THEY ABE GONE. Messrs. Wynne and Rpence Leave on Their heel Tonr For The North. A considerable crowd assembled on Fayetteville street this morning to witness the start of Messrs. Will Wynne and N. A. Bpence on their hicycft trip to the northern and New Eugland States. The start was made at 10:23, amid the cheers of the crowd The yoang adventurers will take the direct dirt roads north and will go through Petersburg, Richmond, Washington, Ac. They hope with favorable weather to make the trip to New York in a week, or ten days at farthest. They promice to fcive telegraphic reports of progress from the principal points along the route May they have a gloriouB time and a safe retnrn. Hurrah for Raleigh boys every time. Personal Mention. Mr. W. L. Davis has quite a sick child at his home, on north Salisbury street. We most deeply regret to learn that Mr. John C. Palmer, one of our oldest and most highly respected citizens, is quite sick at the residence of Mrs. Riddle on north McDowell street. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bobbitt have re turned from a pleasant sojourn to Connelly Springs. Miss Annie Baker, of Greensboro, who has been visiting at the Branson House, returned home yesterday. Capt. Bennehan Cameron of Stag-gs-ville is in the city. Mr. G. B. Fleming, of Pantego, N. C, paid us a visit today. He is here on a visit to his family. Rev. Thos. H. Pritchard, of Wil mington, formerly of Raleigh, has returned from a trip to Saratoga very much improved in health. W. W. Vass, Jr., has returned from a trip to Old Point, and other places of interest in eastern Virginia. Messrs. Ed. Chambers Smith, C. B. Wright and Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Jer nigan have returned from Morehead City. Mr. H. M. Cowan, of the treasury department has gone to Ashboro to attend the funeral of Mr. T. C. Worth. Mr. Dudley Peed was in the city today. Mrs. W. B. Mann and Miss Bessie Bates are visiting relatives in Ox ford. Rev. W. R. Gwaltney, of Wake Forest College, Mr. J. 0. Caddell, of the Biblical Recorder, and Dr, d Durham have gone to attend a meet ing of the Beulah Baptist Associa tion. Miss Lucy Hawkins, of this city, is visiting friends in Oxford. Gen. B. F. Chilton and family have gone to Morehead City for a few days recreation. Fraud. In the matter of the payment of di rect taxes, it has been discovered in some cases that frauds were practiced by the agents of the government who collected the taxes. In Charlotte Mr. J. P. Irwin holds a receipt for $153, and by the governnment report he is credited with only $43. The taxes in that section were collected by Hiram D. Porter who caused notices to be stuck up all through that section ask ing the people to send their receipts to him, and he would collect the taxes for them at a small per centage. We hear of no such frauds in this section, and it appears that thd official who did the collecting here, acted all right, so far as is now known. Acknowledgmen t . We return thanks to our esteemed friend Mr. J. H. Davis, proprietor of Johannisberg vineyard in the north western suburbs of the city for a box of nice grapes. They were of the most approved variety and luscious beyond comparison. Mr. Davis is one of our most successful dairymen and grape growers, and we are glad to learn that he is reaping an abundant reward. Encyclopedia Britannica. A full set of this great work can be Been at the Visitor office. It is not an abridgment but a reprint of the entire 26 volumes of the great Edin burg ninth edition. It can be bought for about one sixth the cost of the English edition. Call and examine it. Try us on prices, we'll astonish you. Raleigh Market Report. WHOLESALE 3CD RKTAIL. Corrected wkKI.Y by W. C. A. B RfRONACH. Fayetteville aud Wilmington streets 215 217 Mkats-C. R. sides, 8 T 10 Hulk shoulders, Bacon " 8 10c " breakfast 14 12 Hams sugar cured 11 15c " N. C. A Va , Wi 15c Bacon N. C, hog round, 10 11c Lard Pure. 8 10c Compound fi'c 10 Floor Best per bbl $0.50 $7.00 Family, " 6.00 (5.50 Good, " 6.25 5.50 Cokkkk Rio Green 18 25c Sugar Granulated, 5 file Yellow extra C 4 5c MOLA8SBS Cuba 22 50c New Orleans, 22 00c Syrups, 25 f0 MKAL perbusbel, 85 1.00 Corn per bushel, 85 1,00 Oats per bushel, 70 80c Hat per huu'wt, !)0 1.10 Bran per pound, IJ le Ship Stuxk per pound, H lie Salt per sack, 1.55 1:75 J M BROUGHTOK. T B M08KLEY. COUNTRY PRODUCE. BUTTKR ! 