he Wmln IE vtsttor. F?. A T.F.TO-g. S-A-T CJEDAT, TJGrXJST 1, 1891 8 HEWS NOTES ABOUT THE CITY. What Our Reporters See Md Hear Worth Hiving to Our Headers News in Brief. A good deal of dew and a right tinart due fell due today. See notice of land bale by S. F. Mordecai commissioner. There was nothing whatever of in terest in the way of news at the May or's office today. Bad weather on the old veterans at Wrightsville, but, then they will be well taken care of all the same. And it rained, and it rained, and it rained. It poured, and it poured, and it pcured. And still nobody is happy. The rain is seriously interfering with the shipment of grapes, and it ie also feared that it will increase the rot. This is much to be regretted. Terrible day for newspaper men te gather up news. They are expected, however, to print it, whether it takes place or not. There will be a meeting of the Young Mens Christian Association at the First Presbyterian Church Sua day School room tomorrow afternoon at 5:30 o'clock. We hear that the newly appointed State Geologist is I usy in his inves tigations, in the western counties and will have a tine selection no dout in readiness fir the coining exposition. The Kaleigh Building and Loan Association started out today under favorable auspices. It is under the control of some of our mosteirter pricing citizens and its succets is beyond doubt. The street car line would have been almoBt completed, so far as laying rails were concerned, to Temple's store, on the Hillsbf ro road, today, but for the rain, which much impedes the work in all its branches. Don't forget the grand excursion to Richmond next Wednesday. Remem ber, it is the best chance you will have to see the sights of the capital of the Old Dominion for some time to come. It will be a most enjoyable oc -asion, and the cost is trifling Ge ready and go. You will never regret it. Rev. James H. Cordon, pastor M. E church, Wilson, N. C, says: I have used Bradycrotine and never in a single instance failed to obtain imme diate relief from headache when di rections were followed. jy28 0t Large additions in the way of curiosities have been for several years accumulating at the State Museum, and now there is no more interesting place in the city. No stranger should leave Raleigh without paying it a visit. Mr. T. C. Harris, the Curator will take pleasure in showing all the sights, in his usual courteous manner. Don't forget that WiU Wynne and Neil A. Spence will start from the north door of the capitol next Mon day morning at 5 o'clock on a wheel tour to the northern and New Eng land States. If the weather permits we hope there will be a crowd to see them off. The Visitor hopes to have regular bulletins of the progress of the trip. This has been a genuine set back day in the way of business. There were very few co untry people in the city, as compared with Saturdays generally, and the merchants are not as jubilant as usual. From early in the morning there has been almost a continual fall of rain, and outside work has been at a stand still. We have heard nothing lately about the erection of a new hotel on the premises knowu as the "Tucker lot." recently occupied by Mr. J. B Batchelor. We hope the idea has not been abandoned. It would surely be one of the best sites in the city for a first class hotel, situated, as it is, near the new Union Depot. It would eem to be a paying investment. The pensioners camp at Wrights ville broke to day. Supervisor McMackiu will soon be at work cutting down the hill just this side of the exposition grounds. There an' now two objective points in prominent i,--.v-the Baptist Uni versity aud the colored Agricultural College. Raleigh ought to secure both beyond doubt, if the proper ef fort is made. So far as the Universi ty is concerned that should be a fore gone conclusion. All we have to do is to do what we promised to do, and that ought to be easy enough to do, if we do right. Sheriff Page told us to day, that he had no doubt about the matter of the merchants purchase tar being ar ranged. He thought that the mrch ants would Anally agree to pay the tax, especially as in case there shouldj be any reversal of opinion by the Su preme Court, the tax would be re turned We are glad to hear this be cause we know our merchants want to do whatever is right in the premises. State Tobacco Association. The rates offered by the Richmond aud Danville Railroad Company for the tbove association at Morehead City, are opened to all, whether mem bers of the association or not. The tickets will be on sale August 3rd. 4th and 5t.h; good returning until and in cluding August 20th. Remember that the round trip rate from Raleigh to Morehead is $4 40. Mr. Orrin Smith, whoa short time since was stricken with paralysis, died at his residence, corner of Har gett and Blood worth streets, yester day afternoon at 0:50 o'clock, aged 68 years. . Mr. Smith was a brother in law of Messrs. N. B. and J. M. Broughton of this city, and, was at one time a lead ing merchant in Raleigh. He was an exemplary Christian and was held in very high esteem by a large circle of friends. We