TU Baby. The little tottering baby feet. With faltering steps and slow, With pattering echoes soft and iivoet Into my heart they go; They also go, in grimy plays In muddy pools and dufty way. Then through the house in trackful ruazc They wander to and fro. The baby hands that la-sp my neck Willi touches dear to me Are the same hands that smash and reck The inkstand foul to see: They pound the mirror with n cane, They rend the manuscript n twaiu, Widespread deitruction they ordain, In wasteful jubilee. The dreamy, murmuring baby voice That coos its little tune, That makes my listening heart rejoioe Like birds in leafy June, Can wake at midnight dark and still, And all the air with howling till That splits the ear with echoes shrill, Like cornets out of tune R. J. Burdette. Gloria rur Infanta and Chlldraa Cantor! promotes Digestion, ami m. -vines Flatulency, fourtipation, Sour I v avh. Diarrhoea, and Feveriahuesa. Itiun Nw child la rendered healthy and its deep natural. Castoria contains no Morphi".e or other narcotic property. Jlallioad Bckedalm, Ac Ha lei Kb and Anguta A-L B B To take effect 9 am, Sunday, April. 6 1800. Trains nior Train mov ing Booth. Wo 41. r'a&s and Mall Daily ex don l 1K .11.1 I. .!!.. She t as a Heroine. Lula. Miss.. Aug. 31. The employ or of the Memphis division of the Valley road are all loud in their prais es of the heroism and presence of mind exhibited by Miss Ella Cammaok at the Yazoo Pass wreck on the 22nd. Miss Cammack lives a short distance from the scene of the wreck of that day, and not knowing that a ilagman i had been sent back to warn the on coming freight train, when she heard it approaching she ran to meet it, frantically waving a red shawl, which was the proper colored signal, aud had not the traiD been warned by her prompt action the heavily loaded freight would have sped to certain death and destruction. Castoria Is so srrfl adapted to children that I recommend It as ipertor to any prescriptieq known to me." H. A. ARcnia, M. P.. Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1 UM castoria In my practice, and find it specially adapted to affections of children." Alex. Boiucrtson, M. D., 1067 ;!d A?e., New York. From personal knowledge and observation I can Bay that Castoria Is an excellent medicine for children, acting as a laxative and relieving the pent up bowels anrf Koueral system very much. Many mothers have iold me of its ex oUent effect upon their children." Da G. C Osgood, Lowell, Mom r-- ifcMafla 0wAM. ?? Murrav Puaet N. T. Leave. 4 00 p in Raleigh, 1 41U " Gary, 4bl Apex. 6 W " Moncure, 1 6 26 " Sanford, 5.64 " Cameron, 111 " Southern Pines, 7 20 " Haiulet, 8 lo " Gibson, Ar Northbound TrainB. Thro r r t and Pass 23, Daily exct Stations Brutday. p m Lv 11 30 12 00 12 18am 1 07am 1 44pm 2 20am 3 03a in 4 30ani Ar hug urtn. Ho 38. paas and Mad. Daily ex bun Arrive. J 62 am U M am 8 68 am 7 3b am Southbound Trains. Thro Frt and Fass-2a, Daily exot Sunday Ar Raleigh Gary Apex Moncure Banford Cameron Southern4Pines Hamlet Lv A M 8 00 7 27 7 06 0 00 5 15 4 20 3 33 1 80 Vgirinia Classified Lite insurance to v. VJ Main street, NORFOLK, VA. 