Royal Glories. MltSEY'B WEEKLY. A thousand memories entwine Around old England's royal line ; Richard the Lion's knightliness, The golden days of good Queen ltcss, The bluff King Harry's men y quii. And Albert Edward's pocket chips. As through the gallery we glance, We through the crest of conquered Fiance; View the Armada's standard, ta'en From shattered masts of haughty Sjwin; The spoils of armies and of ships, And Albert Edward's poker chips. 'Tis true some scandals there have been, Some stains on King, or Prince or Queen ; King Henry's plural wives ; the tricks Of her who burned the heretics ; And Charle's folly, George's slips, And Albert Edward's poker chips. Englishmen dearly love a king ; They'll pardon almost agy thing In those that have right divine That hovers round their royal line ; Bat will they speak with loyal lips Of Albert Edward's poker chips ? ?T'!., -A Castoria For Infanta and Children Cast or! a promotes Digestion, and VMNBH Flatulency, Constipation, Sour I fetch, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness. 1 bus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Castoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. Why a Dog's Nose is Cold. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Everybody knows that a dog's nose is always cold, but very few people know why. The cartilage composing the outer surface of a dog's nose is al most destitute of blood veesels, but plentifully supplied with glands which exude a watery secretion that, by its evaporation, keeps the nose be low the normal temperature. The dog's sense of smell is located iu the nerves within the nostrils, and it is probable that these are kept in bet er condition by the low temperature f the cartilaginous tip of the dose. The state of a dog's health is at once indicated by his nose, for no dog with a hot, dry nose can be healthy. and one of the first signs of rabies is dryness and heat of the nose, for these symptoms indicate fever, and fever is the begininning of hydrophobia Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castor! a. When she was a Child , the cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung: to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. "Castoria is so well ail.ipted to children that T recommend it as superior to any prescript-! known to me." H. A. Akchkr. M. P., Ill South Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1 use Castoria in my practice, and And it specially adapted to affections of children." Alex. Robertson, M. D., 1057 2d Are., New York, "From porsonal knowledge and observation I can say that Castoria is an excellent medicine for children, acting as a laxative and relieving the pent up bowels anrf general system very much. Many mothers have told me of its ex sellent effect upon their children." Da, G. C. Osgood, Lowell, Mass. JV" "'xlTACB CWpant, 77 Murrav guoe'.flf. Y. Kailroat' Schedules. jfu.nntic 1'oaat Line. Wilmington Weldon Fadroad and Branches. Condensed Scood i!e, J TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated June 7th.No 23 No 27 No 41 1890. Daily. P't m'l d'y, ex Daily. Sund'y 5 43pm;?3 20am 724am Le Weldon, 12 SOpm ArRockyMt, 140pm Ar Tarboro, 2 17pm Le Tarboro, 10 35am Ar Wilson, 218pm 7 00pm Le Wilson, t2 30pm Ar Selma, 8 30pm Ar Fay'tviHe 530pm Le (Fdsboro, 8 15pm 7 40pm Le Warsaw, 4 14pm Le Magnolia, 4 27pm 8 40pm Ar Wil'gton. 6 00pm 9 55pm 11 20am 7 53am 8 40am 9 34am 9 49am Ar Tarboro, Lv Tarboro, Ar Weldon. A. Music Iioving Pigeon. New Orleans Picayune. Not far from the writer's home there is a little gray pigeon who