I . IK. The ailg Etrentofj Wsitar. Jl BIJ6HKD BVBRY AKTKKNOON, I Except Sunday. ZWJ VISITOR Is served by carriers iu the cityet 2ft ceuiH ler mouth, payable to the carriers iu advance. Prices for mailing : $5 per year, or 25 cents per month. No paper con tinued after expiration of the time paid for unless otherwise ordered. Communications appearing in these columns are but the expressions of the opinion of the correspondents writing the same, and they alone are responsible. A cross mark X after your name Informs you that your time Is out. Address all orders and communica tions to BROWN & WILLIAMS, Raleigh, N 0 ry that a water famine has been pro duoed and water a few days since was regarded cheap tit five cents a pint. The rush for that country has turned the ether way. Some striking epis odes iu t'ouuDCtion wi'h thf rush there are givt u by tiie prt-s Miss Virginia Ellis, a rather pretty girl from Arkansas City, rode a bi cycle iu the graud rush and secured one of the best claims to be had in the new territory. A colored woman walked twenty miles from her claim rith a babe in her anus and another woman, almost 5 years of age, did the same. Local notices in this paper will be Five CeDts per line each Insertion. Larukst City Circulation. RALEIGH, N. C, SEP. 28, 1891. THE EXPOSITION. Raleigh has been advertised in the last six months as never before in her history, and during the next two months thousands, and hundreds of thousands for that matter, will be here, with all sorts of objects in view in their coming. Some simply to gratify a desire to see, others that they may get a more correct idea of the South, and thousands, with a view of becoming interested tinan cially in the forward moving South. Now it remains for the people to secure the best results of these com ings. If things strike these strangers, as bright and attractive, and they are made to feel the attractiveness of of kindlv treatment, thousands of them will ultimately become pros perous acceptable citizens, and Ral eigh has the advantage over every other section during the Exposition if she will only avail herself of it. Let the city be made to look bright and attractive, and let a warm grasp of the hand be ever ready for the stranger. PROGRAMME EXERCISES. Opening Programme oi the In ter-State Exposition. The following is the programme agreed upon for the opening of the In ter-State Exposition next Thursday. The ceremonies will take place in the main building where a suitable stand has been erected for the speaker, who will be present and on the stand by 11:30 a. m. As ample seating capacity as pos sible has been provided, and com petent officers will be present to aid in seating th audience and keeping order. Reserved seats can be had free of charge by giving timely notice to the officers or Superintendent During preliminaries, music will be famished by Exposition bauds. The opening programme will be as follows: 1. Call to order. 2. Music Sacred. 3. Prayer by Rev. Thos Dixon, of New York. 4. Music National air. 5. "Welcome to the Old North State." Address by Hon. Thos. M. Holt, Governor of North Carolina. 6. "Welcome to the capital of the Old North 8tate. ' Address by Hon. Thomas Badger, Mayor of Ralegh 7. Reply on part of the South to ad dress of welcome By Hon. F. P. Richardson, editor Atlanta Journal, Atlanta, Ja. 8. Mn?ic National air. 9. Address by Hon Octavius CoheD, editor Daily World, Charleston, S C. Subject: "The Real South." 10. Exposition declared opened. 