' - '- . - Thfi Bails Evening Visitor. PUBLISHED KTKRT AKTKHNOON, lEicept Sunday, 1 THB VISITOR is served by carrier In the city at 25 cents per mouth, payable to the carrier in advance. Prices for mailing : $8 per year, or t5 cents per month. No paper con tinued after expiration of the time paid for unless otherwise ordered. Communications appearing in these columns are but the expressions of the opinion of the correspondents writing the same, and they alone are responsible. A cross mark X after your name Informs you that your time is out. Address all orders and communica tions to BROWN & WILLIAMS, Raleigh, N C Local notices in this paper will be Five Cents per line each insertion. Largest City Circulation. RALEIGH, N. C, JUNE 16, 1891. In the Duke Bonsack trial in Char lotte on Saturday morning it was found that one of the jurors was miss ing which of course stopped the trial. Search was made for the missing juror but he was not found until Sat unlay night, three miles from town in a mentally deranged condition. The Doctor pronounced it tempory aberation of the mind, caused by the bursting of a blood vessel in the brain, from which he may recover. A THRILLING EXPERINCE. KIRK IN MID OCEAN ON ONE SHIP, AND DEATH ON ANOTHER. The steamship City of Richmond, of the Inman Line, which left New York June the 3d, with passengers for QueenstowD. carried in her cargo 2,000 baits of cotton which was dis covered to be on fire at midnight on the pth in mid-ocean, in a gale of wind. About 8 o'clock next morning a steamer was signaled, which proved to be the Counsellor, whose captain agreed to remain with the dis tressed City of Richmond, but as she came alongside her own captain sud denly fell dead on the deck of his vessel. The steamship Servia, of the Cunard Line, was signaled about midnight Thursday night and came to her assistance, and the Counseller went on with her dead captain. They fought the flames from Tuesday night till Saturday, when they seemed to be extinguished and the vessel put in port. THE PEOPLE'S PARTY. WHO ARB THEY AND WHAT ARE THEY AFTER? Evidently the leaders and promo ters want office, in this new party, just as is the case in the old. The ef fort to govern, throughout the civil zed world, It would seem, occupies a very large proportion of the atten tion and mental energy of the race Men love office everywhere, and of fice seeking is not confined to any class in society, but the demagogue may be found as readily in the aspi rant for township constable, as for United States Senator. If there were fewer office seekers, there would be fewer new parties, and fewer bad nominations in the old. Maryland will be Represented. Maryland will take part in the ex position to be held here next fall by exhibiting her products and the at tendance of her people. Brooklyn Life. Mrs. Blossom is very proud of her baby which she describes as "the utest and cuuuingest little thing." This merely by way of identification and to distinguish him from all other babies, which are well known to be of a very different sort. Mr. Blossom does not show ts much interest in hi offspring, but when the little fellow beeaiue ill the other night he got up ad attended to him while the mother felept peacefully in ignorance of the awful crisis. In the morning Mrs. Blossom no ticed that the infant's face had changed from its usual color. The cardinal red with shrimppink trim mings had resolved itself into an old gold and purple flounced affair. 