is a great pet with his fair young mistress, and who has shown a great fondnes for music. When his mistress prac tices or takes her piano lesson, so soon as the first note is struck, a gentle "tap, tap" iB heard at the win dow, and there stands the pigeon beg ging to come in, When admitted he walks straight up to the piano, and lies at the player's feet, and all during the music expresses bis ad miration in a gentle cooing. The lit tle creature is affectionate and fond of petting, but will leave anyone to listen to music. Does Wood Absorb Germs ? Disease A celebrated physician has re marked that every house ought to be pulled down at the end of the tx tieth year, as it has by that time absorbed all of the diseases of those that have lived in it, This idea isr based on the theory that wood and plaster absorb gases, foul air and feverish exhalation as readily as milk or water does. But, as it is not prac ticable to tear down houses every half century or so, some eminent authorities claim that all wood used in the interior construction of houses, and all of the surface of plaster, should be thoroughly oiled or varn ished, so that the power of absorp tion would be almost entirely de stroyed. In the latter event the de struction of houses on sanitary grounds would no longer be desirable. TRAINS GOING NORTH. No 14 No 78, No 40, daily, d'y, ex dally Sund'y Lv Wil'gton, Vi 35am 915am 425pm JUv Magnolia, ro 57am o 10pm Le Warsaw, 11 11am 6 25pm Ar G'dsboro, 2 55am 12 05am 7 30pm ije Jb'ay'tvillo, t 10am r Selma, 11 08am Ar Wilson, 12 10pm Lv Wilson, 3 35am 12 58pm 8 23pm Ar RockyMt, 1 80pm 8 53pm '53 17pm 10 35am 5 05am 2 55pm 1000pm . auy except Sunday. John F Divijte, General Superintendent. J R KknijY, Sup't Trans. T M Smkrson. General Fass Agt Cape Fear & Yadkin Talley ttaiiroaa uompany. OOETOKITSKD SOHBDULB. MORTHBound D'y ex S'y D'y ex S'v JNo2 No 4 Le Wilmington, 9 20 a m Ar Fayetteville, 12 50 p in Le Fayetteville, 1 20 p m Le Sanford, 2 53 p in Ar Greensboro, 5 22 p in Le Greensboro, 5 35 p m Le Walnut Cove, 7 05 p in Ar Mt Airy, 9 00 p m Le Bennettsville, 8 80 a m Ar Maxton, 9 40 a not Le Maxton, 9 50 a in Ai Fayetteville, 11 45 a m No 16 daily except Sunday. Le Ramseur 7 25 a m Ar Greensboro, 10 05 a m Le Greensboro, 10 35 a m Ar Madison 12 50 p m southbound D'y ex S'y D'y ex S'y No t . No 3 Le Mt Airy, 5 30am Le Walnut Cove, 7 17 Ar Greensboro, 8 45 a m Le Greensboro, 10 30 a m Le Sanford, 12 58 p m Ar Fayetteville, 2 25 p m Le Fayetteville, 2 50 p m Ar Wilmington, 6 05 p w Le Fayetteville, 3 00 p m Ar Maxton, 4 f 5 p m Le Maxton, 5 10pm Ar Bennettsvine, 6 20 p m No 15 daily except Sunday, lie Madison, 1 45 p m Ar Greensboro, 3 55 p m Lo Greensboro, 4 15 p m Ar Ramseur, 7 15 p m W E KiliE, General Pacsonge r Agent. J v Fkt, Gw 8urt. Hailioad Schedules, &c John Hoffey, who was injured three months ago in a wreck at Barry on the Philadelphia and Reading Rail road, died Thursday evening. Mrs. John Deitrich, aged 60, of fltewartstown, W. Va., fell from a cherry tree Saturday at Uniontown, and broke her neck. TOBACCO MARKET. Reported for the Evening Visitor by Parker & Harvey, Tobacco Man ufacturers. Smokers Common. 5 6 Good 810 Fillers Common 5 6 Good- 716 Out ters Common 10 18 Good Fancy Wrappers Common 1420 Good .........22ib40 Fine to fancy. 4070 Raleigh and Angusta A-L B It To take effect 9 am, Sunday, April. 5 1890. i rams mov- tig North. iNo c8. Pass and Muil. liAily ex bnu Arrive. 11 2u am 11 01 am 10 19 am 10 16 am 9 52 am 9 20 am Miscellaneous. Trains mov ing South. Mo 41, Pass and Mail. Daily ex Snn. .Leave. 