The Spinning Jenny And Patch Pennies. Correspondence of the Visitor. Among the good things you are do ing for the welfare of Raleigh, we hope you will raise your objection against the incoming of a number of catch pennies which are likely to fall upon us as the Exposition time ap proaches. The city government ought to watch and protect us against these methods to get the people's money. No game? or spinning jennies ought to be allowed a place in the city among or near to houses. They are like a circus, and ought to be taxed, au 1 if we must have them let them be away from houses where the side walks will not be so blocked as to cause ladies to go into the street to get along, and where people can get a little rest from their steam whistle and their never changing music. ClTIZKN. The lobelia Circle of the Kiugs' Daughters will give a musical on Thursday evenimx next at the resi dence of Mr. Garland Jones. An in teresting programme has been p'e -pared. Raleigh Market Report. WHOLESALK AND RKTAIIi. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Corrected wkbklt br W. C. & A. B. Sf KONAO'. Kayetteville and Wilmington s'reets. 315 817 Mkats C. U. skies H 10 Hulk shoulders, si 10 Bacon " 1u llc " breakfast 12 134 Hams sugar cured Hi 15c " N. C. &Va.,10i 15c Bacon N. C, hog rouud, 10 11c LARD Pure, 8 10c Compound 6c 10 FLOUR Best per b!,l 6.50 $7.50 Family, " 5.75 6.50 Good, " 5.25 5.50 Coffbk Rio Green 1 81 25c Sugar G ra no la tod , 5 6o Yellow extra O 4 5c MOI1A8SKK Cuba 224 50e New Orleans, 224 60c Pyrnps, 25 50 MsAtr- per hwhal, 874 1.00 Corn per bushel, 874 1,00 Oats per bushel, 55 60c HAT per bun wt, 90 1.10 BRAir per pound, li 14c Ship Stufk per pound, 14 lie Salt per sack, 1-60 1:75 COUNTRY PRODU3E. Buttkr 15 25c Eggs, 18 25c Chickens Spring, 124 25c Hens, 25 35c I otatoes Sweet, 50 85c Irish, $1.25 1.50 Poas White, 75 1.00 " Stock. 65 90c FDM m 1 WALKl'T, OAK M MAI'I.K. SUITS in great vaiiety of style, ranging from tJU A 8U 1 1 to 92011. MAGNIFICENT for ladies. Suitable for DKSKS t presents. OUR;!5 are great bargains. SUITS OAK ) OurflO OAK SUITS arc per 81 'ITS S f(H t;tm),i at extraordinary low ' figures fJHKVAL I Our CHEVAL SUITS are SV ITS f perfect marvels of beauty, mmm especially those finished in antique oak and "sixteenth century." FURN1-) AW have the largest variety TURK tof FURNITURE to be found in the citv, ami porch sers can not afTord to rnpply themselves until they liave examined our stock. ABRTAOES. ltUOOIKS, WAUuas ami uaj; 1 a c in gTcat variety of styles ami prices. the enlargement of our store by Al T II the addition of fifty by forty feet, two stories, we are enabled to store a larger stock than any other establish ment in the city. W Cordially invite the public to call and E examine our stocks before purchas ing elsewhere. Johnson & Barber, se!7 tf 110 and 112 East Martin Street. Metro DOlitan Hall. OIE NIlHT ONLY. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 Humor and pathos ! Laughter and tears ! The Comedian. Aaron H. Woodhnll, In the New England Comedy, UNCLE HIRAIYl Supported by a strong Company in eluding M issTroj a G r is wo Id Comedienne and Protean Artist. Everything new this year! New SongB I New Dances ! New Music 1 Reserved Seats now on sale at Mc Rae's Drug Store. Price : 25, 50 and 75 cents. Valuable Real Estate In the City of Raleign for Sale NOTICE is hereby given that on the 22nd day of October. 