The Ball g Even in a Visitor. UHUBHIO BVKBT AFTKHWOOB, Except Sunday, THB VISITOR is served by carrier iu the city t 25 cenis per month, parable to the carriers Id advance. Prices for mailing : $3 per year, or 35 cents per month. No paper con tinued after expiration of the time paid for unless otherwise ordered. Communications appearing in these columns are but the expressions of the opinion of the correspondent writing the same, and they alone are n'xponsible. A ero-js mark X after your name informs you that your time is out. Address all orders and communica tions to BROWN & WILLIAMS, Raleigh, N O Local notices in this paper will be Five Cents per line each insertion. Larok3t City Circulation. RALEIGH, N. C, SEPTEMBER 21, 1891. An Oiler. In order to facilitate the matter as much as possible, the Visitor, under the head of "Boarders Wanted," pro pones to insert cards of such persons as can accommodate boarders, at 25 cents for not exceeding 3 lines during a period of one month. All that is necessary to be stated in the cards is the names of the parties, number and street and whether table board or lodging or both can be had. It will be readily perceived that this propsition is almost gratuitous, being only about sufficient to cover the expenses of composition and the worth of the space. We hope all who contemplate taking boarders will send in their notices at once. With each succeeding day the situ ation in China becomes graver, and nothing seems left for the powers to do except to make a combined do monstration of forces. If, as is thought, the disaffected element be only waiting for this event as an ex cuse for raising the standard of revolt against the existing dynasty, the horrors of the Taeping rebellion are like!y to be repeated. The government agent in charge of the official rain making experiments at El Paso, Texas, who was abducted by his balloon on Thursday afternoon -while making an ascension in search of humidity, was fortunate enough to escape from the sky and get back t earth in safety ; and the expert ments were resumed in the presence of a multitude of people. The spec tacular quality of these tests, with their bombs bursting in air and their array of scientific paraphernalia, suf iiciently explains the popular inter est which they have excited. All the signs says the Philadelphia Record point to the rapid breaking up of the Farmers' Alliance The farmers have real grievances, but nothing quite so serious as the pro posed measures of relief advocated by the cranks who are fastened upon the Alliance like burrs. The good crops and fair prices, as well as the manifest follies of the leaders, have had much to do in restoring good hu mor among country people, and mak ing them rather bear those ills they have Than fly to others that they know not of. A report comes from Russia that the czar will read George Kennan's accounts of the horrors of Siberian imprisonment. It is to be hoped that the report is true, for if there is the slightest feeling of humanity left in his breast, the ruler of Russia will surely take some steps to reform the present system when he becomes thoroughly acquainted with it, as he must be after he finishes Lennan's account. The roasting weather in the T orth west, of which we bad a foretaste in this section yesterday is the hottest 18th of September known for twenty years, will be the making of the corn however hard it raty be for the time on the human beings who are raisers of the staple. They wiil endure the freak of truly solstitial weather with all the more patience as they reflect on the special efforts which Secretary Husk is making to find a market for their cereal among the nations that we have