'I don't think that baby looks very well," she said anxiously. "No; he had a hard night of it, plied her husband. "Oh, dear ! He wasn't sick, was he, J Charlie ?" "I should say he was ! Why, one time I didn't think the little beggar would be able to pull through." "Oh, Charlie, how could you let me leep ? Why didn't you wake me up V she exclaimed in tones tremulous with motherly anguish. "Well, replied Mr. Blossom, who never loses a chance for a joke. "I'll tell you. I was afraid you'd want me to dress and go for the doctor." Since then Mrs. Blossom may be heard assuring her treasure at half minute intervals that "his papa was a bad, wicked man, so he was." Paper Lasts Longer Than Iron The Pullman Palace Car people claim to have run paper car wheels 400,000 miles under their cars, while the iron car wheels will only average to run 55,000 miles. re- Teacher's Assembly. For above occasion the Richmond and Danville R. R. will sell tickets to Morehead City, N. 0 , and return at the following rates fron. points B meet. Tickets on sale June Ulh Ui t3d in clusive, good returning July loth, 1891. From $8 05 Norwood, $8 05 7 55 Albemarle, 7 80 7.15 New (iarden,7 65 7 00 Ashboro, 7 10 ii 70 Randleiuan, 7 00 (i Lt5 Wilkeshoro, 8 30 5 !0 i Klkin, it 'J.. J ltockford, 5 05 Donnaha, 5 40 Rural Hall, 5 55 I Winstbn, 5 00 Kernersville 6 70 4 40 Wilkins. 5 40 8 80 Stems, 5 65 6 25 Oxford, 5 90 (i 00 Henderson, 6 10 immediate" points in Charlotte, Concord, Salisbury, Lexington, High Point, Greensboro, Burlington, Graham, Mebane, Hillsboro, Chapel Hill, Durham, Raleigh, Clayton, Selma, Dabney, Rates 7 80 7 40 7 25 7 10 0 90 from same proportion. Legal Advertisements. NOTICE. HAVING qualified as administrator of the estate of E W Wynne, deceased, this is to notily all persons holding claims agamsi, the estate to present them to me for payment on or before the 1st day of June, 1892, or this notice will be plead m bar oi recovery, ah persons indebted to the estate will please seitle without delay. W. W, Ainu r. June 1, 1891. w How Many Farmers ? Few people know the number of men working farms and plantations for themselves in this country. The yeomanry" are the farm laborers as well as the farmers. In 1880 there were engaged in agriculture 7,070,493 persons, but of these only 4,225,944 were set down as farmers and plan ters, and these four millions included persons renting farms and planta tions. There were engaged in all oc cupations in 1880 only 17,392,099 per sons over ten years old. Of these 7,670,493 were engaged in agriculture, 4,074,238 in professional and personal services, 1,810,2 (5 in trades and trans portation, 3,837,112 in manufacturing, mechanical trades, and mining. The figures for 1890 will probably show that all other occupations are draw ing men from the farms. However, the few statistics given above are worthy of study. They show the strength of the farming class, espe cially if we include the laborers on farms. Richmond Dispatch. Real Estate forSale I have to dispose of several improved and icant lots on Cannon and South .street--; also very desirable vacant lots on West.Har gett, Person, Polk, Blood worth and East treets, all in the city oi ixaieign. If not sold privately before July 6th prox. I will offer them at public sale at the court louse door, at 12 m. that day; terms one- half cash, balance 1, 2 and 3 years with in terest ou deferred payments. Full descrip- lon on application. FUK HAliti fin AAJsn i , a line traci oi Dodland, about four miles west of llaleigh, ontaining 220 acres, more or less. Ihe bove property is offered by virtue of an or- ler of the Superior Court of Wake county in action entitled. T H BueKS and others ex- arte, being a special preceeding for sale of and for partition, &c. THOMAS H BRIGGS, je3 Ids Commissioner, &c. Announcing Broken Engage ments. The fashion new prevalent at Am sterdam is not likely to meet with