ly Mother's Memory. My mother died ere I could scarce Breathe her beloved name, And o'er my childhood's aunny path Dark clouds of sorrow came; My bark of life was wrecked uon Misfortune's hidden reef, And ere bright manhood on me dawned I had wept tears of grief; And now 1 seek my mother's grave. That not one soul may see How dark the shadows are that throw Their somber hues o'er me. The birds are in the merry gten, The April flowers bloom; Hut I their b.iauties leave to sit Besides my mother's tomb; And there watch, in solemn thought, 8ome bright stars in the sky, And think within its depths I see My mother's gentle eyes; And happy dreams within me rise, My sorrowing heart to ch( er; I think although to me unseen Her loving spirit's near. I mix among my fellow men, Within my marts of trade; But, ah, my mind is far away Beneath the willow's shade; And though the world has many charms Which other hearts may see, By far the brightest of them all Possess no charms for me. New York Ledger. Br on son A Scott's Potato Rugs The listener heard a singular story about Bronson Alcott at Concord the other day, told to illustrate his re markable guilelessness of nature. When the potato bugs first began to ravage the Eastsrn fields', a good many years ago, Alcott bad a promis ing potato patch, and his next door neighbor also had one, the two fields adjoining, with a fence between them. Alcott. arose very early in the morning and went at his field, and was out of it by the time bis neigh bor got up. The neighbor worked very indus triously cleaning his vines of the beetles, which he stripped off in a tin pail and then put into a fire which he had built near by, but he he seemed to make no impression upon the pestilent insects. One day Alcott passed by as the neighbor was thus busily engaged and saw bim put a pail full of the beetles upon the fire. The philosopher looked very much pained. "My friend," said he, "I wonder how you can be so cruel as to burn those insects." "Have to do something with then," said the neighbor. "I see your vines look pretty clear. What d you do with yours?" "Oh," said Alcott, "I gather them carefully in a basket, and then, &t gently as I can, throw them over the fence into your field!" Boston Transcript. General News. There is one point of the insanity shoting affairs that should be invest i gated. Why does not the insane person kill himBelf first occasionally? He hardly ever shoots in bis own direction. A few days ago a Philadelphia man was fined $25 for selling adultered milk. The court in so many words said he was no Jay Gould, and could not water his stock with impunity. The Missouri river is still on a ram page. It has really washed away a considerable section of the State of Kansas, and is doing great damage to Missouri in che vicinity of Kansas City. It is stated that seventy five mil lions of dollars are invested in the United States in Presbyterian churches and manses. Two thirds of this property is owned by the Synods of New York, New Jersey, Pennsyl vania and Baltimore, showing the great prosperity of the denomination in the East. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby wa sick, we gare her Caetoria. When ihewaa a Child, ahe cried for Castoria, When the became Hiaa, ahe clung to Caatorla, When she had Children, ahe gave them Caatori. Castoria For Infanta and Children Caatorin promotes Digestion, and mniies Flatulency, Constipation, Sour I . Vach, Diarrhuea, and Feverishness. 1'bua the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural Castoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. "Caatorla Is so arnil ud.