sought to shut oat of our own market by an insurmountable birrler. Phil. Record. jWrw Cryjwr PHcheft Jfcttoriti An Exception. The Goldsboro Argus says : " Uoldsboro has a model negro far mer in the person of Prof. E. E. Smith. exU. 8. Minister to Liberia. We have before made note of his ex- j cellent farm, a few miles east of the city. Yesterday he had upon this ( market three bales of new crop cot- i ton, as the first fruits of his industry as a farmer." This is an exceptional case. As a rule, any considerable time in public office unfits most men for success in private business life, and more espe cially is this the case among negroes who have filled offices. There are not the advantages in public offices that the avidity with which they are sought, would indicate. There is too much office seeking and too little intelligent energy invested in private business, in this country, especially in farming. Broke HI Skull With a Broom William McGee, a night watchman at the stables of the Green street and Fairmount avenue extension of the People's Passenger Railway Company at 25th street and Fairmount avenue, became involved in a fight last night with John Schwank a brewer, who resides at No- 930Bambrey street. Schwank wandered into the station where McGee is a watchman, in a very much inebriated condition, and started to take possession of the prem ises. The watchman endeavored to remonstrate with him, but to no pur pose, and soon a wrangle ensued. In the fight McGee, the watehman, picked np a stable broom and struck Schwank on the head, felling him to the floor. Officer Capper, of the ninth district, was attracted to the scene and imme diately took charge of McGee and con ducted him to the station house. Schwank was taken to the German Hospital, where he was found to have sustained a depressed fracture of the skull. As Schwank's case is con6ld ered to be precarious, McGee will be held to await the result of his injuries. Catawba Fair. Fur above occasion the Riehmoud I aud Danville Railroad will sell tickets i to Newton and return at the follow, ing rates from point named. Tick ets on sale Sept. 28th to October 3d, limited returning October 5th, 1891 : From Asheville 1.90. ' Marion, 1.00, M Salisbury, 100, M Charlotte, 1.00. M Greensboro 2 00, M Durham, 8 20, " Henderson, 4 00, Raltrb, 3 00, " Balms, 4 00, " Goldsboro, 4.60. Rates from intermediate points iu same proportion. Super! ir Courts of NortL I'uru Hi Rainmaker Ellis Lost in the Mountains. Ex,. Paso, Tex., Sept. 19.-This af ternoon John T. Ellis, of the rain making expedition, went up in a bal loon two miles to measure the hut midity of the atmosphere. When the balloon was up one mile a num ber of explosions were set off on the ground. The balloon fell in the mountains, thirteen miles from the city, and neither the baloon nor oc- cupant has been heard from. Since the heavy explosions this afternoon heavy, dark clouds have gathered above Mount Franklin, from which point the bombardment took place. Gold and Silver. An almost inexhaustible supply of both gold and silver exists in the ter ritory of the Chickastfw Nation. The Legislature of the territory has lately authorized the formation of compa nies for the purpose of working mines and several have been organized. At one mine the silver assayed 5,170 to the ton. Under the law no one ex cept citizens of the Nation can work the mines, aud by this method the Legislature hopes to keep the wealth at home. Ex. Answered a Matrimonial He Ad. 8outh Norwalk, Conn , Sept. 19 Henry Ketcham, a wealthy and good-looking young man, answered the matrimonial advertisement of Mrs. Julian K. Stillwell, of Wilton, Conn., who is a widow. As a result he was granted a meeting at the rail road station in Norwalk. He went there, aud, not finding the lady, went to her house in Wilton. There he was met by the lady's stalwart brother, who, not under standing the circumstances, pro ceeded io thrash Kercham. The lady savs she was only in fun. Ketcham will resort to the courts. The new summer cars are crowded every afternoon and night. This hot weather a ride in the cool of the even ing is a treat. Diocese of Norlh Carolina. bishop Lyman's Appointments. September 6, Sunday Calvary Ch. Henderson county. 