Tha Bailu Evening Visitor. TUU8HKD KVKBT iniRBOOB, Except Sunday, THE VISITOR la served by carrier (n the city t 25 cents per month, payable to the carriers in advance. Prices for mailing : $8 per year, or M cents per month. So paper con tinned after expiration of the time paid for unless otherwise ordered. Communications appearing in these columns are bat the expressions of the opinion of the correspondents writing the same, and they alone are responsible. A cross mark X after your name informs you that your time is out. Address all orders and communica tions to BItOWN & WILLIAMS, Raleigh, N 0 Local notices in this paper will be Five Cents per line each insertion. LaiieBST City Circulation. RALEIGH, N. C, JUNE 20, 1891. DIRECT TAXES. For the convenience of our readers we publish below a partial list of names of such persons residing in Raleigh Township as paid the direct taxes. It is copied from the Wilming ton Messenger. This list will be con tinned from day to day until comple-ted: Pollard, Caswell : 41 20 Perry, Howell 6 80 do Cameron. 2 80 Presbyterian Parsonage 30 00 Partridge, S S 24 00 Rogers, 8 H 42 70 ReeveB, Henderson 5 60 Robertson, Win 80 Richardson, W R 20 00 Royster, M B 8 00 Root, ChasB 47 20 Gales, estate of Webster R 8 00 do Mrs Mary...C B Root 20 00 Root & Haywood 1G 00 Rayner, Kenneth 129 60 Ruth, Henry 2 40 Ray, Jno Jr...F Kramer 8 00 do do ...Jno Ray Jr 49 90 Royster, David L 7 60 Ryan, Mrs G L...G W Mordecai...l6 00 Rowland, Wm 4 80 Fentress, TR 50 00 Roulhac, estate of TRRuffin56 00 Riley, Eliza 8 20 Shepard, Jas B mother and son. .10 72 Shepard, Jas B mother and son... 2 80 do do do do 20 00 Smith, Penelope 490 72 tronach, Sarah ...Sarah Smith..38 40 Saunders, R M..Mrs A Saunders 68 00 Selby, Talbot H 26 Pomeroy, W S -..-I 00 Saunders, W J...MrsASaunddrs 32 00 Smith, Ed 16 00 Mrs J B 80 .Smith, Henderson 8 80 iSorrell, Alvis 36 40 Sledge, Dil worth 14 40 Sugg, JnoB 8 00 do Pollard & Co.. J B Sugg 9 60 Smith, Sylvester 48 80 do do W H & R S Tucker 24 00 Shaw, Jesse 6 00 Show, J H .. 63 79 Sasser Lucinda 32 00 Skinner Thos 60 00 Tncker, Mrs S M 56 00 do A H 3 04 do W H & R S 80 80 do Rufus S.... 76 00 Thompson, Wm 32 00 ....24 00 ....24 00 ....28 00 ....32 00 ....19 20 1 60 WiiliauiB, Alford 0 24 William llaywooil 8U 00 Washington. John C 10 00 Williamson, Mary 10 80 Wilson, Frank I Hi 00 Walton, Louise 4 00 Watson, J W B 72 00 Williams, John G 28 CO Whiting, Mrs Hannah 1 40 White4 W..W J&T J Loogee 7 20 White, Emma and Susan 80 40 Yarborongh, Eii...WR Pool 116 00 do Kate 8 do 8 00 Young, Nancy ... 3 20 Young, Sam'l ...W H High 63 60 Yerby, Wm 8 20 Shaw, Matthew.. . Ben Abt 24 00 Stone, M P ... .. 8 00 Smith, Carolina 4 00 Pearce, Miss Annie E 2 40 McKee, Dr W H 4 80 Cooke, fieoT 42 40 Ray, EH 18 20 Crocker, John... Alfred, J H 3 04 21 CO 28 00 D Scarborough.. 