QKItttl il VOL ffc-AJLJEIGKH:. T CJESDAX, -TXG-TXST 4, 1891 87 NEWS NOTES ABOUT THE CITY What Our Reporters See and Hear-Worth Giving to Our Readers News in Brief. This month has five Saturdays five Sundays and five Mondays. We will lose 58 minutes of daylight this month. Several of our prominent business men have gone down to Morehead to attend the Tobacco Convention. Several of our business men went down to near Garner today to a bar becue. Several of the arc lights in differ ent parts of the city are not giving light. They should be attended to In accordance w ith an order form the County Commissioners, Sheriff Page 1b calling on the merchants for their taxes under schedule "B." The State Treasurer's office is now one of the most tasty and convenient ly arranged places of business in the city. We hear that work will soon com- mence in arranging the Adams build ing for the new Farmers and Com mercial Bank. Among a cart load of watermelons purchased by Messrs. Jones & Powell this morning, there was one, twc feet five inches long Are you ready for the trip to R!ch mond tomorrow morning V Don't fail to be on hand. It will be a delight ful occasion and no mistake. A look into the Mayor's office these days, will convince almost anyone that Raleigh is the most quiet town in North Carolina. Not even a riille of excitement. The Louisburg Times says it was well done and adds a great deal to the looks of the edifice. Raleigh workinon in any line are hard to hp The annex to the tarboro House will soon be completed. This, with the Central and other hotels, will aid the matter much in the way of taking care of the crowd at the exposition. The high water and the fact that the crops are much in the grass has operated some against the water melon trade. There are not so mam being brought to market as is usual at this season. The reserved seat car used last yea) will be with the excursion that leaves here tomorrow morning. The train will leave the depot promptly at 8:06 o'clock. Returning will' leave Rich mond at 10.30 o'clock on the 7th. Don't fail to be on hand. Mr. A. B. Laforme, Boston, Mass., says: I ordered and distributed one dozen large bottles of Bradycrotiue among my friends afflicted with head ache,and in every case it has afforded almost instantaneous relief. Aug 4 6t If we can't get an auditorium, we ought at least, to have a new station house. That could be put under he head of a necessity for the city. Don't you see ? This is a most admirable time to be looking after the sidewalks. In many places, they are I adly out of repair. They should be fixed up before the fall, so that when winter sets in the usual amount of grumbling will be dispensed with. The city ordinance against throw ing rinds and other garbage on the streets should be rigidly observed by our people, and those who have so little regard for the health of the city as to violate this ordinance should be punished to the exit nt of the law. It is essential to health that the city be kept clean. A nice coat of paint on the market house building would be the most refreshing sight we know of. The Board of Aldermen will meet next Friday night, and we hope they will take the matter under consideration. Don't be "penny wise and pound foolish" gentlemen. We doubt not you have appropriated money on several occasions where less necessity existed. , It is said that the Tabernacle church Sunday school room will be ready for occupation by the first Sunday in September. The church will be finish ed by November. It will be a beauty Attention is called to the advertise uient of Mrs H V. Waitt who calls attention to the stuck of clothing &c.,uow being offered to the public at the old stand of D. 8. Waitt. Call and make your selections. When the new depot is finished we will have another clock, and then when the town clock runs down or gets wrong for two or three days we will not be so bad off. This is a self evident truth. The increise in the State tax de rived fr .mi the Railroads at the rate of 28 cents per $100 will be about $14,000. It will also be of much ben elit to the counties through which the roads run. The work of decorating the south eru interstate exposition building will soon commence under the super vision of Mr. Leroy Mittelderfer, of Richmond, Va. He is said to be one of the best designers and decorators in the South. Messrs. Wynne and Spnce when they started out on the trip this morn; ing were dressed in the height of bi cycle riders fashion. They looked like they meant business. The County Commissioners went out to the Poor house to day. To morrow the case of the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad vs. the Commission ers will come up. Col. Hinsdale is counsel for the road. The commis sioners will be represented by Mr. Armistead Jones. The new well house in the capitol square is about finished and adds much beauty to the place. Now let the old arsenel be torn down and we will have one of the prettiest parks in tha at We saw a farmer today who said he had a good crop. That is he said he had firstrate corn and peas, but little cotton. He saia he waB satished and