9, Wednesday 8 p m Trinity chap.lAshe'ille " ii, Friday p m Ascen sion church, Hickory. " 18, Sunday Lenoir. " 13, Sunday 4:30 p m Yad kin Valley. " 16, Wednesday, p m At Statesville. " 27, Sunday- Winston. " 39, Tuesday W a 1 n u t Cove. " 30, Wednesday German ton. October 1, Thursday Madison. 4, Sunday Mt Airy. 6, Tuesday Wilk'sboro " 7, Wednesday Gwyn's Chapel. " 9, Friday Lincolnton. " 11, Sunday a m Shelby. 11, Sunday p m Ruth erfordton. " 13, 19, Asheville. " Wednesday Bow man's Bluff. " 22, Thursday Brevard, Consecration. 25. Sunday Franklin Macon county. " 27, Tuesday Culloushee Consecration. Holv communion at morning servi ces. Collections for Diocesan mission. VT OREOLK A NT) CAROLINA R.R 11 CONDENSED SCHEDULE. South Bound Train. No. 111. A. M. fl 50 10 15 10 27 11 02 1120 11 37 11 52 12 31 12 53 120 P. M Dated August 9th, 1891. STATIONS. North Bound Train No. 100 p. M. L've Pinner's Point Arrive 5 25 L've Drivers, Arrive 2 "1 Tv( Suffolk. Arrive 4 47 L've Gates, Arrive 4 14 L've Tunis, Arrive 3 54 TV vp Ahoskev. Arrive 3 36 T.'vp Aulander. Arrive 3 21 L've Hobeood. Arrive 2 39 L've Tarboro. Arrive 2 17 Ar Roekv Mount, L've 1 50 P. M No 101 makes connection at Eocky Mount with W fe W Train No 23 for all points South, and No 78 train for all points North M HERPEIi. J Cv JxKNIjx, Gen'l Manager. Supt Trans T M Emerson, Gen'l Passenger Agt JUDGE. Name. District Residence. Geo H Brown, 1 fceaofort, Henry R bi an, J NewBerue, H G Connor, Wilson, Spier Whitaker, 4 Wake, R W Winston, 5 Granville, E T Hoy kin, 0 Sampson. J D Mclver, 7 Carthage, R F Armfleld, 8 Iredell, Jesse F Graves, 9 Surry, John G Bynum, 10 Morganton, W A Hoke, 11 Lincolnton, J H Merrimon, 12 Buncombe. SOLICITORS. Name. District. Residence. John H Blount, 1 Perquim's, GH White, (col) 2 Halifax, J E Woodard, 3 Wilson, E W Pou, Jr., 4 Johnston, Isaac R Strayhorn, 5 Durham, O H Allen, 6 Duplin, Frank McNeill, 7 Richmond B F Long, 8 Iredell, Thomas Settle, 9 Rock'ham W C Newland, 10 Caldwell, Frank L Osborn, 11 Meck'b'g, Geo A Jones, 12 Macon. f$akiji!i Pest-Office MAji..- itgtHHJL Dlu-AKT JM" OUTUOINU MAIUJ. Vm Keysville (K. r. 0.) lor luchuiond way, Via Uoldsboro (Kx.Fl.) lux bbort Cut v Oolds rila Via WeMon and Norf iK. P. O.) torN. & is, Via Uoldsboro (R. P O.) for N 8. and least, Via Oibaou sta. (K. P O.J for Wil., Char. A South. ia Uieensboro (R.P.O.) lor ., b. and V est, Via Weldou A Norlolk (Ex. H.HorN. fc h.ast, ViaUreensboro (Ex. Et.) for S. and West, No. of r row ion. irain P.O. Uepol INCOMING MAILS. I Train a m a md IS 7 4 h 16 i 12 H 15 38 10 40 11 2 U0J 1 33 41 3 15 4 9 5 35 io 34 4 30 5 0C a. m. 11 9 00 1 ARR1VALB. No. of i At At Depot P.O. Via Greensboro (Ex. Ft,) from N S. and West, 1Z Via Weldou (Ex. Ft.) from North und East, 45 Gibson sta, (R. P. O.) trom Char.. W U. A b. 38 Via Greensboro (K.i'.O.) IrouiN., to. and West, 10 'ia Weldou (li. p. O.J trom North and Hoist, 11 Via Goldsboro (R. P. O.; from N., h. A bourn, U Via Keysville (H. P. O.) from uicuuiond, Ox- H ford I m i nam, etc.. Via uonisooro (Ex t.a lroiu iorm, 1 11 a m ,10 9 3U Ll 20 p 13 1 ) 3 55 4 48 i0 lo I u a n. 1 3o 'J 45 11 35 p in 1 t o 'A 10 