Dost Thou Think of Me Often V "Dost thou think of me often, my friend my love, Mora dear than the earth, and the stars above? orning and eve ing, by night and by day Weeping or laughing, at work or at play Dost thou think of me often, as I of thee ? Oh, hasten, my love, and answer me !" "Do I think of thee often, by night aud day, Weeping or laughing, -at work or at play ? Kay, that in good truth, 1 could not s y ! But come, do not frown Rather close bend down Thy head right here, And let me whisper into thy ew ! Morning end evenlug, by night and by day, Weeping or laughing, at work or at play, Awake or asleep The though' of thee lies as close and deep As the breath of my life, the throb of my heart, Of my i nermost being grown a part I do not think of thee oft, for see Thou art never one instant divided from me! Ah, my beloved, dost understand ! And now wilt thou smile and give me thy hand?" Btuart 8terne in New England Magazine. Arranging a Church Sociable Do not let a few do all the work; divide the labor and the responsibility Let those who are active in other de partments of ehnroh work find the evening restful. Give the Sunday School superintendent an easy ch ir and the sexton an extra plate of ice exeam. Each woman in the congre gation should feel that it is her duty to increase the interest in the success of the evening. She should invite a shy neighbor, urge a sad one or ac company a lonely one to the sociable and introduce her to at least one friendly soul. I speak of women es peoiallv because theirs seems to Le the privilege of guidiDg and control ing social life generally. Those who take the place of hosts for the evening may find use for all the tact and ingenuity they have. A word here, a cordial handshake there, an introduction which promises a congenial acquaintance, a skillfully managed interruption when a tete a tete is too prolonged it is not a place forgetting into a cozy corner with your parti ular friend, all cliques should be broken up these are what i makes a hostess in her own parlor a success, and these will make the lead ere in church society successful. Mrs Lyman Abbott In Ladies' Some Journal. Useful Things About the House. IjiThe best thing in this world is t know how to do things and be will i n ; to make one's knowledge available A shelf in the corner of a rather bare bedroom destitute of a wardrobe is . t.lm difference between comfort and .Mannmtnrt. It it in nun.tlv rbtiiueu duu pui U(i, uuu a yrvvvy cui - tain, no matter how cheap, hung in front of it, it is a thing of beauty as a well as comfort. The power to shape, emnnrh H.nd nut nn a shelf in of inesti mable value in a home. Two rounded shelves one large, nttea ana damped, the other small and set above it, lor an inkstand, makes a capital writing desk. It is becoming the fashion now to use tne corners ior aupDoarus, as m the old times, and a handy boy or man or girl -who knows the use of tools can add immeasurably to the quaint appearance and individuality of the home by adding these corner closets and cupboards; by putting up brass hooks where needed; by acquir ing a bracket or a picture; aiding in 4-V s AAAnioiHAn sf Aiivtalrifl nr mar ing the cushion for a chair or a lounge Oor. Bomemaker. Fun for the Children. . t London Court Journal. The gramaphone, a rival of the p Intended for children's parties, but is also amoeing to chil dren of larger growth. Tins instru ment is built somewhat on the prin ciple of a phonograph, reproducing so unds on the turning of a handle. Over a hundred nursery rb mes are deposited in the instrument, and it declaims Twinkle, twinkle, little Star" with a force which is positively i startling. Sometimes it finishes op with a lauph, which has an awfully weird effectf Bslhtad Schedule, &c. Raleigh and In gusts AL B B To take ofleot 4 am, Sunday, Sept. 37, 16V1. Trains mov- Trains inov- ing South. ing North. No 41, No 38, Pass aud Mail. Pass and Mail. Daily ex Sun. Dally ex Sun Leave. Arrive. 4 00 p m EUIjih, 11 30 am 4 19 " 'war v. 11 01 am 4 31 " Apex, 10 4U am 5 Of " Moncure, 10 16 am 5 38 " Sanford, 9 52 am 5 54 " Cameron, 9 26 am 6 21 " Southern Pines, 8 58 am 7 20 " Hamlet, 8 00 am 12 56 " Gribson. Ar 8 00 am Northbound Trains. Thro Frt aud PassSi, Daily exct - Sunday. P M Lv " Southbound Trains. Thro Frt and Pass- 22, Stations- Daily exct Sunday. 