'Final a . nnt stock comDanv wbieu com nines the advantage oi lh old line system of lusuraucewiiu ine pop ular idan of niouthiv uremiums and payment of death claims immediately nn iirnnf. Policies running for 10 years or for years are issued with equitable nut uiiiH nt t lie hui o tnose oerioua. r.::. . . . - . ' j Those wno wisu lo nave none a k;uu act in case of their death, for then faun nut. My.' nere tne ouuoriunii Ofhcers President, T J Nottingham: Vice President, E V White; Secretary, t Kicliardsou; Treasurer, w w v icar Medical Director. L Lankforu; joue r1. .1 ft Heath. S VV WHIT1HO, Locai Agen:, Kaieigc N U. OO Richmond & Danville R R C v Condensed Schedule In effect May 31st, 1841. ftbrktafeli EtWuM aa Directory DW C HARRIS, 118 East Martin rt Dyer and Cleaner. jal3 IN BRYANT, Stall 8, city market. Choice Beef, Pork, Ac. LDWOMBLE, eor Wilmington liargett ets. (iroceriea. Leather, i. o.- rinding, lushing Tackle, To ttacco, i igara, . J SCHWARTZ, 122 Fayetteville st. j he leader in choice Meats. Vir ginia Heel and Mutton. All Pork and Mixed huUKitge. Lome and tee me. feS E FRANCIS, noxt to Savings u Bank. Practical Boot aud Shoe maker. Wive me a call. ie'j Kailroa' Schedules. 5 43 i'uiBi6 20am 724am t f i t ! Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When aha became Mist, aha clung to Castona, When she had Children, she gave them Cattoria Sky-Scraping Building. Atlantic Coast Line. Wilmington Weldon Railroad and Branches. Condensed Soaednle. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. -v a 3 T r-A.7U vr no "KTv Of? fUn. A 1 Att?U J Lit" Jlll.i.lU4 W l AWT1 J - i i nu i j . 1SJU. JLany. r v ai l u y, o Daily. Bnnd'y Le Weldon. 12 3Cpm ArRockyMt, 140pm Ar Tarboro, 2 17pm Le Tarboro, 10 30am Ar Wilson, 2 18pm 7 iwpm l ouam Le Wilson, t2 30pm Ar Seima, 3 30pm Ar FRv'tville sauum Le G'dsboro. 3 15pm 7 40pm 8 40am Le Warsaw. 414pm 9 34am Le Magnolia, 4 27pm 8 40pm 4wam Ar Wirgton, o oopm u oopm n warn TRAINS GOING NORTH No 14 No 78. No 40, daily, d'y, ex Bnnd'y. 425pm 810pm 6 25pm 7 30pm PTTTRRORO R R. LhHve Pittahoro. 10 a in Arriva Moneurtl. SI 56 Leave Moncure 1025 a m Arrive Pittsboro, 11 10 0ARTHA6K R K. Leave Carthaire. 8 00 a m Arrive Cameron, 8 45 Leave Uameron, Arrive Carthace. 10 30 Leave Carthage, 4 00 p m Arrive Cameron, 4 45 p m Leave Cameron. o w Arrive Cartliaifo. b' 35 WM BM.A J.n, f?upt, Chicago, Aug. 3GJi. It is said the Odd Fellows of Chicago are going to hnsinoas structure on earth by erecting a temple 556 feet high, which will be a foot higher than ha Wonlnn afnn TYinnunieut. The I U iTWOHia-jji"- projected sky scraper will be built in t.ha form of a cross with four wingt twenty two stories high, the centra structure to reach an attitude of 34 Qfnriou with a tower above. There are to be 1000 magnificently fitted of fices in the building, which will ae commodate five thousand people, and thn whole will be over VUU WW v " $4,000,000. Remarkable Coincidence. Detroit. Mich., Aug. 31st Recently A. H. Whitney and wife of Toronto reached the Russell House en route for New Mexico. Mr. Whitney died ill st as the hack drove up to the hotel entrance. This morning another Whitney and wife of Quincy, 111., reached the Russell. Mrs. Whitney registered as her husband was ill. He had been in his room but five min utes when he died. The families are in no way related. Died While Waiting tor a Train. Recently, at Little Rock, Ark , J no. KisseU, who was en route from Hot Borings to Jonesbor, died in the Mal vern depot while waiting for a train. The body was put in a coffin ano tor- warded home on a ticket he had pur- chased. Heart failure was the cause. Inhumanity to a Dying Man. Riwnn. Auer. 29. Patrick Mc- Donoueh, aged seventy years, acci dentally fell down a long, steep flight of stairs in a saloon