30 a in 6 00 Executor's Notice. Having qualified as executor of Mary Tur ner, deceased, 1 hereby give notice to all per sons indebted to her to make immediate pay ment to me, and to all persons having claims against her estate to present the same to me on or before the 15th day of September, 1892, or otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. CHARLES ROSS, Executor of Mary Turner, dee'd. Sept 15, 1891 6w Notice to Creditors. Having qualified as Administratrix of D. S. Waitt, deceased, this is to give notice to all persons indebted to him to make immediate payment to me, and all persons having claims against the estate will tile the evidences of the same with me on or before the 7th dav of August, 1892, otherwise this notice Will be plead in bar of their recovery. HATTIE V. WAITT, Au. 8 6w Administratrix. STOP AT THE M0SELEY HO JSE Corner Wilmington and Hargett St., RALEIGH, N. C. N.F. &0S LEY, Prop ietor. Situated in the centre of the city. Convenient to all the public build ings and business portion of the city. Street cars pass the door every 20 FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Fall Term Judge Brown. SECOND. Fall Term Judge Bryan. THIRD. Fall Term Judge Connor. FOURTH. Fall Terni Judge Whitaker. Wake Jan 5th, tFeb 28, March 28th, t April 21st, Muly 9th, t Aug 27th, Sept 28th, tOct 26th. Wayne Jan 19th, March 10th, Ap'l 13th, Sept. 14th, Oct 19th. Harnett Feb 2d, Aug 10th, Nov 30th. Johnston Feb 9th, Aug 17th, Nov 16th. For criminal cases, i For civil cases alone. FIFTH. Fall Term Judge Winston. SIXTB. Fall Term Judge kioj iu, SEVENTH. . Fall Term Judge Mclver. EIGHTH. Fall Term Judge Armfield. NINTH. Fall Term Judge Graves. TENTH. Fall Term Judge Bynum. ELEVENTH. Fall Term Judge Hoke. TWELFTH. Fall Term Judge Merrimon. The Book. Trust Knocked Out. A Caed to the public. The price of the great Encyclopedia Brii annica, $8 per volume for the English edi tion, and $5 per volume for the Seribnur anc the Stoddardt editions in the cheapest binn inghas been a bar to its popular use. Our new reprint of this work is furnished at 11.50 per volume, the greatest bargain evei known in the book trade. We have sold ovei half a million volumes in six months; pnyl that the public appreciate so great a bargain. This reprint is not an abridgment, but a rt production of the entire tweniy-tive volume of the great Edinburg ninth edition, pngc loi page, with new and later articles on iiii son ant American topics, and new maps', lati-.t and better than in any other edition, 'hi all repects it compares favorably with the high priced editions, and in point of maps and du rability of binding it is superior to them. Heretofore we have sold only for cash- We now announce that we will deliver the set complete on small easy payments, Special Offee. In order tha you may see the bargain we offer, and examine its merits, we will furnish Volume 1 by express for 60 cts. a fraction of actual cost; add J.cts postage ii wanted by mail. Circulars and sample page will be sent free on application. R. S. Peale & Co., je29 ti Publishers, Chicago. II i Mi Hi Since the lii st tc I M ilk law- uaie above written the uiiutjvii.d repaired more than ,-U),'.'U -S a tehee and perhaps as many cMvk, iesider thousands of pieces oi :vHdryi H is still making a specialty of Watcb, Clock andJeweirj 4m at his old stand, BSOOJN l' door wti i of the National iiaui & Kafeli, whee may be to una a 6vvu iti.t- u. tps Wold ami ;iiitr -. uub. 1NE Marble and 'A al i INE Gold and Steel s and Jewelry lot sal- Trams marked thus, do not move on Sun . day. .Mails lor train a close at a p m c 5uh; day. STAR ROUTES. Outgoing Mail Depakis . Raleiirh via Shotwell. EitKie Rock und V a.eftcld to Uniouhope, Tuesday and ivruiay u a in. Kaleien via Mvau's AiiiLs to imi,u. 