4.00 j) m 4,19 " 4 til " 5 05 M 5 28 M 5.54 " Raleigh, Cary, Apex, Moncure, Sanford, Cameron. 6 21 " Southern Pines, 8 58 am 7 20 " Hamlet, 7 38 am 8 15 " Gibson, Ar 7 00 am Northbound Trains. Thro Frt and Pass 23. Daily exct Sunday. P M Lv 11 30 12 00 12 1 Sam 1 07am 44pm 20am 08a in 30am Ar Southbound Trains. Thro Frt and Pass 22, Stations Daily exct Sunday. Ar Raleigh Cary Apex Moncure Sanford Cameron Southern.Piues Hamlet Lv A M 8 00 7 27 7 05 tt 00 5 4 4 33 1 30 16 20 PITTSBORO R R. Leave Pittsboro, 9 10. a m Arrive Moncure, 9 55 Leave Moncure 10 25 a m Arrive Pittsboro, 11 10 CAKTHAUIC R R. Leave Carthage, 8 00 a in Arrive Cameron, 8 15 Leave Cameron, 9 45 Arrive Carthage, 10 30 Leave Carthage, 4 00 p m Arrive Cameron, 4 45 p in Leave Cameron, 5 50 Arrive Carthage, 6 35 WM SMITH, Supt, ATLANTIC dc I. C. K Jtt , Time Table No 15. In effect December 19th, 1888. Going east. Schedule. Going west JNo 51 Pass trains JNobl Ar Lve Stations Ar Lve p m 3 30 Goldsboro 11 28 a 4 17 4 20 La Grange 10 46 10 48 4 49 4 54 Kinston 10 09 10 14 6 18 6 48 New Berne 8 27 8 44 9 26 p m Morehead City am 6 o Daily. A LMQH& GASTOJI X R. To take effect Sunday, April 5, 1890. Trains moving North. No 38, No 34, Stations. Mail train. Fas & Mail. Le Raleigh. 11 25 am 5 00 p m Wake, 12 05 5 39 Franklinton, 12 26 6 01 Kittrell, 12 44 6 19 Henderson 1 00 6 36 j Littleton, 2 07 7 45 p at Ars Weldon, 2 45 8 30 a id Trains moving South. No 41, No 45, Stations. Mail train. Past &Mail. Le Weldon, 12 15 p m 6 00 a m Littleton, 12 52 6 42 Henderson, 2 22 7 53 Kittrell, 2 39 8 11 Franklinton, 2 56 8 29 Wake, 8 17 8 50 ArBRaleigh, 3 65 p m 9 30 a IE Louisburg Railroad. Trains moving North. No 88, Pass, JNo 8, Stations. Mail & Express. Le Louisburg, 7 35 a m 2 00pm Ar Franklint'n, 8 10 2 85 Trams moving South. No 41, Pass, No 86A Stations. Mail & Express. Le Franlint'n, 12 0 p m 6 05pm Ar Louisburg, 1 1-5 p m 6 40 WM SMITH, Sunt. THE JOURNAL OF SOCrEW. j E. D. MANN, Proprietor. Published (New York) Evkbv Thursday. " r?,., ..-., t, tj . jii . . j n ( i: 1 1 inn lint , i uj lUHHry una CVRtCTont 4 read great lessons of life, morality and hope." The newsiest, brightest, wittiest, wisest. rIavr est, most original, and most entertaining paper ever published. A complete and perfect journal for cultivated men and women, being a topical and out spoken critic and chroniolft of thn vmit. interests, and tastes of the fashlonnhln wnrlH it is always up to date, and carries with it the atmo pnere or tne metropolis. in punty ana oower or iiicrarv a it. lma uu 04 um uu turn continent. A veritable svmDosinm of well-hrari ntlM! llafhnACIfl Hn1 ainftnoaa r9 .v.. .i- 1 1 pendenoe and originality of thought; refined humor; caustic comment; piquancy of jest; abort stories : musical, dramatic. li tenur Anil lrf . ..a . 1 ,.1 1 a. 1 .... , . . .. . " The fame of its Financial Department, as the most reliable authority on financial sub Jocts, Investments and speculation, is world-wide Its interest is by no means local; being the rec os ui zed journal of American society, is equally entertaining in au parts or the country For sale each week bv all first-class newsdealer! In America and Europe. Every newsdealer wil keep and supply it if requested. Newsdealers supplied by the American News Co., 89 Chambers Street, New York, and by all other news companies. Regular subscriptions may be sent direct; to office of publication, or through any newsdealer or subscription apreney: une year,4.uu; snr truths la.saL.'hree months, $1.30. samples fre A iddress: TOWN TOPICS, West 23d St., New York