28 00 do 12 00 W 4 00 Andrews, R M. Haywood. R W. Proctor, Isaac... Marriott, J K Perkinson, W Jordan Joseph 5 00 Cooley & Freeman...G M Cobley 24 00 Adams, Lynn 0 22 Johnson, Albert 24 CO Pearce, W C 6 00 Ashley, Nancy 4 00 Curfman, J F 4 00 West, J T 16 00 Wreber, D A 4 00 Eddins, W T 2 40 Scott, Bbrahain 9 00 Cole, Mrs Jane 1 60 Christopher, J J 8 00 Worth Jonathan 12 00 Kline, A 5 20 Smith, E 5 00 Adams, L H 2 00 Moore, J A 2 40 Pool, H 4 00 Stone, John L 2 40 Karron, Jacob 4 80 Russ, J P H 12 80 Neuse Mftr Co...H W Husted 60 CO THE K M.l.l B. & k AS NOU1ATION. uite a number of Mip projectors and friends of the uio vein ant to or gauize a Building ami Loan Associa tion met last night in Metropolitan Hall and organized under the char ter recently obtained, by electing the following gentlemen as a Board of Directors : Messrs. C. B. Edwards, Julius Lewis, F. W. Habel, Josephus Daniels, L. O. Lougee, Walter Wooll cott. The vote was taken by ballot with out nomination A resolution was adopted requesting the directors to have the necessary blanks, constitu tion, by-laws and other required printed matter prepared and distrib uted to the members as early as pos sible. After remarks by Mr. F. W. Habel, Mr. W N. Jones and others relative to the advantages to the in dividual members and to the city generally a resolution was adopted urging each member present to inter est himself in securing subscribers to the shares. The association starts off with flattering prospects. Taylor, Jesse do Ford do George do Mrs Jas F Towles.JasM Thompson, John C do Philip . ., Thomas, E B 4 80 Turner, Henry D 40 00 Taylor, Mrs Cynthia R 5 60 TJtley, T J...R 8 & W H Tucker 2 40 d ..BF Moore 14 40 Upchurch, A... AUpchurch 19 53 do 12 CO do ...Fanny Kramer ...12 00 do W C...WC Upchurch 18 40 do ...R J Upchurch 2 40 VasB, W W ....13 40 Wilkins, Lethee 80 Weathers, K R...F Kramer 20 00 WilliamB, 20 00 White, Ed 12 00 Womble, Jordan, Sr 47 82 Weathers, C H..H T Brown 16 00 WilliamB, W H... 80 Williams, 8 M, Guardian 6 40 Whitaker, Wesley 8 00 Johnson, Emily 80 Williama, W D 20 00 Wilton, HL 6 00 THOUSANDS WILL. VISIT THE CITY. In a private letter to us from a reaj estate man at Hornellsville, N. Y., dated June 17th, the writer says : "I am expecting to get up quite an emi gration South, providing I can et rates low enough. Mr. J. C. Brown thinks that can be done. I am pleased to know that the South is booming. It is the garden of America, and the people North are just finding it out." The writer quoted from above, is a prominent business man in Hornells ville, with such extended business connections as to place him in posses sion of as accurate and extensive in formation on this subject as, probab ly, any man in western New York. That thousands of people from all over the Northern States will visit Raleigh this tall there can he no doubt Will the entertainment that Raleigh is prepared to extend to them in large numbers be such as to secure the advantage that should result from their coming ? Raleigh needs another first class hotel, and needs it badly, but will need it worse this fall. Still IiOokinff lor Him. "And so you are married yet?" "No." "Engaged?" "No." "Expect to be?" "No." "What's the matter?" "Well, papa says that my husband must be a keen and experienced man of good health and habits. Mamma says he must be frugal, industrious, attentive and moral. And I say that he must be handsome, dashing, tal ented and rich. We are still looking for him.1' Life. A Splendid Trip TO THE Atlantic Ocean, The eighth session of the Teachers' Assembly, Morehead City, N. C June 10th to 30th, 91 Fare for round trip from Raleigh f 4 40 board at Atlantic Hotel II per day. You will want to go Teachnr's Assembly For above occasion the Richmond and Danville R. R. will sell tickets to Morehead City, N. C, and return at the following rates from poiuts named. Tickets on sale June 13th to 28d In clusive, gool returning July 13th, 1891. Prom Charlotte, 8 06 Norwood. 