'IVaa. day anu Eriday bam. itaieigh via Xelvyn Oruve und bayton to Fish Oum, Monday, WeiUnaaav uuc 1 rid? 6 a in.. Raleigh via Hutchinson's stoic- ai.d ban- gor to Rogers' store.Tuesday ami Krm.y .pni. xvateign to imaaaev, Tuesday aim . u.lay 12 in. iMcoMiNG Mails Abiuve Union nop ia Wakelield, Eagle Rock and Shot wen to iui eigh, Wednesday and Saturday p iu. unua viaMyutt s Mills to limen, day and Thursday 7 p ni. iishOam via Uaywn and KeWyj! urn" toKaleigu, Monday, Wednesday ..n". i uday 7 pm. j-vogers' store viaiiaugor and Hut. liii.iou'C store to Kaleigh, iueauuy and 1 luu.; . ui. Massey to imieicn iuesday Hnt j '; ..,dy at 10 am. Ekee OELiViKH Skstem. Eree ..uhveriec at 0;uy aud aau u m, 3:10 anu o; p iu, ex cept Sundays. Collections uiauc at same nours. jsuuoay, U:do to coo u iu, Ereede uvery windows open on Buuuayg lrom 3;ih) to o:ou o eloca p iu. Correct: A. W . SUAl-EEK, May 31 ly i ustinaster. minutes. Aug 11. T E FRANCIS, next to Savings "Bank. Practical Boot and Shoe maker. Give me a call. fe9 1867 wiir Fi est possiuio pnt - You cannot ailor . U; on COLE u ;ou i i: in his liii' ";,-; , ... '.j , . trie f.iesi i;iU! i" " ship nona better ' i.'l at 13 -WEST H.. KO; ' i Ralelch, N. C. ; .'lock , cfndefrj ' (If low Q.i&H.- P ':. ' ;.in .til O! '.' kman st' hin. iU-.tiT, selo The Brightest, beat und el'fapest THc (VadiI.Nu iUJi A Paper from the National Capital should uu into evoi.) t amily in Uie V.OUHL. y 1 XHERE is no other paper in the Unitee tiiieo u, ia (jiotvmg bo rapidly m chro aviyu aa im v usiuuton Weekly i'ost. lhi d ueuullav: i.tiiuex aoor nut- expense is spun i. r...j best, as well as the cheapest, papei uuoiinued. His im A ilaUonui Paper. piiutc at me seulof government, 1 he . i i oai jo..utia special matures not in an publication, lively man .... ..ji. -n.jsi.iiue iui ma noiue paper. To i j ju'ji.t jum aiitiuiibU. Alter that j .h.iv. i. .. ji ivj uiiULitei paper, the Aa uiiti i.,iij.i, cue C-pllui Ul Uie COUU- .I'jr' U in, jut ILiUi Hill ,.,u moot plOlllaOle ma ci.ieiUv.miio. xiie ccik.13 x oat WlU .v lull itui..coi the proceedings oi Congress An epitome ui 11 tUe iieffs l.'om tne isatiou al Capital , I'OliUcal news und gossip nupurtially toid,jifl .enala uuu aUoi t scoi :ca uy tne Dest wnteis, , jrems oi nteia tureitut a, 1 u -ejected miioellany i'he latest teiegiapiu neuc aou every section oi tue glol)-., ' ' .' ' Inteiesun'j.; capital chat, iiiieiv.tvvo vw..i Lca'..iuc men lrom au rert 01 tne count, j , uther leaturea not com' u u m any other pa per, The i osiis au absoJuu l u. 1 . pendent paper, jpageo, uu columns. The pun- oi I'he 1 cUy Post is 16 cento per aunuiit iii a.u..,,v.u. sample copi-.s scut tree. Aud ..., '' -ii.b WErL. POST, W asiiiugion Post. cxtJCMior's police. ii a ving iiuali l i e . as executor of E. R.fctamps, .eceaseu, 1 nereoy give, notice to all j-ersons hUeuted to him to make immediate payment .0 me, and to all persons having claims .uainst his estate to present the same to me in or before the 2d day of July, 189Z, other vise tins notice will be pleaded hi bar of their recovery. Li, T. OKA , jy2 bawGw Ex'r of E. R. MUmps,!.. e'd. diiivursitj oi imii Mluia. The next Term Begins S.'jt, it. En trance .Examination, Sept. '4. Tuition $30 per term, fcleeuy young men of talent and character will be aided with scholarships and loans. Besides the, general course of study, which offer a wide range of elective studies, there are courses in Law, Medicine arc1 Engineering. or catalogue, &c.. address the President;! OEO. T. .WINSTON, jy24 ChallTiii, W.C.J

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