Died. Near New HUL yesterday alter ncon, Mies Lecta Richard con, of ty phoid fever. Miss Richardson bad uauy friends in this city who will be pained to hear of her death. Suddenly, last night, at the old homestead, about three milee north of Raleigh, Mr. Henry Jones, son of the late Mr. Kimbrough Jones, aged about 60 years. The Extension. We are pleased to learn that there will be no more delay than is abso lutely necessary on the work of ex tension of the street car lines to the exposition grounds. It was thought beet to get the lines within the city limits in good working order first and as this has been about accomplished, attention will be directed to the extension. The road will be leveled and put in first class condition, and it is proposed to erect a passenger station at the end of the line. The original idea will be carried out of running the line to the south gate of the Exposition grounds instead of going through Oberlin, as at one time suggested. And now we are to have a new in dustry in the shape of wine making under the auspicies of Mr. Geo C. Heck and others. The plant will he located on the premises of the iue yard recently owned by Col. J. M. Heck near Pullen Park. Mr. Heck will soon start on an extended trip in the interest of the new enterprise, and it is expected that the business will be in full operation by the time the next years' crop of grapes ma ture. The musical festival which is to take place during the coming exposi tion will, from present indications be a grand success, and it is suggested that it be made an annual' occasion The express companies of the State are now arranging their tariffs io compliance with the railroad cim-missioners. Raleigh Market Report. WHOLESM.R AND RRTAIL. Correcteii AMKaLI bv W. & A. B SiRONACH. Kayetteville and Wilmington Btreots. 81 5 217 Mkais- O. R. sidch, 71 10 Hulk shoulders, bacon " t4 10 " breakfast 12 IE H am sugar cnml 1H 16c N. C. &Va , 10 lfie Baou N. O., hog round, 10 11c Lard Pure, 8 10c Compound Rle 10 Flour Bf si per bbl fo.50 $7.50 Family, " 5.75 .50 Good, 44 5 25 6.50 Cokkkk Rio Green li 25c BUQAR Granulated, 6 tic Yellow extra C 4 5c MoiiASSKS Cuba 22i 60c New Orleans, 22 60c Syrups, 25 60 MkaIi per bushel, 87 1.00 Corn per bushel, bli 1,00 Oats per bushel, 70 80c Hay per hun wt, 0 1.J0 Brah per pound, 1J lc Ship Stukk per pound, 1 lie 8ALT per sack, 1.0') 1:75 COUNTRY PRODUCE. Butter- 15 25c Eggs, m 20c Chickens Spring, li 25e Hens, 25 35c Potatoes Sweet, 65 83c 4 Irish, $1.25 1.60 Peas White, 75 1.00 M Stock. 65 90c f stand Bwioli Hotel, AT THE HAMMOCKS. - r I ON WRiGHTSYILLE BEACH NEAR Wilmington, N C. m git tet" propter himiom "mL" Domiort mens morions M est." We hop none of the readers of the Visitor will suffer from oar ' tie," " tie" reiterations in regard to OUR BREAD. As we expect to keep np OUR "TO," "TO," Until every one who eats bread in this town Tries Siioicl's Bread Laid on The Lash. Augusta, Mk.v Sept.. 0 There was a horse whipping affair on the public street yesterday morning The victim was A H. Lyon, a builder and contractor. The man who did the whipping was rut. smart, a young druggist. About two months ago Smart married a young woman who was one of the belles of the town. Soon afterward he heard rumors re flecting upon the previous character of his bride. He investigated the slanderous stories, and, it is alleged, traced them all to Lyon. Yesterday he started to make Lyon retract. He was purchasing the raw hide at Hamlen's harness store, when he saw Lyon approaching. Smart rushed upon him and after accusing him of slandering his wife, he plied the rawhide vigorously across Lyon's head and shoulders, one blow making a terrible cut on the face. Lyon ran across the street into Beal's paper store, Smart following and applying the lash. Lyon went betore the grand jury to have his assailant in dicted. W, H. Hughes, DEALER IN FINE CROCKERY, LASS WARE, FINE TABLE FUR NISHINGS, and mm LIMP GOODS. FILTERERS, WATER COOLERS, OIL STOVES, ICE CREAM FREEZERS, BICYCLES, TRICYCLES, BABY CARRIAGES, FENDERS AND FIRE SETS. I keep in stock a full line of Crock-, ery Stone Ware and Britania Goods, and everything in my line from the Fragile Toy Goods to heavy Stone Ware. Call and examine my stock befor purchasing. 