11. Music National air. DBPIGSATTON OF OFFICERS will be as follows. General manager, white badge; chirff clerk, red badge; secretary, blue bad e; superintendent of department, yellow badge; execus tive committee, gold badga. Police and special officers w'll be in uniform and wear their official badges. Au American Giri. It happened in a Clifton car iu Cin cinuati. A pretty girl, faultlessly at tired fioui the top of her bonnet to t he. t ips of her dainty patent leather shoes, jumped on the car iu a great hurry at the Clifton avenue crossing. She had been busily engaged in put ting on a p-.ir of suede gloves, which, after she entered the car, she pro ceeded to button with that indispen sable adjunct to a woman's toilet, a hairpin. This article proved refrac torv after a moment and Hew from her fingers. It landed at the feet of the young man happened to be fit ting beside her. He as a calm eyed, confident young gentleman, and he picked up the hairpin and instead of returning it to her, gently took her wrist in his left hand and gravely continued the buttoning process. Every man in the car had been watching the pretty Clifton girl, some openly, others furtively, from behind the'r newspapers Now all the pa pers dropped, everyone looked aghast and gazed at the pretty girl to see what she would Co. She did noth ing. Not a muscle m 'ved and she showed no consciousness of what was going on. The young man, with a conscious look of triumph, finished his pleasant task and the girl, with a pre occupied air and not a glance in his direction, opened her purse, took out a nickel and placed it in his hand. His expression changed with light ning rapidity ; the color came in his face and he quickly murmured what was evidently an apology. She listened with a wilfully mis leadine air. and hand d him another nickel. By this time his face had be come scarlet and lis began a low ton ed, earnest protestation. The calm, cool and collected young lady signal ed the conductor, and she rose to de part said in a clear, distinct tone, au dible to every one in the car : " You must be satisfied with a dime. I never give more I ban 10 cents for having my cloves buttoned or my boots clean ed." Cutuwbu Pulr. For above occasion the Richmond and Danville Railroad will sell tickets , to Newton and veturu at the follow ing rates from pi lrtt nauid. Tick ets ou hale Se t. .'61h to Oct. ' i f 3d, limited returning October 5th, lti'Jl: From Asheville 1.90. Marion, 1.00, " Salisbury, 1 00, " Charlotte, 1.00, M Greensboro 2.m, " Durham, 8 20. " Henderson, 4 00, Raleigh, 3 50, " 8elma, 4 00, " Goldsboro, 4.60. Rate6 from intermediate points in same proportion. Superior Lourls of North Caro link JUDGES. Diocese of North Carolina. BISHOP Lymas's Apfointmkkts. September 0, Sunday Calvary Ch. Henderson county. " ), Wednesday 8 p in Trinity chap.IAshe'ille 11, Friday p m Ascen sion church, Hickory 18, Sunday Lenoir. 13, Sunday 4:30 p m-Yad- kin Valley. " 1(5, Wednesday, p m At Statesville. " 27, Sunday- Winston. 39, Tuesday W a 1 n u t Cove. " 30, Wednesday German". ton. October 1, Thursday Madison " 4, Sunday Mt Airy. " 6, Tuesday Wilk'sboro 7. Wednesday 9 wyn's Chapel. " 9, Friday Lincolnton 11, Sunday a m Shelby. " 11, Sunday p m Ruth erfordton. Name. District. Residence. John H Blount, 1 Perquim's, H White, (col) 2 Halifax, J B Woodard, 3 Wilson, E W Pou, Jr., 4 Johnston, Isaac R Stray horn, 5 Durham, O H Allen, 0 Duplin, Frank McNeill, 7 Richmond B F Long, 8 Iredell, Thomas Settle, 9 Rock'ham W C Newland, 10 Caldwell, Frank L Osborn, 11 Meck'b'g, Geo A Jones, 12 Macon. 13, 19, Asheville. Bow " Wednesday man's Bluff. 22, Thursday Brevard, Consecration. 25, Sunday Franklin Macon county. " 27, Tuesday Culloushee Consecration. Holy communion at morning servi ces. uollections tor .Diocesan mission T OltEOLK A ND CAROLINA R.R JL1 CONDENSED SCHEDULE. The Gambling Spirit, Or the disposition that impels so many in seeking something for noth ing, or so near it as possible, has so crowded the recently opened lands or seti.ii fluent, in the Indian territo Notice of the Incorporation of the Switchback Railway Co. of Raleigh, X. C. Notice is hereby given, that I have this day issued letters declaring H. B. Battle, J D. Boushall and