Tomorrow at the Chnrches. nut BArnrr trv. n. j. w. cAmta, fasto. Sunday school 9:30. Thos. H.Brigps, Sunt. Iar hinp at 11 a. in. and 8:00 l. i All cordially invited. BRO0KLT1C M t. REV. C. O. IH'KAXT, PASTOR. Sunday school 3 p. m. John Porter, Supt. l'reaching at 8:00 p. in. Prayer meeting every Wednesday night 7:30. OtirnUL M F.. REV. DR. L. I,. NASH, PASTOR. Sunday school 9:30 a.m.W.N.Snelling.Simt. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8:13 p. m., by the pastor. All invited. EDEKTOK ST. M. X. REV. PR. J. II. CORDON, PASTOR. Sundav school 9:30 a.m. W.J. Younsr.Sunt Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8. lb p, m. by the pastor. I 'lass meeting every Sunday from 4 to 5 o i:iock n m., conducted iv the pastor. Church Conference 2d Wednesday night in eacu montn, at s o clock, p m. 11 invited. CHRISTIAN J. I.. POSTER, PASTOR. school 9:30 a. m. ' Preaching at 8 p. m., followed by the Com munion. rvo services at 11 n. m. All cordially invited. CHURCH" OF THE GOOD fsnETHEKD. Kev. C. J. WiNUATE Itector. Eleventh Sunday after Trinity. Sunday school at 9.00 a.m. Morning prayer and sermon at 11 a, in Evening prayer and 8:30 p, m. Services during the week : Wednesday at 10 a. m.; irioay, itt op. m. Seats free. All cordially invited. CHRIST CHURCH REV. PR. MARSHALL, RECTOR Eleventth Sunday after Trinity. Early Commuuio'i at 7.30 a. m. Sunday school at 10:00 a. in. Divine service at 11 a. m. Choral Evensong at 0.U0 p. m. All invited. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN REV. PR. .1. S. WATKINS, PASTOR. Sunday school 9:30 a. ni. Preaeliing at 11 a. m., by Dr. llobt. Bur well. No services at night. Sunday school at Mission Chapel at 4:30 p. m. A cordial invitation is extended to all these services, Raleigh Market Report. WHnt.RRALR AM) RKTAIb. Correct! WKKKLT lv W. (,'. & A B Si KONAOH. Kaj-ettevillo ami Wilmington street 215 217 MS VTS (J. R. i.lta, 8 10 Hulk ohoultterB, Bacon " ti " breakfast UH BiUMMMM cured 11) N. C. & Va , Ki J M RP.OUOHTON T B MOSKLET. Embruidered Skirtings. If ever there was an opportunity given the ladies of Raleigh to buy fine embroidered skirtings at very low prices, it is right now. A special sale of these fine skirtings has been going on for two weeks, and this sale will be continued for one week longer. Some of the patterns were worth and Bold for $20.25, one of these we will now sell for half price $10.13. Again take a pattern worth $15.75 you can buy now for $7.88. Some are sold at even greater reductions than these bat we do not want to carry a single piece over until next season. If a la dy has all the white drecses needed for this summer, she can well afford, at the prices we offer these at to buy one now and keep until next season to make up. W. H. &JL.S. Tucker Co. To the Public. This is to announse that I am again on the turf, somewhat reduced but still as spry as a young Morgan. Call and look at my stock of North Caro lina Hams, Shoulders, Ribs, fresh egg and chickens, &c, &c. Respectfully. Lynn Adams. Adams Building, 810 & 312, W liming ton Street. jy29 6t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THF 14th ANNUAL SESSION y CP THE RALEIGH HALE ACADEMY, Morson fe Denson, Principals, will besin Monday, August 31st, 1891. Pupils thoroughly prepared for College, or for business life. For particulars address the Principals for catalogue. Aug 8 1m Notice to Creditots. Having Qualified as Administratrix of D. S. Waitt, deceased, this is to give notice to all persons indebted to him to make immediate payment to me, and all persons having claims against the estate will, file the evidences of the same with me on or before the 7th day of August, 1892, otherwise this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. HATT1E V. WAITT, Aug. 8 6w Administratrix. STAGE FDR SALE. A Most DesiraWe Lot, Containing one third of an acre on the corner of Oakwood Avenue and Bloodworth street. This property is in one of the mof healthy localities of the city and a most excellent nc ighborhood . Water on the lot. For terms, &c, apply on the premi sea on the corner - of Oakwood Aven ue and Bloodworth street. Raleigh, Aug 5 lm. Children CJbrJitcher's Castor1 Haon N. C, hog round, Lard Pure, Compound Flour Best per bbl Family, " Good, 44 Cokkkb Rio Green SCGAR -iranu4ated. Yellow extra C Molasses Cuba New Orleans, Syrups, Mkal per bushel, Corn per bushel, Oats per bushel, Hat per huo wt. Bran per pound, Ship Stckf per pound, Salt per sack, 10 8 ic $6.50 6.00 5.25 18i 5 I m as 85 70 90 1 H 1.55 COUNTRY PRODUCE. BlITTKR 15 Ejjgs, 11 Chickens SpriDg, 1? Hens, 25 Potatoes Sweet, 30 Irish, Peas White, 75 44 Stock. 