15 25c Eggs, 11 15c Chickens Spring, 1?1 25c Hens, 25 35c Potatoes Sweet, 30 50c Irish, $1.25 1.50 Peas White, 75 1.00 " Stock. 65 90c J.MBROUGHTON & CO., Real Estate Agents o EXCLUSIVELY. Wnere (he buyer gets the Profit Is the Place TO BUY. In addition to our stock of clothing, we wish to call attention to our GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, CONSISTING OK SHIRTS, laundriod and uulanndried, CUFFS, COLLARS, DRAWERS, UNDER-SHIRTS, HOSIERY, Black and colored. HANDKERCHIEFS, SILK, LINEN, COTTON, and the base ball handkerchief. Sus penders, &c. junl9tf H. V. WAITT. Land and Mill Site inr Sale. On Monday, the 31st day of August, 1891. at the court house door in Ka'eigh, under a judgment of the Superior Court of Wake county, in the special proceeding, entitled Phonas Yates, M J Tonnofi'ski and Geo L Tonnoffski, her husband, and others ex parte, I will sell at pubMe auction, the tract ot land of about 32 acres, on Walnut creek, in Swift Creek township, Wake county, ad joining the lands of W H J Goodwin, Win Woodall, TJ Woodall and Bryant Smith, and known as the Yates' mill tract. Terms: A credit of three months given and bond with security required. Sale at 12 m. S F MORDECAI, Commissioner. Eahigh, N C, July 31st, 1891 tds University of North Carolina. The next Term Begins Sept. 3. En SSStrance Examination, Sept. 2. Tuition $30 per term. Needy young men of talent and character will be aided with scholarships and loans. Besides the general course of study, which offer a wide range of elective studies, there are courses in Law, Medicine and Engineering. For catalogue, &c. address the President. GEO. T. WINSTON, jy24 2w Chapel Hill, N. C. Our Bicycle Line consists of the following and is complete: COLUMBIA," Light Roadster Safety, with or without cushion tire, with or with out spring fork, $135 "RU8H" cushion tire, 115 "HARTFORD" $1C0; cushion tire, 105 "CRESCENT," solid tire, 85 Ladies Machines. Ladies' "COLUMBIA" Safety, $135 "HARTFORD" " 105 " "JUNO" " 75 Bovs' Wheels. "ROB ROY," 26 inch, all balls, $50 "BOYS' JUNIOR," 24 Inch, 25 ALSO OTHERS. Of course the "Columbia" is the best. For years the name "Columbia" has been a synonym for that which is tne most dura ble and up with the times. It leads in all improvements. The above for sale by the Noi State Music Co. C. G. STONE, Manager, jy3i tf GENERAL MUSIC DEALERS. The men you are looking for if you want to buy or sell or rent real es tate. jyl5 Island Beach Hotel9 AT THE HAMMOCKS. ON WRIGHTS VILLE BEACH NEAR Wilmington, N. C- Now open for the. season 1801. Host charming resort on South Atlantic Coast. Hotel equipped with all modern improvements, PIG F ISH, CIIABS, CLaMS and all the delicacies from the sea a specialty. Fine BAND OF MUSIC, Dancing, Fishing, Boating, Sea Breezes, Snrf BatUnfej. WILL HUNTER, PROPRIETOR. Also Proprietor Hotels ARLINGTON GREGORY, Coldsboro, N. C. June 25, 181)1 2m. CAPT. DORSEY'S Improved and justly celebrated Columbus County WATERMELONS. A carload just in directly Jroni the field. Fresh and Splendid and for sale very low by JONES & POWELL Has just received a lot of OAT AND CORN CHOPS Splendid feed for Horses, especially BROOD MARES and COLTS. THE SPECIAL COW FOOD Is fast gaining a renowned reputation for quantity and quality of MILK and BUTTER. THE SPECIAL HORSE FOOD Will soon bring out the poorest horse and make him fat and sleek. GOOD SAWED SHINGLES, -ALWAYS ON HAND AT LOWEST- PRICES ALSO IO-Inch Boards. Executor's Notice. Having qualified as executors of Samuel M. TJtley, deceased, we hereby give notice to all persons indebted to him to make imme diate payment to us; and to all persons hav ing claims against his estate to present the same to us on or before the 9th day of July, 1892; otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. fj A. Whitaker, Raleigh, N. Cy and T. A. Council, Holly Springs, N. C , Executors. July 10, 1891.