ot Coming. Oar people will, no loabt, most deeply regret to learn that owing to engagements, Ei-Prenitleut Cleveland will be nnable to attend oar exposi tion. Yesterday, Mayor Badger re ceived a letter from Mr. Walter H. Page enclosing a communication to Col. Arthur A. Esdra, of New York, wbo delivered the invitatiuu to the Ex -President. Mr Cleveland says: "I have just received the invitation which you forward me from the Mayor and other citizens of Raleigh, North Carolina, to attend the exposi tion now in progress in their city. I know I should enjoy such a visit to my North Carolina friends and their neighbors, and I am entirely certain that my reception and entertainment would fully accord with the hospita ble disposition which distinguish the locality. I regret, therefore, that I am obliged to dec iue the courteous invitation yon transmit, for the rea son that my eLgagements and occus pation forbid my leaving home dur ing the present month." Qents' underwear, all styles at Nor ris' Dry Goods Store. Married. Smith -Dunn Yesterday Mr. J.H. Smith and Miss Amma V. Dunn were married at the home of the bride in Neuse, Wake county. There were many handsome presents. The par ties left for the home of the groom with many congratulations. Raleigh Market Report. WHOLWRALW AND RKTAIL. Misses and children's underwear, Vest and Pants to match, at Norris' Dry Goods Store. Railroad Meeting. , At the annual meeting of the stock holders and directors of the R. & G. and F. & A A. L. Railroads held in this city yesterday Mr. John M. Robinson was re elected President, and Mr. Lewis McLean, of Baltimore, was elected a director to fill the va cancy caused by the death of Mr. Paul C. Cameron. The annual statement of the general manager was highly satisfactory. Ladies underwear, all styles at Nor ris' Dry Goods Store. A Suggestion. Much difficulty has been encounter ed in the past few days, especially by persons who patronize the street cars, in determining which cars to take for the different routes. It requires all sorts of questioning to find out, for instance, which cars run on Blount street, and which on Hillsboro street. In consequence of the routes not be ing designated on the cars, persons frequently get wrong and only find out their mistake when reaching the corner of Salisbury and Hillsboro street where the lines branch off. Now, it seems to us there is a very simple remedy which should be sup plied. It is to place on the cars the names of the routes for which they are destined, so that passengers can see at a glance which to take. A plain piece of canvas tacked on each coach with the words "Hillsboro street ear," or "Blount str et car," would remedy the matter. It should be done by all means. It would avoid much trouble both to the conductors and the public. Correct A wbkklt bv W O & A B. 8 f'RONACH. rayetteville and Wilmington streets 815 81? Meats C. R sides. 7i in Bulk shoulders, ?, 10 Bacon " 8 life " breakfast 124 W Hams sugar cured l?t 15 " N. C. k Va , If j 10. i Bacon N. C, hog round, l' 11c Lard Pure, 10c Compound fijo 10 FLOUR Best per bbl f 6 00 7 00 Family, M 5 75 6 SO Good. " 5 25 5.50 CorrBK Rio Green 8 25c 8UOAR Granulated, 5 CJc Yellow extra C 4 5c Molassks Cuba 2?i POc New Orleans. 2-iJ 00c Syrups, 25 r0 Mkal porbushel, 85 1.00 Corn per bushel, 00 1.00 Oats per bushel, 471 00c HAT per huo wt. 00 110 Bran per pound, H He Ship Stuff per pound, U He 8alt per sack, 150 1:18 COUNTRY PRODUCE Buttkr- 17i 25c Egsrs. 15 20c Chickens Spring, 15 ?5c Hens, R0 85c Potatoes Sweet, 35 60c " Irish, $1.00 1.25 Peas White, 75 1.00 " Stock. 65 90c REAT OARGAINS QREAT g .Are leing offered in all kinds of ILLINERY, RY GOODS. OTIONS, &C. N WE HAVE THE E BEST TRIMMERS in the city, and all orders ertrusted to us are satisfactorily exe uted. I u are cordially invited to pay us a visit. N. Y. MILLINERY BUUH, 211 FAYETTEVILLE ST. Oct. V Portraits - Painted -BY- W, G, BAND ALL sel4 tf 184i Fayetteville Street. RAIFIGH, N C NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Mortgage Sale. By virtue of a certain mortgage executed to me by Henry I Hughes and Sally Ann Hnchfls. hiH wifp rm ihn 7th Hav rf Cirtnhav 1886, recorded in the office of the Begister of Deeds for Wake -ounty, N C, in book 92, on age uiu, i win