The Bailg Evening Visitor. 0BU8HBD BVBRT AKTKKNOoN, Except Sunday, TUB VISITOR is served by carriers In the city nt 25 ceniu per mouth, payable to the carriers in advance. Prices for mailing : $3 per year, or S5 cents per month. No paper con tinned after expiration of the time paid for unless otherwise ordered. Communications appearing in these columns are but the expressions of the opinion of the correspondent writing the Bame, and they alone are responsible. A cross mark X after your name Informs you that your time is out. Address all orders and communica tions to BROWN & WILLIAMS, Raleigh, N 0 Local notices in this paper will be Five Cents per line each insertion. Largkst City Oiroolation. RALEIGH, N. C, JUNE 24, 1891. A BAD BISK. The Prince of Wales carrieB $800,000 insurance upon his life; an exchange suggests that bis reputation is not in sured for a cent and a company could not be found that would take the risk, that is, it is hardly insurable. WHY IS IT ? There are more people taken sick on Sunday, and r. great many more confined at home from sickness, on that day, than any other day in the week. The doctors claim to have more calls on Sunday, and it is claim ed that more children are born on that day than any other. If this later be true, the excess of sickness on that day cannot all be charged to disposi tion to take advantage of the day. Who can tell ns ? THIS IS THE HIND. The Nashua Times says: "The southwest part of Texas has an or ganization of capitalists who will spend $75,000 in an effort to raise tea in that portion of the State." This is the sort of enterprise that has made Texas what she is, and this Is just the kind we need in North Carolina and in Wake county. The enterprise that can see and appreci ate the personal advantage there is in public prosperity. IN TOLERABLE EGOTISM. In a recent speech to a regiment of young recruits, the young German Emperor said : M I warn you, who are mostly young countrymen, against the social dem ocrats. Always remember the oath you have taken binding you to me. The Bible says the girl who marries leaves father and mother and follows her husband. I say to you, having taken the oath of a soldier, follow me Implicitly, shooting even father or brother without question, or hesita tion, when ordered." Here in free America we can not understand how Germany or any oth er people can possibly tolerate such brazen egotism. We frequently hear people talk, when there is nothing in what they say that strikes the atten tion so forcibly and disgustingly as the " big I," but thiB speech takes the cake. purpose, and noi&hsrription of utock in the Exposition Association by the county could be made without the consent of the he rl Inure, as lias been frequently decided; but this of course i not contemplated, lu MB sideriug the matter, however, I think the commissioners should act in con junction with a majority of the jus tices of the peace of the county; and it seems to me that no valid ohjec tion could be interposed to restrain them from giving the enterprise such reasonable and substantial encour agement as the financial condition of the county would in their judgment warrant. Indeed such ation and the aid thus given, would be in har mony with the spirit of the Constitu tion, which requires the legislature to establish and maiutain a Depart" ment of Agriculture; and also with the spirit of The Code, which directs an annual appropriation to be made to the State and to county agricul tural societies (sees. 2218-2222), and empowers the "county commissioner.! to appoint fairs in their respective counties," for the encouragement of industry and to regulate the same by a system of by-laws. Sees. 2790, 2701." Gospel Work. Correspondence of the Visitor. Rev. J. A. Cuninggiin, D. I) , Pre siding Elder of Raleigh district, has been spending a few days in Raleigh and with his good hhlper, "Aunt Lucy," much gospel work has been done by them in visiting, in prayer meetings and in Love Feasts. At 11 o'clock a. in. last Sunday his sermon, on early religious training and conversion of children, and that all must be converted and become as little children, was a most practical, heart searching and soul stirring discourse. The message was of Cod and will be to His glory in the bless ing it will prove to those who so gladly heard and received it. At the 3d Quarterly Conference held on Monday night, 22d of June, there was a good report by the pastor