-6w FOR SALE PRIVATELY, a fine tract of woodland, about four miles west of Raleigh, containing 220 acres, more' or less. The above property is offered by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Wake county in an action entitled, T H Briggs and others ex- mrte, being a special preceeding for sale of and for partition, &c. THOMAS H BRIGGS. je3 tds Commissioner, &C NORTH CAROLINA, WAKE COUNTY. H P Witaell and others, plaintiffs, vs. R. G. Peace and others, defendants. Superior Court, April Term, 1891. At the request of Li. U. Peace and wife, and by virtue of authoritycohferred on us by an order of court in the above entitled action as commissioners to make sale of the prop erty described in the complaint, we wul expose for sale, and sell to the highest bid. der, for cash, at the Court House door, in Ral eigh, N. C, on Monday, the 1 th day of August, A. D., 1891, the lot whereon the said Peace and wife now reside, in the said city of Raleigh, on South street, adjoining the lands of B. J. Robinson, Mary Boyd and others, described in the complaint. Terms, cash: hour, 12 m. . . . T. R. PURNELL, . i W. J, PEELE, j 00,11 i July i0-30d . - HOT ROLES Every Afternoon at Half Past Four O'clock. Best Bread in the State, and Fresh Cakes Baked Every Day at StronachsBakery It o 1 No 128 East Hargett street, Between Wilmington and Blount Sts. BAKERY -OPEN- Until 8 O'clock P 1 SW.UA B.Stronacb Proprietors STRONACH'8 BAKERY He Cheerfally Recommends It. THE GBEATI, Panacea Springs . w ATEE CKBTincAW FBOH DB. J. B. BOBBITT. Raleigh, N. O., June 5th 1891. To the Panacea Springs and Hotel.Co: Gentlemen It affords me erreat. nlensiira to state that I regard the Panacea Springs water the very best in the catalogue of min eral waters now in use for scrofula, and es pecially tor dyspepsia. One vear atrolwaa a great sufferer from dyspepsia and alter inuuj ocvei .u near ine Springs alld USMlf tile water lmlv. I wMPiirin.iu ...i,.. ...i since that time 1 have bad occasional returns 01 11, auu 111 every instance i have experi enced nmnmt rclll't III (In. HUU i.I li ttiutna 1 would advise every suUerer irom dyspej 01a, niju imu uu so, w use mis water, n 13 wiiai, us name indicates a panacea lor some ol the worst, it not all, Uie diseases to WlllCll lll'.sll is llMir I llHVU L 'II..U-H tl... ll-.l..,- tor a number of years, audi cheerfully re commend it, Kesuectlullv. jS " J. B. BOBBITT. The Covenant Building and Loan Association, OF au'iuukiz,!) Capital, $a6,0UU,U00 Managed solely by odd b el ows, but niein- jcisnip upeu U all. 1'he i.o v mum is olic of bbe oest known und most successiul iiuild- ing una Loan Associations beiore the public. ine uusmess ol tins company in ah ucpart- nienta us conducted with, iiuiu economy, mu proportion 01 payments by anaxeholueis,aii.i.' AfAttX a Uit i!iAiJUNBi!. ti ussv la smaller than many other companies. Xhe loiiowini; are endorsements from the k no.v vnie liuiiKS, where the iioine uinoe is located: "A thoroughly solvent and reliable insti tution. 11 omcers are nist class business men, capable, honest, and ol that character who couid not auurd to connect their names with any but a successiul una reliable busi ness.' c-'ity iNational Uank. i.he omceis are ui men cl good standing in re. una some ol im-m are wealthy men in very nign social and commercial siauuiUg. liusi lemitssee iNulional iank. "lhe oniceis are among om very best tit i - Ztiua .11 ui uie gentlemen 01 honor and credit'" . .third iNuuoual iauk t or stock or iniormation see Ueoree H. lilass W . X. buuih or W av ne Alioult. inly 3 Great THE STOCK OF Suitings, PANTS PATTERNS, Re'dymade Clothing ' &c, OF I. Winetrob, Merchant Tailor, must be closed out within the next" 30 days. This is in order to satisfy creditors. ALL III IDI OF bliBDS in that line will do well to call as I will sell regardless of cost. M. Rosenthal, jy20 2w Trustee. MISFIT SUITS I A number of Misfit Suits MISFIT SUITS I mad; to measure, are also MlttFIT SUITS for sale at low prices. M. JtOSENTHAij, Trustee f J.Wintttob,

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