-ipteri to children that t recommend it aa superior u any prescripUi known to me." H. A. Ai.cher, M. v.. Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "I use Castoria In my practice, and And it specially adapted to affections of children." Alex. Robertson, M. D., 1057 ad Ave., New York. "From personal knowledge and observation I can say that Castoria is an excellent medicine for children, acting as a laxative and relieving; the pent up bowels an? geneoU system very uiucn. Many mothers have told me of its ex elleut effect upon their children." Da. G. C. Osooon, Lowell, Mass. 'rACB CV'Pahi, 77 Murrav Htie N. T. RailroaT Schedules. iii tsitic Coast .Line Wilmington Weldon BaDroad-and Branches. Condenseo Suoednle. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated June 7th. No 23 No 27 No 41 18W0. Daily. P't in'l d'y, ex Daily. Sund'y 6 43pmj;(J20am 724am Le Weldon, 12 3Cpm ArRocky Mt, 1 40pm Ar Tarboro, 2 17pm Le Tarboro, 10 35am Ar Wilson, 2 18pm Le Wilson, T2 30pm Ar Selma, 3 30pm Ar Fay'tville 5 30pm Le G'dsboro, 8 15pm 7 40pm Le W arsaw, 4 14pm Le Magnolia, 4 27pm 8 40pm ArWil'gton. 6 00pm 9 55pm 1120am 7 00pm 7 53am 8 40am 9 34am 9 49am TRAINS GOING NORTH. No 14 daily Lv Wil'gton, 12 35am Lv Magnolia, Le Warsaw, Ar G'dsboro, 2 Le Fay'tvilto, Ar Selma, Ar Wilson, Lv Wilson, Ar RockyMt, Ar Tarboro, Lv Tarboro, Ar W eldon. No 78, dally. 9 15am 10 57am 1111am 55am 12 05am t9 10am 11 OSam 12 10pm 3 35am 12 58pm 1 30pm 2 17pm No 40, d'y, ex Sund'y. 4 25pm 810pm 625pm 730pm 8 23pm 8 53pm 10 35am 5 05am 2 55pm 10 00pm Daily except Sunday. John F Divine, General Superintendent. J R Kenii, Snp't Trans. T M Emerson, General Pass Art. Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley itauroaa uompany. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. northbound D' ex S'y D'y ex S'v No 2 JNo4 Le Wilmington, 9 20 a m Ar Fayetteville, 12 50 p m Le Fayetteville, 1 20 p m Le Sanford, 2 53 p m Ar Greensboro, 5 22 p m Le Greensboro, 5 35 p m Le Walnut Cove, 7 05 p m Ar Mt Airy, 9 00 p m Le Bennettsville, 8 30 a m Ar Maxton, 9 40 a m Le Maxton, 9 50 a m Ai Fayetteville, 11 45 a m No 16 daily except Sunday. Le Ramseur 7 25 a m Ar Greensboro, 10 05 a m Le Greensboro, 10 35 a m Ar Madison 12 50 p m southbound D'y ex S'y D'y ex S'y No 1 No 3 Le Mt Airy, 5 30 a m Le Walnut Cove, 7 17 Ar Greensboro, 8 45 a m Le Greensboro, 10 30 a m Le Sanford, 12 58 p m Ar Fayetteville, 2 25 p m Le Fayetteville, 2 50 p m Ar W ilmington, 6 05 i m Le Fayetteville, 3 00 p m Ar Maxton, 4 p m Le Maxton, 5 10 p & Ar Bennettsvine, 6 20 p pi No 15 daily except Sunday. Le Madison, 1 45 p m Ar Greensboro, 8 55 p m Le Greensboro, 4 15 p oi A r Ramseur, 7 15 p m W E KiLIS, General Passeng-rr Agent. J ,V F;5.v, Geo Hunt. Haiti oad McheUu.ea, a. v. Raleigh and AuguM A-L 1ft ft To take effect 9 am, 8uiida, April. 6 18U0. Trains mov ing South. - 41, Pass and Mali. DaUy ex Sun. Leave. 4 00 p m 4-19 " 4 31 6 P0 5 !d 554 6 21 7 20 8 15 Raleigh, Gary, Apex, Moucure, Sanford, Cameron, Southern Pines, Hamlet, T.eins mov tug ftortlt. So ab f am ami bit J. Daily ei ban aVnrivtt. 