Dr. J. H. Cordon, in a large increase of church membership during the quarter, and the outlook is for very much more soul saving work to be done among the young and old of our city. C. When a young man, the late Charles Rradlaugh was a strong be liever in Christianity, and a member of a Bible class in the parish Sunday school. While thus studying the Bible, he came across one or two ap parent contradictious, ""and went to the rector for light. But the rector was a stern man of the old school and, instead of helping the young man out of his difficulty, rebuked him severely for daring to find any difficulty in God's book, and advised him to believe him in everything he read in it without asking any ques tions. The advice was well meant. but it was the worst that could have been given in this particular case. The young man at once quit studying the Bible or believing in it, and the rest of his career is known to the world. Fourth of July Excursion Kate. On account of above occasion the Richmond and Danville K ilroad will sell ii usual low rule tound trip ticketB between all BtfttiOM in (he State of North Carolina. Tickets on sale July ad and 4th limited, return ing July Gih. The following are the round trip rates between Raleigh and points named in either direction : Charlotte $4 70 Concord 4 40 Salisbury. 4 05 High Point 3 25 Greensboro 2 85 Wilkesboro - 4 00 El kin 4 63 Rural Hall 8 85 Winston Salem 3 50 Gibeonville - 2 45 Flon College 2 30 Burlington 2 15 Graham 2 15 Mebane. 2 00 Haw River 2 15 Hillsboro 1 80 Chapel Hill 1 80 University 1 40 Durham i Morrisville i B0 Oary 40 Garner .. 40 Auburn........ 40 Clayton 60 Wilsons Mills 90 Selma 1 20 Pine Level 1 40 Princeton 1 60 Goldsboro 2 00 Sterne 2 00 Oxford 215 Dabney 2 45 Ashboro 3 95 Randleman 3 70 Norwood 4 70 Albemarle 4 60 Reidsville 3 50 Rates between intern, ediate points in same proportion. AM IMPORTANT OPINION. In view of the proposition for the several counties of the State to con tribute to the Inter-State Exposition, we give the following extract from a letter written in 1884 by Attorney General Kenan which seems to set the matter at rest. "The movement to have an ex hibit of the resources of the State is one which the people of every county in the State are in some measure in terested. It concerns the public, and was inaugurated with a view to secure favorable results to the State at large. I, therefore, think the case is within the power of the county authorities, and that they may exercise the power by appropriating money to enable the county to make a proper exhibit of its resources at the ensuing Exposition if they shall determine that the same is necessary or the good of the county and to the interests of its inhabitants. No special tax could be levied for the Many years ago, a French gentle man was invited to 5 o'clock tea at Bath, where the guests sat around the room in a stiff circle, holding their teacups in their left hands and eating hot buttered waffles and chipp ed smoked venison with the fingers of their right, hand from plates in their laps. Waiters handed about the tea and coffee,and the French gentleman, unaware that the position of the teaspoon in the empty cup returned to the waiter indicated whether or not it was to be replenished, politely arana louneen cups ot tea, and then, despair, pocketed the cup and in saucer until the general rising of the company enabled him to rid himself of them. A Splendid Trip TO THE Atlantic Ocean. The eighth session of the Teachers' Assembly, Morehead City, N. 0 June 10th to 30th, '91 Fare for round trip from Raleigh $140 board at Atlantic Hotel 1 per day. Teacher's AMScnibly. For alove occasion the Richmond and Danville R. R. will sell tickets to Morehead City, N. C, and return at the following rates from points named. Tickets on sale June 1Mb to 23d in clusive, goo J returning July 131 h, 1891. From Charlotte, $8 05 Norwood, $8 08 Concord, 7 6 Albemarle, 7 80 Salisbury, 7 15 New G irden,7 . 5 Lexington, 1 00 Ashboro, 7 10 High Point, I 70 Randleman, 7 00 Greensboro, 6 35 Wilkesboro, 8 30 Burlington, 5 90 Elkin, 7 80 Graham, 5 90 Rockford, 7 40 Mebane, 6 65 Donnaha, 7 25 Hiilsboro, 5 40 Rural Hall, 7 10 Chapel Hill, 5 55 Winston, 6 90 Durham, 5 CO Kernersville 6 70 Raleigh, 4 40 Wilkins. 