In tue School II i . lili 1.1 AMD A PTES TXMMU. I I:llnil 't 1 i. mi morning, Driglil .m l fair, (inMen xunshinc, Balmy air. What a ilcaaure Thu to go Where the woodland Breezes blow. Happy hours, Free from care, Joy and beauty.. Everywhere. Through the leafy Woods we'll stray, Gracious gladsom Picnic day. Picnic evening, What a plight ! Kuined from ten O'clock till night. Flossy garments, Once so nice. Filled with mud And beggars' lice. Dinner ruined, Pie9 and cakes Food for ants And garden snakes, Full of doleful Dark dismay, Dirty, drizzly Picnic day. Salting the Fresh. "At bathing I will take a whirl, But ere 1 seek the tide, I'll dose a bit to charm this girl," Said he with all his pride. The pretty girl took time to halt Beside the briny flood, And say, "It is so nice and salt I'm sure 'twill do you good." Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Hiss, she clung to Castom . When she bad Children, she gave them Castoria. A Sa.C Case. Near daylight on the morning of the 23th at the scene of the Park place disaster, in New York, as the searchers bring out another victim. A man with bloodshot eyes, sunk deep in his head, came forward to look at the body. The firemen and policemen knew him. They told him the body was that of a woman, and he fell back. ' vV ill they never find him," heruut te ed with a groan. ON WATCH S1NCK SATURDAY. One of the firemen tried to persuade him to go away and take some rest He shakes his head wearily. Oharles Herring had come to the wreck at 5 o'clock Saturday night. He knew hhj brother Morris was in the ruins. Mor ris was the head salesman for Osborne & Burk, of No. 49 Barclay street. When he left the store on Saturday afternoon he said be was going to Petersen's to get some luncheon. He would be back in a few minutes. Since the time he reached the wreck on Saturday, Charles Herring has never left the scene. He examined carefully every body that had been recovered. Think of that grewsome search! During the day and the long watches of the night the devoted brother had stayed at his post. Fifty four of those horribly mangled and burned bodies had been looked upon. It sickened him yet he never paused. He would stay until they brought forth his brother. He would know his brother he said. There were papers in his clothing. It was just before 5 o'clock, he electric lights sputtered and went out just as the sunlight fell or the great pile in the street. And now they found a charred, mis shapen mass. Both hands were burned away. No familiar feature was left. They found a memorandum book in the waist coat, which hung by a shred. Her ring looked at it, and he knew he had found his brother's body. "That's Charley," he said, in a dead, apathetic voice. Then he placed his hand to his head and reeled away. He would have fallen had not a fire man supported him. The long strain was over. The beauty of the devotion is its unselfishness. (astona For Infants and Children Caotorla yromotoa Pigastlon, and rr!,mes Flatulency, Constitution, Sour I wi'-h. Diarrhoea, and Feverishness. ihoj the child is rendered healthy and its bleep natural. Castoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. "Castoria Is so trail adapted to children that " recommend it as superior to any prmcriptimn .jiown to mo." H. A. AtrnxK, M. P.. Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "1 use Castoria in my practice, and And tt specially adapted to affections of children." Alex. Robertson M. D., 1057 id Ave., New York. "From personal knowledpe and observation I can gay that Castoria is an excellent medicine for children, acting as a laxative and relieTing the pent up bowels ani general system very much. Many mothers have told me of its ex sellent effect upon their children." Da. G. C. Osgood, Lowell, Mass. xV' tnxvh Qxcvawv., 77 Murrav Puset. 5. T. Railroad Schedules. Atlantic Coast Line. Wilmington Weldon KaUroad and Branches. Oo.'ideaseo, Scaedule. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dattu June 7th.No 23 No 27 No 41 1890. Daily. F't m'l d'y, ex Le Weldon, 12 80pm Arliocky Mt, 1 40pm Ar Tarboro, 2 17pm Le Tarboro, 10 85am Ar Wilson, 218pm LoVv .i3on, t2 30pm Ar Seima, 3 30pm Ar Fay'tvllle 530pm Le (i'dsboro, 3 15pm 7 4Cpin Le Warsaw, 4 14pm Le Magnolia, 4 27pm t YVil'gton, 6u0pni Daily. Sund'y 5 43pmRgd 20am 724am 7 00pm 7 53am 8 40am 9 34am 9 49am 9 55pm 11 20am 8 40pm TiiAINS GOING NORTH. No 14 daily Lv Wil'gton, 12 35am Lv Magnolia, Le Warsaw, Ar G'dsboro, 2 55am Le Fay'tvllle, Ar Seima, Ar Wilson, Lv Wh'son, 3 35am Ar EoekyMt, Ar Tarboro, Lv Tarboro, Ar weldon No 78, daily. No 40, d'y, ex Bund'y, 4 25pm 810pm 6 25pm 7 30pm 9 15am 10 57am 11 11am 12 05am t9 10am 11 08am 1210pm 12 58pm 8 23pm 1 30pm 8 53pm 2 17pm 10 35am 2 55pm 10 00pm f 05am Jaily except Sunday John F Divihb, Gecernl Superintendent. J E Kesly, Snp't Trans. T SJ Kntsofl General Pass Agt. Cape Fear Sc Yadkin Valley Hailroad Company. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. Sorth bound I D'yexS'y D'yeiS'v No 2 No 4 Le Wilmington, 9 20 a m Ar Fayetteville, 18 50 p m Le Fayetteville, 1 20 p m Le Sanford, 2 58 p m Ar Greensboro, 5 22 p m Le Greensboro, 5 85 p m Le Walnut Cove, 7 05 p m Ar Mt Airy, 9 00 p m lie Bennettsviile. 8 30 a m Ar Maxton, 9 40 a m Le Maxton, 9 50 a m Ar fayetteville, 11 45 a m No 16 dally except Sunday. Le Eamseur 7 25 a m Ar Greensboro, 10 05 a m Le Greensboro, 10 85 a m Ar Madison 12 50 p m southbound D'y ex S'y D'y ex 8'y No 1 No 8 Le Mt Airy, 5 30 a m Le Walnut Cove, 7 17 Ar Greensboro, 8 45 a m Le Greensboro, 10 30 a m Le Sanford, 12 58 p m Ar Fayetteville, 2 25 p m Le Fayetteville, 2 50 p m Ar W ilmington, 6 05 p ni Le Fayetteville, 3 00 p m Ar Maxton, 4 f-5 p m Le Maxton, 5 10 p in Ar Bennettsviiie, 6 20 p m jSo 15 daily except Sunday 1 Le Madison, 1 45 p m Ar Greensboro, 3 55 p u Le Greensboro, 4 15 p m at K&inseur, 7 15 p m W E K f LE, General Passenger Agent, J Fan. Gn Bupt. TOBACCO MARKET. Reported for the Evening Visitor by Parker & Harvey, Tobacco Man ufacturers. Smokbrs Gomroon- 5 6 Good 810 Fillers Common 6 6 Good- 716 Gutters Comic on 1018 Good 202tt Faucy 2887 , W rapi ers Common 1420 Good m. 28tt40 1 Fine to fancy... 4370 j Haiti oad , Schedule, v . Ha I vigli and Anguala A-L B It To take. effect Sam, Sunday , April. 6 lew. 'l t ma uiov- l rains mot- iug Sooth, in-. Worrh. i No 11. No 88, Pais and Mail. fa and MaiL Daily ex bun. Daily ex bun Leave. 4 00 p m 4 19 " 4 U ' 5 Co " 5 28 1 6 54 ' 6 21 ' 7 20 ' 8 lo " Gibson, Ar 7 00 am M leell;i rous. Raleigh, Cary, Apex, Moncure, Sanford, Cameron, Southern Pines, Hamlet, Arrive. 