Personal mention. CoL K 6. H&rrell has gone to Chattanooga, to be present at the Southern Teachers' Association. Dr. Gilee McAden, of Charlotte, who has been spending a short time in this city, returned home yesterday afternoon. Mr. John A. Barringer, of Char lotte, is in the city. Capt. C. B. Denson has gone to Chattanooga to attend the Southern Teachers1 Association. Dr. J. B. Bobbitt and family left today for Panacea Springs. Mr. Charlie T. Williams left on the morning train for Norfolk, Va., on a visit to his brother, Mr. E. S. Wil liams. Capt.W. T. Dortch, of Goldsboro, is in the city. Mr. W. T better today. We had a pleasant visit today from Mr. J. H. Austin, of Durham. He says the crops are fine in Harnett, Sampson and other sections through which he has recently traveled. Mr. James N. Howard and wife, and his brother, W. F. Howard, of Durham, N. C, were here yesterday in attendance upon the funeral of their mother, as was also her daugh ter, Mrs. Kate E. Coniber, of Bock Hill, S. C. The following gentlemen are at the Moseley house: Messrs. E. Pope, Chalk Level, N. C; Geo. Fudge, Bos ton; J. A: Reum, Oxford, N. C. Mr. F. H. in Washington City, looking after the balance due the State on account of direct taxes. Mabry is considered Alliance, O., a Prohibition town of 8000 population, has ninety open saloons. The rumor of revolutionary plot in Mexico against Diaz was denied al most before it started. Broker Austin, of New York, is be lieved to have been drowned iu the surf at Manhattan Beach. Engineer O'Connor, who ran the Kanawa and Michigan passenger train upon a burned trestle and kill ed or wounded everybody on board, says he saw the smoke, but mistook it for fog. Special Bates. The following are the special rates over the R. & D. system from Ral eigh and return to attend the Taber nacle meeting at Rutherford College: Goldsboro to Connelly Springs and return, $10. Raleigh to Connelly Springs and return, (8. Durham to Connelly Springs and return, $7.45. Greensboro to Connelly Springs and return, $5 75. Reidsville to Connelly Springs and return, $6.45. Winston-Salem to ConnellySprings and return, $6.60. Salisbury to Connelly Springs and return, $3.60. Charlotte to Connelly Springs and return, $4.C5. Asheville to Connelly Springs and return, $3 85. Hot Springs to Connelly Springs and return, $5.75. Whittier to Connelly Springs and return, $6.45. Intermediate points at same rates. Tickets on sale 21st and 23rd, and good returning to the 31st of July. Levi Branson, Secretary. Special Bargains, TO CLOSE OUT. Essex and Jefferson Market Police Court officials, in New York, are uu der the lire of investigation, charged with bribery. ltaleigh Market lteport. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Corrected weekly by W. C. & A. B. 8f ROISACH. Fayetteville and Wilmington streets. 215 ' 217 Meats-C. R. sides, 7 1 1 Bulk shoulders, Bacon 44 7 10c 44 breakfast It 12i Hams sugar enred 10 15c 44 N. C. &Va,lC 15c Bacon N. C, hog round, 10 11c Lard Pure, 7 10c Compouud (i4c 10 Flodr Best per bbl $0.50 $7.00 Family, 44 , 6.00 6.50 Good, 44 5.25 5.50 Coffee Rio Green l8i 25c SUGAR Granulated, 4jt Gc Yellow extra C 4 C-c Molasses Cuba 22i boc New Orleans, 22 60c Syrups, 25 50 Meal per bushel, 82 1.00 CORN per bushel, 85 1,00 Oats per bushel, 75 80c Hay per hun wt, 90 1.10 Bran per pound, 1 lie Ship Stuff per pound, H 2jc Salt per sack, 1.50 1:5 COUNTRY PRODUCE. Butter 15 25c Eggs, 12 17c OhickenB Spring, li 25c Hens, 25 35c Potatoes Sweet, 30 60c Irish, $1.25 1.50 Peas White, 75 1.00 44 Stock. 