Clty..T? Vgirinia Classifies Life Insurance Co y. 97 Main street, NORFOLK, VA. Tb is is a joint stock compcrjy w hirr cuuioiues the atlvautageb o; (he ul ItlM system of hisurancewith the pop ular plan of monthly premiums and payment of death claims immediately on proof. Policies running for 10 years or ioi 20 years are issued with equitablt options at the end of those pstiodf. liioso who wish to nave done a kind act in case of their death, for thb families, hi here the opportunity Officers President,!' J In ottiugham Vice President, E V W hite: Secretary F Richardson; Treasurer, W W Vicar Medical Director, L Lankford; Go.:i sel, J E. Heath. Directors T J Nottingham, hi V White, W W Vicar, F Kichardson t Lljankford, M D, Judge .1 fJoa. L bheldon, (i W Deal. W. B. Boyu, State Affeut, Berne, C. ti W WHiTiNe.Locai Agent,KaJeigl l 1 ' n. RiGhuiOnd & Danville K R C 'v Condensed Schedule In effect May 31st, 1B91. Southbound. Daily. No 9 No i Lv Richmond, a 00pm 2 55an Burkeville, oil 4(5nn Keysville, 5 53 & bo- u Ar Danville 12 !iO n Ar (ireensuoro, lu 20pm 10.t9i,n Lv (ioldsboro. 2 fi7pm Itt bOi-n Ar Raleigh, 4 4S u ;.U, ij Le Raleigh Clo 1 oOmi Le Durham, 7 30 3 32ui Ar (ireensboro, 10 00 bu,hi! Lv Salem, T 30 7 26 Greensboro, 10 30pm i0 2c Ar Salisbury, 12 20am 12 ( 2an Ar Statesville, 1 52 1 1 lpn Ar Abbeville, 0 55am 5 03 Ar Hot Springs, a t(i 7 0 Lv Salisbury, 12 30 12 10 iu Ar Charlotte, 2 10 1 3&pn Spartanburg, 5 V2 4 i Greenville, tj 47 6 6 Atlanta, 1 1 am 1 3 .11 Lv Charlotte, 2 2o a m 1 i 5: u Ar Columbia, 6 20 5 iG Augusta, 10 20 am a 10s u Northbound. Daily. No 10 No 1 Lv Augusta, 7 1 0 pm 10 4c 1 11 Columbia, 11 00 2 Otpn Ar Charlotte, 4 Ou am 6' 30 Lv Atlanta, 7 0C pm 8 10 an Ar Charlotte, 6 10 6 40 pn Salisbury, 0 52 b 3; Lv Hot Springs, 4 4b pm 12 ?8j u Asheviiie, 0 25 am 2 U Statesville, 11 02 am tj 40 Ar Salisbury, 12 01 7 34i,u Lv Salisbury, 7 CO b (.5 Ar Greensboro, 8 44 U at Salem, 11 38 am tl2 'JC an Lv Greensboro, 10 30 1210 pn Ar Durham, 12 23pm 4 35 a:- Raleigh. 1 29 7 15 Lv Raleigh 1 34 f3 45 an Ar Goldsboro, 3 10 12 20 Lv Greensboro, 8 f 2un 10 40rn Ar Danville, 10 40 12 20 Keysville, 1 2tipn; 4 1; an Burkeville, 2 11 4 55 Richmond, 4 10 7 f 0 BETWEEN WEST POINT, R1CHMON)' AM RALEIGH, via Keysville, Oxford and Durham 15 and 14 Stations. 10 and 1 1j7 50ain Lv West Point, Ar b oc) in v 10 am .ar jtucmnonu Ijv T4 40 n 10 35am Lv Richmond Ar 4 35 v 12 45pm " Burkeville " 2 43 1 4'.pm " Keysville 4 2 00 ", 2 22pm " Chase City, 12 24 '! 2 57pm " Clarksville " 11 47an 3 49pm Ar Oxford Lv10 40 " 4 15" Lv Oxfora Ar u, 5 20 " " Henderso 9 3c " 3 54 " Lv Oxford 5 ,xv 10 40 " Ar Raleigh Lv " t Daily except Sunday. 1Daily, except : 80li Ha AM, JAE L 'J .TT - Traffic Man'g'r. . - W A Trk, Dlv Pbss Ap-ent, F-aleich Jj 0. WaWrenCry JorJitcheJSistoiig ' Children CryJbrPitdier's Cutorib Lime and Cemeiv CARSON & SON'S R1VEFT WOOD BURN! LIME. EXTK FINE QUALITY, EXTRA HEAVT BARBELS. "It slacks well, is very white and valuahli iui ouuumg purposes; tanners, pajier nuiK ers, &c. For sale at retail or by the car load at low as any standard quality. One dealer writes to the manufactun ts at follows: "We have been handling your "Riveitoi Lime for the last four years at the rati 0 from3,000 to 10,000 barrels per year, and or sider it the best we have ever handled. I slacks quickly and is free from core, luinj and specks. For general use there if mi" better." ' Another writes: "You ask for oui 0iu ion of your Lime, which we have been br Hil ling for about a year. We take great pleas ure in assuring you that we are selling nil ol the principal contractors and builders in oui uity, aim snipping a goou ueai to neiel bo ing towns, with entire satisfaction to all W consider it the best Lime in our market, Vi find the barrels larger and in better condi tion than other brands we have sold, anf have never had to pay out a cent for coot age on your barrels." Write for prices and testimonials trci dealers, contractors and manufacturers JONES & POWELL. Sole Agents, Raleigh, H I, Raleigh liubiness Directory. D W C HARRIS. 