1 1 2u uiu 11 01 am 10 49 am 1" 16 hlL 9 52 am 'J 20 am 8 58 am 7 M am .tl IM til H.t.'ll. Vg irinia Classifies Life Insurance Co y. 97 Main street, NORFOLK, VA. Gibson, Northbound Trains. Thro Frt and Pass 23, Daily exct - Sunday. FM Lv 11 30 12 00 Yi 18am 1 07am 1 44pm 2 20am 3 08am 4 30am Ar -Station Ar 7 uo am Southbound TraitiB. Thro Frt and fass ii2, - Daily exct Sunday . Ar A 11 8 00 it Raleigh Gary 7 Apex 7 06 Moncure 0 Oti Sanford 6 lb Cameron 4 20 Southeru.Pines 38 Hamlet Lv 1 iiO PITTSBORO R R. Leave Pittsboro, 9 10 a m Arrive Moncure, 9 5i Leave Moncure 10 25 a m Arrive Pittsboro, 11 10 CAKTHAUK R It. Leave Carthage, S 00 a m Arrive Cameron, 8 46 Leave Cameron, 9 4'j Arrive Carthage, 10 30 Leave Carthage, 4 00 p in Arrive Cameron, 4 45 p m Leave Cameron, 0 50 Arrive Carthage, o c5 WM SMITH, bupt, ATLANTIC N. C. K li , Time Table No la. In effect December 19th, 1888. Going east. Schedule. Going wtst Ho 51 Pass trains JNo5C Ar Lve Stations Ar Lve p m 8 30 Goldsboro 11 28 a 4 17 4 20 La Grange 10 46 10 48 4 49 4 54 Kiuston 10 09 10 14 6 18 6 48 New Berne 8 27 8 44 9 26 pm MorebeadCity am 6 8 . Daily. JiALEieBds eASTOJg & i2 To take effect Suuday, April 5, 1890. Trains moving iNorth. Ho 38, No 34, Stations. Mail train. Fas & Mail. Le Raleigh. 11 25 am 5 00 p a) Wake, 12 05 5 39 Franklinton, 12 26 6 01 Kittrell, 12 44 6 19 Henderson 1 00 6 36 jLittleton, 2 07 7 45 p in Ar Weldon, 2 45 8 30 a m Trains moving South. No 41, No 45, Stations. Mail train. Past & Mail. Le Weldon, 12 15 p m 6 00 a vo Littleton, 12 52 6 42 Henderson, 2 22 7 53 Kittrell, 2 39 8 11 Franklinton, 2 66 8 29 Wake, 3 17 8 50 Ar, Raleigh, 3 65 p m 9 30 a n. Louisburg Railroad. Trains moving North. No 38, Pass, Xo8, Stations. Mail L Express. Le Louisburg, 7 35 a m 2 OOpin Ar Franklint'n, 8 10 2 85 Trains moving South. No 41, Pass, No 25, Stations. Mail & Express. Le Franlint'n, 12 SO p m 8 05pm Ar Louisburg, 1 15 p m 6 40 WJB UMXTfl. Supt. uisiaH joint stock com par., w liief) OMliltmm the ad ' aiitageo o. hue system uf insurance with the pop ular plau ol monthly premiums and payment of death claims immediately on proof. Policies running for 10 years or foi 20 years are iasued with equitable options at the end of '. hose periods. Tl.ouo who wish to Lave done a kind act in CKi-e of their death, lor tlieh families, hiva here the opportunity Officers President,!' J JNotungliain Vice President, E V White; Secretary F Richardson; Treasurer, W W Vicar Medical Director, L Lankford; Gouii sel, J E.Heath. Directors T J Nottingham, ifi White, W W Vicar, F Kiohardnon, 1 L Lankford, M i Judge .1 r Meaih L bheldou, G W Deal. W. B. Bovo, b'uto Agent, Ne Borne, W. G. m W vVhitin&,Loouj Agent.ivhieigl Richmond & Danville Ai R C Condensed Schedule In effect May 31st, 1891. .southbound. Lv Richmcnd, Burkeville, Keysville, Ar Danville Ar (ireensuoro. Lv Goldsboro, Ar Ruleigfj, Le Raleigh Le Durham, Ar Greensboro, Lv Salem. Greeny boro, Ar Salisbury. Ar Statcsville, Ar Asheville, Ar Hot Springs, Lv Salisbury, Ar Charlotte, Spartanburg, Greenville, Atlanta, Lv Charlotte, Ar Columbia, Augusta, Northbound. Lv Augubta, Golumbia, Ar Charlotte, Lv Atlanta, Ar Charlotte, Salisbury, Lv Hot Springs. Asheville, Statesville, Ar Salisbury, Lv Salisbury, Ar Greensboro, Salem. Lv Greensboro, Ar Durham, Raleigh. Lv Raleigh Ar Goldsboro, Lv Greensboro, A r Danville, Keysville, Burkeville, Richmond, 3 Ot'pm 6 11 5 b -i 8 12 U 20pm 57 pm i48 610 7 30 10 00 18 3'J 10 30pm U'uui 1 52 U 55am 8 fcU 18 30 2 10 5 S3 ' 6 47 1 1 am 2 2q a m 6 ao 10 20 am Daily. xSo i 2 55au 4 bbfiu i Wli ll b ot.nn 10 l'Jvv f8 bOpli U 0; U "1 illMil 3 32an b o t f 7 as h) 2c 12 i2an 1 apm 0 m 1 o 12 iUnn 1 35pm 4 43j 6 6 1 3' m 1 C5pn 5 C 9 lOpu Daily No 10 7 i 0 pin 11 CO 4 (J j am 7 uC pm 6 10 6 02 4 48 pm 6 25 am 11 02 ;.m 12 01 7 CO 8 44 io i .o 45 an 2 Oi pu 6 30 8 10 au 6 40 pu 8 80 12 '. 