5 5 5 7 10 35 55am C6atn 8 00pm 9 46pm 9 89pm 11 80pm Ar Ar Raleigh Oary Apex M encore Sanford Cameron Southern.Plnes A it 6 45 !6 Hamlet 66 IS 00 8 20 2 35 Lv 12 4 Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive P1TT8BOR0 R B. Pittsboro, Moncure, Moncure Pittsboro", CAHTU AUIC R R. Carthage, Cameron, Cameron, Carthage, Carthage, Cameron. Cameron, Uartnage, 910am 9 55 10 25 am 11 10 8 00am 845 9 45 10 80 400pm 4 45 p m 550 6 85 WM SMITH, SupV Cape Fear A Yadkin Ynl'ej Bailroad (Jompany. GOHDEESKD SOHBDCLB. In effect Sept. 27th. 1891. horthboohp D'yexS'y I D'yexS'v No 2 No 4 Le Wilmington, 1C 45 a in Ar Fayetteville, 2 42 p m Le Fayetteville, 8 10 p m Le Sanford, 4 88 p m Ar, 7 10pm Le ftreensboro, 7 86 p m Le Walnut Cove, 9 05 p m Ar Mt Airy, 11 00 p m Le BennettsvilleJ 13 06 p m Le Maxton, 1 05 p m Ar Fayetteville, 2 40 p m No 16 daily excent Sunday. Le Bamseur 7 25 am Ar Greensboro, 10 06 a m Le Greensboro, 10 60 a m Ar Madison 1 06 p m southbound D'y ex S'y D'yexS'y No 1 No 3 LeMtAiry, 7 30 am Le Walnut Cove, 8 61 Ar Greensboro, 10 15 a n Le Greensboro, 10 45 a n? Le Sanford, 1 18 p n Ar Fayetteville, 2 45 p m Le Fayetteville, 8 10 phi Ar Wilmington, 6 86 p n Le Fayetteville, 8 12 p m Le Maxton, 4 43 p m Ar Beouettevhie, 6 40 p m No 15 daily except Sunday., Le Madison, 60 p m Ar Greeugbcro. i 6 p m Le Greensboro, 5 25 p in Ar Ramseur, 8 25 n in No. n. Lv Mt Airy 8 10 p m, Lv Walnut Cove 6 00 p m Ar Greensboro 9 00 p in W E KYLE, General Passenger Agenf4 J W Far, Gen Supt. The treat National Taper. The Brightest, Best and Cheapest THE WASHINGTON WEEKLY POST A Paper from the National Capital, should Go into every Family in the Country I THERE is no other paper in the United States that is growing so rapidly in circu lation as the Washington Weekly Post. This is because neither abor nor expense is spared to make it he best, as well a cheapest, ' paper published. It is A National Paper! Being printed at the seat of government, 1 he Weekly Post contain s special features noi found m any other publication. Every man should first subscribe for his home paper To it you owe your first alh giance. After that is done, if able to take another paper, the best one printed at the Capital of the coun try is the one that wi'l prove most profitable and entertaining. The Weekly Post will contain: A full resume of the proceedings of Congress An epitome of all the news from ti e Nation al Capital, Political news and gossip impartially told, Serials and short stories by the best writers, Gerus of literature, art and selected miscellany The latest telegrapic news from every section of the globe, Interesting Capital chat, Interviews with leading men from ax. r arts of the country, Other features not cont'intd in any other paper, . The Post is an absolutely indepr rdent paper, 8 Dttses. 66 columns. The price of The Weekly Post is 75 cents j per annum in auvuuce. ouiupjr uupiee seui frei Addrey;, TBF WFEKLY POST, Washington Post. TMEYOUTH S CQ MPANION The Full Prospectus of Notable Features for 1891 and Specimen Copies will be tent Free. Brilliant Contributors. Articles have been written expressly for the coming volume by a host of eminent men and women, among whom are The Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone. Count Ferdinand de Lesseps. Andrew Carnegie. Cyrus W. Field. The Marquis of Lome. Justin McCarthy, M.P.- Sir Lyon Playfalr. - Frank R. Stockton. Henry Clews, Vasili Verestchagin. W. Clark Russell. The Earl of Meath. Dr. Lyman Abbott! Camilla Urso. Mrs. Henry M. Stanley, and One Hundred Others. The Volume for 1892 will Nine Illustrated Serial Stories. 100 Stories of Adventure. Articles of Practical Advice. Sketches of Travel. Glimpses of Royalty. Popular Science Articles. Railway Life and Adventure. Charming Children's Page 700 Large Pages Five Double Holiday Numbers. (I Of I) Contain The Best Short Stories. Hints on Self-Education. Household Articles. Natural History Papers. Illustrated Weekly Supplements. Nearly iooo Illustrations. FREE TO JAN. I, 1892. To New Subscriber who will cut oat and .end iu this slip with name and address and 91.7S we will send The Com pun inn Free to Jan., 1N92, and for a Full Year from that Date. This offer includes the THANKS GIVING, CHRISTMAS nnd NEW YEAR'S Double Holiday Numbers. We will also send a copy of a benutirul painting;, entitled "A YARD OF ROSES." Its production has cost TWENTY THOl'SAND DOLLARS. Send Check, Fott-cfflce Order, or Registered Letter at our risk. Address, THE YniiTWQ rnMDiNinw PrtotAn . This Slip and $1,75, ALJSJtMA SAOTOM E &. To take effect Sunday, April 5, 1890. Trains moving North No 38, No 84, Stations. Mail train, fas & Mail. Le Raleigh. It 26 am 5 00 pm Wake, 12 05 5 89 Franklinton, 12 26 6 01 Kittrell, 12 44 rt 19 Henderson. 