The Bae on the 4th of July. The feature ot the celebration of the National holiday in Raleigh will undoubtedly be the great bone show White Oo4s. Errv OLe can buy a nice rhite drees, because it will coet so little Think oi it, a nice wbite lawn dress and the accompanying races, for at onjy 5 per yard; then a fine rblch will be entered probably tne eneer quality for only 1 cents. Large finest horses in North Carolina. The improvement in blooded stock is con fined to no one part of the State. Raleigh will contend with Wilining- sheer plaids only 7Jc. 8J. and 10 cents better goods than these at the prices we have never shown. A beautiful line check naiusook at cents, a pretty ton, Winston, Tarboro, Oiford and dotted Swiss at 15 cents. These are oulv a few of the many great values Perhaps seventy we give our customers every day, and we have just as many as vou wisn. All new fresh clean stock, and at SPECIAL BARGAINS, BONE FIDE -1357 SALE. other places all of which places pos Bess fine horses. W. H. & R. S. Tuckhr b Co. A Wild Ma five horses will be entered, some as trotters, others under the saddle, prjce8 ag iow and lower than you can with such numbers, and under sucn get tue same goous anywhere tests of speed as will give unusual In terest to the occasion in which com parative merit is to be tested freed therefore elevated above those prac A Te8 farmer living near San tices of the jockey which have som e Antonio, on the Ralado creek, caught times brought horse racing into dig- a writable wild man a few days since Muiti with nm wh ntWwi r. after a long chase. The man presented onlZe its vain as the airencv a horrible appearance. He was but through which good breeds become ekin and boneB-' wae bareheaded and substituted for bad breeds. The turf oareiooieu, oeing ciaa oniy in vim re j.. iL. 1 v. 1 u.j anants of a shirt and trousers His id iue uobi it)Bt mat uaii ue apiicu iu i prove speed, endurance, kindliness face was covered with ah& b,ack and intelligence; qualities that every man who uses a horse desires and beard a foot in length, while his hair hung down his back in disorder. His Owing to continued sickness, from the first of the year to the present time, I must change my business and will now sell my whole stock of goods at cost, for cash, consisting of fine clothing, straw hats, soft and stiff bets, white and colored dress shirts and everything usually kept in a gents furnishing store. These goods must bt told as it is absolutely neces sary I change my business. They will be sold in lots to 6uit purchasers Country merchants would do well to look to their interest; would prefer selling the entire stock as it is. Goods will be sold without reserve and no goods will be taken back after being paid for and delivered. D. S. WA11T, igt. March 11 tfw. I I 1 1 I I I I I Since the first to 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 I t h e last data above written the undersigned has repaired more than 40,000 waicnes un.l nrhnii mm iiim.Ii V clocks, besides thrmiumria of nieces" of jewelry. He s TRONACH'S 8AKERT, EAST HARGETT ST BEET, lk t ween Wilmington and Blount Sts. which long breeder of horses should toe and finSer nails were three inches seek to obtain. Capt. B. P. Williamson, of Raleigh, long. The man was captured while lurking about the farmer's place in who takes great interest in the Fourth 1u.e8t of food- 1 After being made a of July race, is an example in his own success what can be done to improve the stock of horses in this section. Others in this and other counties of the State do not fall behind. The race will be of such deep general in terest that it seems scarcely necessary to do more than to remind the public that it will take place at the time ap pointed, will be fairly conducted, and from the number of horses to be en tered with probably be the most an is mated series of races ever run in North Carolina. Mr. . H. Lee will be the manager of the races. The Covenant. The Coy enant is organized with ab solute safety, the feature of parav mount importance. The securities are held by three National Banks, who are appointed under the by laws its permanent trustees, and these se curities cannot be withdrawn except to return to the borrower upon re payment of his loan. The general officers, and officers of local branches, who handle any money, are all under heavy bonds. In addition to these safeguards is one which appeals to all members alike, and that is, all the offi cers and employees in its home office and branches and on the road must be members in good standing of the great order of Odd Fellows, and all employees and officers are pledged, upon their honor as .Odd Fellows, to watch over and protect the interest of the Association. Thus every man is a trustworthy sentinel, ready to prisoner he became docile, but de clined to reveal his identity. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The Covenant Building and Loan Association, -OF- KXOXVILLE, TENN. Authorized Capital, $25,000,000 Managed solelv bv Odd Fellows, but mem bership open to all. The Covenant isone of the best known and most successful Build ing and Loan Associations bcioie the DUblic The business of this company in all depart ments Is conducted with rigid economy. The proportion of payments by shareholders, SET APART FOR EXPENSE FUND IS smaller than many other companies. The following are endorsements from the Knoxville Banks, where the Home Office is located: "A thoroughly solvent and reliable insti tution. It officers are lirst class business men, capable, honest, and of that character wno could not allord to connect their names with any but a successful and reliable busi ness." City National Bank. '"The officers are ail men of crond stnndint? 1 1 i 0 ... .0 jiciu. uiui bujuc 01 ineni are weaitnv men in very High social and commercial standing.' -.bast lennessee National Bank. 'The officers are among our verv best c iti zens and are gentlemen of honor and credit ' Third National Bank. For stock or information see Genriw H Glass, W- T. Smith or Wayne Allcott. mlU 3 menaces the Association. Such com plete and absolute safeguards were never thrown around any other As sociation. Real Estate for Sale I have to dispose of several imnrnvml smH i i c j , vauaut iui uu cannon and Soutn street'- give warning of any danger that aiso very desirable vacant lots ZwS gett, Person, Polk, Bloodworth and East streets, ail in tne city ol Kaleigh. 11 uui soiu privately Deiore Julv Bth nrox I will offer them at public sale at the court nouse uoor, at iz in. tliat day; terms one nan vasa, oaiance i, 2 and 3 years with in terest on deterred payments. Full descrip tion on application. FOR SALE PRIVATELY, a fine tract of woodland, about four miles west of Raleigh, containing 220 acres, more or less. The above property is offered by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Wake county in in twHnu ..niitU.,1 rP 11 T..; i -i parte, being a special preceeding for sale of lium lor paiunoil, ixc. . THOMAS H BRIGGS, je3 tds Commissioner, itoc Raleigh Market Report. WHOIiKSALB AND RETAIL. Corrected "weekly by w. c & a. b. STUONACH, Fayetteville and Wilmington streets, 215 217 Meats C. R. sides, 6f m Hulk shoulders, Bacon " 7-.V 10c : " breakfast If 12 V Hams sugar cured 10 V 15c Emm" N. C. & Va , 104 15c Banon N. C, hog round, 10 11c Laud Pure, 7 10c Compound 6c Flour Best per bbl $0.50 $7.00 Family, " 6.00 6.60 Wood, " 5.25 COFFEE Rio Green 184 Sue ar Granulated, i Yellow extra C 4i Molasses Cuba 224 New Orleans, 224 Syrups, 25 Meal per bushel, 85 Corn per bushel, 85 Oats per bushel, 75 Hay per hue wt, 00 Brajt per pound, 14 Ship Stuff per pound, if Salt per sack, 1.55 WAMTEfl A PURCHASER Will Close Out Oar Entire Stock, 5.50 25c 6ic He Sue 60c 50 1.00 100 80c 110 suit lie ilma Sjftii. B!ltof E,entDiB iD Mi Cakes, Pies. Sc. at his old stand, SECOND door west of the National Bank of Raleigh, here may be found a good line oi MINK (-Jr. 1,1 Rud Hilver W ate lies, INK Marble and Walnut Clocks, Fresh Baked every Day. INK Hold and Steel Spectacles, i T i fn. lu u ar ThA IOW i est possible prices for CASH I N-Q A.-L.-XJ-M You cannot afford to miss caLMpg on COLE if you wish anything in his line. His goods are all of thn hnst clauses. His workman ship none better. Ca. and see him at 13 WEST HAROFTT STREET, Kaleigh, N. O. J. W. COLE, Only the Best Materials Used. In or Out of Town Orders Carefully and Promptly Filled. Ponv & Horse FOR SALE. We have for sale a fine Pony 6 years old, sound, kind and gentle, broke to saddle and harness. Has been driven by a lady for two years. DarkBay, black points, heavy main and tail. ONE DARK MAHOGANY BAV HORSE 5 years old, thorough bred "FANCY BOY," most stylish young horse in the city. He is thoroughly broke to barntsB kind and gentle, will be fast by pro per handling. YANCEY & STRONACB, March y tf. Lime and Cement CARSON & SO.N'S RIVERTUN WOOD BURN I LIME, EATtta FINE QUALITY, EXTRA HEAVY BARRELS. is verv white and valuii hi for building purposes; tanners, paper nutt ers, Sic. t or sale at retail or hy the car loau at in as any standard quality. une ueaier wmes w me niauuiueuuio at follows: We have been handling your "Kivertoi.