8ept 5 w. H. iiuwnnia. Ice Cellar. Ice in any quantity, also fresh fish daily, at my cellar No. S23, S. Wil mington Street. Orders filled prompt ly. T. E. SORRELL. je8 tf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Farming Lands for Rent. WILL rent 544 acres of farming land in tie vicinity ki own as the lands of the L. GATLING, including tVe lute MRS. S, residence. This land will be rented m tracts to suit renters. For terms &c apply to V. H MUUKJi, Raleigh, N. U NEW BOOK BAGS, AND A FULL STOCK OF Pencils, New Tablets Slates And everything you want For School Use. ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO Booksellers Examine our fine Stationery. School for Boys The third session of my school for boys will hetrin on Monday. August 31st. Terms cj ,iir i tittuci n t rrvr r viaxt mi uDuncatiou to xxivitLiivo j. nviujaix Raleigh, August 10 Xm jhJ Now open for tbo season 1801. Most charming resort on South Atlantic Coast. Hotel equipped with all modern improvements, PIG F ISH, CRABS, ClAMS and all the delicacies from the sea a specialty. Fine BAND OF MUSIC, Dancing, Fishing, Boating, Sea Breezes, Snrf Battling, c. WILL HUNTER, PROPRIETOR. Also Proprietor Hotels ARLINGTON GREGORY, Goldsboro, N. C. C. H. Anderson, DEALBR IN Dry Goods, . Shoes, Fancy Goods Notion? and Toilet Articles. Beautiful Checked Gingham for 8 cents per yard, worth 10 cents. Our Shoes are well selected and are of good stock. Our patterns in Calicos are beauti ful. Call aud examine before pur chasing elsewhere. Special attention is called to our all Wool Tricots, double width at 25 cents per yard. Beautiful styles in White Apron Check at 7i cents, 8$ cents and 10 cents per yard. All are new and rresn. JNo old or shoddy stock. U. H. AJN J 'hiKMUJN , Sept 5 No. 5 E. Harge ut St. JOHN T. MORRIS k CO.. .DEALERS IN FURNITURE, MATRESSES, L0UNGES,&C. We have in stock a neat line of Fuirnitxre suitable for the Exposition. Persons expecting to entertain visitors during the Exposition, would consult the'r best interest if they would call and examine our stock ana compare prices We still carry on our CABINET&UPHOLSTERYiDEPARTM NT and all kinds of furniture repaired, cleaned, varnished and upholstered. All kinds of Mattresses to order. Chairs reseated, packing, boxing, set ting up and moving furniture a spe ciality. Mr. G. W. Morris, so long with the firm of Messrs. Johnson & Barber, is with us, and would be pleased to have his friends call and see him. JOHN T. MORRIS & CO., 117 Wilmington St., Prairie building, Raleigh, N. C. sep 3 tf June 25, 1891-3m. Saveyonr money aid call on The New York Bargain House 205, Fayetteville Street, M. D. J. D. Edwards Old Stand, If you ?iih to buy Best Prints at 4 and 5 en's per yard. " Dress Ginghams at &i end 8 cts. Yard wide Brown Domestic at 4i cts. Bleached Domestic from 4-i cts and up. Boys Knee Pants from 19 cts. ami up. Youths Pants from 13 to 18 at 5u cts. Men's PantB from 85 cents and up. Ladies $1.50 Button and Lace 8hoes at 95 cts. and 1000 other articles too numerous to mention and soldcheaper than any other house in the country. STOCK NOT YET COMPLETE New bargains arriving daily. Look out for special announcement next week. Polite lady and gentlemen clerks will take pleasure in showing you goods. Yours for bargains. H. A. LITTMAN & CO., Proprietors of N. Y. Bargain House. MDiUB Edwards' Old Stand, aull 205 Fayetteville St, Ealeigh, N C. COAL AND ICE. Our Bicycle Line consists of the following and is complete "COLUMBIA," Light Roadster Safety, with or without cushion tire, with or with out spring fork, $135 "RUSH" cushion tire, 115 "HARTFORD" $100; cushion tire, 105 "CRESCENT," solid tiro, 85 Ladies Machines. LadieB' "COLUMBIA" Safety, $135 "HARTFORD" " 105 "JUNO" " 7 Boys' Wheels. $50 25 "ROB ROY," 26 inch, all balls, "BOYS' JUNIOR," 24 inch, ALSO OTHERS. Of course the "Columbia" is the best, For years the name "Columbia" has been a synonym lor tnat wnicn is the most aura ble and up with the times. It leads in all improvements. The above for sale by the Mb Stale Kmc Co. C. C. STONE, Manager, jiy3 tf GENERAL MUSIC DEALERS. i Now is the time to buy both Ice for immediate use and Coal for winter while the prices are low and it can be delivered clean and best quality. We are now taking orders for GAYTON, RED ASH coals all ?