7"OL RLJEIGKHI, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1&, 1G91: nsro. 149 HEWS NOTES ABOUT THE CITY. I i What Our Keporter See and Hear Worth Giving to Our Headers Newn iu Brief. Lovely weather. Lots of editors iu the city. Educational Day tomorrow. City crowdnd with strangers. Help out fit. Johu's HoRpital. It is in need of funds The geruian a the Capital club laBt night, was a brilliant affair. Let there be a rousing crowd at Metropolitan Hall to night. Federal Court will be held at States We are .pleased to state that Mr. Geo. H. Snow has entirely recovered his health Meeting of the Democratic State Executive Committee in Commonr Hall tonight at 8 o'clock. The State Treasurer is engaged on a most important report forthecomp trollor of the currency relative to banking in North Carolina Mr. Eldrige, of Rlohtnon 1, Va , ar rived here lact night and today assumed ch irgp of the Western Union Telegraph ofPce in place of Manager Brown, resigned. The performances of the Phantasma Novelty Company at Metropolitan I Hall last nitrht was snlendid and vllle next week. i m08t bjhly enjoyed by all who wit- The street Railway iu Greensboro, ned it, The Barcelona mystery is nearly completed. The BWitchbact railroad did an im mense business to day. Electric street railway stock way up in the pictures. The receipts of cotton in Raleigh today were quite heavy. Exhibits continue to coiie in at ihe exposition grounds. It looks as busy as a bee hive around the Yarboro House. Nearly all the public officials were out at the exposition grounds today. Nothing to be gathered at the capi tol today. The oyster troubles have about stopped. The Commissioner of Agriculture is well pleased with the sales of fertil ize tags this season. Mr. Jack Strnyhom died at his res idence near Durham, yesterday. He was about 80 years old Sheriff Page has the tax lists in hand and is now waiting to receive of the North Carolina Agricultural Society at 8 o'clock to night in the Hall of Representatives. Don't fail to see Tom Sawyer at Metropolitan Hall tonight. It is ono of the most amusing performances ever seen on our stage. James Inscore, aged 76 years, wa found dead in his bed at his bo'trid near Trinity College, in Durham, but Tuesday morning. There were nearly eight thousand people on thn fair grounds yesterday To day there has been equally as many, or perhaps more. Complaint is made that many of our streets have no sigus giving their names, &c. Strangers have spoken of it, and say they have no way to tell what street they are on except by asking. This certainly should not be. Signs at the street corners have been knocked down, and should be put back as early as possible. That mud hole on Hargett street, by the side of the street car track, between Wilmington and Blount should be looked after. One vehicle was broken there yesterday, and an other a few days before that, and the public interest would indicate that hole should be filled at once. The Chapel Hill boys arrived in the city this morning about 11 o'clock. As they passsed through the city ou the electric cars on their way to tha exD08itiongrouuds they rendered th3 University yell song with a vengeance j and to the delight of the immense crowds that thronged the streets. "I have found your Bradycrotine a ! just beat the record. : astounded. Everybody was sure cure for headaches A. R. Hanks, yesterday Tom Sawyer. Rad what Buffalo Courier says about "Tom Sawyer" which is to be performed at Metropolitan Hall to night. "Mark Twain's story 'Tom Sawyer' is very familiarly known, and there are very few juveniles who are not acquainted with the pranks of the bad boy, Tommy. A gallery packed with them, and a full house down stairs of 'children of an older growth' witnessed an excellent dramatization of the story at the Court Street Thea ter last night, and if laughter and applause is a criterion, thoroughly enjoyed it. Personal Mention. Mr. Cal. Branch is in the city Dr. Mott, of Asheville, is here. Mrs. Bryan Grimes is in the city. Mr. W. C. Hammer, of Asheville, is in the city. Dr. T. L Banks, of Panther Branch township, is in the city: Mr. James Norwood, of Hillsboro, is here. Mr. Robt. Ransom, of New Berne, is here. Gen. T. B. Chilton has gone to New York on business. Hon. H. A. Gudger, of Asheville, is in the city. Hon. Thos. Settle of Rockingham county, is at the Yarboro Mr. R M. Brown, of Haywood, who has been in the city for several days, has returned home. Hon. Jno. B. Eaves, chairman of the Republican State Executive Com mittee, is in the city. Mr. Chas. C. Baker was in the city today, passing through to his present home at Wake