aen ai puuuc auction to tne ichpst. huldpr for pmhVi at tVio nrmrt- Virti-ioa f3 ' ' ' ' """" WV VUU V.VJUl I UUUOC dcor in Raleigh, N C, on Mondav, the 14th day of December, 1891, at 12 o'clock noon, I... -fnlln...;.... . I . .. .; I .. I ...,.. I..... -M.l- iJ kajc luuunmg ucwiiucu leal t'ftLULt", situate 111 : the city oflRaleigh aforesaid, tc-wit: Part of city lot No. 732 on Shaffer's map of j said city, f ion tine east on Haywood street 33 fee; north on Mrs Petigrew 80 feet; south on Wilson Iredell 80 feet and west on J W B Watsou 33 feet; described in said mortgage as the property of said Sally Ann Hughes. Also, that part of city lot No 15, frontirg ' 3 feet on the eas" cide of Blount street and 1 running back easterly between Mathew Mar-1 tin on the north and Mills Brown on the south, 210 feet. All in the 2 i ward of city Of Raleigh. A W 8HAPFER, no!2 oawtd $4 Mortgagee. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria, When Bmtty ci rick., we gmrt her CaatorU. When the wai a Child the cried f or Cm tori, When she became Him, she clung to Oaatoria, ishehedOlVhw mmtmmtmmOmtmm, no9()t NEW BOOK BAGS, AND A FULL PTCCK OF Penci's, New Tablets Slates, And everything you want For School Use. ALFREP WILLIAMS & CO , Booksellers. Examine our fine Stationery. Let all Desiring Homes of their Own, Take Notice. That the Covenant Building and Loan As sociation of Knoxville, Tenn, is prepared and anxious to help those willing to try to help themselves. They are now placing in this city loans of 12,000, $1,200, $1,000, $700 and 500. In fact, no applicat'on, if good security, has been re fused. To investors there is nothirg safer or better. To those desiring hem. s of their own we are prepared to show you established facts Mumbers of hou es leing built by money from this strictly first class associa tion, It will be to your interest t see their agent, Wayne Allcott and make arrange ments to own your home. no7 30d HightSciool for Bojs and Young MEN. I shall open a Night Scho 1 for Boys and Young Men in the Andrews Building op Monday, November 9th, at 7:30 p m. In struction will be given on Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays in Engli-h, Mathemati s, Latin and Natural Philosophy. Those wJ o purpose attending would do well to be pres ent when the classes are formed. no3 6t ( HARLE C HOLDEN. LAMPS i LAMPS! LAMPS! -AT- HUGHES'. T. W. BLAKE, JEWELLER, RICH ASSORTMENT Birthday Rings SPECTACLES. Large f Assort "I Special irri i hi ri r m ment. Ul LUIHULLU. Fitting Solid silver and steel. and?!. American Watches L verw re ( IM ) Prices. Repairing Speolatlf Solicited ! NO, 117 FAYETTEVILLE ST. se 12tf COAL AND ICE. Now is the time to buy bota Ice for immediate use and Coal for winter while the prices are low and it can be delivered clean and best quality. We are now taking orders for CLAYTON, RED ASH coals all e'es. ANTHRSITE, WHITE and BED ASH COAL, all sizes. POCAHONTAS COAL. SPLINT COAL. EGG COAL made by machinery from coal dust and Pitch. Something new and said to be splendid. We are now cutting wood and ready to take orders for that also to be delivered Id the next few weeks from one cord to one hundred or more. JONES & POWELL Save the Pennies. And bow many ways they are to do this. One of the best and most effec tive methods t liar, raav be employed is in finding wbeien dollar has the greatest purchasing power And it has been clearly demonstrated tht nowhere in Wake coiinty can it be expended with more satisfactory re suits to its possessor than at. the NEW YORK B&RGAIN HOUSE They buy in large quantities and many goods dire -fc from the mills, thus euablitig them to undeiseli heir competitors They do not advertise to sell goods at cost, and plav the MISCHIEF IN GENERAL to mislead the public, but give you from $1.50 to 2 00 worth of goods for every dollar you spend at their store. They keep what you want, and at prices that will please you In conclusion, they wish to say, that if they cannoj wait on you as soon as you enter the store, be pa tientsnd wait for a moment or so, and you shall be abundautly reward ed for tht moments loss. Respectfully, H. A. L1TTMAN & CO., Pros of t i ; e N. Y. Bargain House. 