much favor in America. The Dutch aristocrats, and commoners as well make it a custom to give to the break of engagements as wide a publicity as attends betrothals or marriages Thus a girl's record as a jilt soon be- c ernes Known, ana iaiuuess young men find that limits are put to their flirtatious exploits. Grand LodgeKuiglils of Pythias, For above occasion the Richmond and Danville Railroad will sell tickets to Charlotte, N. O, and return at following rates from points named. Tickets on sale June ltth to 18th inclusive good returning June 22nd. From Greensboro, $4 80 Winston-Salem, 5 95 Durham, 6 75 Henderson, 8 80 Raleigh, 7 45 Selma, 8 20 Goldsboro, 9 00 Rates from intermediate poiuts in same proportion. Sanguine of Brazil's Success. Despite dethronement and exile, Dom Pedro still proves loyal to the land over which he ruled. Doubtless he would like to end his days as the restored emperor of Brazil, but he sees too clearly to entertain prejudice, and declares that the experiment of Brazilian self government will prove a success. "My countrymen will hold their place among nations" is his Jiitest assertion. A Splendid Trip TO THE Atlantic Ocean, The eighth session of the Teachers' Assembly, Morehead City, N. C June 16th to 30th, 91 Fare for round trip from Raleigh 14 40 board at Atlantic Hotel 1 per day Wood, Cole, &c. ft mm Coal Dealers. We call special attention to the Coal we propose to handle this sea son and which we are receiving daily. Kanawha, West Virginia, Splint. Superior to any in the United States for grates md open fire places. H E W Rl V 1SK Jj U MF lor grates and stoves. It s the equal of any and surpassed b no other (save Kanawha (Splint), be it under any name what ever. It has oeen upon ine market for the last ten years, this is the first season for Raleigh and North Caro lina. We have the New River for steam also, which we will put by the side of any other coal and guarantee equal, if not better results. We are the agents tor tnis coal ana can ship for domestic and steam users to Charlotte, liencierson, juurnam, Winston, Oxford and other points di rect from the mines. Give it a trial, is what we ask We nave also a very choice lot ol Red and White Ash for grates and stoves, which we screen before sending to our customers. Buy now ana pave money. Write tor prices Oak, hickorv and pine wood, long or cut, on hand all the time. ANDREWS & GRIMES. is wuui we (tfliv. HARD COAL WOOD Raleigh Post-Office MAIL SCHEDULE. Miscellaneous, OUTUOINU MAILS. Viu Keysville t K. P. O.) lur lucnuiouU & way, i uofusboro (k.x.b. lor Snort Cut & (jo Ids. tlis. lit Weldon and 'ort. (K. 1. O.) for M. A, i!.. Via Uolilsboro (it. i: O.) lor M 8. aim KMt, YiaUioson sta. (tt.Y. O.) lor W'il., Char. v boulli. iu Uieunsboro (1LP.O.J lor tt., o. aim West, Via WelUon 06 Norlolk (Ex. Et.)forN.&East, Via Ureensboro (Ex. i.) for M., S. aud West, lU.lv KT l K Kb. No. of F roui Ftroni 1 ram 13 12 3.S 10 41 8 34 11 P.U. a iu 7 4a 8 10 10 40 p iu 1 uu 3 15 5 35 4 30 u. m. a ou Depot a in 0 lo 8 45 11 25 p nt i 33 4 00 0 10 5 00 1 30 ARRIVALS I No. of INCOMING MAILS. Irani At At Depot P.O. Via Greensboro (Ex.Et,) lroiu JS S. and West, Via W'eiuon t,Jix. ironi isortn and Easi, Gibson sta, (ii. P. V.) from Cbar., Wil. dx b. Via Greensboro (K.P.U.j ironi N., S. and West, ia Wekion (ii. P. U.; from North and Easi, Via Goldsboro (K. P. O.; lrom M.i E. d South, Via Keysville (It. P. V.) from Kicliniond, Ua- fnnt Durham, eu;., Via Go1Usboro ') from North, 12 4d 38 10 ftl 14 11 a n. i ia J 30 11 20 p in 3 55 4 48 10 15 a m 11 50 a m V 35 9 45 11 35 p in i 34 4 10 5 05 10 30 6 00 Vgirinia Classified bile insurance Co y. . V7 Main street, NUKFOLa, VA. This