Forest. Rev. J. F. Long, who has been aiding in religious meetings at the Fayetteville street Baptist Church, left for New York yesterday. Mr Wm. M. Wiley and daughter, of Guilford, are in the city, stopping at the residence of Mr. N. L Brown. Mr. John Moon, of Guilford, is in the city, stopping at Mr. N. L. Brown's. Mr. Moon is a nephew of Mr. N. L. Brown. We were pleased to meet Mr. Walter Boyd, of Warrenton, on our streets today. He is here taking in the Ex position. He reports Warrenton's condition, commercially, not booni ig, but substantial with a solid up ward tendency. Mrs. Geo. Lougee, Miss Nellie Lougee, Mrs. V. Ballard, Mr. and Mrs. VV. 3. Halliburton, Mr. J. R. Day and Miss Lillian Day, all of Durham, were in attendance on the Exposition Mountain Peak Texas. wedl4 6t There was some sparing in the Ecumenical Council a few days since when the body had under considera tion the subject of the religious press. One speaker referred to re ligious papers as in many instances instruments of personal and indi vidual puffery Another said he had never learned that it was divorced from the beer barrel. This sparing was confined to the English brethren, however. Mr. J. T. Tomlinson, of the Ashe ville Home Journal, is in the city with both feet, and surely he needed both feet, to stand in the immense crowds that throng the streets as well as the Exposition. Wanted. A few Lady canvassers. A good and liberal commission paid. Apply to morrow at the store 114 Fayette ville street, next to F. A Watson. ocU3t. j - URAMD GALA DAY. Tremendous Success of the Exposition Raleigh Almost Literally Packed With People. This haB been a grand day for Raleigh. It has been equally as grand a day fdr North Carolina. The caph tal of the old North State is literally packed with people. They came from the north, east, south and west. The great Inter-State Exposition is an assured success. All doubts are dispelled. No croakers around. Neer in the history of Raleigh has its people witnessed a prouder day than this. At noon the crowd in attendance at the grounds could not have been less than seven thousand. At 2 p. in: it had swelled to at least nine thousand, and at our hour of going to press we learn that there never has been Been such a solid mass of humanity ; all delighted with the grand and imposing scene. The exhibits are all in place. The show is splendid in all particulars, and the weather partakes of the most beautiful of the mellow October days. The Confederate veterans are there in all the pride that prompted them to serve their Southland iu days gone by. The programme has been carried out in each and every particular possible. The old soldiers' procession was a marked feature. The Univer sity boys are there in all their glory. The school children are there. Even the red men are overcome with the pomp and glory of the day, and are exhibiting to the astonishing gaze of the multitude their marvellous feats of the ball play. It is useless to at tempt to particularize. It just can't be done. Raleigh sends greeting to the South, to the North, to the East and to the West the glad tidings that there has never been such an outpouring of people in our midst. "The Old North State forever.1' I. O. O. F. Seaton Gales Lodge, meets to night at seventhirty o'clock sharp. The first degree will be conferred at 7:45 o'clock, p. m , promptly. Other mat ters of importance to be transacted. Members of the lodge earnestly re quested to attend. Visiting brethren are cordially invited THiEM.Sec'y. Married. Watson Hinton: On yesterday at the "old homestead," eight miles east of the city, Mr. Wm R. atson, of Warrenton, was united in mar" riage to Miss Jennie Kin ton The ceremony was performed by Rev. M M. Marshall. There were many handsome presents, and after the marriage a good old time hospitality was indulged in. The happy couple have our best wishes for a loDg life of wedded bliss. The Latest. Yon ,vill li-id at our lar;.'i and ele gant emporium the very h.tes styles in dress good, with all new sty les in triiniuingu to m itch Iu men's, ouch's and boy's clothing, we are showi g the very latest and most fashionable styles and designs, and we will guar antee to pave you at least 25 p.-r cent on anything that you may want iu clothing. Our shoe department em braces the largest assortment of men's, women's and children's shoes ever brought to this market, and we guarantee every pair will ive you perfect satisfaction. All are. iuvited to come and see our immense stock of new and attractive fall goods. Yours truly, i D. T. SWITTDKLL. Ice Ollar. Ice ir sny quantity, also fresh fish daily, at my cellar No 288, S. Wil mington Street. Orders filled prompt lv T. E. Sokkki,!.. je8 tf. Duncan Clark's C'onhiuaf Ion. The Rochester (N. Y.) Post Demo crat says: "Duncan Clark's Monster Combination entered on their third and l.