at 2 o'clock yes terday afternoon. He struck his head against a stone wall and was taken up unconscious. Bundled into an empty stall of the saloon, he was left there until 7 o'clock, when he was carried out of of the rear door and dumped', face downward, into an express wagon in the back yard. The police found him -when making their rounds at 2 o ciock this morning. He lived scarcely ten niinntes after being found. daily Lv WiPgton, 12 35am Lv Magnolia, Le Warsaw, Ar G'dsboro, 2 55am LeFay'tvillo, Ar Seima, Ar Wilson, Lv Wilson, 3 35am A.r RockyMt, Ar Tarboro, Lv Tarboro, Ajt Weldon 9 15am 10 57am 11 11am 12 05am t9 10am 1108am 1 3 10um 12 58pm 8 23pm 130pm 8 53pm 2 17pm 10 35am 2 55pm 10 00pm fi 05am Tailv t xco tit, Sundav. . . V. TV .loan j.uvj bx, General Superintendent. ar i 17 Ct ii. m... J K DLKiMnX, BUp i riio. T M KUBHftoa, ' jtsneral Pass Agt. Cape Fear A Yadkin Valley Kaiiroaa joiuwauy. nmvnvNHKD sailBDUIiK. WORTHBOOBD D'yexS'y D'yexS'v J30X 11 o (.a Wilmincrton. 9 20am Ar Fayetteville, 12 60 p m Le Fayetteville, 1 20 p m Le Sanford, 2 53 p m Ar Greensboro, 5 22 p m Le WreensDoro, o oo p m Le Walnut Cove, 7 05 p m ArMrAirv. 9 00om Le BennettsviUe, 8 80 a m Ar Maxton, 4U a m Le Maxton, 60 a m Ar Fayetteville, 11 45 a m JNo 16 dauy except unaay. LeRamseur 7 25am Ar Greensboro, 10 06 a m Le Greensboro, 10 35 a m A r- Mo.Hunn 12 Ml nm southbound D'y ex B'y JJ'y ex S'y LeMtAiry, 5 30am Le Walnut Cove, 7 17 Ar Greensboro, 8 45 a in Le Greensboro, 10 80 a m Le Sanford, 12 58 p m Ar Fayetteville, 2 25 p m Le Fayetteville, 2 50 p m Ar Wilmintrton. 6 05 d m Le Fayetteville, 8 00 p m Ar Maxton, 4 f5 p m Le Maxton, 5 10pm Ar Bennettsvine, 6 80 p m No 15 daily except sunaay. Le Madison, 1 4.5 p m Ar Greensboro, 8 56 p m Le Greensboro, 4 15 p no Ar Ramseur, 7 15 pm W E KYLE, General Passenger Agent. J V Fky, Gen Supt. ATLANTIC C. KK, Time Table No 15. In effect December 19th, 1888. Going east. Schedule. Going west NnR1 Pass trains JMO Ot Ar i vn stations Ar Lve n m 8 30 Uoklsboro 11 28 a i 17 d an La Granae 10 46 10 48 4 49 4 54 Kiuston 10 09 10 14 A1H K4ft New Berne 8 27 8 44 in nm MoreheadCitV am 6 88 Daily. ALMieSd GA8TOM B S. To take effect Sunday, April 5, 1890 Trains moving jMortn. "No 38. No 34, Stations. Mail train. Fas & Mail. 11 25 am 5 00 p m 12 05 5 39 12 23 6 01 12 44 6 19 1 00 6 36 2 07 7 45 p m 2 45 8 30 a in Traina moving South. No 41. No 45. Stations. Mail train. Past &Mail Le Raleigh. Wake, Franklin ton, Kittrell, Henderson. .Littleton, Ar, Weldon, Le Weldon, Littleton, Henderson, Kittrell, Franklin ton, Wake. ArRaleigh, 12 15 pm 6 00am 12 62 6 42 2 82 7 63, 2 39 8 11 2 56 8 29 3 17 8 50 365pm 9 30am Southbound. Lv Richmond, Burkeville, Keysville, Ar Danville. Ar Ureensooro, Lv Goldsboro. Ar Raleigh, Le Raleigh Le Durham, Ar Greensboro, Lv Salem. Greensboro, Ar Salisbury, Ar Statesville, Ar Asheville, Ar Hot Springs, Lv Salisbury, Ar Charlotte, Spartanburg, Hreenville, Atlanta, Lv Charlotte, Ar Columbia, Augusta, Northbound. Lv Augusta, Columbia, Ar Charlotte, Lv Atlanta, Ar Charlotte, Salisbury, Lv Hot Springs, Asheville, Statesville, Ar Salisbury, Lv Salisbury, Ar Greensboro, Salem. Lv Greensboro, Ar Durham, Raleigh. Lv Raleigh Ar Goldsboro, Lv Greensboro, Ar Danville, .Kevsville. Burkeville, Richmond, No 9 3 00pm 5 11 5 53 8 12 10 20pm 2 57pm 4 48 010 7 30 10 00 T8 30 10 30pm 12 20am 1 52 (i 55am 8 Hi 12 30 2 10 5 32 6 47 1 1 am 2 20 a m 6 20 10 20 am Dailv. oli 2 5(. an 4 Lohu 5 'iii 8 Oi.