8 06 Concord, 7 5s Albemarle, 7 80 Salisbury, 7 16 New Garden,7 6 Lexington, 7 00 Ashboro, 7 10 High Point, 0 70 Raudleman, 7 00 Greensboro, 6 35 Wilkesboro, 8 30 Burlington, 5 90 Elkin, 7 80 Graham, 5 90 Rock ford, 740 Mebane, 5 65 Donnaha, 7 26 Hillsboro, 6 40 Rural Hall, 7 10 Chapel Hill, 5 55 Winston, 6 90 Durham, 5 00 Kernersville 6 70 Raleigh, 4 40 j Wilkins. 5 ;0 Clayton, 3 80 Stems, 5 65 Selma, 3 25 1 Oxford, 5 00 Dabney, 6 00 I Henderson, 6 10 Rates from immediate points in same proportion. Legal Advertisements. Kalciglt Market lteport. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Corrected weekly by W. C. & A. B. Sf RONACH. Fayetteville and Wilmington streets. 215 217 Meats C. R. sides, 6i ci Bulk shoulders, Bacon " 7j 10c " breakfast U J m Hams sugar cured lOi 15c " N. C. & Va , in 15c Bacon N. C, hog round, 10 11c Lard-Pure. U 10c Compound ojc iu FLOUR-Best per bbl $6.o0 $7.00 Painily, " o uu o.ou Good, " 5.25 5.50 Coffee Rio Green 18 2c Sugar Granulated, H 0c Yellow extra C 4 5ic Molasses Cuba 22 60c New Orleans, 22 60c Syrups, 25 50 Mkal per bushel, 82 1.00 Corn per bushel, 85 1,00 Oats per bushel, 75 80c Hay ner bun wt, 90 1.10 Brah per pound, 1 He Ship Stuff per pound, If 2ic Salt ner sack, 1.50 1:75 COUNTRY PRODUCE. 15 16 L 25 30 75 65 Butter Eggs, Chickens Spring, Hens, Potatoes Sweet, Irish, Peas White, " Stock, 25c 20c 25c 35c 50c 1.C0 90c Bates Annual Conference Woman's Missionary Socie ty, Durham, N. C. For above occasion the Richmond and Danville Railroad will sell tickets to Durham, N. C, and return at the following rates from points named Tickets on sale Juue 25th to 29th, in elusive, good returning July 2, '91 : From Charlotte, $6.75 " Greensboro, 2.95 " Winston Salem, 4 30 Henderson, 2.45 " Raleigh, 1.65 " Selma 2.95 " Goldsboro, 3 85 Rates from intermediate points in same proportion. W omuii's Christian Temper aucc Union at Charlotte. The Richmond & Danville Railroad will sell tickets to Charlotte, N. C and return at the following rates from points named. June 24th and 25th. 27th: From Greensboro, , Winston Salem, Durham, Henderson, v Raleigh, Selma, Goldsboro, Tickets on sale Good returning 4 80 5 15 8 80 7 45 8 20 9 00 Bates from intermediate points in same proportion. I North Carolina State Military Encampment. For above occasion the Richmond and Danville Railroad will sell tickets to Wilmington, N. C, ar d return at following rates from points named. Tickets on sale July llth to 23rd good returning July 31st. From Greensboro, $175 WinstOn-Saleiu, 5 95 Durham, 4 76 Henderson, ...... 6 25 Raleigh, 4 75 Selma, 3 60 Hates from intermediate points in i a, me proportion. NOTICE. HAVING qualified as administrator of the estate of 11 V Wynne, deceased, this is to notify all persons holding claims against the estate to present them to me for payment on or bet ore tlie lstaayoi June, 1892, or tins nntii fi will he Ulead in bar ol recovery. All persons indebted to the estate will please settle without ueiay. w W, WiJNJNli, Adm'r. June 1, 1891. 