-t ! week last night to a honse packed to the doors. The drawing powers of this attraction are pheno menal, and their audiences are com posed of our best citizens. Their show has been too often reviewed iu our columns to need more th. n a passiug uotice, but we can assume all who wish to see the last of Mrs sue cessfal company to secure their seats well in advance, as standing room has been at a premium during the'r en gagement in our city." Hardware, &c. Spicy Marriage. A very imposing marriage ceremony took p'aee this morning iu the office of the clerk of the Superior Court. A yourg couple f:om Wayne county presented themselves for the purpose of "being made one.'' Justice Mo e, our rather bashful deputy clerk of the Superior Court, agreed to per form the ceremony, and he carried out the programme with all the dig nity for which he is fo famous The contracting parties were Mr. Jos R. Daniel and the lady's name was Miss. Bettie Newsoin. They were properly arranged our friend Jno. W. Thomp son acting as best man for the party. Joe Goodwin give the bride away in the most approved style while Millard Mial flourished around considerably as master of ceremonies, and chief cook and bottle washer. The blush" ing bride and the rather terrified groom stood the ordeal well. At the conclusion of the ceremony Jno. Thompson gave one of his blandest and ruo.'st genial sniile3 accompanied with a most profound and reverend bow. It was a rich scene all around. Moye never flinched during the solemn service and looked for all the world "like patience on a monument smil ing at grief." He thinks of going in to the marriage bucket shop busi nesB. SPECIAL NOTICES. You can get nice tenderloin Heck ler Sausage at W. B. Manx & Co.'s ocl4 it. Pony for Sale. A four year old Pony, well broke and gentle and kind, for sale. Apply to G. N. Waltkhs. Sep 22 tf. Cots for Sale 100 upholstered cots for sale cheap. Apply to se30 tf J. M. Broughton & Co. Choice roses and other cut Qowers. bouquets, baskets and designs. Hya cinth and all kinds of fall planting bulbs, roses, evi-rgree.is and magnol ias oc5 2v H. Stktnmbtz. Girl wanted Apply to A. D. Roys ster & Bro. oclO tf Thp Best Goods For The Least Money." This is a statement made by us years ago, and we still adhere to it. In dress goods, wraps, shots, under wear, corsets, gloves, hosiery, sheet iugs, table linens, towels, carpets, curtains and a great many other ar tides in the dry goods line, can be had at our store, at prices as low and lower than elsewhere, Our's is the store for the people; we appreciate everybodys patronage, and kindly and attentively wait up every one rich or poor. W. H & R. S. Tuokkr & Go Norris' Dry Goods Store Special Notice. We are now displaying a special line of novelty Dress Goods in fancy camels hair, ladies cloths, broad cloths, fancy tu fed effects, cashmeres and many other fancy weares too nu merous ti mention at extraordinary low prices. Ask to see our liae of umbrellas, 6hor-s ana hosiery. We are selline" them much .:,.,...... i...- c v, . maii HFLII1M nilulirv fa an( slmiiirh.ni i Norms Dry Goods Stobf.. NO MAN ran he lianpy with his face all icrapad and sore from SHAVING No man can shave well with a sor ry razor. The moral is to call and buy A GOOD RAZOR. We offer razors that are good; we have just received a large stock. Our name is (tamped on the razor, and every one is WARRANTED. AZOR8 very hht weidit. -ZUH nu (lium weight, AZORS heavy weight. SSjgrOur razor with name RALEIGH etched ou it, is finest can be maim- factured. rilOMAS H. BKIS6S SO i. iLEIGU, N. C. err- a s v jerxaammm 1891. 1892. A -a fall aad Winter. The latest, novelties and best styles in HATS AND BONNETS now readv FOR THE TRADE Haii G jo.ls, Stampel Linens, Em broidery materials, Wools, Zephyrs and Yarns of all kinds. Orders from a distance will receive prompt attention. USHMiSL up!) tt 200 FAYETTEVILLE ST. Dry Goods, Motions, .Vc W.H.f R. S.TUCIERiCO. s FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN. WRAPS We a-e now showing a magnificent line of the newest shapes in Ladies adn Children's Wraps, REEFERS, mil -ICfi COATS, CAPES A.NP LOU TIP GARMENT-. COATS. We have given unusual attention to the selection of our line of Wrap- for this season and invite inspection to this exhibit, being the largest and moat varied we have ever made, CHILDREN'S We are displaying a particularly attractive lot ol those garments best suited for school wear. f, I. & S. S. factor Jam