11 20 am 11 01 am lit 49 am 10 16 am 9 52 am ) U 2b am 8 58 am 7 38 am Northbound Trains. Thro Frt and Pass 23. Daily exct Sunday. P M Lv 11 80 12 00 12 18am 1 07am 1 44pm 2 20am 3 OHem 4 30am Southbound Trains. Thro Frt and Pass 22. Stations Daily exct Sunday, Ar Ar Raleigh Cary Apex Moncure Sanford Cameron Southern,Pines Hamlet A M 8 00 7 27 7 05 6 00 3 15 4 26 3 83 Lv 1 30 Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive PITTSBORO R R. Pittsboro, 9 10 a m Moncure, 9 55 Moncure 10 25 a m Pittsboro, 11 10 OARTH AO B R R. Carthage, 8 00 a m Cameron, b 46 Cameron, 45 Carthage, 1U 30 Carthage, 4 UO p ui Cameron, 4 to p U) Cameron, 5 50 Carthage, 6 36 WM SMITH, Snpt ATLANTIC AN. . li It Time Table No 16. In effect December 19th, 1888 Going east No 51 Ar p m 4 17 4 49 6 18 9 26 Lve 3 30 4 20 4 54 6 48 p in Schedule. Pass trains Stations Goldsboro La Grange Kinston New Berne MoreheadGity Daily. Going west No 5C Ar 11 28 10 46 10 09 8 27 a m Lve a i 10 48 10 14 8 44 est jALJMQH QAi3T03i R U. To take effect Sunday, April 5, 1890. Trains moving North. No 38, No 34, Stations. Mail train. Fas & Mail. Le Raleigh. Wake, Franklin ton, Kittrell, . Henderson. jLittleton, Ar Weldon, 11 25 am 5 00 p us 12 Co 5 39 12 26 6 01 12 44 6 19 1 00 6 36 2 07 7 45 p m 2 45 8 30 a u. Trains moving South. No 41, No 45, Stations. Mail train. Past &Mail. Le Weldon, Littleton, Henderson, Kittrell, Franklin ton, Wake, ArRaleigh, 12 15 p m 6 00 a m 12 52 6 42 2 22 7 53 2 39 8 11 2 56 8 29 8 17 8 50 3 55pm 930am Louisburg Railroad. Trains moving North. No 38, Pass, No 8, Stations. Mail & Express Le Louisburg, 7 35 a m 2 00pm Ar Franklint'n, 8 10 2 85 Trains moving South. No 41, Pass, No 25, Stations. Mail & Express. Le Franlint'n, 12 80 p m 6 05pm Ar Louisbarg, 1 1,5 p m 6 40 TV M SMITH, Supt. Vgirinia Classified Life Insurance Co' . 1 97 Main street,' NORFOLK, VA. T iif is a joint stock compauy allien con .i.i. en the advantage oi the ok' line system of insurancewith the pop ular plan of monthly premiums and payment of death claims imwciiiatt j on proof. Policies running for 10 years or for 20 years are issued with equitable options at the end of those periods. luofae who wish to have done a kind act in caae of their death, lor thei families, havd here the opportunity UlUcers President,!' J Nottingham. Vice President, E V White; Secretary, F Richardson; Treasurer, W W Vicar Medical Director, L Lankford; Cour sel, J E Heath. B W WHJUNO.IjOcai Ant.Haieicl: N O. no Richmond & Danville RUG Condensed Schedule In effect May Slut, 1891. Southbound. Dailv. No 9 1 o li Lv lchmond, 3 00pm "2 56aft liurkeville, 5 11 4 i5.uu Keysville, 5 53 5 36au Ar Danville. 8 12 8 IXan Ar Greensboro, 10 20pm 10 19an Lv Goldsboro, 2 67pm 8 30pu Ar Raleigh, '148 HCOlU Le Raleigh oio 1 30es Le Durham, 7 30 8 c.;ml Ar Greensboro, 10 CO 8 Ooan Lv Salem, t8 30 7 25 Greensboro, 10 80pm 10 28 Ar Salisbury, 12 20am 12 l'2au) Ar Statesville 1 52 1 1 1pm Ar Aiihevil!e, 6 55am 5 03 Ar Hot Springs, b 56 ? 