is a joint stock company whleo combines me advantage ol the old line system of insurance with the pop ular piau oi mommy premiums tun) payment of death claims immediately uu proof. Policies running for 10 years or loi "40 years are isaueU with equitubn options at the end of those periods. Those who wisn to nave done a kind act in case of their death, for their tamilies, ha i here the opportunit I hwiufu P.uuiilAfir 'I1 I Ki.,lfrtnfliaii.i ice President, E V W hite: Secretary. E Richardson; Treasurer, W W Vicai; Medical Director, L Lanklord; Coun sel, J E. Heath. Directors T J .Nottingham, V White, W W Vicar, E Richardson, L Jj Lanklord, M D, Judge J E Beath, Ii oheldon, U W Deal. W. t. Euiii, State Agent, IW Berne, j. J. b W WHiTiau,Looi Agent, Raleigh U null Richmond & Danvfflo ft ft i;v. Condensed Schedule In effect May 31st, 1891. Trains marked thus, do not move on Sun day. Mails for train 9 close at 3 p m on Sun day. STAR ROUTES. Outgoing Mail Departs , Kaleieh via Shotwell. Eatrle Rock; and Wakefield to Tlnionhone. Tuesdav and Fridav 6 am. Raleigh via Myatt's Mills to Dunn, Tues day and Friday Cam. Raleigh via Kelvyn Grove and Dayton to Fish Dam, Monday, Wednesday and Friday bam. Raleigh via Hutchinson's store and'Ban- eor to Rocers' store.Tuesdav and Fridav 1pm. Raleigh to Massev, Tuesday and Friday 12 m. Incoming Maii.b Arrjvk TJnionhope via Waketield, Eagle Rock and Shotwell to Ral eigh, Wednesday and Saturday 7 pm. Dunn via Myatt's Mills to Raleigh, Mon day and Thursday 7 pm. Fish Dam via Dayton and Kelvyn Grove to Raleigh, Monday, Wednesday and Friday 7 pm. Rogers' store via Bangor and Hutchinson's store to Raleigh, Tuesday and Friday 12 ni. Massey to Raleigh, Tuesday and Friday at 10 a in. Free Delivery System. Free deliveries at 6:00 and 8:45 a m, 3:15 and 5:45 p m, ex cept Sundays. Collections made at same hours. Sunday, 6:30 to 7:30 a m. Free de livery windows open on Sundays from 3:00 to 3:30 o'clock p m. Correct: May 31 ly A. W. SHAFFER, Postmaster. Tbe Great National Paper. The Brightest, Best and Cheapest ! THE WASHINGrTON WEEKLY POST A Paper from the National Capital should Uo into every tf'amuy m the Country 1 Dissolution of Co-Partnership. The partnership heretofore existing be teen R. M. Andrews and W. H. J. Goouwin is herebv dissolved bv mutual consent. All debts due to the nrm win oe couecieu by R. M. Andrews, and all debts due by the nrm win ue pain oy saia it. so.. Aiiurews. it, M. AJN-UiUjiVVS, W. H. J. GOODWIN. HayinK sold all of my interest and the good will of the late lirin oi Andrews ifc Goouwhi to Mr. R. M. Andrews, 1 trust that the pub- lie will continue to patronize Mr Andrews as they did the late lirin. VV ii J uounwin. May 23 lm Xou will want to go. 1 StandardFlavoring HOUSEKEEPERS can prove by a single trial that these Extracts are the cheapest fthev are true to their names, full measure. yti highly concentrated. " southbound. Daily. Lv Richmond, o uupm 2 5aui Burke ville, o 11 4 b5au- Keysville, 5 6b b ittaiu Ar Danville. vz ts OOain Ar (ireensuoro, lo 20pm 10 l'Jam Lv tioldsboro, 2 6Vpm tb aupm Ar Raleigh, , 4 -l& ll 60pm Le Raleigh tsiu i tioam Le Durham, 7 M 3 82a w Ar Ureeusboro, 10 00 UUOaiu Lv balem, fd '60 7 :5 (ireeusboro, iu bOpm 10 2o Ar Salisbury, .X2 20aiu 12 t2am Ar btatesville, i 52 ltlpiu Ar Ashe ville, 0 65am 5 Od Ar Hot WpringB, a 60 7 Go Lv balisbury, 12 bo 12 10 am Ar Charlotte, 2 10 1 b6piu Spartanburg, 0 VH 4 4b, tireenville, 0 47 tf 1 6 Atlanta, 1 1 am li bopm iiv Charlotte, 2 2U a m 1 16pm Ar Columbia,, 0 o 6 -X Augusta, lo 20 am v icpm rPHERE is no other paper in the United JL States that is srowing so rauidlv in ciruu lation as the Washington Weekly Post. This is