-an- 10 19an (8 31'i.u 11 G0j m 1 0JU. 3 ,.m H 008 n 7 !i,5 10 28 12 i 2an 1 1 lpm 5 03 7 0'. 12 10 am 1 35piE 4 43 6 i5 li 3 pa 1 o5pDD 5 40 9 lCpn Daily. No 10 7 (.0pm 11 00 4 00 am 7 0C pm 5 10 6 52 4 48 pm U 25 am 11 02 am 12 01 7 00 8 44 11 38 am 10 30 12 23pm 1 M n 34 3 10 8 P2n W0 1 2tpi;. 2 11 4 10 No to no it&.w 2 Otpn 6 30 8 10au 0 40 pn 8 35 i2 28pB- 2 16 6 40 7 c4uu 8 45 It 3U tia 20 an 1210 lu 4 35 HP 7 15 t8 40 an 12 2U 10 4()pn 12 20 4 13 an 4 f5 7 (0 Louisburg Railroad. Trains moving North. No 38, Pass, No 8, Stations. Mail & Express Le Louisburg, 7 35 a m 2 00pm Ar Franklint'n. 8 10 2 85 Trains moving South. T.T . . T.. Va OR o 41, jraea, xiv u, Stations. Mail & Express. Le Franlint'n, 12 80 p m 6 06pm Ar Louisburg, 1 06 p m 6 40 WM SMITH, Bupt. TOBAOJO MARKET. Reported for the EVENise Visitor by 1'arKer & narvey, lonaoco jau uiacturers. Smokers Common- 5 o Good i 810 Fillers Comnon 5 6 Good-... 71 Out tfcrs Common 1018 Good 8088 1,1.. 9.a7 I f. X WUJ .......... ...... XrcT.:.iva OAnunnn 14422120 Good 821b40 Fine to fancy-- 40070 THE JOURNAL OF SOCIET. t E. D. MANN, Proprietor. Published (Nkw York) Evke? ftantSDAT. "Between the Km of raillery and cynicism read great lessons of life, morality and hope." fFh. nmkol: hrltrhtAat-.. TrlttlfldL wfsflRt. rfaVm est, most original, and most entertaining paper ever published. A complete and perfect journal for cultivated men and women, being a topical and out spoken critio and chronicle of the events, doings, interests, and tastes of the fashionable world. It is always up to date, and carries with it the atmos phere of the metropolis. In purity and power of literary si y lo It hat no equal on this continent. A veritable symposium of well-bred aatfre) deftness and daintiness of touch; strength, inde pendence and originality of thought; refined humor; caustic comment; piquancy of jeitj abort Btorlea; musical, dramatic, literary and art criticism, and topical aketehea. The fame of its Financial Department, as the most reliable authority on financial sub jocts, investments and speculaMon, is world-wide Its Interest is by no means local; being the i rec ognized journal of American society, it is equally entertaining in all partsof theoountry For sdJeach week by all flretctass newsdaten . a I 1 l?,,r.vrrt V.vfirr iuYwsulP!iler WlL keep and supply it if guested. NewsdeBleri guppUed by the American News Co., 39 Chamber Htroet, New x orK, auu uv iv C JjiZCZ X' KKTWKKW WEST POINT, RICHMOT AM KALU1U11, via Keysville, Oxford and Dnrhan 15 and 14 Stations. 10 aud 1 f7 50 am Lv West Point, Ar 6 OOj m q iKin Ar Richmond Lv t4 40 n 10 35am Lv Richmond Ar 4 35 12 45pm " burkeville " 2 43 1 4(pm " neyBVine a oo 2 22pm " Chase City, " 12 24 '' 2 57pm " Clarksville " 11 47au 3 4Upm Ar uxioro iiviu w " 415" Lv Oxford Ar m I5iu 5 20 " " Hendersoi 9S0 s 54 " Lv Oxford Ar 10 5--ii 10 40 " Ar Raleigh Lv v o " tDaily except Sunday. ! 1 h HDaily, except ' - 1 Bol Haas, Jap L 1 Traffic Man'g'r. " -t W A Tvbk. Div Pass Agent, Raleigh N C si,oco lo.Cash to be distributed amon Canvarsert- for Clubs for the Weekly Times. A handsomely Illustrated Paper of ixteen Pages. LKSS THAN ONE CENT A WEEK. Cheapest Paper in the World. The publishers of the Philadelphia WEEKLY TIMES Intend to have 100,000 SUBSCRIBERS Before January, 1892, and to accom plish this in the shortest space of time the price has been reduced to r;A CENTS OU A YEAR And cash to the amount