6, Lv Salisbury, 18 80 12 10 am Ar Charlotte, 2 10 1 85pm Spartanburg, 5 Si A 43 (jreenville, 6 47 6io Atlanta, 1 V am li' 3 'pn Lv Charlotte, 2 2q a m 1 ttfttt Ar Columbia, 6 20 5 40 Augusta, 10 20 am 9 lOpu Northbound Lv Augusta, Columbia, Ar Charlotte, Lv Atlanta, Ar Charlotte, Salisbury, Lv Hot Springs. Asheville, State6ville, Ar Salisbury, Lv Salisbury, Ar Greensboro, Salem, Lv Greensboro, Ar Durham, Raleigh. L v Raleigh Ar GoldBboro, Lv Greensboro, Ar Danville, Keysville, Hurkeville, Richmond, Daily No 10 7 10 pm U 00 4 00 am 7 0C pm 5 10 b 52 4 48 piu 6 25 am 11 02 am 12 tl 7 00 8 44 "11 38 am 1 18 20 c 10 i-0 12423ym 1 29 1 34 3 10 8 P2ani 10 40 1 26pu. 2 11 4 10 No b 10 45 aui i Olipii 6 30 8 10 an 6 40j-i 8 86 12iii ii a is 6 40 7 84pu 8 45 10 ' 4 l b 'ip 7 le ts 4 t 10 40pn '2 80 i 13 kb 4 (5 ? (0 THE JOURNAL OF SOCIETY, E. D. M ANN, Proprietor. Published (New York) Every Thubsdat. "Between the lines of raillery and cynicism 'read great lessons of life, morality and hope," The newsiest, brightest, w Itlest. wisest, clever. est, most original, and mtt entertaining paper ever published. A complete and perfect journal for cultivated men and women, being a topical and out' spoken critic and chronicle of the events, doings, interests, and tastes of the fashionable world. It is always up to date, and carries with it the atmos phere of the metropolis. In purity and power of literary style it hag no equal on this continent. A veritable symposium of well-bred satire; deftness and daintiness of touch; strength, inde pendence and originality of thought; refined humor; caustic comment; piquancy of jest; short stories ; i musical, dramatic, literary ana art criticism, and topical sketches. The fame of its Financial Department, an the most reliable authority "on financial sub jocts, investments and speculation, is world-wide Its interest is by no means local: being the rec oguized journal of American society, it is equally entertaining in all parte of the country For saWeach week by all first-class newsdealer! In America and Europe. Every newsdealer wil keep and supply it if requested. Newsdealers supplied by the American News Co., 89 Chambers Street, New York, and by all other news companies. Regular subscriptions may be sent direct to office of publication, or through any newsdealer or subscription agency: Oneyear,$4.(X); ItetnganM 2.5Whree months, $1.80. Samples fr4fe m iddress: TOWN TOPICS, West 23d St., New York CUjr.Kr.?' BBTWEKB POINT, RICHMOND ANl. RALEIGH, via Keysville, Oxford and Durham 15 and 14 Stations. 10 and 17 50 am Lv West Point, Ar 6 00 hi Ar Kicnmond Lv j 40 'it Lv Richmond Ar 4 35 " Burkeville " 2 43 " Keysville 2 00 " Chase City, " 12 24 Clarksville " 11 47ait Ar Oxford Lv10 40 " Lv Uxlora Ar i iu " Henderson i) 3ij " Lv Oxford ? m 5nn Ar Raleigh Lv ,; " WEST 9 15 am 10 35 am 12 45pm 1 4tpm a 2 22pm 2 57pm 3 49pm 415 " 8 54 10 40 tDaily except Sunday. IDaily, except Soi, Haas, J as L 1 Traffic Man'g'r. " 4 W A TK, DiT-Pasii Lsm, Raleftrb FC CURES DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, CHILLS and FEVE5S. MALARIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, KIDNEY TROUBLES, NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM. 1 TT is Invigorat. i I- i r to take &lldof .rreatval 'ds a Medicine to weak and Ailm Women and Chil dren. TT gives NEW LIFE to the whcie SYSTEM by Strengthening the Muscles. To-.i ing the NERVES, it completely Di gesting the food. ! weak and AilingfffiM J AM S3 . W lully l -SLx-l urn 4 KIM Children Cry for Pitcht Castortf PONTA I N ' no h u r t f u Minerals, is com posed of care selected Vegeta ble Medicines combined skill fully, making i Safe and Pleasant Remedy, Book.'Volina,' by leading physicians, tell ing how to treat diseases at Home, mailed, together by new H el iotype process on receipt