- w.ctu STBONACH Proprietors of sider it the best we have ever handled. It slacks quickly and is free from core, lui( f and specks. For general use there is nor Detter." Another writes: "lou ask for oui oim. ion of your Lime, which we have been or ml ling for about a year. We take great pleas ure in assuring you mat. we are senium n ui the principal contractors and builders in oui city, and shipping a good deal to neigh bo ing towns, with entire satisfaction to all. W consider it the best Lime in our market. V rind the barrels larger and in better condi tion than other brands we have sold, aud have never had to pay out a cent for coof el age on your barrels." Write for prices and testimonials Iron dealers, contractors and manufacturers.. Sole Agents, Kaleigh, N ( Auctioneers. L..R.Wyatt Has just received a lot of OAT AND CORN CHOPS Splendid feed for Horses, especially BROOD MAKES and COLTS. THE SPECIAL COW FOOD Is fast gaining a renowned reputation for quantity and quality of MILK and BUTTER. THE SPECIAL HORSE FOOD Will soon bring out the poorest horse and make him fat and sleek. GOOD. SAWED SHINGL ES ALWAYS ON HAND AT LOWEST PRICES ALSO 10-Inch Boards. COUNTRY PRODUCE. BUTTKR 15 Eggs, 10 Chickens Spring, lv a Hens, 25 Potatoes Sweet, 30 Irish, Peas White, 75 Stock, 05 For Kent. Four room cottage and pantry room I secure bargains with kitchen detached, on McDowell street, between Hargett and Morgan A pply to B. P. Williamson. je8 Ot Merchants if you want to buy at bargain" drop in and see me. From today, May 30th, until I find a purchaser for my entire stock, will Bell at cost, if the cost don't Buit you then I will make the nrices to Don't stay away and say I am 2ic not se,ling at cst but come and see V S I for yourself, it will certainly be to your interest" as I am going out of the Dry Goods business. My stock consists of "Dry Goods, 50c Dress Goods, all kinds of notions, Em- 1 CO Droiclerie8 Edgings, Laces and Trim mings, Shoes, Hats, Umbrellas, and Gent's Furnishing Goods. Come and 25c 20c 25c 35c 90c jStjonaclfs :-: Bakery. $1,000 In.Cash to be distributed among Canvassers for Clubs for, the Weekly Timea. Lime for the last four years at the rati ol j A handsomelv Illustrated Ptpr nf from3,000 to 10,000 barrels per year, andcoi- a nanusomeiy iiinBtraiea raper of izteen Pages. LESS THAN ONE CENT A WEEK. jr. R- Xerrell, 203 Fayetteville Street, Wholesale and Retail Grocer and CommissionHtrcbaiit. For a good chew of Tobacco, TRY A STOLEN KISS. Special attractions in CANNED GOODS, PICKLES, &c. CHOICE LRFAKFA&T t TRIPS HAMS, &c. CHICE FLOUR. BESTiBRANDS. TEAS, &c. Teas, Spices, Roasted and Green Coffee, Cookine Extracts. Sweet and Sour Pickle, Give me a call. Free delivery and polite atr tent ton. Raleigh, N. C April 13, 1891. tf COLUMBIA BICYCLES. BOYS PANTS, Sbirt Waists A big stock just received. PriceB 25c, 40c, 50e, 65c, 75c, $1.00. RELIABLE GOODS, POPULAR PRICES. W. G. SEPARE, Agl May o, 189'.- tf. Hi E. Martin St. CLOTHIERS SHATTERS For catalogue and prices,address or call on cecil 6 mw. Cneapest Paper in tne World. The publishers of the Philadelphia WEEKLY TIMES Intend to have 100,000 SUBSCRIBERS Before January, 1892, and to accom plish this in the shortest space of time the price has been reduced to ff A CENTS tJJ A YEAR And cash to the amount of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS Will be paid to the getters up of clubs, as follows : For the first largest list, $250 For the second largest list, 200 For the third largest list, 100 For the three next largest, each 50 For the four next largest, each 25 For the ten next largest, each 10 For the 20 next largest lists, each The above prizes in cash. This competition will be open to everybody everywhere men, women, boys and girls. Careful record will be kept of the subscribers sent in by each competitor, and the cash will be paid when the contest closes, on the first day of December, 801. Tbe Philadelphia Weekly Times, A handsome Weekly Journal, filled wun ricniy illustrated articles on every subject of contemporaneous in terest, including Fiction, Literature, Travel, Adventure, Society, the Dra- j ma, Sports and Home Life, the Farm ana uraraen, wun all the Current News of the World. A feature of the Weekly Times is a department devoted to Our Boys and Girls This feature of The Times has aroused more interest among young people than any other Juvenile pub lication, not oniy because its stories, sketches, chat, puzzles and problems are so entertaining and instructive, but because every boy and girl that reads it is a member of the famous eight o'clock club. The crimson and gold button of the club is sent free to every one of them. There are no fees of any kind. You can find out. all about the club and the hundreds of prizes it distrib utes among boys and girls by sending; for a free copy of the Weekly Times, the . subscription price of which is only 60 cents a year. . It will coBt you onlv a costal card to get a specimen copy, and then by sending titty cents, which we are sure you will do, it will be sent to you for 1 ju win 1 General AuP.nt. Raleioh N. C. one year. ' ' - I Bl.-l..: 1 i n uuueunpuuuii may ucgiu Wllu any number. No continued stories. Address for all particulars THE TIMES, Times Building, Philadelphia, Pa- Children Cry for. Pitcht Cattortf ! ChgdgwCry for.PitchaFtJkrtori