0w Real Estate forSale I have to dispose of several improved and vacant lots on Cannon and sown street; also very desirable vacant lots on West.Har- gett, Person, Polk, Bloodworth and East streets, all in the city or Kaieign. It not sold privately betore July oth prox I will offer them at public sale at the court house door, at 12 m. that day; terms one- halt cash, balance 1, 2 and 6 years with in terest on deferred payments. Full descrip tion on application. 1 UK tsAhK iuu v A t WJLiY, a line tract oi woodland, about four miles west of Raleigh, containing 220 acres, more or less. The above property is offered by virtue of an or- KifJl Ul lilt UUH Ul tUllllty 111 an action entitled, T H Briegs and others ex- parte, being a special proceeding for sale of land lor partition, Ms. THOMAS H BRIGG8, je3 tds Commissioner, &c. Wood, Cole, &c. ANDREWS mmi Coal Dealers. We call special attention to the Coal we propose to handle this sea- i l i a i sou auu wmcu we are receiving aaiiy Kanawha, West Virginia, Splint Superior to any in the United States for crates and open fire places. HEW RIVER LUMP for grates and stoves. It s the equal of any and surpassed by no other (save Kanawha Splint), be it under any name what ever. It has een upon the market for the last ten years, this is the first season lor Kaleigh and JNorth (Jaro Una. We have the New River for steam also, which we will put by the side of any other coal and guarantee equal, if not better results. We are the agents for this coal ana can ship for domestic and steam users to Charlotte, Henderson, Durham Winston, Oxford and other points di rect from the mines, (iive it a trial is what we ask. We have also very choice lot of Red and White Ash for grates and stoves, which we screen before sending to our customers. Bey now and save money. Write tor prices Uak, hickory and pine wood, long or cut, on hand all the time. ANDREWS & GRIMfcS. It) want WB USH.. HMD COAL. WOOD. Dissolution of Go-FartnersUp The partnership heretofore existing be- teen K. M. Andrews anu w. a. J. uoouwin is herebv dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due to the linn will be collected by R. M. Andrews, and all debts due by the tarn will be paid by said a. m. Aiiurews. Ii, M. ANDREWS, W. H. J. GOODWIN. Having sold all of my interest and the good will ot the late hrm or Andrews tt Goodwin to Air. It. M. Andrews, 1 trust that the pub lie will continue to patronize Mr Andrews as they did the late hrm. W H J GOODWIN May 23 lm I Standard Flavoring HOUSEKEEPERS can prove by asingto trial that these Extracts are the cheapest jftey are true to their names, full measurei Vd highly concentrated. Raleigh Post-Office MAIL SCHEDULE. OUTGOING MAILS. Via Keyaville (R. P. O.) for Richmond A way, Via Goldsboro (Kx.Ff.) lor Short tut & Golds, dia. Via Weldon and Norf. (R. P. O.) for N. & E. Via Goldsboro (R. P. O.) for N a. and hast, Via Gibson sta. (R. P O.) for WiL, Char. & South. ia Gieensboro (R.P.O.) lor N., . and West, Via Weldon & Norfolk (Ex. Ft.)forN. & East, Via Greensboro (Ex. Ft.) for a., S. and West, Dkpabtui No. of F rom Ffcom Train 13 12 38 10 41 9 34 11 P.O. a m 7 45 8 15 10 10 00 3 15 5 35 4 30 a. m 9 00 Depot a m 8 15 8 45 11 25 ?m 33 4 00 G 10 5 00 1 30 INCOMING MAILS. JToTof Train Via Greensboro (Ex.Ft,) from N a. and West, Via Weldon (Ex. Ft.) Irom Morth and Hast, Gibson sta, (R. P.O.) Irom Uhar., wu. S 