81U 16 6 40 7 34J. B 8 4a It 3L '11 38 am 12 Uaii 10 80 12 23pm 1 29 1 34 8 10 8 P2.ui 10i0 1 2ijpn 2 11 410 1210 pi! 4 85 "J1 'i 15 t3 45 an 12 5.0 10 40pn 12 20 413uii 4 55 00 TOBACCO MARKET. j Reported for the EVKNIN6I VISITOR i by Parker & Harvoy, Tobacco Man ufacturers, j Smokers Common '. 5 fi j Good 8j( j Fillers Common 5 6 Good- 7 16 Out tors Common 101 8 Good 2026 Fancy 28R" Wrappers Common HM 1420 Good a 221b40 Fine th fancy- 40?0 THE JOURNAL OF SOCIETY, j E. D. MANN, Proprietor. Published (Nbw York) Evert Thursday. "Between the lines of raillery and cynicism The newsiest, brightest, wittiest, wisest, clevee est, most original, and most entertaining paper ever published. A complete and perfect journal for cultivated men and women, being a topical and out spoken critic and chronicle of the events, doings, interests, and tastes of the fashionable world. It is always up to date, and carries with it the atmos phere of the metropolis. In purity and power of literary style it has no equal on this continent. A veritable symposium of well-bred aatlre; deftness and daintiness of touch; strength, inde pendence and originality of thought; refined humor; caustic comment; piquancy of jesi: short stories;' musical, dramatic, literary and art criticism, and topical sketches. The fame of its Financial Department, as the 'most reliable authority on financial sub ji-cts, investments and speculation, is world-wide Its interest is by no means local: being the rec Offiilzed jonrnal of American aociety, It is equally entertaining in aU parts of the country For salff each week by all first-class newsdealer in America and Europe. Every newsdealer wil keep and supply it if requested. Newsdealer, supplied by the American News Co., 39 Chambers Street, New York, and by all other news companies. Regular nubMcrlptlona may be sent direct to office of publication, or through any newsdealer or subscription agency: Oneyear.$4.00; sir truths. $2.5hree months, J1.30. Sample f re jgfit BETWEEN WEST fOlJNT, RICHMOJSr AND RALEIGH, via Keysville, Oxford and Durham. 15 and 14 Stations. 10 and 1 7 50 am Lv West Point, Ar 6 00) m 9 15 am Ar Richmond Lv t4 40 n 10 35am Lv Richmond Ar 4 35 ' 12 45pm " Burkeville " 2 43 1 4;.pm " Keysville 1 2 00 4lk 2 22pm " Chase City, " 12 M 2 5'7pm " Clarksville " 11 47 an 3 49pm Ar Oxford Lv10 it " 4 15" Lv Oxfora Ar 1. i.'hd 5 20 " " Henderso - 9 30 " 8 54 ' Lv Oxford 1 5i 10 40 " Ar Raleigh Lv 1 " t Daily except Sunday. 'r ly 1D.aily, except : r ' Pol. Haas. Ja. L 1 .'Tt.'- Traffic Man'g"-- ' - rt W A T"RK Dtv l-raes Agent, s-.a!e'o:b D 0. iddross : TOWN TOPICS, -) Weat Sd St.. New York City. V i Children Cry forPitcherijCastorU. Children CryJorJitcher,$Castor MaleiKti hutiuvM Directory, DWC HARRIS, US East Martin at. Dyer and Cleaner. jail i V HRYANT, Stall 6, city market. Chuice Beef, Pork, &c II) WOMBLE, cor Wilmington JHargt-M "ts. roceries, Leather, blitw c iudua riahing Tackle, To- baouu, L . . . i .-, &c. JBUHWARTZ, 122 Fayetteville st. 1 he leader in choice Meats, Vir ginia Btef and Mutton. All Pork and Mixed Smitie. Come and see me. fe5 1 E r RAJSClH, next to Savings " I :.. .. !. L... ...... t l ... .. .1 U1 K.