1891, at 12 o'clock M, I will sell at the county court house door in Ral eigh at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, two very desirable brick stores situ ated on East Martin street, and in the center of the business portion of the city. One of said stores is now occupied by Meso. Whiting Bros, and the other adjoins it. Also at the name time and place, a very valuable city lot and residence, situated at the intersection of Martin and McDowell streets and fronting on Nash Square, being the residence now oc cupied by J no. R. Williams, Esq. A. W. HAYWOOD Trustee of John R. Williams. Sept 21. Commissioner's Sale, In pursuance of the order of the Superior Court of Wake county, passed August 20th, 1891, and approved by his Honor Judge Whitaker on September 17th, 1891, I will sell at the court house door in K aleigh, on the 2d day of November, 1891, at 12 o'clock m, a certain tract of land lying in the city of Ral eigh, heeinning at the southwest earner of Mrs. Crow's property on South Person street, and running south m feet to W A Myatt's; thence east 210 feet: thence north 80 feet; thence to the beginning.containingabou' one third of an acre. Terms of sale: One-third cash and the balance in eqval payments of one a"d two years with interest from date of sale at eight per cent. Title retained until all the i urhase money is paid. 1 VAN B MOORE, Gnardian of Bart M, Johr, RoH R and Gr o B Gatling and Commissioner. eel8 80d - l r an .vie sis u BonXbe taken in. SO EASY. Have the independence to look around be fore you buy When you look at our stock bciore buying elsewhere, nine Cfsesoutof ten you will buy from us, and in every case wc will save you money. Our st ck is new, large and complete, J Prices the lowe t. tH j.u.i i .u.t mnmnxn CLOTHIERS WATTZftS E.'.R. Stamps, Trustee. Important Sale. "I will offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash, on next Tuesday, the 22d of September, 1891 at If o'clock a m,the house hold and kitchen furniture, the law and mis cellaneous library and mauy other articles, &c, &c, of the late Gov D G Fowie. Sale will take place at Yancey & Stronach's auc tion house, and at -3u" Wilmington street, city of Raleigh. ARMISTEAD JONES, sel6 td Admr, &c. Boarders Wanted. MRS S LAMB Corner Harrington and Morean streets; terms $1 per day: will take 10 or 12. sel5 lm Portraits - Painted BY W. G, RANDALL 184$ Fayetteville Street, RALEIGH, N 0. sel4 tf COAL AND ICE. Now Is the time to buy both Ice for immediate use and Coal for winter while the prices are low and it can be delivered clean and best quality. We are now taking orders for GAYTON, RED ASH coals all e'-es. AN THRSITE, WHITE and BED ASH COAL, all sizes. POCAHONTAS COAL. SPLINT COAL. EGG COAL made by machinery from coal dust and Pitch. Eoir.ething new and said to be splendid. We are now cutting wood and ready to take orders for that also to be delivered in the next few weeks from one cord to one hundred or more. T. W. BLAKE, JEWELLER, RICH ASSORTMENT Birthday Rings Large Assort ment. SFiaiClBJsSS Solid silver and steel. ONES & POWELL American Watches, Repairing Specially Solicited ! NO. 117 FAYETTEVILLE ST. se 12ti W. R. NIWSH llEADQUAHTKlvS FOR Family Groceries, 214 WILMINGTON ST. BACON. LARD, - MEAL, FLOUR, 8DGAR, BUTTER. -MOLASSES SYKUPS, COFFEE, TEA. -SOAP, STARCH. And a general assortment of choice Grocer ies snch as is desirable for the best trade. Our stock of TOBACCO, SNUFF and CAN NED GOODS is very attractive. All goods delivered without cost. Call when you want anything in the Grocery Line. - W.K.KEWSOM. W, H. Hughes, DEALER IN fine crockery, Glass ware, fin e table fur M8H1NG8. and RICH LAMP GOODS. FILTERERS, WATER COOLERS, OIL STOVES, ICE CREAM FREEZER8, BICYCLES, TRICYCLES, BABY CARRIAGES, FENDERS AND FIRE SETS. I keep in stock a full line of Crock ery Stone Ware and Britania Goods, and ever; thing in my line from the Fragile Toy Goods to heavy Stone Ware. Call and examine my stock befor purchasing. Sept 5 W.H.HUGHES. C U II E S DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, CHli.LS and FEVt'!:: MALARIA, LlVfl COMPLAINT, KIDNEY TROUBLES, NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATIS.7 TT is Invigorat. rN s T gives Nil In? and De lightful to take, and of great value as a Medicine for! weak and Ailing Women and Chii-I dren. r &1FE to tf. whole SYiiTE.ii by Strcngthen.'iij; the Muscles.Torj ing theNERVi-.S, & completely Di gesting the fcod. mi PONTAIN! V nc hurtful Minerals, is ccmJ posed of care fi dieted VeretaJ We M edi dues, combined skill-! fully, making a sate ana Pleasant Remedyt Bocy.'Volina,' 'by 1 dad in a physicians, tell ing how to treat diseases at Home, mailed, together with aaetof han somecardsbyner H el iotype process on receipt of to c Tot Silt bf TJ Th-r -sUH tint rtmrwrs. SliouM tti4ealc: oar yon ntit keop VltLlNA CbKUlAL, nu-'- tt.OU. 'v full tlttbottl wul Ui mnt, cluri'i't - ( S noun an. t n Vit Drug and CHmica! O0RRfnv Oni'Bicjc!1! m pnnsita of the following ami is coruiUi '(!, I'MHIA," Light Roadstef HHfety, with or without cushion tire, with or with- onf spHrtR fork, 135 'Fl'SH" ' oshioi) tire. 115 "H&Rl FORD" $1 ii; cushion tire, 106 ( KhBCEMV' solid tire. 85 Ladies Machines. Ladies' "COI UMBIA" Safety, $185 ' HARTFORD" " ins " 'JUNO" ' 7- Bovs' Wheels. "ROB ROY." 20 iDch. JI ball, $;o "BOYS' JUNIOR," 21 inch, M ALSO OTHESS. Of course the "Columbia" is the ln?st. For years the name "Columbia" has leen a synonym for that which ia UN iiioa! dura ble and up with the times. It leads in nil inmroveuit-.its. Th alove lor sale by the North Slate Ife ic Co. C. C. STONE, Manager, Jiy3tf GENERAL MUSIC DEALERS. JDITJOMIS&Ce.. DEALERS IN FURNITURE, L0UNGES,&C. We have in stock a neat line of IFurniture suitable for the Exposition. Persons expectiug to entertain visitors during the Exposition, would consult their best interest if they would call and examine our stock and compare prices We still carry on our CABINET&UPHOLSTERY DEPARTM NT and all kinds of furniture repaired, cleaned, varnished and npho.NK red. All kinds of Mat trapses to order, Chairs reseated, pa.- " . ' inv, set ting up and uiovirn imui. tire a spe ciality. Mr. G. W. Morris, so long wish the firm of Messrs. Johnson & Barber, in whh us, and would be pleasiti lo have his friends call and cee him. JOHN T. MOKKlr & CO., 117 Wilmington St., Frairie building, Raleign, N. C. sep l tf Save your money a d all on The New York Bargain House 205, Faytm vill Siret-t, ffl.D.J. D. EdVciidti Old Stand, If you i b to buy Best Prints at i aiid 5 cen s p.r yard. " Dress Uinghauis at Gi nd 8 et Yard wide Brown Domestic