-es. ANTHRSITE, WHITE and RED ASH COAL, all sizes. POCAHONTAS COAL. SPLINT COAL. EGO COAL made by machinery from coal dust and Pitch. Something new and said to be splendid. We are now cutting wood and' ready to take orders for that also to be delivered in the next few weeks from one cord to one hundred or more. JONES & POWELL NOTICE. HERE will be a meeting of the corport JL tors of the Grimm Brownstone am' Improvement ompany at the office of J. W Hinsdale, huleigli, N. (J., on Sept. 12, 1891 at ten o'clock, a. in. J. W. HINSDALE, one of tbe h.coiporutois. Executor's Notice. Having qualified as executors of Samuel M. Utley, deceased, we hereby give notice to all persons indebted to him to make imme diate payment to us; atad to all persons hav nig ciamia ugauisi iiia estate to present tne same to us on or Deiore tne atn clay ot Julv juKuj uuierwise ms notice will De pleat in bar of their recovery. V. A. Wnitaker, Raleigh, N. C, and T. A Uouncil, Holly Springs, N. C , Executors. , July 10, 1891. 6w Teacher wanted. A 1 lilNCIP AL is needed for theOenten jLX. nial Graded School tor whites, at KAL KUiH, N. 0. Applicants for the position will be examined on Saturday, Sept. 12th, at ten o'clock at the above named school. The position will pay from $80 to 7u per school month, according to qualification and 'grade acquired on examination. This officer will be required to teach, and will te under the uirection oi me Bupenntenaent oi tne u ai. 1GU GRADED bCHOOL. THOMAS H. BRIGGS, Secretary. Notice to Creditors. Having qualified as Administratrix of D. S. Waitt, deceased, this is to give notice to all persons indebted to him to make immediate payment to me, and all persons having : claims against the estate will file the evidences of the same with me on or before the 7th day of August, 1892, otherwise this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. HATT1E V. WAITT, Aug. 8 iiw Administratrix. Once used, always used. Hot Rolls every afternoon at 4.30 o'clock, Cakes fresh baked every day. Only best materials used. W. C. & A. B, Stronac!1 Proprietors STRON ACIl'S BAKERY He Cheerfully Recommends It. THE GEEATi Panacea Springs WATEB . CIKTIFICATE FROM DB. Mi. BOB.UTT. Raliiuh, N. 0., June 6th 1891. To the Panacea Springs and Hotel Co: ' Gentlemen It affords me great pleasure to state that I regard the Panacea Sm-imra m water the very best in the catalogue of min eral waters now in use for scrofula, ad es pecially for dyspepsia. One year ago I was a great sufferer from dyspepsia and after spending sevej al weeks near the springs and using tne water daily, 1 was entirely relieved. Since that time 1 have had occasional retums oi it, and in every instance I have exueri- enced prompt relief by the use of i he water. I would advise every sufferer from dyspep sia, who can do so, to use this water. It is what its name indicates a panacea for some of the worst, if not all, the diseases U which flesh is heir. I have known the water for a number of years, and I cheerfully re commend it. Respectfully, Jetf J. B. BOBBITT. , For Sale or Exchange for City PROPERTY. A highly improved farm,' well adap ted to grass and grain, well watered and splendid location for str re, nine miles from Raleigh. L. R. WYATT. Also at Cost, My stock of Groceries consisting of Tobacco, Snuff. March, v Soda, x So ap, Matches, Lye, Pap r, Paper Baas, classes, bole Leather, &c,, ire., &c, To make room for machinery and farm implements. Call at onee to get bargains. L. R. WYATT, 216 Fayetteville St., Raleigh, N. C A : atT 4 V m i W&ere tie buyer gets tbe Profit Is the Place ' TO BUY. In addition to our stock n' clothing, we wish to call attention to our GENTS' F0RN GOODS, CONSISTING OF SHIRT8, larndried and nnlaundried, CUFFS, COLLARS, DRAWERS, UNDER-8HIKTS, HOSIERY, Black and colored. HANDKERCHIEFS, SILK, ( LINEN, COTTON, , and the base ball handkerchief. Sus penders, &c. jttnlwn F V.WJ I 1