J. N. Holding, their associates and successors, a corporation under the name and style of the Switchback Railway Co., of Raleigh, JN. v., tor trie purposes sec torth in the articles of agreement and plan of incoi poration which have been riled and recorded fL i3c li 1 in i lis oiuce. w uu au uiu Liuviii'Kes aim xjw - ers under Chapter 16 of the Code of North Carolina ana the laws amendntory thereof. The business proposed to be done by said Company is the owning, operating and run ning Switchback Railways with power to charge aud collect toll or fare for the use thereof; the construction and selling of Switchback railways and rights to operate and run the same, and to do ny and all tbings necessary for the proper conduct of said business. The place of business of said corporation is at or near tlie city ot Raleigh, WaKe county, with power todo business anywhere in the State of North Carolina or the United States. The capital stock of said corporation is live thousand dollars divided into one hundred shares at 150.00 per share, with privilege to increase to fitty thousand dollars. No stockholder or corporator of said Corporation is individually or person ally liable tor the debt, contract, omission, tort or liability ot, or demand on said corpo ration. JNO. W. THOMPSON, C. S. C. Sept. 21st 1891. 4wks. Commissioner's Sale In pursuance of the order of the Superior Court of Wake county, passed August 20th 181)1, and approved by his Honor Judge Whitaker on September 17th, 1891, 1 will sell at; he court house door in B aleigh. on the lid day of November, 1891, at 12 o'clock m, a certain tract of land lying in the ci y of Ral eigh, beginning at the southwest earner of Mrs. Crow's property on South Person street, and running south 80 feet to W A Myatt's; thence east 210 feet; thence north 80 feet; thence to the Deginmns, containing a bou' one- third of an acre. Terms of sale: ODe-third cash and the balance in eqal payments of one a"d two years with interest from date of sale at eight per cent. Title retained until all the l urchase money is paid. VAN B MOORE. Guardian of Bart M, Joh", Robt R and Geo B Catling and Commissioner. sel8 30d South Bound Train. No. 101. A. M. "9 50 10 15 10 27 11 02 11 20 1137 11 52 12 31 12 53 1 20 P. M. Dated August 9th, 1891 STATIONS. North Bound Train No. 100 P M L've Pinner's Point Arrive L've L've L've L've L've L've L've L've Ar Drivers, Suffolk, Gates, Tunis, Ahoskey. Aulander, Hobgood, Tarboro, Rocky Mount, Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive L've ; m 2 01 4-1 l 3 54 3 36 3 21 2 39 2 1 50 M Name. District. Residence. GeoHHrown, 1 Beaufort, Hcur R ttryou, J NewBerue, H G Counor, 3 WilBou, Spier Whitaker, 4 Wake, 11 W Winstou, & Grauville, E T Boy kin, Sampson, J D Mclver, 7 Carthage, K P Arm held, 8 Iredell, Jesse F Graves, 0 flurry, John G Byuum, IU Morganton, W A Hoke, 11 Lincolnton, J H Merrimon, 12 Buncombe. SOLICITORS. FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Fall Term Judge Brown. SECOND. Fall Term Judge Bryan. THIRD. Fall Term Judge Connor. FOURTH. Fall Term Judge Whitaker. Wake Jan 6th, tFeb 28, March 28th, tApril 21st, July 9th, tAug 27th, Sept 28th, tOct 20th. Wayne Jan 19th, March 10th, ApT 13th, Sept. 14th, Oct 19th. Harnett Feb 2d, Aug 10th, Nov 30th. Johnston Feb 9th Aug 17th, Nov 16th. For criminal cases. tFor civil cases alone. FIFTH. Fall Term Judge Winston. SIXTH. Fall Term Judge Bo., Kin. SEVENTH. , Fall Term Judge Mclver. EIGHTH. Fall Term Judge Armtield. NINTH. Fall Term Judge Graves. TENTH. Fall Term Judge Bynum. ELK V UNTIL Fall Term Judge Hoke. TWELFTH. Fall Term Judge Merrimon. frW-ri. M t iff MU Raleigh Post-Office MAIL SCHEDULE. OUTUOINU MAI L. Viu Kvysville (R. P. O.) lor Kit'huioml & way. Via Uoldsboro (Ex.Ft.) for bhort Cut A Colds. did. Via Weldou and Norf. tit. P. O.) lor N. a E. Via Goldsboro (H. P O.) tor N,, o. ami East, Via