65 90c I will sell within as short time as possible the stock of goods of the late D. S. Waitt, agent. This stock consists of Clothing, Straw Hats, Soft and Stiff Hats, white and colored Dress Shirts, and everything kept in a gent's furnishing store. These goods must be sold, as the business is to be closed out tirely. Goods will be sold without reserve and do goods will be taken back after being paid for and delivered. junl9tfj H. V. WAITT PRIZES OF GRAPES Anxious to obtain as large and complete a collection of our'past pictorial advertise ment as possible we make the following offer For the largest and best collection a 10 pound basket of Grapes. The second best a 5-pound basket of the same. The collection to be in a scrap book form This is for any boy or girl under sixteen years of age. The collection to be sent in by August 15th, 1891, imam ua aam yiiuam CLOTHIERS SHATTERS Executor's Notice. Havinc aualifie 1 asexecutorof E.R.Stamns. deceased, 1 hereby give notice to all persons indebted to him to make immediate payment to me, and to all persons liaving claims against his estate to present the same to me on or before the 2d day of July, 1892, other wise this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. K. T. GRA v , jy2 oawGw Ex'r of E. R. Stamps, dee'd. WAITED 11 FURCHASEH Will Close U Our Entire Stock. Island Beach Hotel,! PIS AN CARS Merchants if you want to buy at "a bargain" drop in and see me. From today, May 30th, until I find a purchaser for my entire stock, I will sell at cost, if the cost don't suit you then I will make the prices to suit. Don't stay away and say I am not selling at cost but come and see for yourself, it will certainly be to 44 your interest" as I am going out of the Dry Goods business. My stock consists of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, all kinds of notions, Em broideries, Edgings, Laces and Trim mings, Shoes, Hats, Umbrellas, and Gent's Furnishing Goods. Come and secure bargains. W. G. SEPARK, Ayt. May 30, mi.- U, 2 E Martin S AT THE HAMMOCKS. ON WRIGHTSY1LLB BEACH NEAR Wilmington, N. C. Now open lor the season 18S)l) Most charming resort on South Atlantic Const. Hotel equipped with all modern improyements, PIG FISH, CRABS, CLAMS and all the delicacies from the sea a specialty. Fine BAND OF MUSIC, Dancing, Fishing, Boating, Sea Breezes, Surf Bathing, xc. WILL HUNTER, PROPRIETOR Also Proprietor Hotels ARLINGTON GREGORY, Goldsboro, N. C. June 25, 1891 2m. SPECIAL PERMIT WAN CARRIAGE? TEN STYLES TEN PRICES. EVERY CARRIAGE TO FIT THE PRICE. INT A CART, DOG, POKY, HORSE OR MULE? CAN FIT YOUR EYE & SUIT YOUR PILE. All Hirii-Grade Work LR.Wyatl Has just received a lot of OAT AND CORN CHOPS Splendid feed for Horses, especially BROOD MARES and COLTS. THE SFECIAL COW FOQD Is fast gaining a renowned reputation for quantity and quality of MILK and BUTTER. THE SPECIAL HORSE FOOD Will soon bring out the poorest horse and make him fat and sleek. YANCEY mm Manufacturers and Dealers RALEIGH, N. J. March 9 tf. ft A New York man interested in the Liberian trade says that Republic looks to the United States for pro tection against French encroach ments. , A $200 diamond engagement ring was recovered by a diver from twenty feet of water where a girl-witness of the boat race at New Haven dropped it. Many North Dakota farmers are harvet ang from five to ten bushels of grass hoppers daily. GOOD SAWED SHINGLES, -ALWAYS ON HAND AT LOWEST- PRICES ALSO 10-Inch Boards. This is the way the sign read in a Cake and ne jsnabiisnnient well known to t ou feds who were quartered in Kinstou "endurin'of de war." FRESH BAKED Bread Pies and Cafes KAN ANAS. Oranges, I-emons, Pineapples, Cocoanuts and Fire Crackers, .iiilSiii. Wholesale and Retail at Stronach sBakery W. C. & A. B. STRONACH, PROPRIETORS. 