- Look Hera! Are yon going to Richmond on the big excursion to come off on the 5th of August. If not, why not ? Did you ever hear of no much pleasure for so little money. Do you know that an excursion to Richmond, the capi tal of Virginia is indeed a rare treat, and do you know that you will not have another such chance for a long time to come. Now Messrs. Lacy, King and Sherwood have gotten up such an excursion as will befar ahead of anything yet undertaken in that line. Every precaution will be taken to render all who go, most comfort able. Polite and special attention will be given to ladies.and there need be no fears that everything will not be conducted in a manner to make the trip desirable. We learn that ar rangements have been made with hotels to secure board at reasonable rates. Personal mention. Mr. R. L. Prempert is in the city. Mr. W. T. Mabry is slowly ini porving. Col. A. H. Andrews is in the city again looking as well as possible. He has no idea of leaving us. Mrs. W. R Blake left Saturday af ternoon to visit her daughter in Lum berton, N. 0. The condition of Mr.Orrin Smith is, we are glad to hear, somewhat better today. We had the pleasure of seeing Maj. J. W. Fry, of the Cape ;Fear and Yadkin Valley Road, in the city last Saturday afternoon. The little 18 year old eon of Mr. O. W. Belvin, who has been complaining Tor several days was taken quite sick yesterday. We had the pleasure of seeing Hon. Jno. Nichols in the city, this morn ing. He is looking the very picture of health. Col. L. L. Polk arrived in the city last Saturday afternoon. He left this afternoon for South Carolina, where he is booked for an address in a day or so. Col. A. W. Shaffer and Collector White have returned from Asheville, where they went to attend a conven tion of the Protective Leagues of the State. Rev. Dr. J. J. Hall, accompanied by his wife and Mies Genevieve Jor dan, has returned from Minneapolis They report a very pleasant time. Mr. M. A. Parker is on a tour through the Continental cities, and British Isles. We heard of his safe ar rival at Southampton, Eng., today: he will land at Bremen, Germany. The following persons arrived in the city yesterday afternoon from Wilmington and other places: P. W. McGowan, J. M. Broughton, Len H. Royster and wife, Miss Julia Frost, Mrs. M. King. Rev. Dr. Jno. S. Watkins, accom panied by his family, left today, to spend his summer vacation during the month of August, at Morehead City. May they have a most pleasant time and a safe return is the wish of everybody in Raleigh. Mr. A. Dughi has returned to the city from the north where he has been adding to his stock of the good things of life. He is now better pre pared than ever to cater to the pub -lio. Col. W. H. Lucas, the genial senator from Hyde was, in the city Saturday chatting with his friends. He reports the oyster business all quiet. His ac count of the crops iu Eastern Caro lina is not very good. He says there has been entirely too much rain. Raleigh Market Report. WHOLK3A1 w A TO RETAIL. Corrected wkkkly by W. a & A. B. SI'RONACH. rayetteville and Wilmington streets. 215 817 Mk ats C. R sides, 8 Bulk shoulders, Bacon " i 10c " breakfast 10 12 Hams sugar cured 10i 15o M N. C. &Va.,lH 15c Bacon N. C, hog round, 10 11c Lard Pure, ?i 10o Compound fijc 10 Flour Best per bbl $0.50 $7 00 Family, M 6.00 6.50 Good, M 5.25 5.50 Cokfkk Rio Green ISi 35c Sdgar Granulated, 5 OJc Yellow extra C 4 6)c Molassks Cuba 22 50c New Orlear.s, 22 00c Syrups, 25 60 Mkal per bushel, 85 1.00 Corn per bushel, 85 1,00 Oats per bushel, 70 80c Hat per huo wt, 00 1.10 Brajt per pound, IS He Ship Stukk per pound, H He Salt per sack, 1.55 1:75 COUNTRY PRODUCE. BUTTER- 3 M BROrOHTON. T B M08ELEY. - 15 25c Eggs, 11 15c Chickens Spring, 12 25c Hens, 25 35c Potatoes Sweet, 30 50c Irish, $1.25 1.50 Peas White, 75 1.00 41 Stock. 