Tht Baity Etjeninfl Visitor. 1' 'UBLISHBD IVKRT AKTKRBOOH, I Except Sunday.) THE VISITOR U served by carrier lo the city ft 25 cents per month, pavable to the carriers in advance. Prices for mailing I $8 per ' 'Hr- or W cents per month. No paper con tinned after expiration of the time paid for unless otherwise ordered. Communications appearing in these columns are but the expressions of the opinion of the correspondents writing the same, and they alone are responsible. A crosn mark f X after your name nforms you that your time is out. Address all orders and communica tions to BKOWN A WILLIAMS Raleigh, N C Local notices in this paper will be Five Certs per line each insertion LaRHKST ClT? ClUCtlLATIiN HALEIGH.W.C.NOV. IS, I V.H A Reviewer of the, Mecklenburg Declaration. Wilmington Messenger. In the October number of the Quar terly Review of the Southern M. . Church, there is an article by Rev. W . M. Leftwich on "The Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence." It is interesting and fills some eighteen pages. There is nothing new to one who has studied the subject, but the examination is clear and the argu ment cogent in favor of the fact of a Declaration. We are a st ror g believer in the De claration of the 20th of May, but there is no copy extant and the one copy was burned in 1800, when John McKnitt Alexander's house was burn ed, as he states himself in the note to the Declaration printed in the Ral eigh Register in 1819. That copy was as he candidly stated, not the origi nal, but written from memory. Hence its resemhlanoe to Jefferson's immor tal production. Mr, Leftwich's paper is timely and needed, as it will be read by many who have not read any of the chief arguments in its favor. He publish es the names of the witnesses testify-, log as to the fact of a Declaration. Mr. Alexander expressly says his copy ef the original was burned. The Davie copy was probably not a copy of the original Declaration, but of the one written by Alexander soon after the fire of 1800 that burned the original. The witnesses testifying to the part of a Declaration were competent, were present, were men of intelli gence and character. Mr. Leftwich is mistaken in finding proof of the 20th May Declaration in the 31st May Resolves. The latter grew out no doubt of the meeting of the 31st, but the Resolves do not show this. North Carolina was the first Colony to instruct its delegates in the Con tinental Congress to vote for inde pendence and separation. This was done i 4th April, 1776, by this State Mr. Lett witch prints the Resolution empowering the delegates to so vote. agsasasaBsasaag-- -i it :Y0UTH It A LI I II. POST OFFICE MAIL SOHKDUik. OUTGOING MAILS. The Full Prospectus of Notable Feature for 1S92 and Specimen Copies will be sent Free. Brilliant Contributors. Articles have been written expressly for the coming volume by a host of eminent men and women, among whom arc The Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone. Count Ferdinand de Lesseps. Andrew Carnegie. Cyrus W. Field. The Marquis of Lome. Justin McCarthy, M.P. Sir Lyon Play fair. Frank R. Stockton. Clews. Vaslll Verestchagin. W. Clark Russell. - The Earl of Meath. Dr. Lyman addoiu Camilla Urso. Mrs. Henry M. Stanley, and One Hundred Others. Henry The Volume for Nine Illustrated Serial Stories. Articles of Practical Advice. Glimpses of Royalty. Railway Life and Adventure. 700 Large Pages. Five Double Holiday Numbers. 