05 10c 12 lit 15c 11c 10c 10 $7.00 6.50 6.50 25c 6c 50c 60c ftO 1.00 1.00 80e 1.10 lie lie 1:75 25c 15c 25c 35c 50c 1.50 1.00 90c Wnere the buyer gets the Profit Is the Place TO BUY. In addition to our stock of clothing, we wish to call attention to our GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, CONSISTING OK SHIRTS, laundriedand unlaundried, CUFFS, COLLARS, DRAWERS, UNDER-SHIRTS, HOSIERY, Black and colored. HANDKERCHIEFS, SILK, LINEN, COTTON, and the base ball handkerchief. Sus penders, &c. junlOtf H. V. WAITT. Land and Mill Site fnr Sale. On Monday, the 31st day of August 1891. at the court house door in Raleigh, under a judgment of the Superior Court of Wake county, in the special proceeding, entitled Phonas Yates, M J Tonnoflski and Geo L Tonnoffski, her husband, and others ex parte, I will sell at public auction, the tract ot land of about '32 acres, on Walnut creek, in Swift Creek township, Wake county, ad joining the lands of W H J Goodwin, Wm Woodall, T J Woodall and Bryant Smith, and known as the Yates' mill tract. Terms: A credit of three months riven and bond With security required. Sale at 12 m. SFMORDF.OAJ, Commissioner. Ral igh N C, July 31st, 1891 tds University of North Carolina. The next Term Begins Sept. 3. En trance Examination, Sept. 2. Tuition S30 per term. Needy young men of talent and character will be aided with scholarships and loans. Besides the general course of study, which offer a wide range of elective studies, there are courses in Law, Medicine and Engineering. For catalogue, &c. address the President. GEO. T. WINSTON, jy24 2w Chapel Hill, N. C. Our Bicycle Line consists of the following and is complete: "COLUMBIA," Light Roadster Safety, with or without cushion tire, with or with out spring fork, $135 "RUSH" r-UBhion tire, 115 "HARTFORD" $100; cushion tire, 105 "CRESCENT," solid tire, 85 Ladies Machines. Ladies' "COLUMBIA" Safety, $135 "HARTFORD" 44 105 "JUNO" 75 Boys' Wheels. "ROB ROY," 26 inch, all balls, $50 "BOY81 JUNIOR," 24 inch, 25 ALSO OTHERS. Of course the "Columbia" is the best. For years the name "Columbia" has been a synonym for that which is tnc most dura ble and up with the times. It leads in all improvements. The above for sale by the North Stale Music Co. C. G. STONE, 8 Manager, jysi tf GENERAL MUSIC DEALERS. J. MBROUGHTON & CO. Real Estate Agents 11 If HOT ROLES EXCLUSIVELY. O Kvenr Afternoon at Half Past Four O'clock. Best Bread in the State, and Fresh Cakea Baked Every Day at tate. The men you are looking for if you want to buy or sell or rent real es jyl5 Islam! ltkali Hotel, AT THE HAMMOCKS. ON WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH NEAR Wilmington, N. C- open for t he wcason 1891. Most charming resort ou 8011th Atlantic Coast. Hotel equipped with all modern improvements, 4 PIG FISH, CllABS, CIiAMS and all the delicacies from the sea a specialty. Fine BAND OF MUSIC, Dancing, Fishing, Boating, Sea Breezes, Surf Bathing, WILL HUNTER, PROPRIETOR. Also Proprietor Hotels ARLINGTON GREGORY, Goldsboro, N. C. June 25, 18!1 2m. CAPT. DORSEY'S Improved and Justly celebrated Columbus County WATERMELONS. A carload just iu ulrcctly'from the field. Fresh and Splendid and for sale very low by JONES & POWELL JL RWyatf Has just received a lot of OAT AND CORN CHOPS Splendid feed for Horses, especially BROOD MARES and COLTS. THE SPECIAL COW FOOD Is fast gaining a renowned reputation for quantity and quality of MILK and BUTTER. THE SPECIAL HORSE FOOD Will soon bring out" the poorest horse and make hini fat and sleek. GOOD SAWED SHIN GLES, ALWAYS ON HAND AT LOWEST- PRICES ALSO IO-Inch Boards. Executor's Notice. Having qualified as executors of Samuel M. Utley, deceased, we htreby give notice to all persons indebted to him to make imme diate payment to us; and to all persons hav ing claims against his estate to present the same to us on or before the 9th day of July, 1892; otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. P. A. Whitaker, Raleigh, N. C, and T. A. Council, Holly Springs, N. C , Executors. July 10, 1891. Cw FOR SALE PRIVATELY, a fine tract of woodland, about four miles west of Raleigh, containing 220 awes, more or less. The above properly is ollered by virtue of an or der of the Superior C ourt of Wake county in an action entitled, T H Biiggs and others ex- E arte, being a special proceeding for sale of ind tor xartition.