65 90c wanted a mm Will Close Out Oir Entire stock. Merchants if you want to buy at "a bargain" drop in and see me. From today, May 30th, until I find a purchaser for my entire stock, I will sell at cost, if the cost don't suit you then I will make the prices to suit. Don't stay away and say I am not selling at cost but come and see for yourself, it will certainly be to " your interest" as I am going out of the Dry Goods business. My stock consists of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, all kinds of notions, Em broideries, Edgings, Laces and Trim mings, Shoes, Hats, Umbrellas, and Gent's Furnishing Goods. Come and secure bargains. W. G. SEPARK, Agt. May 80, 1891.-tf. 2 E Martin S NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. , University of North Carolina. The next Term Begins Sept. 3. En trance Examination, Sept. 2. Tuition f 30 per term. Needy young men of talent and character will be aided with scholarships and loans. Besides the general course of study, which offer a wide range of elective stuaies, mere are courses in ljaw, Medicine and Engineering. For catalogue, dec. address the resident. GEO. T. WINSTON, jy24 2w Chapel Hill, N. C. DOC TAX- A tar nnnn pverv dne tent in the citv lira its is due and payable to the Chief of Police on the first day of July in each year. Every person owning a dog who shall fail to pav the tax during the month of July, or who shall keep upon their premises an unlicensed dog after the 1st day of August, shall be sub ject to a fine, and all persons who shall fail to mve in their does shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and fined five dollars for each doe so omitted. All unlicensed dogs will be taken up and impounded after the 1st day of August, 1891. CDHEARTT, yl5 Jf Chief of Police. Special Bargains, TO CLOSE OUT. I will sell within as short time as possible the stock of goods of the late D. S. Waitt, agent. This stock consists of Clothing, Straw Hats, Soft and Stiff Hats, white and colored Dress Shirts, and everything kept in a gent's furnishing store. These goods must be sold, as the business is to be closed out en tirely. Goods will bejsold without reserve and no goods will be taken back after being paid for and delivered. junl9tf H. V. WAITT. J. M BROUGHTON & CO. ReaS Estate Agents EXCLUSIVELY. The men you are lookipg for if you want to buy or sell or rent real es tate. jyi5 Islasitl Beach Hotel AT THE HAMMOCKS. II HOW TO SAVE TIME, am3. HEALTH. BUY BREAD FROM Stronach sBakery more nreaa, ana Better Bread than iii'iHt uome for the same money. BUYING BREAD ON WR1GHTSVILLE BEACH NEAR Wilmington, N. C- Now open lor the season 1891. Most charming resort on South Atlantic Coast. Hotel equipped with all modern improvements, PIG FISH, CRABS, CLAMS and all the delicacies from the sea a specialty. Fine BAND OF MUSIC, Dancing, filing, Boating, Sea Breezes, Surf Bathing, An. WILL HUNGER, PROPRIETOR. Also Proprietor Hotels ARLINGTON- GREGORY, Goldsboro, N. C. June 25, 1801 2m. L.R.Wyatt Has just received a lot of OAT AND CORN CHOPS Splendid feed for Horses, especially BROOD MARES and COLTS. THE SPECIAL COW FOOD Is fast gaining a renowned reputation for quantity and quality of MILK and BUTTER. THE SPECIAL HORSE FOOD Will soon bring rout the poorest horse and make him' fat and sleek. CAPT. DORSEY'S ImproVed and justly celebrated Columbus Count WATERMELONS, A carload just in directly from the field. Fresh and Splendid and for sale very low by JONES & POWELL m n CARRIAGE? TEN STYLES. TEN PRICES. EVERY CARRIAGE TO FIT THE PRICE. WANT A CART, DOG, POKY, HORSE OR MULE? CAN FIT YOUR EYE & SUIT YOUR PILE. All Hiah-Grade Work YANCEY CTIMCH Manufacturers and Dealers RALEIGH, N. C. March 9 tf. OOODJSAWED SHINGLES, ALWAYS bON HAND AT LOWEST, PRICES AL80 10-Inch Boards. Executor's Notice. Having qualified as executors of Samuel M. Utley, deceased, we htreby give notice to all persons indebted to him to make imme diate payment to us: and to all persons hav ing claims against his estate to present the same to us on or before the 9th day of July, 1892; otherwise this notice will be pleaded iu bar of their recovery. F. A. Whitaker, Raleigh, N. C, and T. A. Council, Holly Springs, C , Executors. July 10, 1891 6 w FOR SALE PRIVATELY, a fine tract of woodland about four miles west of Raleigh, containing 220 acres, more or less. The above property is ott ered by virtue of an or der of the Superior i ourc of Wake county in an action entitled, T H Briggs and others ex parte, beiiif.'; a special preceeding