extend our most heart felt sympaty to his bereaved widow and family connections. The remains will be taken to his old home in the lower edge of Wake, where the fun eral services will take place tomorrow afternoon. The funeral escort will leave the house at 10:30 a. m. A Kemarkable Experience. A gentleman stated today in the Visitor office, that he had never been confined to his bed by sickness a day in his life; that he had never had headache nor took a dose of med icine. He is 58 years old. His is a very remarkable case of exemption from the ills of this life. What is a Gentleman ? There are a great many answers to that question, but the best is Dave King's. A gentleman is a he man, that goes on the big excursion A ugust 5th. A lady is a shk man who goes with him. Special cars for whites, special cars for colored, and perfect order will be preserved. Don't forget that. Resignation and Appointment, j Mr. Joe. G. Brown, Grand Repre-' sentative to the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows, has resigned, as he found that he could not con veniently attend the next session at St. Louis on account of his duties as cashier of the Citizens' Bank. Mr. C. B. Edwards has been appointed to fill the unexpired term Personal mention. O. D. Strickland, of Durham, is in the city. We are pleased to learn that, the condition of Mr. W. T. Mabry has much improved. Dr. G. W. Blacknall has again put in his appearance to the delight c f a vast number of his admirers. Resignation. The Wilmington Messenger of yes terday says: "CoLF.A. Olds, Quartermaster Gen eral North Carolina State Guards.has resigned, to take effect after his pres ent duties have been discharged. The State Guard and the public will re gret to learn this. Col. Olds has teen a most active and efficient officer." We deeply regret that the State Guard will lose the services of Col. Olds. He has indeed been a most ef ficient officer, and not only so, but he took special pride in the discharge of his duties which, at times, have been quite heavy. We have reason to think that his private duties demand all of his attention, and hence he deemed it to his interest to retire. Our best wishes attend him in what ever sphere he may enter. He is one of our most useful, reliable and ener getic citizens. Police Report. We have been kindly furnished by Maj. C. D. Heartt, Chief of Police, with the following report of arrests during the month of July: Affray 6; assault and battery 4; car rying concealed weapons 1; disorderly conduct 19; drunk and disorderly 9; drunk and down 9; drunk on the street 13; drunk on the street Sunday W fast driving 2; larceny 4; resisting officer 1; selling liquor on Sunday 1; insane 1; violating city ordinance 2; violating sanitary ordinance 2. White, male, 31; female, 1. Colored, male, 38; female, 5 Total 75. Weather Crop Bulletin. The report for the week ending yeEterday afternoon is quite unfavor able, so far as the entire State is con cerned. The weather has continued cloudy with constant rains. In the western district, however, the weath er has been warmer and the rain fall not so heavy. The following are the conditions of the crops iff the State at large for the past week:. Cotton 76; corn 84; tobacco 87. The following are the rainfalls rev ported: Weldon, 1.03; Wilmington, 2.54; Gibson, 1.50; Smithfield, 3 20; Asheville, 1.00; Salisbury, 5.78; Oak Ridge, 1.61; Raleigh, 1.90. Eastern district Cotton 77; corn 82; tobacco 86; grass 89; peanuts 84; pota toes 8G; 50 repoit&e received repre senting 22 counties. Central district Cotton 75; corn 84; tobacco 85; 53 reports received rep resenting 22 counties Western district Cotton 76; corn 87; tobacco 90; 60 reports received rep resenting 23 counties. This is an improvement of 4 per cent, for cotton and 3 per cent, on to bacco. The condition of crops is made on a basis of 100. Best condition, 1C0 Excellent condition, 90 to 100 Good condition, 80 to 90 Fair condition, 70 to 80 Poor condition under 70 Preparations for the Imposi tion. Are you going to take hoarders, or will you simply have some friends to entertain during the exposition? In either event you will likely require some housef urnishings, carpels.sheet ings, pillow cottons, counterpanes, table damasks, napkins, towels, Sic. Our buyer is just back from the Northern markets, and we have just in, bran new stock in this line bought for cash diirin? the dull sea son in New York, aud those who will buy no v cau save money. If you will have to buy a carpet, buy it now have it put down and let the trouble be over. We have a lot of passed patterns which we will sell less than it cos to make them, aand beside these we have a magnificent line of new carpets at lower prices t han later on. W. H & R 8. uckkr & Co. Fresh California pears, oranges, lemons aud bananas at A Dugbi's. Porter wanted by Julius Lewis & Co. Parties applying must have good recommendations. The Union Depot. We hope that very effort possible will be made to have the new Union Depot so far completed as to allow the stopage of trains there during the exposition. We must think that the stranger