Cibson sta. (K. P. O.) for Wn., Char, At South. iu Uieensboro (R.P.O.) for N.. B. aud West, Via Weldon & Norlolk (Ex. Ft.)torN. rast, Via Greensboro (Ex. M.) for N., Hi and West, Dktabtpb No. of F roui Eroi Train P.O. Depu: am & ip . IS 1 ii 8 16 It 8 15 8 38 10 40 u an p 1U 10 i ou j a 41 3 15 4 9 5 35 S 10 34 4 30 5 IX a. a. 11 0 00 1 ARK1VAL8. INCOM1NU MAILS. No. of i At At TrainiDepot' P.t. Via Greensboro (Ex.Et,) from N a. and V. est, Via Weldou Ox. t.) from North and hast, Gibsou sia, (It. P. O.; lroui Char., Wil. A. fa Via Greensboro (K.P.U.J lroui B. and West, Vin Wi-I.lon (K. P. U.) trom NorUi and East, Via Goldsboro (K. P. O.; lroiu N., h. & boutn, Via Eeysville (K. P. O.) lroiu Liciiiuond, ox foru Uuinaui, etc., V i;i Guiusuoro (Ex Et.j lroui Aorta, 45 10 11 0 14 11 a n. 7 30 9 30 9 45 U 20 p 13 1 3 55 4 48 10 15 Oi 11 35 p Ui 1 1 10 30 a in 0 00 Trams marked thus. do not move on Sun day. Mails lor train U close at 3 p iu en Bun; day. STA it ROUTES. Outooihg Mail Depabw . Balekrh via Shotwell. Eairle Rock and Vukuiield to Unionliope, Tuesday and Eriday b a ni. RaleiKU via Mvatt's Mills to iuun. Tt.'- day aud Eriday bam. Raieign via E.elvyn Grove and Dayton to Fish Dam, Mouday, Wednesday and End"'" b a in.. Raleigh via Hutchinson's store and Ban gor to Rogers' store, Tuesday and Eriday 1pm. xvaieigu to doasaev, Tuesday and JLTiaar 12 in. Incoming Mails Arbjvk Unionhope vi Wakeneld, u,ugle Rock and Shotwell to Ptf 1 eigU, Wednesday aud Saturday 7 pm. luun via ilyatt s Miila to Raleigh, Mon day aud Thursday 7 pm. ij'iah iiaui via uayton and Eelvyn Grn- to Raleigu, Jiouday, Wednesday aud Friday 7 pm. Rubers' store via Bangor aud Hutuhmsuu'f store to italeigii, Tuesday ana Friday li u Massey to Raleigh 1 ueaday and J nduy at IU a iu. FaiiE Deuvkr System. Free deliveries at b:00 aud b:io a m, 3:16 and 5:45 p m, ex. cept Sundays. Collections made at same hours, suuday, b:3U to 7:30 a in. Free de Uvery windows open on Sundays from 3:1:1 to o;ou o clock p in. Correct: A. W. SHAFFER, May 31 ly Postmaster. No 101 makes connection at Rocky Mount with W fe W Train No 23 for all points South, and ISo 8 tram for all points North (i M SERPEL, J K ivENLY, Gen'l Manage Sunt Trans T M Emerson, GenT Passenger Agt Executor's Notice. Having qualified as executor of Mary Tur ner, ueeeased, i nereoy give liouce to all per sons indebted to her to make immediate pay ment to me, and to all personsbavmg claims against her estate to present the same to me on or before the lfith day of September, 1892, or otherwise this notice will he pleaded in bar of their recovery. (JttAUl,ES RUSH, Executor of Mary Turner, dee'd. Sept 15, 189L6W Notice to Creditois. Havins mialified as Admh.stratrix of D. S. Waitt, deceased, this is to give notice to all persons indebted to him to make immediate payment to me, and all persons having claims against the estate will hie the evidences of the same with me on or before the 7th day of August, 1892, otherwise this notice will be plead in bar ot their recovery. hlATTTE V. WAITT, Aug. 8 6w Administratrix. STOP AT THE M0SELEYH0 JSE Corner Wilmington and Hargett St., RALEIGH, N. C. N. S. K0SELEY, Proprietor. Situated in the centre of the city. Convenient to all the public build ings and brsiness portion of the cii , Street cars pass the door every 20 minutes. Ang 11. T E FRA.NCIS, next to Savings Bank. Prtttttic! Boot and Shoe maker. Givf van , call fe9 The Book Trust Knocked Out. A Card to the public. The price of the great Encyclopedia Brit annica, $8 per volume for the Euglish edi tion, and $'o per volume for the Seribner and the Stoddardt editious in the cheapest bind- ing has beeu a bar to its popular use. ' Our new reprint of this work is furnished at 11.50 per volume, the greatest bargain e ver known m the book trade. We have sold over half a million volumes iu six months; proof that the