for sale of laud for partition, &c. riur,X,r A Q XT DDTflfiQ 3 tds Commissioner, &c. NORTH CAROLINA, WAKE COUNTY 1 TT 1J AIT:!! nrwl niltmv iVI O irHfFo VQ R. ft Peace and others, defendants. Superior Court, April Term, 1891. At the request of R. G. Peace and wife, and by virtue of authorityconferred on us by an order of court in the above entitled action as commissioners to make sale ot the prop ! erty described in the complaint, we will ' expose for sale, and sell to the highest bid- j UCIy lUl UlSll,ai LUC vjuni u iivum uwij ill iwr I eifih, N. 0., on Monday, the ,1 th day of r. i A Fi 1WU1 fl.u hit nrhurann rhn I : T i ...,,J ii'if'n n'Ain I'uoiilii in I lui aaiJ :3aHl X wWJC aim rruc w iwhmv, .m city of Raleigh, on tiouth street, adjoining !! Af H T Prkbiinunn Mnru Rnvf. ami others, described in the complaint. Terms, eash: hour, 12 m. J., lt. ru . aiiu, I, n. W.J.PEELE, f11 July 10-30d PROM STBONACH'S BAKERY H t rolls every afternoon at 5 o'clock Bread Pies and Cafes FRESH .BAKED EVERY DAY. He Cheerfully commends It. THE GBEATi Panacea Springs CERTIFICATE FROM DR. J. B. BOBBITT. Raleigh, N. ft, June 5th 1891. To the Panacea Springs and Hotel.Uo: Gentlemen It affords me creat pleasure to state that I regard the Panacea Springs water tlie very best in the catalogue of min eral waters now in use for scrofula, and es pecially for dyspepsia. One year ago I was a great sufferer from dyspepsia and after spending seve. al weeks near Uie springs aua lltlinu' fttu urata. .lailt. I i .......p mv iiivi uauj, x via? ciuiii'ij leneveu. Since that time 1 have had occasional returns of it, and in every instance 1 liave experi enced prompt relief by the use of ihe water. x nuuiu uuvise every suueiei irom uyspep- oia, vt uu uau uu so, to use mis water, it is what its name indicates a panacea for some of the worst, if not all, tlie diseases to which flesh is heir. I have known the water tor ;1 n N m lnr of vpnru mn I -hoort-'ull tr Mn. commend it. .Respectfully, jeo a J. ti. tsvamri. The Covenant Building and Loan Association, OF Kfloxvii.x.E, Tims,; iUTii jhizkjd Capital, $5,000,000 Mauased solely by Odd Pel ows. but mem- bersflip open u all. 1 lie Covenant is one of tbe oest known and most successful Build ing and Loan Associations before the public. ine Dusmess oi tnis company m an uepart ments is conducted with rigid economy, 'i'he proportion of payments by sharehoiders.SKL' AfAKT i) Oit JiiAi'liiiNSJii PUiNL la smaller than many other companies. The following are enuorsements from the Knoxvule Lan ks, where the Home oluce is located: "A thoroughly solvent and rehable insti tution. It omcers are lirst class business men, capable, honest, ana of that character wno couid not anoru to connect their names with uny but a successful aim rehable busi ness. Oity National Lank. ' The omcers are ail men d sood standing here, and some oi them are wealthy men m very nign social ana commercial siandmg." xuai lenmsaee xatioral Lank. 'The o uieers are auiuw oui very best citi zens and are gentlemen oi honor and credit'" xnuxl National Lauk. i? or stock or hnormation see George H. Glass w . T. Smith or Wayne Allcott. ml'J 3 WnuCordisi C U II I'1 s DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, CHILLS and FEVERS, MALARIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, KIDNEY TROUBLES, NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM. TT is In vigor at- 1 j wiL- iiiK uia uc lightiul to take and of great valni as a Medicine foi weak and Ailini Women and Chil dren. TT gives NEW r LIFE to the whole SYSTEM by Strengthening the Muscles, Ton ing the NERVES, & completely Di gesting the food. pONTAINS V no hurtful Minerals, Is COITH posed of carefully selected VentaJ ble MedlcinesJ eomMnedskilH fully, making a Safe and Pleasant ttemedyv For Hit by an DrnsKhta n1 Orocert. ShonM tbjdMlcr near you not keep VOUN A t'OBDl At, ruoU $1.00, ta tall 1 boOl WU1 be not, otwrgM peM. sssrtim ilt sv Volina Drag and Chemlod Companyi ABook.'Voiina by leading physicians, tell ing how to treat diseases at Home, mailed, together witnasetot nana some cards by new Heliotvoeorocesa on receipt of ioc.

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