1892 will 100 Stories of Adventure. Sketches of Travel. Popular Science Articles. Charming Children's Page. Illustrated Weekly Supplements Contain The Best Short Stories. Hints on Self-Education. Household Articles. Natural History Papers. Nearly 1000 Illustrations. "A Yard of Roses. FREE TO JAN. I, 1892. To New !ubicribpr who will rut out iind nend mm this slip with nnmc and adrtrrsn nnd tl.73 we will send The Companion Free to .Inn., 19J, and for a Full Year from that Onto. ThU offer Include the THANKS. GIVING, CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR'S Rouble Holiday Number. We will also send a ropy of a beautiful painting, entitled "A YARD OF ROSES." Its prodnrtion has cost TWENTY THOl'SAND DOLLARS. Send Check, Pott-office Order, or Registered Letter at our risk. Address, 1J THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, Boston, Mass. Via Keysville (R. P. 0.) tor KiUimond dt way, Via Golds boro (Ex.Ft.) for Shortcut A Golds, dis. Vis Welilon and Norf. R. V. O.) for N. A K. Via Uoldsboro (R. l ). , for b. aini Lust. Via (Jibsou ata. P. O.) for Wil., Char. A South. ia Gieeusboro (R.P.O.) for H., S. and W est, Via Weldon A Norfolk (Ex. Ft. (for N. A East, Via Greensboro (Ex. Ft.; for N . and West, No. of F rem F rcn Trainl P.O. D (4 am am 18 7 46 8 16 12 8 16 38 10 40 11 10 41 34 11 m 00 ? 16 6 4 30 a. nv 9 00 p rr j 4 8 1C 6 a AHBlVALtS. No. of, At INCOMING MAILS. Train Depot Fire! FIRE ia the only insurance for them. Have Are you insured? Is the evidence of your insurance insured.' A good Fire Proof Safe for their protection you agnSp1tng your iDSUrance did you o tain bids from several companies and select the lowest prced company? , . ,, , . Or did you consider and decide that the best company would prove the cheapest should a loss occur? .. . . ,, , .. , . Q - . Whv not follow out the same line of reasoning in the selection of a good bare in which to insure your insurance policies, books and valuable papers from destruction by fire or from theft by burglars? . , ... . When about to employ a lawyer for a case ol importance, do you get bids from sev eral and accept the lowest? Or do you employ a capable man who has had experience and a good record? Superior Courts of North Caro Una. Via Greensboro (Ex.Ft,) from N S. and West, 12 Via Weldon (Ex. Ft.) from North and East, 45 Gibson sta, (R. P.O.) from Char., Wil. AS. 38 Via Greensboro (R.P.O.) from N., S. and West, 10 Via Weldon (R. P. O.) from North and East, 41 Via Goldsboro (R. P. O.) trom iV, Hi. & uoutn. Via Keysville (R. P. 0.) irom Kicnmond, Ox- 11 fsy. 1 llnrliu in a t n iviu xuiuaiU t w.j Via Goldsboro (Ex Ft.) trom Worto, ' 11 At P.O. a re 7 16 9 30 11 20 p ro I 9 o 66 4 48 10 15 a p. 7 36 4 11 St Fm f i 10 30 a m 11 ob; 6 0C Safe, Safe, Safe. We know how to build Vaults and Safes. We know the . equirements of most custo mers, . Our work is the cheapest because it is the best. Our work is NOT the lowest in price. We have had experience. We have a flrst'class record extending bick nearly half a century. Whea you wish to corsider the insurance of your books and pppers fiom destruction by lire or loss by burglars, consult or write the Name. Geo H Brown, Henry R Bryan, H G Connor, Spier Whitaker, R W Winston, B T Boykin, J D M elver, R F Armfleld, Jesse F Graves, John 3 Bynum, W A Hoke, J H Merrimon, 7 8 9 10 11 13 Residence. Beaufort, NewBerne, Wilson, Wake, Granville, Sampson, Carthage, Iredell, Surry, Morgan