8. Via Greensboro (R.P.O.) nmi rtf H onrl Wat 11U1U ) UUU V VUl Via Weldon (R. P. O.) from Morth and Hast, Via Goldsboro (R. P. O.) Irom M., K. & South, .Via Keysville (R. P. O.) irom Kichmond, Ux ford Durham, etc.. Via tioldsboro (Ex Ft.) Irons JNorth, ARRIVALS. At i Depot 12 45 38 10 41 B 14 11 At i P.O. a m 7 15 9 30 11 20 p m 1 29 3 55 4 48 10 15 a m 11 50 a m 7 35 9 45 11 35 p m 1 34 4 10 5 05 10 30 6 00 Trains marked thus. do not move on Sun day. Mails for train 9 close at 3 p m ou sun-day. STAR ROUTES. Outgoing MAiiy Departs . Raleieh via Shotwell. Eagle Rock and Wakefield to Unionhope, Tuesday and Friday 6 am. Raleigh via Myatt's Mills to Dunn, Tues day and Friday 6 am. JKaieign via Kelvyn Grove and Dayton to Fish Dam, Monday. Wednesdav and Friday 6 am. Raleieh via Hutchinson's store and?Ban- gor to Rogers' store.Tuesday and Friday 1pm. xiuieigu to juassev, xuesuay ana UTiaay 12 m. Incoming Mails Arrjve TTnionhona via Wakefield, Eagle Rock and Shotwell to Ral eigh, Wednesday and Saturday 7 pm. Dunn via Myatt's Mills to Raleigh, Mon day and Thursday 7 pm. Fish Dam via Dayton and Kelvyn Grove to Raleigh, Monday, Wednesday and Friday 7 pm. Rogers' store via Bangor and Hutchinson's store to Raleigh, Tuesday and Friday 12 m. Massey to iiaieigh, Tuesday and F riday at 10 a m. Free Delivery System. Free deliveries at 6:00 and 8:45 a m, 3:15 and 5:45 p m, ex cept Sundays. Collections made at same hours. Sunday, 6:30 to 7:30 a m. Free de livery windows open on Sundays from 3:00 to 3:30 o'clock p m. Correct: A. W. SHAFFER, May 31 ly Postmaster. The treat national Paper. The Brightest, Best and Cheapest ! THE WASHINGTON WEEKLY POST A Paper from the National Capital should Go into every Family in the Country I ''pHERE is no other paper in the United JL Status that is growing so rapidly in circu lation as the Washington Weekly Post. This is because neither labor nor expense is spared to make it jhe best, as well as the cheapest, paper published. It is A National Paper! Being printed at the seat of government.The Weekly Post contains special features not found in any other publication. Every man should first subscribe for his home paper. To it you owe your first allegiance. After that is done, if able to take another paper, the best one printed at the Capital of the coun try is the one that will prove most profitable and entertaining. The Weekly Post will contain: A full resume of the proceedings of Congress, An epitome of all the news from the Nation al Capital, Political news and gossip impartially told, Serials and short stories by the best writers, Gems of and selected miscellany The latest telegrapic news from every section of the globe, Interesting Capital chat, Interviews with leading men from all parts of the country, Other features not Contained in any other paper, The Post is an absolutely independent paper, 8 pages, 56 columns. The price of The Weekly Post is 75 cents per annum in advance. Sample copies sent free. Address, THE WEEKLY POST, Washington Post. The best thing in the United States for ONE CENT is the Philadelphia RECORD $4 per year, daily. $3 pervyear, omitting Sundays. For the Farmer and the business man. the Record has no eqnal. I Auarese The decora," ruiuw phia.Pa. A ' r- m

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