&c. THfiM ah xt n-ninria mm J vi Coinmitidonej, &c. NORTH CAROLINA, WAKE COUNTY. j H P Witsell and others, plaintiffs, vs. R. G. I Peace and others, defendants. Superior i Court, April Term, 1891. I At the request or R. G. Peace and wife. and by virtue of authorityconf erred on us by an order of court in the above entitled action as commissioners to make sale of the prop erty described in the complaint, we will expose for sale, and sell to the highest bid der, for cash, at the Court House door, in Ral eigh, N. C, on Monday, the l' of August, A. D., 1891, the lot whereon the said Peace and wife now reside, in the said city of Raleigh; on South street, adjoining the lands of B. J. Robinson, Mary Boyd and others, described in the complaint. Terms, cash: hour, 12 in- - T. R. PURNELL, u,. W.J.WSJfiLi;, Com re. 1 uly lC-S0d , - 4"' ' StronachsBakery No 128 East Hargett street, Between Wilmington and Blount Sta. O 1 BAKERY OPEN I Until 8 O'clock P.M. SW.C.4A B.Stronacli Proprietors STltON ACH'g BAKERY He Cheerfully Recommends It. THE GEEAT Panacea Springs WATSJB CKRTIHCATI FROM DR. J. B. BOBBITT. Raliwh, N. 0., June.Sth 1891. To the Panacea Springs and Hotel.Co: Gentlemen It affords me tnnatnlfinmire to state that I regard the Panacea Springs water tne very best in the catalogue of min eral waters now in use tor scrotula. and hh- pecially for dyspepsia. One year ago 1 was a Kreat sullerer from tlvstnpnuiu .( ii... w i -fJ 11 j 1 1 m k.A 1 spending sevei al weeks near tue spnnirs ana lltlimr 1 Jin in.. .. ,1.1.1.. 1 . 0 Since that time 1 huve had ocvaaionuireturiia of it, and in every instance l have experi enced prompt relier by Uie use 01 1 he water. 1 would adviae' every sulierer iroiu dyspep sia, who can do so, 10 use this water. 11 is what its name indicates a panacea lor some ol the worst, it not all, the diseases to winch rli'sh ia h . uMfv ikuvnu uuc viavcx tor a number of years, auu 1 cheerfully re commend it. Kesuecuullv. jeti J.B. BOBBITT. The Covenant Building and Loan Association, -OF KM OX V i 1.1. 1 1, X UkN M . AUlUOKlZjiD VAVVL AL, $35,000, 000 Managed solely by Odd Pel ows, but uieni- ueiaUq) open lo un. Xhe covenant is one ol nue iei Anown and most sueuesslul iuilu- Uig auu -i.uan Associations beioru the puoiic. mo business ot this company in an ucptirt meuta is conducted with laiu economy, ine proportion 01 payments bv snaieiiolueiB.c?j3.i' Ai-AJiX JL XtHiSstiii. i Ull) la smaller than many, other companies. Xhe loiiowing are endorsement from the Knoxviilc lianas, where the iiouie wince 13 located: . "A thoroughly solvent and reliable' insti tution. 11 onicers are nrst class business men, capable, Honest, auu ol that character who count not auoiu to connect their names with any but a successitu anu reliable busi ness." Uiiy lNationai UauJi. ihe outceis are ail meu ot Kood standim; here, and some 01 them are wealthy men m very nign social anu commercial sianuiUK. luist lenntssee National iiank. Xhe othcers are among oui very best citi zens and are gentlemen 01 honor and cmur" Xhird iNatiunal .bunk. For stock or information see George Ji. Glass W. T. Smith or W ayne Alicott. mlU3 THE STOCK OF Suitings, PANTS PATTERMS,' ; Re'dymade Clothing &e, OF gams, j L Winetrob, Great Bar- Merchant Tailor, must be closed out within the next 30 days. .iino ia 111 oruer 10 suusiy creuiuis. .. " AIL IN ill OF bliDOS in that line will do well to call as I will sell regardless of cost. M. Rosenthal, y20 2w Trustee. MISFIT SUITS I A numberof Misfit Suite MISFIT STJl'lS I mad. to measure, ure hlso MJJSF1T SUPIS lor sale at low pricea. M. ROSjLNTHAL, Trustee ofj. Winttrob,

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