Fourth ot Jolj Excursion lUtes. On account of above occasion the Richmond and Danville Railroad will Mil aa usual low rate round trip ticket between all stations in the State of North Carolina. Tickets on sale July 3d and 4th limited, return-- ing July 6th. The following are the round trip rates between Raleigh and points named in either direction i Charlotte $4.70 Concord 4 40 Salisbury 4 05 High Point .... 8 25 (ireensboro 2 85 Wilkesboro .. 4 90 Elkin .. . . .... 4 65 Rural Hall . . 8 85 Winston Salem 8 50 Gibsonville 2 45 Flon College 2 30 Burlington 2 16 Graham -mum ...... 2 15 Mebane. 2 00 Haw River .. 2 15 Hillsboro .. .. 180 Chapel Hill .. 180 University ............ 140 Durham .. i 20 Morrisville ........ 50 Cary m 40 Gaper 40 Auburn 40 Clayton 60 Wilsons Mills 90 Selma 1 20 Pine Level l 40 Princeton 160 uoldsboro 2 00 Stems 2 00 Oxford 2 15 Dabney 2 45 Ashboro 3 95 Kandleman 3 70 Norwood.. 4 70 Albemarle 4 60 Reidsville 3 50 Kates between intermediate points in same proportion. The Etruria is safe despite the scare last week. The gold exports last week were $2,620,691, General Pope, T. 8. A., is very ill at Toledo, O. Blaine has had no relapse and is im proving in health. Iowa weather service reports heavy rains damaged crops. Jay Gould has turned into chop ping wood to reduce his surplus flesh. Hudson River pirates stole the steam yacht Ward, and put to sea with her. The will of the late Judge James E. 'Mumford, of St. Louis, is being contested. "1MD" LOTS, To be withdrawn irom private Sale, July 1. Until July 1 these beautiful build ing lots will continue to be offered by us privately at the company's list prices which are admitted by all to be very low ..... Special Bargains, TO CLOSE OUT. 1857. FIRST GRAND AUCTION SALE OK North Carolina State Military Encampment. For above occasion the Richmond and Danville Railroad will sell tickets to Wilmington, N. C, and return at following rates from points named. Tickets on sale July 16th to 23rd good returning July 31st. From Greensboro, $4 75 Winston-Salem, 5 95 Durham, 4 75 Henderson, 0 25 Raleigh, ' 4 75 Selma, 3 60 Rates from intermediate points in same proportion. Raleigh Market Report. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Corrected weekly by W. C. & A. B. STRONACH. Kayetteville and Wilmington streets. 215 Meats C. R. sides, Bulk shoulders, Bacon " 41 breakfast Bacon N. C, hog round, Lard Pure, Compound Flour Best per bbl Family, " Good, " Coffee Rio Green Suoar Granulated, fellow extra C Molasses C uba New Orleans, Syrups, Meal per bushel, Corn per bushel, Oats per bushel, Hat per hun wt. Bran per pound, Ship Stuff per pound, Salt per sack, COUNTRY PRODUCE. 217 6f 8 74 10c 10$ 12 dl(H 15c , 10 15c 10 11c 74 10c 6ic 10 $0.50 $7.00 6.00 6.50 5.25 5.50 18 25c 44 6ic 4 5c 22 50c 22 60c 25 60 82 1.00 85 1,00 75 80c 90 1.10 1 lc 14 2ic 1.50 '1:75 - 15 25c Eggs, 16 20c Chickens Spring, 12 25c Hens, 25 35c Potatoes Sweet, 30 50c Irish, Peas White, 75 1.C0 " Stock, 6 90c Raleigh Property, WEDNESDAY, JULY 8. The "Idlewild" lots remaining un sold on July 1st will be withdravn from private s ale and sold at Public Auction on the grounds, Wednesday July 8. We sincerely believe that not one of the many who have bought lots from us will ever have occasion to re gret it. We believe all those who invested in it I PROPERTY will make money. Our City U on the move forward, Every one can see and feel that this is so. Now let each of us join in one oombined effort to push forward and upward;the interest of our capi tal city. The Raleigh Lard Company have shown enterprise. They are now going to show liberality and un selfishness. We hope and believe the people of Raleigh will appreciate this effort to meet the demands of our city. We need not tell you that there is scarcely a vacant house in Raleigh you know that. Why then is not this a chance for you to make A PROFITABLE INVESTMENT and at the same time provide houses for those who are seeking them. We will take pleasure in giving full information to all who wish it.J J. M. BR0UGHT0N k CO , Agents. I will sell within as short time as possible the stock of goods of the late D. 8. Waitt, agent. This stock consists of Clothing, Straw Hate, Soft and Stiff Hats, white and colored Dress Shirts, and everything kept in a gem's furnishing store. These goods must be sold, as the business is 10 be closed out en tirely. floods will be sold without reserve and no goods will be taken back after being paid for and delivered. junlOtf H. V. WAITT. WANTED A PURCHASES Will Close Oat Our Entire Stock. Merchants if you want to buy at "a bargain" drop in and see me. From today, May 30th, until I find a purchaser for my entire stock, I will sell at cost, if the cost don't suit you then I will make the prices to suit. Don't stay away and gay I am not selling at cost but come and see for yourself, it will certainly be to " your interest" as I am going out of the Dry Goods business. My stock consists of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, all kinds of notions, Em broideries, Edgings, Laces and Trim mings, Shoes, Hats, Umbrellas, and Gent's Furnishing Goods. Come and secure bargains. W. G. SEPARK, Agt. May 30, 1 891.- tf. 2 E. Martin St L.R.Wyatt Has just received a lot of OAT AND CORN CHOPS Splendid feed for Horses, especially BHOOD MARES and COLTS. THE SPECIAL COW FOOD Is fast gaining a renowned reputation for quantity and quality of MILK and BUTTER. THE SPECIAL HORSE FOOD Will soon bring out the poorest horse and make hiinfat and sleek. GOODSAWED SHINGLES, -ALWAYS..ON HAND AT LOWEST- PRICES ALSO lO-lnch Boards. YANCEY & ma AUCTIONEERS And Commission Merchants. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Buggies, Carriages, Road Carts.Farm and Spring Wagons Nos. 321 and 327 J Wilmington Street and 130 Morgan Street. When you want to buy a carriage, buggy, road cart, farm wagon or anything in the vehicle line, you can find it in our ware rooms. We carry the largest stock in the south and can sell you at manufacturers prices, thereby saving you the .freight. All work warranted. Harness Department. We carry a full line of buggy, carriage, coup, wagon and piece harness. In fact, we have everything kept by a first class shop. We are satisfisd with small profits and quick sales. Call or write for prices. YANCEY STRONACH, March 9 tf. Auctioneers. t I i ' I I I I I -Binoe the first to I I I I I I I I I t I. e last date above written the noriervitrnfld baa repaired more than 40,000 watches and perhaps aa many clocks, besides thousands of pieeea" of jewelry. He ia still making a specialty of Watch, Clock and Jewelry Woik at hla old stand, SECOND door west of tbe National Bank of Raleigh, where may be found a good line of FINE Gold and Silver Watches, INE Marble and Walnut Clocks, INE Bold and Steel Spectacles; and Jewelry for sale at the low est possible prices for CASH. You cannot afford to miss caL'rg on COLE if you wish anything in his line. His goods are all of the best classes. His workman ship none better. Ca. and see him at 13 WEST HAROFTT STREET, Raleigh, N. O. sel5 J W. COLE, Lime and Cement CARSON & SON'S RIVERTO WOOD BURN r LIME, EXTRA FINE QUALITY, EXTRA HEAVY BARRELS. " It slacks well, is vry white and valuaW for building purposes; tanners, paper niak ers, &c. For sale at retail or by the car load as Ioy as any standard quality. One dealer writes to the manufacturer hi follows: "We have been handling your "Rivertoi. Lime for the last four years at the rate ol from3,000 to 10,000 barrels per year, and con sider it the best we have ever handled. I: slacks quickly and is free from core, lunar and specks. For general use there is nor. better." Another writes: "You ask for oui opu. ion of your Lime, which we have been bruit ling for about a year. We take great pleas ure in assuring you that we are selling all ol the principal contractors and builders in oui city, and shipping a good deal to neigh bo ing towns, with entire satisfaction to all. W consider it the best Lime in our market. Vft find the barrels larger and in better condi tion than other brands we have sold, and have never had to pay out a cent for coor e1 age on your barrels." Write for prices and testimonials trcn dealers, contractors and manufacturers. JONES & POWELL Sole Agents, Raleigh, N ' jf. R- Terrell, 203 Fayetteville Street, Wholesale and Retail Grocer and CommissionMf rchant, For a good chew of Tobacco, TRY A STOLEN KISS. Special attractio CANNED GOODS, PICKLES, &c. CHOICE BREAKFAST 1 RIPS HAMS, &c. CHICE FLOUR. BESTlBRANDS. TEAS, &c. Teas, Spices, Roasted and Green Coffee, Cooking Extracts, Sweet and Sour Pickle, Give me a call. Free delivery and polite at tention. ' Raleigh, N. C April 13, 1891. tf HOW For catalogue and prices, address or call on CECIL 6, STONE General Agent. Faleigh , N. C. DISSOLUTION. rpHE FIRM OF GRAUSMAN & ROSEN X thai, Grocers, Raleigh, N. C, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to the firm will please set tie with M. Rosenthal, successor, who will continue the business under the same firm name as heretofore. R. GRAUSMAN, jel2 30d M.ROSENTHL. Wash your Rice; bull in covered pot, to each pint of Rice add one and a half pints of water ; boil for five minutes ; steam twenty minutea. Do not atir at any time. In buying bread baked at SHIMS BAKERY. "Why" Simplv Because it is tbe Best, STRONACH'S BAKERY BETWEEN Wilmington and Hargett Sts, W. C. & A. B. STRONACH, Proprietors. TICKETS TO M0REBEAD Really costs so much to some that they don't feel able to go, while to our store, tickets are free, and in the course of a month's trading, our low prices will save you enough money to buy a ticket to Morehead. We are rush ing hot weather goods. twim wjv.'.' v.y.niP-mi jjj i CLOTHIERS SHATTERS He Cheerfully Recommends It, TECIE GREAT Panacea Springs CERTIFICATE FROM DR. J. B. BOBBITT. Raleigh, N. C, June 5th 1891.1 To the Panacea Springs and Hotel Co: . Gentlemen It affords me great pleasure to state that I regard the Panacea Springs water the very best in the catalogue of min eral waters now in use for scrofula, and es pecially for dyspepsia. One year .ago I was a great sufferer from dyspepsia and ..after spending sevei al weeks near the springs and using the water daily, I was entirely relieved. Since that time 1 have had occasional returns of it, and in every instance I have experi enced prompt relief by the use of t he water. I would advise every sufferer from dyspep sia, who can do so, to use this water. It is what its name indicates a panacea for some of the worst, if not all, the diseases to which flesh is heir. I have known the water for a number of years, and I cheerfully re commend it. Respectfully, je8tf J. B. BOBBITT. The Covenant Building and Loan Association, OF ; KNOXVILLE, TJSNN. Authorized Capital, $26,000,000 Managed solely by Odd Felows, but mem bership open to all. The Covenant is on of tbe best known and most successful Build ing and Loan Associations before the public. The business of this company in all depart ments is conducted with rigid economy. The proportion of payments by shareholders, SET APART FOR EXPENSE FUND IS smaller than many other companies. The following are endorsements from the Knoxville Banks, where the Home Office is located: "A thoroughly solvent and reliable insti tution. It officers are first class business men, capable, honest, and of that character who couid not afford to connect their names with any but a successful and reliable busi ness." City National Bank. . ''The officers are a,l men of good standing here, and some of them are wealthy men in very high social and commercial standing." East Tennessee National Bank. "The officers are among oui very best citi zens and are gentlemen of honor and credit" Third National Bank. For stock or information see George H. Glass VV. T. Smith or Wayne AUoott. m!98 Children Cry for Pitched Ctitorltj

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