ton, Lincoln ton, Buncombe. Die bold Safe and Lock Co. of Wake countv. in the special proceedings entitled T L Honeycutt, admr of f A Ranes, dee'd, vs J o Kanes et ais, 1 win seu.on Mon day, the 7th day of December, 1891. at the I court house door of Wake county, a tract of land in Wake Forest township, said county of Wake, coutaining 10 aeres, more or less, and adioimng the lands ou f uaywooa, j N Ranes and others, and fully set forth in the proceedings above named. Time of sale, Knowledge. Knowledge involves study; study involves drudgery. Only he who is willing to do drudgery can he a true student, and only he who is a true student can make progress or attainment in knowledge. As a mat ter of fact, knowledge has practical value only to the man who is not only willing to drudge in study, but who loves to do it. As J. Boyle O'Reilly has said: Knowledge is gold to him who can discern That he who loves to know must love to learn." With the duty on opium at 12.00 a pound, and with its consumption steadily increasing, the smuggling trade in it has become very active and profitable. It h probable that a hundred pounds of opinm are smug gled into the coun. ry to one that goes through the custom house. In order to prevent this contraband t rar'e has been suggested that a cordon of guards be stationed all along the Canadian frootier. But v. ho would watch the guard? The most effec tivewayto t u p press tbe smuggling trade would be to make it uuprofita ble by reducing the excessive duties on imports to reasonable rates. nol7 tf W. H. BUTLER, Agent, 79 Dnane Street, New York. Notice of Sale PA A I A N I) WM By virtne of a decree of the Superior Court j no2 tdsp T L HONEY CU IT, Admr and Com'r. Mortgage Sale of Land. Under and by virtue of the power of sa.e contained in a certain deed ot mortgage exe cuted to us by Joshua Cnrtis and wife on the 2 th day or .February, isss, and recorded in the office of the Reg-ster of De' ds for Wake county, in book 101, page 402, we will, on Tuesday, December the first, 1891, sell at the court house door in the city of Raleigh, the land therein described, to the hignest Didder for cash. W C & A B STRONACH, nol6td Mortgagees. Notice of Sale. By virtue of authority to me given in a deed in trust from Jessie L Pettiford, record ed in the .Registers omce of Wake county in dook 104, page is, L will sen, on Monday, uad day or jsovemoer, loai, at iz o ciock m, at the court house door of Wake county, in the city of Raleigh, the lot and premises to me conveyed in said deed in trust, the same being situated in Raleigh township, lying on West side of Hillsboro road and south of Dodd's avenue, and fully described in said deed in trust, which is hereby referred to as part of this notice. Terms of sale, cash. W C NORRIS, October, 22d, 1891 nol6 td Now is the time to buj bota Ice for immediate use and Coal for winter while the prices are low and it can be delivered clean and best quality. We are now taking orders for GAYTON, RED ASH coals al) ees. ANTHRSITE. WHITE and BED ASH COAL, all sizes. POCAHONTAS COAL. SPLINT COAL. EGG COAL made by machinery from coal dnstand Pitch. Something new and said to be splendid. We are now cutting wood and ready to take orders for that also to b9 delivered in the next few weeks from one cord to one hundred or more JONES & POWELL JSTo-bioe SOLICITORS. Name. District. John H Blount, 1 GH White, (col) 1 J E Woodard, E W Pou, Jr., 4 Isaac R Strayborn 5 O a