5 Clayton, 3 80 Stems, 5 65 Selma, 3 25 Oxford, 5 90 Dabney, 6 00 Henderson, 6 10 Rates from immediate points in same proportion. Legal Advertisements. You will want to go, Rates Annual Conference Woman's Missionary Socie ty, Durham, N. C. For above occasion the Richmond and Danville Railroad will sell tickets to Durham, N. C, and return at the following rates from points named Tickets on sale Juue 25th to 29th, in clusive, good returning July 2, '91 : From Charlotte, $6. 75 " Greensboro 2.95 " Winston Salem, 4 30 " Henderson,... 2.45 " Raleigh, 1.65 " Selma 2.95 " Goldsboro, 3 85 Rates from intermediate points in same proportion. Vv Oman's Christian Temper ance Union at Charlotte. The Richmond & Danville Railroad will sell tickets to Charlotte, N. C, and return at the following rates from points named June 24th and 25th. 27th: From Greensboro, Winston-Salem, Durham, Henderson, Raleigh, Selma, Goldsboro, Rates from intermediate points in same proportion. Tickets on sale Good returning 4 80 5 15 6 75 8 80 7 45 8 20 9 00 North Carolina State Military Encampment. For above occasion the Richmond and Danville Railroad will sell tickets to Wilmington, N. C, acd return at following rates from points named. Tickets on sale July ICth to 23rd good returning July 31st. From Greensboro, Winston-Salem, Durham, Henderson, Raleigh, Selma, $175 5 95 475 6 25 4 75 360 Rates from intermediate points in same proportion. Sunday School Convention, Christian Church, North Carolina and Virginia. For above occasion the Richmond and Danville Railroad will sell tickets to Raleigh, N. C, and return at fol lowing rates from points named. Tickets on sale June 21st to 26th inclusive limited returning June 28th From Charlotte, $7 45 Greensboro, 4 30 Winston-Salem, 5 60 Durham 1 65 NOTICE. HAVING qualified as administrator of the estate of 11 W Wynne, deceased, this iu i.. nititV ill lw.rsnns In tli liti" I'l.'iiniK Atraiuut W J1VU1J .. . - j . - . , .If the estate to present them to me for payment Oll or ueiore uie lsuuay ui juue, io.i, or una 4.: ill 1 I I : k.i nf NUnvfmF All J1UIHA 111 j ... .... . v. . . . . j . ' . uersuns indebted to the estate will please settle Wliuoui ueuiy. w. w, wxflJSi, aam r. June 1, 1891. Ow Oxford, 315 Selma, . 165 Goldsboro, - 2 75 Rates from intermediate points in same proportion. Children Cry fofJitcnerCastor Real Estate forSale I have to dispose of several improved and vacant lots on Cannon and South street; also verv desirable vacant lots on West.Har- gett, Person, Polk, Bloodworm and East streets, an m tne city oi ivaieign. . if not sold pnvatelv belore July btli prox I will oiler them at public sale at the court house door, at 12 m. that day; terms one half cash, balance 1, 2 and 3 years with in terest on deferred payments. Full descrip tion on application. l' Vii SALto I'M VAXJJinx, a fine tract oi woodland, about four miles west of Raleieh, containing 220 acres, more or less. The above property is offered by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Wake county in an action entitled, T H Briges and others ex- parte, being a special proceeding lor sale of land lor partition, die. THOMAS H BRIGGS, je3 tds Commissioner, &c Wood, Cole, &c. AliEWS UOffi Coal Dealers. We call special attention to the Coal we propose to handle this sea son and which we are receiving daily Kanawha, West Virginia, Splint Superior to any in the United States for crates and open nre places. INEW K1V.BK JjUMnor grates and stoves. It s the equal of any and surpassed by no other (save Kanawha Splint), be it under any name what ever. It has been upon the market for the last ten years, this is the first season for Raleigh and North (aro Una. We have the New River for steam aiso. which we will put by the side of any other coal and guarantee equal, it not better results. We are the agents lor tins coal ano can ship for domestic and steam users to Charlotte, Henderson, jjurnam Winston. Oxford and other points di rect from the mines. Give it a trial is what we ask We have also a very choice lot of Ked and White Ash for grates and stoves, which we screen before sending to our customers, .buy now and save money, write ior prices Oak, hickory and pine III fin wood, long or cut, on hand If II III I all the time. IfWWIfi ANDREWS & GFJMLS. is wuHt we asii. HARD COAL; Dissolution of Co-Partnership The partnership heretofore existing be teen E. M. Andrews and W. H. J. Uoodwm is herehv dissolved bv mutual consent. All debts due to the linn will be collected by R. M. Andrews, and all debts due by the firm will De paid oy saia n. so.. Auarews. K. M. AJNUltJiWH, W.H. J.UOODW1N. Having