNer Berne, JN . O. b W w HiTiMU, Locai Agent,kaleigL W non SSHHSfi Danville R ft Co'y, Condensed Schedule In effect March 29th, 1891. Southbound. Lv Richmond, Durkeville, Keysville, Danville. Ar (ireensuoro, Lv (ioldsboro, Ar Raleigh, Le Raleigh Le Durham, Ar Greensboro, Lv Salem, tireensboro, Ar Salisbury. Ar Statesviile, Ar Asheville, Ar Mot Springs, Lv Salisbury, Ar Charlotte, Spartanburg, breenville, Atlanta, Lv Charlotte, Ar Columbia, Augusta, Northbound. Lv Augusta, Columbia, Ar Charlotte, Lv Atlanta, Ar Charlotte, Salisbury, Lv Mot Springs, Asheville,. Statesviile, Ar Salisbury, Lv Salisbury, Ar Greensboro, Salem, Lv Greensboro, Ar Durham, Kaieigh. Lv Raleigh Ar Golds ooro, Lv Greensboro, Ar Danville, Reysville, Burkeville, Richmond, No 9 1 00pm 8 42 0 00 8 26pm 2 86pm 4 82 4 87 543 8 06 t0 30 8 35pm 10 24am 12 36 6 55am 8 32 10 32 12 00 8 20 4 20 9 00 am 12 15 a m 440 8 15 am Daily. Noll "2 55am 4 53au- 6 31am 8 00am 10 10am 14 80pm 7 46pm 100am 3 02am 7 2ui i u 7 80 10 lb 11 67am 12 67pm 638 72U 12 03am 1 3Upm 4 84 6 6l' 11 8pm 1 45pIU 65C 9 3'Jpm No lo 9 30 pm 12 20 4 30 am 6 0C pm 6 10 0 62 li 32 pm 1 04 am 5 20 am 6 20 7 00 8 50 11 30 am 10 20 12 28pm 123 1 88 310 8 c8m 10 41 1 83pu. 2 16 4 10 Daily. No 1l 10 45 am 2 00pm 0 30 7 10 am 0 40 pm 8 85 12 27pm 2 19 0 834 7 26pm 8 4S 10 30 tl2 10 am U 30 pm 6 00 am 745 t 00 am 12 60 iu 40pm 10 26 323 am 4 00 0 06 WEST BKTWKKW POINT, RICHMOND AND RALEIGH, via Keysville, Oxford and Durham. 15 and 14 Stations. 10 and 1 7 60 am Lv West Point, ArOOOpj 9 16 am Ar Richmond Lv t4 40 m 10 8oani Lv Kicnmond 12 45pm " Burkevilie 1 4(pui " Keysville 2 22pm " Chase City, 2 5?pm " Clarksville 8 49pm Ar Oxford 4 16 " Lv Oxford 5 20 " " Menderso 8 54 " Lv Oxford Ar 486 u 2 43 4 200 " " 12 24 " H 47aic LV10 40 " Ay Lv 15am 9 80 41 U 62AI J16 44 Dafly. 6 68 44 Ar Raleigh t Daily except Sunday. IDaily, except uondpv. Sol Haas, Jas LI Ynoit, Traffic Man'g'r. fcf eto Jrics W A TPftK, Div Pass Agent. Raleigh 0. ft. tCinaCerdiai U R E S DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, CHILLS and FEVERS, MALARIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, KIDNEY TROUBLES, NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM. TT is InvlgoraU uw sns urn hghtful to take, and of great value as a Medicine weak and Ailini Women and dren. TT give NEW , 1 life to the whole system by Strengthening the Musoles.Ton intf the NERVES. & completely Di gesting tne looa. PONTA1N ne K ii . t f ii Minerals, Is com posea or caretuu selected Vetrett ble Medicines combined skUl fully, making ti Safe and Pleasant Kemedy. For lbys1t Dear ynn sruUslM A Book.'Volina,' -t bv le nhvsiciflhi ; ing how. to treat Volina Dnj lin siclahs, telf how t n treat 'diseases at Home, mailed, together With aset of hand somecarflsbynew Heliotypeprocess on receipt oi 10 s. nil Oraosrs, BhouM thedwler JVJUUUkaW f LOT, aw Er ABED OSTLT Ml and Chemical Company.1 SV ' "tS&tjiJ: