m 1 - ' 1 T KMiir m ! the Special Sale WHf orrow at the New Furniture, Carpets and C Curtains. We are now opening nu eicelleut m lin of new furniture, at prices which jgj tb uiost economical buyers will ap preciate These new goods are band Hsouie in effect, of a thoroughly res liable quality and at lower prices M than the stun qualities have beou pr shown. Thera are folding beds, cbil- dreus folding bur's, chamber suits, chairs Ac. Uur stock of carpets is P"" complete, embracing everything in the way of floor coverings. In cur tains we show a beautiful line of cheap luce curtains, madras, ottage muslin &c. Housekeepers will find that we Oshow the largest stock, and we guarantee our prices to be the lowest flL for all these goods. W. H. & R. S. Tucker it Co. Raleigh Market Report. WHOLKSALK AND RKTAIL. i , Corrected wbbklt by rj W. C. & A. B. 8 f RON ACH. K Fayetteville and Wilmington streets. IT1 215 217 29 MBATS-C. R. sides, 8 10 Unlit tilionldprs. 7.1 10 Bacon M 10 llc breakfast 12 Vii Hams sugar cn red lit 1 5c " N. C. & Va., 121 16e Bacon N. C hojr round, 10 11c a iuc 6Jc 10 PI Lard Pure, Compound f Flour Best per bbl $0 50 7.50 5.75 6.50 Family, " Good. " V Cokkkk Rio Green BueAR Granulated, Yellow extra C P- MOLA86BS Cuba New Orleans, Syrups, Mbal per bushel, Corn per bushel, Oats per bushel, gm HAT per huo wt, Bran per pound, MBhip Stuff per pound, Salt per sack, COUNTRY PRODUCE. At Butter 15 SB E 18 8 Chickens Spring, Vi Hens, 25 Potatoes Sweet, 50 A " Irish. M ; Peas White, '75 " Stock. 65 5.25 181 5 4 22 221 35 85 85 55 90 U li 1.60 5.50 25c 6ic 5c C0e 60c 50 1.00 1,00 60c 1.10 He lfc 1:75 25c 25c 85c 35c 850 1.50 1 00 90c 9 m Metrooolitan Hall. 9 PANTS MADE TO ORDER, From S3 00 and Up. Cleaning done on short no' ice. JOHN R. TAYLOR & SON, 210 South Wilmington Street Raleigh, N. C, Sept 28, 1891. American Society Drama in Four acts, Jin i Mnur. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 A. H. De Lisser's Production of m Edward E. Rose's American Soeietv Drama in Four acts. B mi A GREAT CASTE ! . A GREAT QUARTETTE ! ?P The play produced under the im w mediate supervision of the author, Jfe Edward E Rose. w Prices : Reserved seats 75 cents General admission 50 cents. Gallery 25 cents. Tickets on sale at MacRae's drug store. HI The Ne oiler a York Ftargaiu Hunto will Special Sale T. W. BLAKE, JEWELLER, RIOfl A88U ItTMKKT Birthday Rings. sncHan Soli 1 silver anl steel. 1 Speeid ; are in j Fitting Low est Prices. for ONE DAT O LI commencing IWsdiiv, Hvttt 2Jii.li a fresh and ue line of Ta'de Liim-iin. such as Table cloth. nkiirK, lnwels, (.1 ble ihuuHKk by til yaul. M cur-. tains, lied pillow suttuH and white ciutitfrpitih's Larire Turk ri'il lalro woMi. two yartlH akho.. long, worth $1.18 fortuj ,u u'a mt)Ut Finest Irndi liuen table cloth f.tucy , borders, wort n $3 uu win tro aunng this sale only f ' 79. Table cloths with napkins to match, strictly all linen worth 4.5) per sett will go tor if L turkey red table cloth by the yard, clocks ( UnfnhflO i gnaranleed fast colors, worth 37 cts. , an.lSilJ AmfiFlCSIl HOlCDcS. J will to for 2 cts oer vard. IS ice check s : verw re ( . ' ed napkins, regular 40 cts. goods, will go for 21 cts. per doz. during tnis sale only. Dozens of other napkins will be sold in proportion. Lace curtains and 'ace bed sets we must clear out,, for we have not the room. Pillow shams from 224 cts a pair up. $1.50 white! vDTTffVII.T.R ST counterpanes will go for 98 cents. j AO. 117 FAYiTTlX I LLh S I In addit'on to this sale we will place i se -tf a few rugs which we just received, j they will so from 58 cents and up. Ji, RemeiL'ber this sale will come off next Tuesday, and will last one day only. H. A. LITTMAN & CO., Propr's of the N. Y. Bargain House, 203 Fayettevill St., Kaleigh, N. 0. Repairing Specially Solicited ! FOR IT IE 7 V IIHDIGESTIOH & ITS CURE MAl'I.E. SUITS in rv.it variety of style, miRing from " A Hl'Il'toMUU. M.VtJNIKlt'KNTl for Iiwlie, Suitable for IKSK8 (presents. iMi: are pre-.it baipiins. Sl'li'S K ) OorMO OAK SUITS nrprer SI T ITS S U, t "''"'s' "traonlinary low ' Qkuiv M.i OnrCHBVAL SUITS nr HHITM i rivt marvels of beauty, (xprciully those nniahed in nntiriue onk and 'aixteeiith tviitury." FlUtNl-i We have tlie lart variety TURK tot Mli.Mii' iu iv fj" ' in the citv, and purch sersean- WALTERS' METHOD GEORGE I WALTERS, MERCHANT TAILOR, l PPOSITE CITIZENS' NATIONAL i RANK, i oonipletc '.in Ha of tin WOOLENS, The largest selection lie lm;- ever had iti shades and colors. THE LATEST NEW YORK AND LONDON SWELL COLORS ALSO The American and West E d English fash ions. Give him a call. sep 23 BON'TBE TAKEN Irt. SO EASY. Have the independence to look around be fore you bay When you look at our stock be ore buying elsewhere, nine c ses out of ten you will buy from us, and in every case we will save you money. Our st ck is new, large and complete. ' Prices the lowe t. w. .a mm 9 VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY FOR SALE. BY virtue of authority conferred by two Ml certain deeds of mortgage executed on the VP 29th day of January, 1890, and on the 26th day of April, 1890, respectively by John W. M Walker to H. H. Crocker, ani duly recorded 9 in the office of the Register of Deeds f cr Wak county, N. C, in book 116, page 292 and 112 9 nacre 170 resD'-ctivelv, I wili on Monday, r Qet. 19th, 1891 sell at public auction, to the j nignest Diaaer ior casn, uie loiiowmg per- Just received a frerh sbipiuflrit of choice groceries, frenh and clioap, consisting of FINE SYRUPS, v.rv Miippri r. FIRRTCLAS8 M iCKERETi, in kits CHOICE M ULLETS & H EH Rl N(i i COD FISH BRICK. SWEET PICKLES SOUR PICKLES. Nice lot of full CBE M CHEESE. Very choice Corned Bet-f. SHOULDER4, RIDES, HAMS and BREAKFAST STRIPS BEST FLOUR AND MEAL First clas country Vinegar, warran ted to keep Pickles. Call or send your orders for groce ries, Delivery free. 9 W.R.NEWSOM, 214 S. WILMINGTON ST. PIANOS. ORGANS. 1 water motor. 1 lanre iron safe, 27 sewine We have now half dc z in rood second machines. 2 button hole machines, ana all I the shafting and belting used in running j baud Piari- s and the same number of " J3 1. : 1 l.:,n fl,n Wl. ! log factory situated in Raleigh, N. C, at i second bend Organs some In real Nos. 113 & 115 ea t Harcett street, and recent-1 ly occupied by said John W. Walker, doing j first claf'f condition, a; d ali them i business as the UaK uty manuraciunng Company 119 Place of sale the factory building above describe 1. Time of sale, 11 o'clock, a. m. 7m H. H. U11O0KER, Mortgagee. VP HAYWOOD & HAYWOOD, Attorneys. 1 ing thesp imtrumenls at bargains sonal property to wit ft very go d. These wo have taken in ex' -h':: -a for Pianos We need room and kh:M endeavor t'o get it by offer ing these instruments at bargains Our fall tr;oie has already opened up Boarders Wanted. Mrs Joseph ! lake, can a.ecomc- considerably .and we have new goods date eieht or nine tabl boarders at her ' -. , , , ,, '. Sence No 109 West McDowell com1uK almost every day. Call at if Street, by the month or week at the once ar)rt gecD.c a targain ; iouowiug raieu . Per month, fi-W Per week. '6 50 Sep 24 lm. ltd State tec Boarders Wanted, t Twent'- or more can be accommodated with board and lodgings. Apply at J06, west Jones St. tf. ngs. Apply at Capx. D. li. GONN'S 0 C STONKl. Manager, CLOTHIEBS SHATTERS i rVk E R. Stamts, Trnstee. COAL AND ICE. Now it the time to buy bota Ice for immediate use and Oca! for winter while the prices are low and it; cart be delivered clean and bestipmi'ty. We are now taking orders for aATTON, RED ASH coals all g'"es. ANTHRSITE, WHITE and RED ASH COAL, all sizes. POCAHONTAS COAL. SPLINT COAL. EGG COAL made by machinery from coal dust and Pitch. Something new and said to be splendid. We are now cutting wood and ready to take orderp for that also to be delivered iD the next few weeks from one cord to one hundred or more JONES & POWELL not afford to Piipply themselves until they have examined our Btock. , ARRUOER, BUGGIES, ' WAGONS and CARTS in great variety of styles and prices. the enlargement of our store by Al T H the addition of fifty by forty feet, two stories, we are enabled to store a larger stock than any other establish ment in the city. Cordially invite the public to call and AE examine our' stocks before purchas ing elsewhere. Johnson & Barber. seK t f 1 10 and 112 East Martin Street. wTh7 Hnghes, DKALKR IN FINE CROCKERY, GLASS WARE, FINE TABLE FUR NISHINGS, and EIEG&NT UP GOODS. FILTERER, WATER COOLERS, OIL STOVES, ICE CREAM FREEZERS, BICYCLES, TRICYCLES, BABY CARRIAGES. FENDERS AN! 1 I E SETS I keep in stock f i . ! I line of Crook? ery Mtone Ware and Britania Goods, ! a,ud everything in my lino from tbt Fragile Tov Goods to heavy Stone Ware. Cull and examine my stock befor purchasing Sept 5 W. H. HUGHES Valuable Real Estate In the City of Raleiga for Sale NOTICE is hereby given that on the 22nd day of October. 1891, at 12 o'clock M, I will sell at t he county coirt house door in Ral eigh at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, two very desirable brick stores situ ated on East Marthi street, and in the center of the business portion of the city. One of said stores is now occupied by Mess. Whiting Bros, and the other adioins it. Also at the same time and place, a very valuable city lot and residence, situated at the intersection of Martin and McDowell streets and fronting on Nash Square, being the residence now oc cupied by Jno. R. Williams, Esq. A. W. HAYWOOD Trustee of John R. Williams. Sept 21. Portraits - Painted BY W. G, BAND ALL sel4 tf 1844 fwyetterliia Street, RALEIGH NC. a oil DKALKRS IN JiUMlTURE, MATRESSES, L0UNGES,&C. We have in stock a neat line of Firnitire suitable for the Exposition. Persons expecting to entertain visitors during the Exposition, would consult then best interest if they would call and examine our stock and compare prices We still carry on our CABINET&UPHOLSTERY DEPARTM NT and all kinds of furniture repaired, cleaned, varnished aud upholstered. All kinds of Mattresses to order. Chairs reseated, packing, boxing, set ting up and moving furniture a spe ciality. Mr. G. W. Morris, so long with the firm of Messrs. Johnson & Barber, is with us, and would be pleased to have tns friends call and see mm JOHN T. MORRIS & CO., 117 Wilmington St., Prairie building, Raleigh, N O. sep 2 tf BAD BPEAD Is the wot fruit fid cause of Imnr Mm Stronach's Bread Prt veuts ui)d cun s Indigestion. Moral use STRONACH'S Bread. W I 4 A. B Stan GROCERS, BAKERS & CANDY MANUFACTURERS NO ALUM, And only Rest Materials nscd in OUR BR 'AD, CAKES AND PIES. He Cheerfully RcomnieDds It. THE GKRTi..T J Panacea Springs w-Te:r CKBTIFICATK FROM DR. ' B. BObJITT. Rami'jh, N. C, June Pth 1891. To the Panaoea Springs and Hotel (To: Gentlemen It affords me great pleasure to state that I regard the Panacea Spriny water the very best in the catalogue of min eral waters now in use for scrofula, a'd es pecially for dyspepsia. One year ago I was a great sufferer from dyspepsia and after spending seveial weeks near the springs and,, using the water daily, I was entirely relieved. Since that time 1 have had occasional returns of it, and in every instance I have experi enced prompt relief by the use of i he water. I would advise every sufferer from dyspep sia, wholcan do so, to use this water. It is what its name indicates a panacea for some of the worst, if not all, the diseases U which liesh is heir. I have known the Wfter for a number of years, and I cheerfully re commend it. Respectfully, 168 tf J. B. BOBBITT. , For Sale or Exchange for City PROPERTY. A highly improved farm, well adap ted to grass and grain. eli watered ind splendid location lor st' re, nine niles from Raleigh. L. R. WYATT. Also at Cost, My stock of Groceries consisting of Tobacco, Snuff. March, Soda, Soap, Matches, Paper, Paper Bags, Molasses, Sole Leather, &c., &C, &c., To' make room for machinery and farm implements. Call at once to get bargains. L. R. WYATT, 216 Fayetteville St., Raleigh, N. C. JiyStf GENERAL MUSIC DLALERS. akeio w ia Boa -dorsJW tinted. MRS 8 I.AMT?-Corner Harrington and J Mor, a streets; terms 1 per day; will se!5 lm NEW BOOK BAGS, AND A FULL STOCK OP Pencils, New Tablets Slates, And everything you want For, School Use. ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO., Booksellers. Examine our fine Stationery. Administrator's Sale. fn pursuance of the order of the Superior Court of Wake county. I will, on the 2d day of October, 1891, sell at the court door in Ral eigh, at public auction for cash, the notes, judgments, bonds, accounts and choses in motion owini to the late Joliu ( ailing. The pule vvni Luke place at in o elock m. V B MOORS Admr of John (iatling. September 9, 1891. selO tds WDere tbe buyer gets tie Profit Is the Place TO BUY. In addition to oui etock o clothing, we wish to call attention to our GENTS' FOBNISHlNti GOODS, t GM8I6TJNW OF SHIRTb, larndried and unlantidried, CUFFS, COLLARS, DRAWERS, UNDER-SHIRTS, HOSIERY, Llack and colored. HANDKERCHIEFS, SILK, LfATir-v. COTTON, and the base Dan iikTch!ef. Sus penders, &c. JunlMf FT, WAITT. NEW YORK BARGAIN HOUSE, RALE ICH.N.C. I J , ,. - M ...