Allen, 6 Frank McNeill, 7 B F Long, 8 Thomas Settle, 9 W C Newland, 10 Frank L Osborn, 11 Geo A Jones, 12 Residence, Perquim's, Halifax, Wilson, Johnston, Durham, Duplin, Richmond Iredell, Rock'ham Caldwell, Meck'b'g, Macon. Trains marked thus, do not move on Sun. day. Mails for train 9 close at 3 p m on Sun; day. BlAK KU J Thb. Outgoing Maii Departs . Raleigh yif Shotweil. Eagle Rock and Wakeneld to Unionhope, Tuesday and Friday bam. Raleigh via Myatt's Mills to Dunn. Tuev day and Friday b" a m. .,- Kaieigu via Kelvyn Urove and Oavton to Fish Dam, Monday, Wednesday and Frid 6 am. Raleigh via Hutchinson's store and Ban gor to Rogers' store, Tuesday and Friday 1pm jueign to Massev, Tuesday and inroa 12m. . .. . Incoming Mails Abrjvk Unionhope V' Wakeneld, Eagle Rock and Shotweli to Pb!, Bign, w eanesaay ana eaiuruay i p m. Dunn via Myatt's Mills to Raleigh. Mon day and Thursday 7 pm. jnjn uam via uayton and iLeivyn urr" to Raleigh, Monday, Wednesday and Fridav 7 pm. Kogers' store via Bangor and Mutcnmson'i store to Raleigh, Tuesday and Friday 12 m 4 Massey to Haieign Tuesday and Friday 10 am. Fkek Dbuveby System. Free dehverirr at 6:00 and 8:45 a m, 3:15 and 5:45 p m, e 1, cept Sundays. Collections made at sam nours. Bunday, t:ao to 7:d0 am. .Free de livery windows open on Sundays from 3:f J to 3:30 o clock p m. A. W. bMAii M, Postmaster. Ricta(aond A Danville & B Co'y Condensed Hcnedule In effect September t'th, 1891. The Book Trust Knocked Out. I A Caku to the public. The price of the great Encyclopedia BrhV annica, $8 per volume for the English edi tion, and ffc per volume for the Seribner and the Stoddardt editions in the cheapest bind inghas been a bur to its popular use. Our new reprint of this work is furnished at 11.50 per volume, the greatest bargain ever Known in one dook trade, w e nave soiu over half a mi) lion volumes in six months; proof that the public pppreciate so great a bargain. mis reprint is not an abridgment, Put a re- FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Fall Term Judge Brown. 8KCOND. Fall Term Judge Bryan. THIRD. Fa Term Judge Connor. FOURTH. Fall ierm Judge Whitaker. Wake " an otO. TJJ'eD 8B. -Marcii 28th, t April 21st. July 9fh, tAug27tti tiept 28th, fOct 2tti. Wayne Jan 19th, March 10ib, Ap'lj 13th, Sept 14th, Oct 19th. Harnett Feb 2d, Aug 10th, Nov 30th. Johnston Feb 9tr Aug 17th Nov 16th. For criminal cases. fFor civil cases alone. FIFTH. Fall Term Judge Winston. SIXTH. Fall Term Judge Boykin SKVKNTH. Fall Term-Judge Mclver. EIGHTH Fall Term Judge Armfleld NINTH Fail Term- Judge Graves TKNTH. Fall T erm-rJudge Bynum KLKVBKTK Fall Term Judge Hoke. TWELFTH. Fall Term Judge Merrimon. CHUm Cfr for fRcheft At therenueit of W. H. Britt. Esq., and hv virt.nft rf t.hp. tiawpwi nnfprrp.,1 in ft ppH in trust, dated January 4th, 1888, and re- known in the book trade corded in book 101. prge 41, Register of Deeds office for Wake county, I will sell on the premises at 3 o'clock p. m. on Saturday, the 21st day of November, lt91 . the property described in said ueed, lying and teing m the village of Garner, Wake county, consist ing of a lot on which are a double store house building and a two-room addition thereto, toge'her with stable and barn, con taming about one-halt an acre, sell at same time and place the said Britt in two one-room buildings or shops on the right of way of the N. C R. R., front ing said first described lot. Terms of sale cash, or one-half cash