25 bchs Bananas (1 to II 50 bch. He Cheerfully Recommends It. THE GEEAT Panacea Springs CERTIFICATE FKOM DR. J. B. BOBBITT. Ralkigh, N. C, June 5th 1891. To the Panacea Springs and Hotel.Co: Gentlemen It affords me great pleasure to state that I regard the Panacea Springs water the very best in the catalogue of min eral waters now in use for scrofula, and es pecially for dyspepsia. One yearago I was a great sufferer from dyspepsia and&after spending sevei al weeks near the springs and using the water daily, 1 was entirely reheved. Since that time 1 have had occasional returns of it, and in every instance 1 have experi enced prompt relief by the use of i he water. 1 would advise every sufferer from dyspep sia, who can do so, to use this water, it is what its name indicates a panacea or some of the worst, if not all, the diseases to which llesh is heir. I have known the water for a number of years, and I cheerfully re commend it. Respectfully, jeotf J. B. BOBBITT. The Covenant Building and Loan Association, OF . KNOXV1JLLE, TUNN. Authorized Capital, $25,000,000 Managed solely by Odd Pel ows. but mem bership open to all. The Covenant is one of tbe best known and most successful Build ing and Loan Associations before the public, i ne business of this company in all depart ments is conducted with rigiu economy. The proportion of payments by sLarenoiders,tiET ALAL.T a OK KXt&lxtih. JJ UiNi) lb smaller than -many other companies. The following are endorsements from the Knoxvilie BanKS, where the Home Odice is located: "A thoroughly solvent and reliable insti tution. It onk-ers are first class business men, capable, honest, and of that character who could not afford to connect their names with any but a successful and reliable busi ness." City JSational Bank. ''The omcers are ail men of good standing here, and some of them are wealthy men in very high social and commercial standing." iwist Tenntssee National Bank. "Tne omcers are among ouj very best citi zens and are gentlemen oi honor and credit-" Third National Bank. For stock or information see George H. Glass W. T. Smith or Wayne Allcott. miy S WbiaCordiid CUBES DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, CHILLS and FEVERS, MALARIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, KIDNEY TROUBLES, NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM. TT la Invigorat. TT ingr end DcL 1 lighttul to take,IMlwh andof great valuePTl A 1 by I as a Medicine forLVafNl the weak and Ailing Women and Chil dren. T Eivet NEW t.IUR to the whole SYSTEM Strengthening MuicIm. Toll ing the NERVES, & completely Di gesting tne iooo. Lockjaw killed John Hansen, a Naval Academy employee at Annapo lie, Md., who ran a nail into bis foot while at work. At Padaeah, Ky., John Grouch, of Paris, Tena., in leaping from a trestle to escape an electric car, received fatal injuries. Lord Beresford's alleged nephew, Walter B. Eeresford, has been ar rested in New York, charged with swindling citizens near Rome, (ia. It is said tbat China has a second time refused to accept ex-Senator Blair as Minister. Ml PONTAlNSr,Ui w no hurtful! 9MM by leading I HI Dhvsicians. tell- Vegetal S1 edlclnesAVU Dined skill-aVW , making arVl ind Pleasant Minerals, Is com posea or care tun elected ble M com fully, Safe i Remedy, A Book.'Volina ph Ing bow to treat diseases at Home, mailed, together wren aset ot nana some cards by new Heliotype process on receipt Of toe. For t1e b tl Brtirelirti and Grocer. 8houM the Senior hi fm not keep TOLIRA CORDIAL, remit S1.0U, WW Ml Ska baste will be mat, charge. Bet Vollna Drag and Chemical Company.' Children fry far f itofterfr Cattorif