sold all of my interest and the good will oi tne late hrm oi Andrews & Goodwin to Mr. K. H. Andrews, 1 trust that the pub lic will continue to patronize Mr Andrews as tkey did tne late mm. May 23 lm Standard Flavoring Attracts HOUSEKEEPERS can prove by a single trial that these Extracts are the cheapest jtfiey are true to their names, full measure) UW Highly oncentrated Raleigh Post-Office MAIL SCHEDULE. OUTGOING MAILS. Via Keysville (R. P. O.) for Richmond & way, Vim Goldsboro (Ex. Ft.) for Short Cut & Golds, dig. Via Weldon and Norf. (R P. O.) for N. A E. Via Goldsboro (R. P.O.) for N S. and East, Via Gibson sU. (R P. O.) for Wil., Char. Ac South. iaGieensbbro(R.P.O.) for N.. S. and West. Via Weldon & Norfolk (Ex. FUforN. & East, Via Greensboro (Ex. Ft.) for N., 8. and West, Uepabtc No. of F roni Ffioiu Train P.O. Dejot am mm IS 7 45 8 15 12 8 15 8 45 38 10 40 11 25 p m p in 10 1 Ou 1 33 41 3 15 4 00 9 5 35 C 10 34 4 30 5 00 a. m. 11 9 00 1 30 INCOMING MAILS. AKK1VALS. No. of i At i At Train Depot' P.O. Via Greensboro (Ex. Ft,) from N S. and West, Via Weldon (Ex. Ft.) from North and East, Gibson sta, (R. P. O.) from Char., Wil. & S Via Greensboro (R.P.O.) from N.. 8. and West. Via Weldon (R. P. O.) from North and East, Via Goldsboro (R. P. O.) from N.. E. & South, Via Keysville (R. P. O.) from Kiclimond, Ox ford Durham, etc., Via Goldsboro (Ex Ft.) from JNorth, 12 45 38 10 41 9 14 11 a m 7 15 a m 7 35 9 30 9 45 I 11 20 '11 35 p m 1 29 3 55 4 48 10 15 a m 11 50 p iu 1 34 4 10 5 05 10 30 6 00 Trains marked thus, do not move on Sun day. Mails for train 9 close at 3 p m on Sun day. C STAK KOUTlfio. Outgoing Mail Dkpakts . Raleigh via Shotwell. Eagle Rock and Wakeheld to unionhope, luesday and Friday bam. Raleieh via Mvatt's Mills to Dunn. Tues day and Friday bam. itaieign via Kelvyn Urove and Dayton to Fish Dam, Monday, Wednesday and Friday 6 am. Raleieh via Hutchinson's store and Ban gor to Rogers' store.Tuesday and Friday 1pm. ivaieign to Massev, luesday and Friday 12 m. Incoming Mails Arejvk TJnionhODe via Waketield, Eagle Rock and Shotwell to Ral eigh, Wednesday and Saturday 7 pm. Dunn via Myatt's Mills to Raleigh, Mon day and Thursday 7 pm. f isn Dam via Dayton and Kelvyn urove to Raleigh, Monday, Wednesday and Friday 7 pm. Kogers' store viatsangor and Hutchinson s store to Raleigh, 'Tuesday and Friday 12 m. Massey to Raleigh, Tuesday and Friday at 10 am. Frbb Delivery System. Free deliveries at 6:00 and 8:45 a m, 3:15 and 5:45 p m, ex cept Sundays. Collections made at same hours. Sunday, 6:30 to 7:30 a m. Free de livery windows open on Sundays from 3:00 to 3:30 o'clock p m. Correct: A. W. SHAFFER, May 31 ly Postmaster. The treat National Paper. The Brightest, Best and Cheapest ! THE WASHINGTON WEEKLY POST A Paper from the National Capital should Go into every Family in the Country I f"pi!ERE is no other paper in the United J States that is growing so rapidly in circu lation as the Washington Weekly Post. This is because neither labor nor expense is spared to make it die best, as well as the cheapest, paper published. It is A National Paper! Being printed at the seat of government,! he Weekly Post contains special features not found in any other publication. Every man should first subscribe for his home paper. To it you owe your first allegiance. After that is done, if able to take another paper, the best one printed at the Capital of the coun try is the one that will prove most profitable and entertaining. The Weekly Post will contain: A full resume of the proceedings of Congress, An epitome of all the news from the Nation al Capital, Political news and gossip impartially told, Serials and short stories by the best writers," Gems of literature, art and selected miscellany The latest telegrapic news from every section of the globe, Interesting Capital chat, Interviews with leading men from all parts of the country, Other features not con taint d in any other paper, The Post is an absolutely independent paper, 8 pages, 56 columns. The price of The "Weekly Post is 75 cents per annum in advance. Sample copies sent free. Address, THE WEEKLY POST, Washington Post. The best thing in the United States for ONE CENT in the Philadelphia RECORD $4 per year, daily. $3 per.year, omitting Sundays. For the Farmer and the business man.tlie Record haw uo equal. Address " The. Record," Fbiladoh phia, Pa;

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