118 Km. VFHn bt. Dyer and Cleaner. jail T BRYANT, Stall 6, city market, t. Choice Beef, Pork, &c. LDWOMBLE, cor Wilmington & Hftrfrttl sis. Groceries, Leather, Mjuh 1 mUing8, Pishing Tackle, To bacco, Cigars, iic. J SCHWARTZ, 122 Fayetteville st. 1 he leauer in choice Meats, Vir ginia Beef and Mutton. All Pork and Uiied Sausage. Come and see me. feo A E FRANCIS, next to Savings Hank Practical Boot and Shoe iurt.ker. Give me a call. te $1,000 in.Cash to be distributed among Cfmvaebers for Clubs for, the Weekly Times. A handsomely Illustrated Paper of ixteen Pages. LESS THAN ONE CENT A WEEK. Cheapest Paper in the World. The publishers of the Philadelphia WEEKLY TIMES Intend to have 100,900 SUBSCRIBERS Before January, 1892, and to accom plieh this in the shortest space of time the price has been reduced to CENTS U A YEAR And cash to the amount of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS Will be paid to Lthe getters up ol clubs, as follows : For the first largest list, $250 For the second largest list, 200 For the third largest list, lot For the three next largest, each 50 For the four next largest, each 2b For the ten next largest, each 10 For the 20 next largest lists, each The above prizes in cash. This nrtmnntiftftw will 1 , w,,tuwuu nui u open lO everybody every where men, women boys and girls. Careful record will he kpnt. nf tho tKt . --r- "v Duumiiiueie Belli in Dy each competitor, and the cash will be 1)1 1(1 Wlipn the nrtntoc l.,.. j , first day of Dceember, 891. The Philadelphia Weekly Times, A handsome Weekly Journal, filled Wit li riAh ltr ll. A -i . I ...... .muij iuuBiraieu articles on every subiectof emitm terest including Fiction, Literature, I ravel, Adventure, Society, the Dra' ma, Sports and Borne Life, the Farm and Garden, with all the Current News of the World. A feature of the Weekly Times is a department devoted to Our Boys and Girls Thifl feature nf Tho i j. 1LUCD lias aroused more interest among yount: people than any other Juvenile pub lication, not only because its stories, sketches, chat, puzzles and problems are so entertaining and instructive, but because every boy and girl that reads it is a member of the famous eight o'clock p. nh Th. , i . uo sl mJOvJU 11111 gold button of thn olnh io KJH 1 II 1,11 every one of them. inero are no fees of any kind You can find out nil oim,,. i, ami the hundreds of prizes it distrib- ?"a , uu3 " na girls by sending tor a free conv t-.t iha nAi.i.. n1.-. ft ,, , ; ' . coai v lines, the subscription price of which is only 50 cents a year. it will cost you only a postal card to get a specm-eu copy, and then by sending fittv cents mhU ou will do, it will be sent to you for one year. , J Subscription may begin with any OUmber. jNocout nnH ctn.!.. ' Address tor all particulars TBE TIMES, Times Building. F'hiladelphia Pa. Wo U III uy ..! . I hi ll - iSuhi ju-.l fttrro l.i IP8UPH0T SPfiift USERlp ii And Charge no Fee Sc rfcnycBsov, , IHo cure of what Uon IT c'lel the "OIIi:31 f lAKIT," WUtoll i the l)K.4iun ueu! Opium 'jtorpliiu?, Con-lisfi, ii) it i) -1 rn-dradi cmrcutlvd 1 4ttt