-urw. i j at. 11U.11 11UUL UUU OllUP- mt' ker. Giv' me u call. fe9 $1,000 Iu.Cash to be distributed among Cauvat6t'rf- for Clubs for, the Weekly Times. A handsomely Illustrated Paper cl ixteeu Pages. LESS THAIS ONE CENT A WEEK. Lime and Cemeiu CARSON & SON'S RIVETS WOOD BURN I- LIME, EXTRA FINE QUALITY, EXThA HEAVT BARRELS. It slacks well, is very white and valuuli for building purposes; tanners, paper niak era. &c. For sale at retail or by the car load a Ir.v as anv standard Quality. One dealer writes to the manufactuicis m follows: "We have been handling your "Rivertci' Lime for the last four years at the rail from3,000 to 10,000 barrels per year, and for sider it the best we have ever handled. I slacks quickly and is free from core, In un and specks. For general use there i? n better." Another writes: "You ask for oui oini, ion of your Lime, which we have been Ui l.ii ling for about a year. We take ereat pleas ure in assuring you that we aretsellhig all ol tne principal contractors ana builders it. oui city, ana snipping a gooa aeal to neigJ bo ing towns, with entire satisfaction to all. W consider it the best Lime in oup market. vYt rind the barrels larger and in better condi tion than other brands we have sold. aiK1 have never had to pay out a cent for orci age on your barrels." Write for prices and testimonials trci dealers, contractors and manufacturers. JONES & POWELL Sole Agents, Raleigh, N Cneapest Paper in the World. The publishers of the Philadelphia WEEKLY TIMES Intend to have 100,000 SUBSCRIBERS before January, 192, and to accom plish this in the shortest space of time the price has been reduced to Ct'.NTS A YEAR And cash to the amount of m THOUSAND DOLLARS Will be paid to the getters up ol clubs, as follows : For the first largest list, $250 For the second largest list, 200 For the third largest list, 1W For the three next largest, each 50 For the four next largest, each 2i For the ten next largest, each 10 For the 20 next largest lists, each The above prizes in cash. This competition will be open to everybody everywhere men, women, boys and girls. Careful record will be keot of the subscribers nnnf in hv each competitor, and the cash will be paia wnen tne contest closes, on the tirst day of Dceember, (J91. IhePUladelpMaJeeklj Times, A handEome..WeekiyJournal, filled with richlv illustrated nrtiplaa ri every subject of contemporaneous in- L .' . . 1 1.2 1 7, 1 "1 . tercet, luciuumg v lciion, iiiierature, Travel. Adventure. Nnm'ufw tha , , ' ".-J, A. 1 tl- ma, Sports and Home Life, the Farm 1 if j a i.i ,i . auu vurueu, wim an me current News of the World. A feature of the Weeklv Timed id department devoted to Our Eoys and Girls This feature of The Times hnn aroused more interest among youn peopie man any oiner juvenile pub lication, not only because its stories, sketches, chat, puzzles and problems ire so enier raining ana instructive, but because every boy and girl that reaus u is a memDer ol tne lamous eierht o'clock club. The eri riianti ami gold butt on of the club is sent free to every one oi tliein. There are no fees of any kind. You can find out. all n.hnut thu .i.,i. and the hundreds of prizes it dhdrib- utcs awcijg uoys ana girls by sending for a free copy of the Weekly Times, the subscription price of which is only 50 cents a year. It will cost you only a postal card to Ket a specimen copy, and then by sending fifty cents, which we are sure you will do, it will be sent to you for one year. Subscriptions may begin with any number. JNo continued stories. AdnteBu for all particulars TUB TiiilES, Times building, Philadelphia. 1 OPIUM mm 9 Mi win (tsi.v ... . ini- SJuli:,-: (. I I'u. JH.I .1 SPRkbS And Charge no Fp.p iPor tt pane v. . , il to fi lire of what In com.'... T Cfclled the "OPIUM UABI'I'," fUWb In clde (bfi bk..Himl use of Opium" iOTDbpic Ho:.i . .mi.! uthw kiiidrefl narcoUv. ii'.irnw ttWV.4"ir.iniO ...lITT'r'T.'Ti ffl' 3tltf V;': J.-ttJC inirr i jm MV-... .1 1 '.' w-w. J

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