of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS Will be paid to the getters up of clubs, as follows : For the first largest list, 250 For the second largest list, 200 For the third largest list, 100 For the three next largest, each 50 For the four next largest, each 26 For the ten next largest, each 10 For the 20 next.largest lists, each The above prizes in cash. This competition will he onen to everybody everywhere men, women, boys and girls. Careful record will be kept of tlie subscribers sent in by each competitor, and the cash will be paid when the contest closes, on the first day of Dceember, 891. TseMatolsia Weekly Times, fflfom(fordim CUBES DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, CHILLS and FEVERS, MALARIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, KIDNEY TROUBLES, NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM. T is Invigorat. r TT Elves NEW 1 in? and Uc-L 1 LIFE to the lightiul to take,pf5 1 whole SYSTEM andof trreatvalueWAfalby Strengthening as a Medicine fort the MusclesTen weak and AilingfcgMr l ing theNERVi , Women and ChilJP 1 & completely Di- dren. mLW i gesting the food. or subscription agency: una year,.w; out. liShree months, $1.80. Sample tn-Jfk iddress: TOWN TUI-HB, t Wert 8d St., Now York Cltv.N.F CONTAIN! w no hurtful Minerals, is com posed of carefully!' elected vegeta ble M edicines, combined skill fully, making a Safe and Pleasant Remedy. ftor ale b JI Orngglsts nd Ororers. ShouM the ilenlet near you not keep VOLINA fOUDIAI Nmit $1.U0, n4 lull SiW bottl will be eenl, cliscges paid. tBEFUSO ONLY ST Vollna Drag and Chemical Coaioanv auaiaoafcaa. c.A Book.'Volina,' a.hv leading physicians, toll in gr how to treal diseases at Home, mailed, together with aset of hand- somecarasbynew Heliotypeprocess on receipt of toe. a. uandsome Weekly Journal, filled . - i l ,,, , wjiu ricuiy inusiraieu articles on every subject ot contemporaneous in terest, including Fiction, Literature, Travel, Adventure, Society, the Dra ma, Sports and Home Lite, the Farm anu waraen, witn an tne uurrent ftews of the World. A feature oi the Weekly Times is a department devoted to Our Boys and Girls This feature of The Times has aroused more interest among young people than any other Juvenile pub lication, not only because its stories, sketches, chat, puzzles and problems are so entertaining and instructive, but because every boy and girl that reads it is a member of the famous eight o'clock club. The crimson aud gold button of the club is sent free to every one of them. There are no fees of any kind. Ton can find out all about the club and the hundreds of prizes it distrib utes among boys and girls by sending for a free copy of the Weekly Times, the subscription price of which is only 50 cents a year. It will cost you only a, postal card to cet, n. atieeimen rnrw nnrl than Kv sending fifty cents, which we are sure you will do, it will be seut to you for one year. Subscriptions may begin with any number. ISo continued stories. Audi ess for all particulars THE TIMES, Times Building, Vhiladelphia, Pa We will pay Hotel bill Kallroad ruren to IP tO I - H 1 JUUiroaa wren u opium Hot springs USERtT A And Charge no Fes Tor ay case , ( 11 to cure of what Is cotnmox, lj Cbllod tbo "OPIUM HABIT, which la claries the )w .dual use of Opium' ' Morphine, Cocaine, and otluir kindred narcotk Andreas MATtrWOOP 1KB tlTTffS, HOT STMHga, A ChiMrenCryJorJitcherrCtttoft

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