203 Fa etteviile St., Raleigh, N. C COLfe'S -SPECIALTIES-; -ARE GoM Silver Watche; Diamond and Combination Stone Sets, Gold Kings. Jewelry, Clocks, Spectacles, &c. He is a practical watchmaker and railroad watch inspector for the R & G and R & A A L R Roads, and from actual test of many brands, is prepared to offer you the best watch for Acer h ate time low for cash. JOHN T MM & C(!., DIAHIU IM FURNITURE, MATRESSES, LOUNGESAC We have in stock a neat line of Kvirnituire suitable for the Exposition. Persons expecting to eutertaiu visitors during the Fxpositiou, would consult their bert interest if they would call and examine our stock and compare prices We still carry on our CABINET&UPHOLSTERY DEPARTM NT and all kinds of furniture repaired, cleaned, varnished and upholstered. AH kinds of Mattresses to order. Ohsjirs rest ated, packing, boxing, set ii'K up and moving furniture a spe ciality. Mr. G. W. Morris, so long with the firm of Messrs. Johnson & Barber, is with us, and would be pleased to have his friends call and see him JOHN T. MORRIS & 00., 117 Wilmington St., Prairie Building, Raleigh. N. C. sep2t' WALTERS METHOD GEORGE N. WALTERS, MERCHANT TAILOR, OPPOSITE CITIZENS' NATIONAL BANK, Has a complete line of fine WOOLENS, Thelargest selectionlhe has ever had in shades and colors. THE LATEST NEW YORK AND LONDON SWELL COLORS. ALSO The American and West End English fash ions. Give him n cull. Sep 23. .. . ...jTlle Gfea(esl ' - GAINS IN TOWN. idii Our $1.49 ' Derby Hats, Latest Styles- $K4i Our $1.49 SoftFurHats.correctshap'? $7.49-. I W?9 weather Shoes j Bals and Congress 8tyles. CLOTHIERS 'd HATTERS E R. Stamps, Trustee. Pianos j AND Organs Do you intend to furnish your house with music and pleasure' Do you? Is the' e an v better time than Oct.", 1891? We have first class Organs from ... We have highest grade We have Kranich & Bach Pianos THE BEST MADE AT- $30 to 500 - Just think of it a superb K & B Pi--ano at only $550. First class Pianos at -$250 up. Our line is the best, our prices -;he lowest, the s me to all. Terms the -moot liberal. Call and see our endless -variety or write for prices. Mb Stale Music Co. C. C. STONE, Manager, 113 Fayetteville Street, jiys tf GENERAL MUSIC DEALERS. Almond 4 Coconut Macearoni, Meringues Frenth Kisses, PPUNGE PINCERS, JUMBLELS, CHOOCOLATE AliD Vanilla JeUy Roll, PLI S AND FANCY CAKES OF B-st Pread in the State. Hot Rolls Every Afternoon. Graham. Rye and Brown Bread, BEST OP EVERYTHING. Only best materials used at STRONACH'S BAKERY. W. C. & A. B. 8TRONACH, Proprietors. For Sale or Exchange for City PROPERTY. A hil7h.lv Imnrniuil fQm n - J tea tO Tr RAH anri anln 11 a 5j and splendid location for str re, nine uui Aiei(ru. Lu k. WYATT. Also at Cost. M v st-nnlr nt a Tobaccoj mm, Starch, 1 Soda, Soap, Hatches, Paper, Paper Bags, Molasses, bole Leather, At. n jffrA t. . lo' make room for machinery and farm lmnlomanto rnii - - - A get bargains. L. B. WYATT aio Jayettevllle St., Raleigh, N. C Wnere the buyer gets tie Proir Is the Place TO BUY. In addition to om ttocM olothipg. we wish to call attention to our GENTS' FMNt GOCDP- OOKBISTINft OF SHIRTb, lacrdned and.nnlani.dried, CDFF8, COLLARS, DRAWERS, UNDER-SHIRTS HOSIERY, Black and colored.. BAJTD&FFOBIRFg a t t LINEN, - " COTTON, m and the base ball handkerchief. Susj penders, c lonlftf B V. WAITT WALNUT OAK AND MAPLE. 8UIT8 in great vaiiety of style, ranging from $20 A SUIT to $200. MAGNIFICENT I for ladies. Suitable for uiiMiva ) presents. OUR $25 are great bargains. SITTTS OAK ) Our $40 OAK SUITS are per". SIT ITS f feet gems, at extraordinary low figures. JHEVAL I Our CHEVAL SUITS are SUITS C perfect marvels of beauty, VOWIMIIJ UUV9V uuiouou ia mmm nnfinne nak and "sixteenth centnrv." VV lib 1- We have the largest variety TUltE C?' FURNITURE to be found .1 T) flip I'it.V flnH nnwh flam nan not afford to upply themselves until they have examined our stock. arpt intra BUQGli8, WAUUJNband UARTS c in great variety of styles and prices. Wthe enlargement of our siore by I TH the addition of fifty by forty feet, two stories, we are enabled to store a larger stock than any oher establish ment in the city. W Cordially invite the public to call and E examine our stocks before purchas ing elsewhere. Johnson & Barber. e)7lf 110 and 112 East Martin Street.

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