because neither labor nor expense is spared to make it uie best, as well as the cheapest, paper pubhsbed. It is A National Paper! Being printed at the seat of government,! he Weekly Post contains special features not found in any other publication. Every man should first subscribe for his home paper. To it you owe your nrst allegiance. Alter mat is done, if able to take another paper, the best one printed at the Capital of the coun try is the one that will prove most profitable and entertaining. The Weekly Post will contain: A full resume of the proceedings of Congress, An epitome of all the news from ttie Nation al Capital. Political news and gossip impartially told, oenais ana short stones bv the best writers Gems of literature.art'and selected miscellanv The latest telegrapic news from every section 01 tne globe, Interesting Capital chat. interviews witn leading men irom an parts of the countrv. Other features not containtd in any other paper. The Post is an absolutely independent paper, 0 pages, ot columns. IS or th bound. Lv Augusta, Columbia, Ar Charlotte, Lv Atlanta, Ar Charlotte, bans bury, Lv Hot bpriugs, Asheville, btatesville, Ar Salisbury, Lv Salisbury, Ar (btreensboro, balem, Lv Ureeusboro, Ar Durham, Raleigh. Lv KaleigL Ar tioldbboro, Lv ureeusboro, Ar Danville, Heyhville, Hufkeviile, Richmond, Daily. No 10 7 tO pm 11 00 4 00 am 7 01 pm b 10 0 62 4 48 pm 0 20 am 11 02 am 12 01 7 00 6 44 No n 10 45am 2 00pm tf bO s 10 am 0 40 pm Ub6 12 2tui 2 16 0 40 7 b4pm 6 45 10 bO 11 bs am U2 2uaui 10 bO 12.&pin 1 lb4 b 10 S f2Mii 10 40 1 20pu. 2 11 4 10 lit in . .... 4 bSaiU 7.15, tS 46 am 12 20' 10 40pm 12 20 41bm 4 t6 7 no Ar BM'WBSS WEbT POINT, RICHMOND AJND KALE1UH, via Keysville, Oxford and Durham. 15 and 14 btations. 10 and 1 7 60 am Lv WeBt Point, Ar tf 0oi m 0 15 am Ar Richmond Lv t4 40 'n 10bjam liV Richmond 12 45pm " Burke ville 1 4upm " Keysville 2 22pm " UhaseCity, 2 57pm " Clarksviile b4Upui Ar Oxford 4 16 " Lv Oxford 5 20 " " Henderso 8 64 " Lv Oxford 10 40 " Ar Raleigh 4 3b 2 4b" 300" 1234 11 47am Lv10 40 ' Ar 111 lfaw 9 80 " Lv 16 f. The price of The Week! mum in Address, :lv i'ost is 75 cents Sample copies sent r annum in advance. ree. Addr THE WEEKLY POST, Washington Post The best thing in the United States for ONE CENT is the Philadelphia tDaily except Sunuay. HDaiiy, except Montfav Sol Haas, JasL'J tl?", Traffic Man'g'r. God ?.saw f rt. W A Tvrk, Div Paw Agent. Ralegh. N O. C U It E S DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, CHILLS and FEVERS, MALARIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, KIDNEY TROUBLES, NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM. TT is In vigor at. i 1 J r- idk man 11 htful lightf to take, and of great valu as a Medicine ft weak and Ailini Women and C dren. rraaM IT Blvea NEW A. LIPB to the whole 8Y3TBM by Strengthening the Muscles.Ton ing the NERVES, & completely Di. gesting the food. - RECORD $4 per year, daily. $3 per year, omitting Sundays. 1 For the Farmer and the business man the Record has no equal. r TT T T T TYYYYTYYYYYYTYT Y T T T T T T T prmKKmTriwmTrrri! 1 l 1 i mm 1 11 1 itiuuaJuuuuj v v v fTfyfyr -nrrrr- ------ PONT A I NSl no hurtfu Minerals, is com posea or carefull selected Veget Ma Medicine combined skill fully. Ri akins1 1 Safe and Pleasant Kemeay. For axle trr V aur Tou not kaao ruU skbMalu os sua, A Booic.'vouna,- by leading physicians, tell ing now to treat diseasea at name, 111 mtili in 1t " flliouMthedwlor mailed, together with aset of hand somecaf dabynew Heliotypeprocesa on receipt of 10 e. Address phia, Pa. The Record," Philadel Volina Drag and Chemloal Comptny.1

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