and balance in two equal installments at six and twelve months production of the entire twenty-hve volumes 01 tne great lulin burg ninth edition, page tor page, with new and later articles on import ant American topics, and new maps, later and better than in any other edition. In all repects it compares lavorablv with the high I will also ' pnceo editions, and In poiutol maps anddu- interest of 1 rapiniy 01 binding it is superior to them. neretoiore we have sold only ror cash. We now announce that we will deliver the Bet complete on small easy payments, Special Ofpkk. In order that respectively, to be secured by mortgage. oc24-30d R. T. GRAY, Trustee. Children fa fm vou niav see tne Dargaui we offer, and examine us merits, we will furnish Volume 1 by express for 60 cts, a fraction oi actual cost; add 40 cts postage if wanted by maiL Circulars acd sample page will be sent free on appiicauoi. ft. B. 1'kaljc & (jo., jl29 tf i'ub'it; uera, Chicago. VT OREOLK AND CAROLINA R.R 11 CONDENSED SCHEDULE South Bound Train. No 101 A. M. Dated August 9th, 1891. STATIONS. 9 50 1015 10 27 11 02 11 20 1137 11 52 12 31 12 53 1 20 V M North Bound Train. No 100 L've Pinner s Point Arrive 5 25 Southbound. Ly Richmond, BurkevLUe, Keysville, Ar Danville. Ar GreenBboro, Lv Goldsboro, Ar Raleigh. L j Raleigh Li Durham, Ar Greensboro, Lv Saiegit Greensboro, Ar Salisbury, Ar Statesville, Ar Asheville, Ar Hot Springs, Lv Salisbury, Ar Charlotte, Spartanburg, GreenvUle, Atlanta, Lv Charlotte. Ar Columb' , Augusta, Northbound Lv Augusta, Columbia, Ar Charlotte, Lv Atlanta, Ar Charlotte, - Salisbury, Lv Hot Spring Ashayuie, Statesville, Ar Salisbury, Lv Salisbury, Ar Greensboro, Salem, Lv Greensboro Ar Durham, Raleigh. Lv Raleigh Ar Goldsboro, LvGreenaborc, Ar Danvilio Keysville, BurkeviUe. Riohipood,,,. No 9 3 00pm & 11 554 8 22 10 60pm 6 4jpm 5 30 6 00 705 8 50 t 40 11 COpm 12 45am 152 6 55am 856 12 56 230 548 700 1 10 am 2 35 a m 6 40 W 5 am l'aiiy. NolO 7 00 pm 10 50 8 05 am 8 5Cpm - &fl6am . 8 54 4 48 pm 6 26 pm 11 02 pm 12 01am 9.00 U 56ain 10 60 12 62am 1 45pm 1 60 3 21 lt 48n, 12 bOphi 8 32pu, 4 20 Dally. J No il 2 65am 4 66an. 53ttani 8 00am 10 15an t8 30pn 11 &0pui 1 tWah) 8 82am 8 Ouuru 8 60 10 25 12 02pm 12 68p.u 6 04 , 6 46 12 10 pm 18&pm 4 82 6 15 lv Stain 1 b6p0 6 4f ft lOpm No 1 11 45an. 8 00pm 710 i, 9 10 am v'aopTu 910 l2 28fm 6 40JSJ 7 84pm 9 20 Mt. 1210 am 4 35 am 715, 12 20 pir 11 10pn 12F5am 4lb 455 7 AND L've L've L'f L've L'Tf L've L've L've Ar Drivers, Suffolk Gates, Tunis, Ahoskey, Aulander, Hobgood, Tarboro, Rocky Mount, Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive L've 2 01 4 47 4 14 354 336 3 21 2 39 217 150 . M. No J01 makes connection at Rocky Mount with W A W Train No 23 for allpoints South, and No 78 tram for all points North. t M BERPEL, J R RkNLV, (ien'l Manage Sunt Trane. m HMKRSOfl, wen i rassenger Agi Wtim Crr for Pitcoi Ctstof en POiNT, RickM ON D RALMGH. via Keysville, Oxford and DurWn i 15 and 14 Stations. lbandli . 1.. j r 1 . , . - a Aiuuiuuuu IjV 714(1 D lv tticnmooo " Burke vii if ' Keysville ChageOity, " Clarisvilie Ar Uifori' Lv wxford OfCord Raleigh WiST 9 15 am 10 85 am 12 45pm 14pm 2 2ipm 2 57pm 3 4 ipm 415 M Kan " 8 64 ir 53 Ar Ar 4 86 t " 2 48 P 2 00 M u 24 '? " U47au Lv40;0 V Ar l" iSlUu 1 rnBE. Lv 5Jau 9 ftfl " t Dai .y except Sunday j 1 Dp i l, iJJauy, except ilf.Ja-. W. A. Turk. A, G. P.'A.,r Charlotte.

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