he didn't have a lock of hair in his hand either. Take your wives and children to Richmond on the excursion which leaves for Richmond tomorrow morn ing; you will never regret it. A Bplen did chance to see the sights of the capital of the Old Dominion for a trifling sum. The Clerk of the Superior Court, to day was engaged in giving certificates to United States pensioners to be forwarded to Wm. Rule, Knoxville, Tenn., the pension agent. About thirty applications were made this morning. It was indeed a great oversight that the drawback in the shape of an appropriation for an auditorium was not looked into before the last Legis lature adjourned. It could be built in our opinion without costing the people a single cent provided there was no constitutional hitch. And some think, yet, it can be done, but just how, we are not financiers enough to know. Can't some of the legal luminaries of Raleigh put their heads together and get us out of the dilemma. ,' i Raleigh Work. The contract to paint the Baptist church, in Louisburg, was awarded recently to our fellow citizen Mr. S. V. House, who sent Messrs. Bollock and Perry, two of our best painters to do the work. Rescue Fire Company. We learn that thiB most admirable and time honored Company are de eiroos of procuring new uniforms, and wish to raise fifty dollars, or more if necessary for the purpose. They will soon have out a soliciting committee to call upon their present active and honorary members, with a view to contributions. This company is one of the oldest in North Carolina. having been organized in 187(7, and has seen'a great deal of active service. We hear that they have never re ceived any pecuniary aid from the city, and this is the first occasion in which they have made a direct ap peal for help. We sincerely hope that they may succeed in their enterprise. Let all give them a helping hand. Wait for the grand excursion to run Aug. 12 by Hope for All Lodge, 2045, Grand United Order of Odd Fellows, , to Richmond and returning 14tti over the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad. I if air for round trip $2:50 Special arrangements will be mad for ladies and children. 8pecHl cars for white people and special cars for col ored people. Those who went to Rich mond last August on the excursion , run by the Odd Fellows, will reineiu ber the nice time and are earnestly I I requested to wait for Aug 12, as this jjromiseB 10 De equally as good if not J? or mrtner particulars apply to Maurice Watts and Warren A. Al ston, Raleigh, N. C. Hardware, &c. Right. The Tomahawk says: "What are we going to do for the Exposition ? We must do something, and for that something to be effective it should be done now." Right, brother; whatever is to be done should be done quickly. No time to lose. A few refrigerators still in stock at Hughes' which will be closed out at great reduction to make room for fall goods. It. A Handsome Compliment. The Greensboro North State allu ding to the completion of the Western N. C. Railroad to Murphy, takes oc casion to pay our esteemed fellow citizen, Col. A. B. Andrews the fol lowing compliment : The man who accomplishes this re sult should never be forgotten by the people of North Carolina. Collect together all the politicians in the State over whom the people have fussed and fumed for twenty five years past and the sum total of their labors in behalf of their constituents would not make a shadow when com pared with the benefits of North Carolina and her people to be derived from the construction of the W. N. C R. R. by Col. Andrews. North Carolina may well be proud of such a citizen. Col. Andrews de serves the plaudits of the people, and succeeding years will sing his praises when they look at the result of his work, the greatest achievemeni in the Southern States of money, skill. brains and energy. a Raleigh Boy Honored. Mr. C. M. Weathers, the popular engiueer of the Savannah, Florida and Western Railway, is in the city visiting his parents and relatives and will remain until Aug. 14th, when in company with his brother, Mr. Kim W. Weathers and a party of friends, he will visit the Northern summer re sorts. "Luin" has with him one of the handsomest pins we have seen in a long time, it is a "B of L. E" pin beautifully engraved and studded with diamonds and is extremely attractive in its appearance. Lum appreciates and values it very much, as it was voted to him over several competitors at a grand pic nic given by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engin eers of the Savannah, Florida & Wes tern Railway, and the Central Rail way of Georgia at Tybee Island Ga., July 23rd, and is especially prized by him as showing the warm fellowship that exists between him and his bro ther "Knights of the throttle" in his adopted home. SPECIAL NOTICEN. All trimmed millinery to be closed out for cost and less, at Miss Maooib Rkksk's, jy7tf 209 Fayetteville St. Ice. Ice may be had at our cellar under Barbee & Pope's confectionery store, near Savings Bank, tomorrow and every day hereafter. Those wishing it sent out in quantities will please send orders to Johes & Powkll. w ATER COOLER5, Galvanized ami Porcelain l.ineu Notice. Mr. I Vv inetrob having assigned to me for the benefit of his creditors, this is to give notice to all parties in debted to him to call and settle at once. M. Rosenthal, J30 2w Trustee. The End la Near Each hour, each tick oi the clock brings the time nearer and nearer. A few more days, a few more transac tions and the big RACKET STORE will be moved to No 206, Payette ville street, an I be transformed into the Great New Racket Store This nev store will be known as Swin dell's Dry Goods Emporium, where all manner of dress goods in the new est productions, newest I biugs in trimmiups; newest things iu carpets, newest things in clothing an I tha place of all places where shoes vill hold high carnival We expect to surpass anything in Raleigh in la dies and gents fine shoes. Don't forget this. We will do it. Respectfully, D. T. Swinuklu. The Tobacco Convention will be held at Morehead City next Wednes day, the 5th instant. It is a m itter of utmost importance, and we hope there will be a large attendance from Raleigh. In addition to business, there will be any amount of fun such as fishing, boating &o. Celery Plants. White Plume, Golden, Helf Blanch ing. Large, white, solid, strong plants 50c per 100. H. Stkinmktz, jy20 2w Florist. To the Public. This is to announse that I am again on the turf, somewhat reduced but still as spry as a young Morgan. Call and look at my stock of North Caro lina Hams, Shoulders, Ribs, fresh egg and chickens, &c, &c. Respectfully. ... Lynn Adams. to Street. jySJittt Board. Four or five gentlemen can obtain board, with or without rooms, by ap- plying at 227, South McDowell street. Situation convenient. Charges rea sonable. Accommodations good. Raleigh. July 25th, 1691. Ct. -BR8S PRESERVING KETTLES. PORCELAIN I.IWBlt PRE8ERVIN.G KETTLES. -PORCELAIN AMI GLASS TOP FRUIT - JAR8. -STEP LADDERS FLY TRAPS FLY FANS. WHITE MOUNTAIN ICE CREAM FREEZERS. fHOMAS P. BRIGGS SONS, RALEIGH, N. C. IIWIEMSE U M Have your lace curtains done up at the Oak City Steam Laundry in first class style. L. R. Wyatt's special horse and cow food going like hot cakes. A trial will convince you that it is the best on the market. mhl9 tf H ood and Shingles for Sale. I have a nice lot of dry pine wood, all sawed and split ready for stoves. Also best heart shingles at mill, west end of Hargett street, on railroad. jy23 30d L. H. Adams. ice Cellar. Ice in any quantity, also fresh fish daily, at my cellar No. 223, S. Wil mington Street. Orders filled prompt ly. T. E. Sorrell. je8 tf. Preparations for the Exposi tion. Are you going to take boarders, or will you simply have some friends to entertain during the exposition? In either event, you will likely require some housef urnishings, carpetn, sheet ings, pillow cottons, counterpanes, table damasks, napkins, towels, &c. Our buyer is just back from the Northern markets, and we have just in, bran new stock in this line bought for cash during the dull sea son in New York, and those who will buy now can save money. If you will have to buy a carpet, buy it now have it put down and let the trouble be over. We have a lot of passed patterns which we will sell less than it cost to make them, aand besides these we have a magnificent line of new carpets at lower prices than later on. W. H & R. S. 1 ucker & Co. Big bargains in all kinds of summer millinery at Miss Maggie Reese's, jy7tf 209 Fayetteville St. Persons contemplating a trip to Wrightsville or Hammocks would do well to call at the Visitor office be fore going. They can save money by so doing. Milliner v, n&SUMMU. I M PORTED AND DOMESTIC TRIMMED 1. Hats and Bonnets. The greatest variety of faney.straw braids in the desirable shades of grey, ten, black, &c- for Ladies, Misses and wee little ones. ALL THE NEW SHADES In chiffon and other trimming materials-tloww-s in profusion, so very natural you 1 ume. yield its per- A Complete Li or Infant's fine crepe de chene and muslin caps and shirred hats. HAIR GOODS, Rushings, a beantifnl line of all kinds of Ties. All the new hair ornaments, bracelets, jewelry, ifce., ifce. Stamped linens, embroidery materials, wools and zephyrs. Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. Miss MAGGIE REESE, 209 Fayetteville St. April 8 tf. Raleigh, N. C. Dry (Hoods. Notions, &c. W. H. r R. S.TUCKER f; CO. This Week. Continuation of our SPECIAL SALE OF Embroidered Skirtings. DURING THIS WEEK 0 we will continue the Special Sale of Embroidered 8kirtings, which began last Monday, and since that day we have sold a number of the better gradss. THE WET WEATHER 0 has been somewhat against the sale of line white goods, and not wishing to carry over a single piece, we are now offering them at lower prices than ever before. WE HAVE PLACED THESE0 Skirtings upon counters just at the Fayetteville street door, and we wish every lady in Raleigh who appreciates a rare bargain to examine what we oiler in this line. EMEMBER that there has never been such an op- Embroidered Skirting at such low prices. R . H,$R S. Tatter A Cc.

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