entering Raleigh at the present depot, cannot be very favor ably impressed with the surround- J ings, and, we all know that the first impressions upon entering a city go a long way. The new Union Depot will ' be situated, as it were in a most select part of Raleigh. A stranger landing j there, must be struck favorably with the beauty of Nash square, and, he will thus begin at once, to feel, that i oure is a fair city to dwell or sojourn ' in. There will be many people here during the exposition from a dis tance, and they should be allowed to come and eo with the best iinpres sions. Let the work be hurried up Wait for the grand excursion to run Aug. 12 by Hope for All Lodtre, 2645, Grand United Order of Odd Fellows, to Richmond and returning 14th over the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad. Fair for round trip $2:50 Special arrangements will be made for ladies and children. Special cars for white people and special cars for col ored people. Those who went to Rich mond last August on the excursion run by the Odd Fellows, will reiueni ber the nice time and are earnestly requested to wait for Aug. 12, as this promises to be equally as good if not better. For further particulars apply to Maurice Watts and Warren A. Ah stou, Raleigh, N. C. Hardware, &c. SPECIAL N0TIVKS. All trimmed millinery to be closed out for cost and less, at Miss Maggib Rkksk's, jy7tf 209 Fayetteville St. To the Public. This is to announse that lam again on the turf, somewhat reduced but still as spry as a young Morgan. Call and look at my stock of North Oaro Una Hams, Shoullers, Ribs, fresh egg and chickens, &c, &c. Respectfully. Lynn Adams. Adams Building, 310 & 312, W dining ton Street. jy29 6t Board. Four or five gentlemen cau obtain board, with or without rooms, by ap plying at 227, South McDowell street. Situation convenient. Charges rea sonable. Accommodations good. Raleigh, July 25th, 1891 Gt. Have your lace curtains done up at the Oak City Steam Laundry in first class style. L. R WyaH's special horse and cow food going like hot cakes. A trial will convince you that it is the best on the market. mhl9 tf ood and Shingles for Sale. I have a nice lot of dry pine wood, all sawed and split ready for stoves. Also best heart shingles at mill, west end of Hargett street, on railroad. jy23 30d L. H. Adams. Ice Cellar. Ice in any quantity, also fresh fish daily, at my cellar No. 223, S. Wil mington Street. Orders filled prompt ly. T. E. Sorrbll. je8 tf. Swindell's Carpet Sale. The special sale of carpets at Swin dell's store on Fayetteville street to day has created quite a flurry. Many entire patterns were taken out this morning, but there is a big lot of it and there is plenty left for you. If you are to fix up an extra room for the exposition you will do well to get a carpet from Swindell's tomorrow. We have many patterns, in small pieces, as follows: 22 yards covers a room 12x16, and pieces to cover rooms 10x12 and 15x15, &c. And these rem nauts can be bought very, very low On the 10th August we move en tirely; on the 15th our buyer goes to New York, and we will be prepared to show a grand stoc this fall. Respectfully, D. T. Swindkll. Persons contemplating a trip to Wrightsville or Hammocks would do well to call at the Visitor ofllce be fore going. They causave money by so doing. w ATER COOLER Galvanized and Porcelain Lined BR VS3 PRESERVING KETTLES. PORCELAIN LINED PRESERVING KETTLES. MASON'S PORCELAIN AND GLASS TOP FRUIT JARS. STEP LADDERS FLY TRAPS. FLY FANS. WHITE MOUNTAIN ICE CREAM FREEZERS. THOMAS 8. BRIGCS SONS, RALEIGH, N C. II T WUEESE Milliner v, M PORTED AND DOMESTIC TRIMMED Hats and Bun nets. Tim erpnieet vn,.;..t,r of fancy straw braids in the desirable shades of grey, tan, black, &e.- for Ladies, Misses and wee little ones. All THE NEW SHADES In chiffon and other trimming materials; (lowers in profusion, so very natural you wonder nature does not also yield its perfume. 4 Oompieto Line of Infant's fine crone de chene and muslin caps and shirred hats. HAIR GOODS, Rushings, a beautiful line of all kinds of Ties. All the new hair ornaments, bracelets, jewelry, &c, &u. Stamped linens, embroidery materials, wools and zephyrs. Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. Miss MAGGIE REESE, 209 Fayetteville St. April 8 tf. Rajeign, N. 0. Dry Goods, Notions, &c. UiUTUiCO This Week. Continuation of our SPECIAL SALE OF Embroidered Skirtings. DURING THIS WEEK 0 we will continue the Special Sale of Embroidered Skirtings, which began last Monday, and since that (Jay we have sold a number of the better gradss. THE WET WEATHER 0 has been somewhat against the sale of tine white goods, and not wishing to carry over a single piece, we are now offering them at lower prices than ever before. WE HAVE PLACED THESE0 Skirtings upon counters just at the Fayetteville street door, and we wish every lady in Raleigh who appreciates a rare bargain to examine what wo oiler in this line. EMEMRF.R that there has never been such an op- iOmbroiderodHkirtina at such low prices. R . H, & El. S. Tacker k Cc, j

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