at 4 t bleached Doinei-tic from 4 ctsar... v Boys Knee Pants from 19 cs. i ' i. , Youths Pants from 13 to 18 m ' i Men's Pants from 85 cents ain! -p Ladies $1.50 Button and i.u . at95cts. and 100U other i.rf numerous to mentiou an-' so: .p. than any other house in the eoifur rj STOCK NOT YET QIW,hTii New bargains arriving daily. Look out lor special announ-. ement next week. Polite lady and gentlemen eie.r, i will take pleat-ure in showing v goods k'ours !or bargaiuB H. A LlTl MA: & CO , I'roprif.toi-s of c Y Bargiiln Bouso M 1 & .1 1) Kd wards' Old stand, aull 'A Fayetteville fcit, Kaleigh, N C. NEW BOOK BAGS, ANl) A FULL fTOCK i g Peucis, New Tablets Slates Am! eveiy i liing you want For School Use. A LFKKD V, 1LLI AMS & CO., Booksi liers. Exaii.ine our Mot' iont ry. lu in.m-.'iiu i.f dn: outer of 'he Superior IVii tui .iki U'l'j.ij, 1 will, on Ibu 2d day oi uo!;or, J-tul, M'ii ui iJ' court lor in Hal .ergU, at nblioiuct i u' or caaa, the notes, judgments, bond:-, itc punts, an i ohoses in nction owing to the lidu John 1 atiiiig. The sale will uke plate at 12 o'clock m. V B MOORE Admr of John Uatling. geptcmbei , lakH. eU tds t -t" propter nimfnm umt, TV.i. .!, no-f mii ' rat ' X. . vD' Visitor ITm ,ui ,ilr tin," " tia" reiterai u i.t-in legni.i i,, OUR BREAD. As we expect to keep op 0DR ' TIS," , TF,M Until every one who eats bread in this town III mm Oncf net, rIwmi used. I ot Ro Is ev ry afternoon at 4.30 .'clock, Cakes f -esh baked every day. Only bent materials used. W 3. & A. B. StfflMcS I'ropvietors . BTBO N AC H'8 BA K jfc R Y He (tarfallj R mmMt it, THE GBEATj Panac ea springs CKBTirrOATK rPjOK TIB. - B. POft. l-T. Rr.iow, N. C. .Tnne&il 1891. To the Panacea Springs and HoM i'n- Gentlemen Tt affords me ltphI nlt.ii.iiix to state that I regard the Panare-. Springs water tne very best in the entclo.Mie of min. eral waters now in use for scrd'iil:i. vHes. pecially for dyspepsia. One ve:.i ninlni a great sufferer from dyspeusi'i him! after 9(wuoiiig seveiai weeKs near id ; . . sand using the water daily, I was em In .-, ,,-iieved bince that time 1 have had ofnisii.i'.i.l returns of it, and in every instan ' i Lu ve experi enced prompt relief by the u.f he water. J would advise nvAnr ifrnu i... . j ' ''All UVolltO" sia, who can do so, t9 use h- nter. It is woul us name indicate :, pauaaia for some of the worst, if not ail, the diseases U winch Uesh is heir. I have known the wptr tor a number of years, and I cheerfully re commend it. Respectfully, le8 tf J. B. BORBITT. For Sale oi Excb-nge for 6ity PROPERTY. A highiv itu.prJv I f. iu? well adap ted to grit a ttri ff'a, well -watered Hid spleniiiii !o.- i f for et re, nine miUs from U..'( .j L. R. "WYATT. ASf ai Cost, My BtoeK ul . i oceries consisting of Tobacco, Snnit tarch, Soda, So ap, Matches, Papr, Paper Baps, iiolasses, bole Leather, &,:, &c, lo uiiiKe room tor machinery' and farm implements, t'till at otice to get batftiff. L. R, WYATT, 21 G Favetteville l , Raleigh, N. C. Wd e itie b-yer gets the Profit Is the Place T BUY. In addition i., ai ctock 'clothing, ,-ev-: ti,t II attention to our GUilS' tmiWM 6C0DS, SHIRTS, larnrt vied arid unlaundried, CUFFS, COLLARS, DRAWERS, I'NDER-SHIVTS, J HOSIERY, Black n.nd colored. HANDKI P'lHIBFS, 8ILK, LIN1" EL, COTTON, and the base ball handkerchief. 8ns penden, Sto. Juilfltfj F V,.WAITT.