public appreciate so great a bargain. This reprint is not an abridgment, but a re production of the entire twenty-rive volumes oi me great Hiuiuourgiimtu eumon, pageior page, with new and later articles on import ant American topics, and new maps, later and better than in any other edition. In all repects it compares lavorabiy witu the high priced editions, and in point of maps and du- nguiiy oi umuiiig it issuueiioi to tuem. Heretofore we have sold only for cash. We now announce that we will deliver the set complete on small easy payments, Special uffek. iu order tnat you may see the bargain we offer, and examine its merits, we will furnish Volume 1 by express for 60 cts, a fraction of actual cost; add 40 chs postage if wanted by mail. Circulars and sample page will be sent free on application R. S. Peale k Co., je29 tf Puh'ishers, Chicago. 1857, I I i I l l l I Since the first tc I I t U 3 last date above written the undersigned hat repaired more than 40,0CC watc! and perhaps as many clocks, besu thousands of pieces of jewelry. Hf is still making a specialty of u Watch, Clock and Jewelry Wort at his old stand, SECOND door west of the National Bank of Raleigh, whee may be found a good line ol iFE Gold and Silver w atones, LNE Marble and Walnut Clocks, LNE Gold and Steel Spectacles; and Jewelry for sale at tne iqw est possible prices for CASH. You cannot afford to miss caL' 'pg on COLE if you wif h anything in his line. Bis goods are all ol the best classes.' His workman ship nous better, Oall and see him at 18 WEST HARGFTT STREET, Ralei&rh. N. O. . elO J. w. J lie Mi National Paper : The Brightes., Best and Cheapest . THtfi WASHINGTON WIl.lK.LY post A Paper from the National Capital should Oo into every h aniily in the Country 1 i 'HERE is no other paper in the Unite.' JL stated tliaL is growing so rapidly in circfj ..uiuu x., tiie Wasnmgton Weekly Post. This ic Ueuause ueither abor nor expense issp&ru. io uuike a ine uest, as well as the cheapest, (i.ipcr publisbed. It is A Maiionai Paper 1 iemg priuteu at the seat of government,! he WeeKiy i'ost ontams special features not lounu in any other publication. Every man snould iirst suDscnbe lor his home paper To it you owe your hrst allegiance. Alter that is uoue. n uule to take another paper, the uest one printed at tne Capital of the coun try is tiie one that will prove most prohtable and enierunhng. The Weekly Tost will contain; A f ull resume of the proceediugs of CongresMj An epitome of ail the news from tne Nation al Capital, i'olitioai news and gossip impartially told.l oenals and short stories by tne best writers, cienis of hterature,art and selected miscellany f he latest telegrapic news from every section of the globe, interesting Capital chat, interview wnn leadnig men from au rsrte oi the country, Other features not confintd in any other paper, The i'ost is an absolutely independent paper, 6 pages, oo columns. The price ol The Weekly Post is76centa per annum in advance, sample copies sent tree. Address, TxiE WEEKLY POST, W ashington Post. Executor's Notice. Having qualified as executor of E.R.Stamps, deceased, 1 hereby give notice to all persons indebted to him to make immediate payment to me, and to all persons having claims against his estate to present the same to me on or before the 2d nay of July, 1892, other wise this noiij will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. R. T. QRA 1 , jy2 oaw6w Ex'r of E. R. Stamps, dee'd. University ot North Carolina. The next Term Begins Sept. a. En trance Examination, Sept. 2. Tuition 1 30 per term. Neeuy young men of talent and character will be aided with scholarships and loans. Besides the general course of study, which offer a wide range of elective studies, there are courses in Law, Medicine a:-'.1 Engineering. Eor catalogue &c. address the President. UEO. T. WINSTON, jy24 Chapel HiU, H. (J.