of to c. For Hals br n Dnntrts uit Hrocet ShouM th1aleT dear ynu not keep V in. IN I'OUMAL, remit l.uo, uO ruU bottl will be not, chargeu paliU fSirUEII OKLT ST , Volina Drug and Chemical ContDr KHieieh Kumiicmm Directory D W (' HAl'.KIb, Hi Eatt U.rtln I. Dj tr snd Cleaner. jal3 i UYAT, Stall t, thy market, i Choice Beef, Pork, &c. 1 !) WOMHLE, cor Wilmington ft kJiiai'iti no,. Uroceriee, Leatber, blMM t iMlinga. I ibh iny Tackle, To bacco, tigab, diic. JBCHWAUTZ, 122 Fayetteville et. i he leader in choice Meats, Vir ginia Beel iiud Mutton. All Pork and Miied Bauaag. Come and ee uie. fe5 l K PfiAAClB, next to Savings "B.iik. Practical Boot and SLoe- lUiiker. Give me a call. fet) $l,GOO hi,Ctxeh to be dhtributed atuoD CKUvaf6tre for Clubs for the Weekly Times. A handsomely IlluRtrattd Paper of ixteen Pages. LESS "HAxN ONE CENT A WEEK. Cheapest Faper in the World. The publishers of the Philadelphia WEEKLY TIM Intend to have SUBSCRIBERS hWore January, lg92, acd to acccm plish this in the shortest space of time the price has been reduced to ;r A CENTS m A YEAR And cat-h to the amount of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS Will be paid to the getters up of clubs, as follows For the first largest list, 250 For the second largest list, 200 For the third largest list, 100 For the three next largest, each 50 For the four next largest, each 25 For the ten next largest, each 10 For the 20 next.largest lists, each The above prizes in cash. This competition will be open to everybody every wbere men, women, boys and gids. Careful record will be kept of the subscribers sent in by each competitor, acd the cash will be paid when the contest closes, on the lirst day of December, 891. ifcePMladelpMa Weekly Times, u. uandsome Weekly Journal, iilltd with richly illustrated articles on every Bubiectof eontemnoranpnns in terest, including Fiction, Literature, x ravei, auvem ure, oociety, tue Ura ma, Sports and Home Life, the Farm p.nd Garden, with all the Current News of the World. A feature of the WTeekly Times is a department devoted to Oar Boys and Girls This feature of The Times has aroused more interest among young people than any other Juvenile pub lication, not only because its stories, sketches, chat, puzzles and problems are so entertaining and instructive, but because every boy and girl that reads it is a member of the famous eight o'clock club. The crimson and gold button of the club is sent free to every one of them. There are no fees of any kind. You can find out all ahnnt ih i and the hundreds of prizes it diBtrvb 1 ntts among boys and girls by sending for a free copy of the Weekly Times, the subscription price of which is only 60 cents a year. It will cost you only a postal card to pet a specimen copy, and then by Hi nding fifty cents, which we are sure ou will do, it will be sent to you for one year. Subscriptions may begin with anv ,n umber. No continued stories. Address for all particulars THE T1W BS, Times Puilding, j Philadelphia. Pa . iOPlMOT SPRINGS ySERCf?- And Charge no Fes ?or oy esse We f II to cure of what Is common ly called the "tll'ICM HABIT," which tu ti(l he lik..itu;U.use of Opinnv"1 itorphlne, tvciie. and other kindred narcotic. Aditwa kas.ewooi5 rmmrvitt, hot srm, vk. Cq.foPitch9rltTasto (H Cry oPitcheCit

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