1 00 (i M Littleton, 2 07 7 45 p ni Ar Weldon, 2 45 8 30 a u Trains moving Sontb. No 41, Ho 4.;., Stations. Mail train. Paet Le Weldon, 12 15 p iu ti 00 a u. Littleton, 12 62 6 43, Henderson, 2 22 7 58, Kittrell, 2 39 8 11 Franklinton, 2 56 8 29 Wake, 8 17 8 50 Ar Raleigh, 3 55 p iu 9 tf0 a m (Loulsburg Ha' road. Trains moving North. No 88, Pass, Ko8, Stations. Mail & Express. Le Lonisbnrg, 7 36 a tn 9 QOrnn Ar FrankUut'u, 810 8 35 Trains moving South, No 41, Pass, No 25, Stations. Mail Express. Le Franlint'n, 13 80 pm 6 06pm Ar Lonisbnrg. 1 06 p m 6 40 Wm SMITH. Supt. ATLANTIC & N. CfiR, Time Table No 16. In effect December 19th, 1888. Going east. Schedule, doing west No 51 Pass trains No 5C Ar Lve Stations Ar Lve p m 8 80 Goldsboro 11 28 a , 4 17 4 20 La Grange 10 46 10 48 4 49 4 64 Kinston 10 09 1014 6 18 6 4t New Berne 8 27 3 44 9 26 pm MoreheadCity am 8 81 Dally. TOBAOuO MARKET Reported for the EVKNINO Visii ck by Parker Sf Harvey, Tobacco Man nfacturers. Smokers Oommoiu 6 6 Good 810 Fillers Common 5 6 Good 716 Gutters Common 10lb Good 202t Fancy s 2887 Wrapoers Common 142 Good 'iStMi Fine to fanoy. t')4?t I aaifjiui For Infant and Children Oaatorla promote IMgeaiton, and . ireonaes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour I ... acb. Diarrhoea, and Fever ishness. 1'bUY the child is rendered healthy and its gleer natural. Castorla contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. 'Uastona tR so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescripUi known to me." H. A. Archer, M. P.. 111 South Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. ' 1 use Castorla m my practice, and And It specially adapted to affections of children." Alex. Robertson, M. D.. 1067 8d Ave,, New York. ''From persona, iqton ledge and observation I can say tnat Castorla is an excellent medicine for ohildron, acting as a laxative and relieving the pent up bowels and general system very much. Many mothers have told me of its ex cellent effect upon their children.1' jju. u. u. usaoon, Lowell, tv -wb O - mnv, 17 Murrav Puaei; M. Y. ChiMrm Cry .ftf.Pftcht Cwtorfe Fire! FIRE ! Fire! Are you insured? Is the evidence of your insurance insured? A uood Fire Proof ISafe for their protection is the only insurance for them. Have you a good Safe? When plactng your insurance did you o tain bids from several companies and select the lowest priced company? Or did you consider and decide that the best company would prove the cheapest should a loss occur? Why not follow out the same line of reasoning in the selection of a good Safe in which to insure your insurance policies, books and valuable papers from destruction by fire or from theft by burglars? When about to employ a lawyer for a case ol importance, do you get bids from sev eral and accept the lowest? Or do you employ a.capable man who has had experlencf and a good record? Safe9 $afe9 Safe. We know how to build Vaults and Safes. We know the requirements of most custo mers, Our work is the cheapest because it is the best. Our work is NOT the lowest in price. We have had experience. We have a first-class record extending back nearly half a century. Whea you wish to corsider the insurance of your books and pppers from destruction by fire or loss by burglars, consult or write the Die bold Safe and Lock Co. nol7 tf W. H.BUTLER, Agent, 79 Dnane Street, New York. Notice Of the Incorporation ol the Switcbback Railway Co. of Raleigh, X. U. Notice is hereby given, that I have this day issued letters declaring H. B. Battle. J. D. Boushall and J. N. Holding, their associates j aiiu outLcwuia, awilJmauuu uimci toe name and style of the Switchback Railway Co., of Raleigh, N. C, for the purposes set forth in the articles of aereement and Dlan of incoi poration which have been filed and recorded 1 in mis umce, wnu an privileges anu pow ers under Chapter 16 of the Code of North Carolina ana the laws amendatory thereof. The business proposed to be done by said Company is the owning, operating and run ninj' Switchback Railways with power to charge and collect toll or fare for the use thereof; the construction and selling of Switchback railways aud rights to operate and run the same, and to do ny and all thinas necessary for the proper conduct of said business. The place of business of said corporation is at or near the city of Raleigh, Wake county, with power to do business anywhere in the State of North Carolina or the United States. The capital stock of said corporation is five thousand dollars divided into one hundred shares at $50.00 per share, with privilege to increase to filty thousand dollars. No stocli holder or corporator of said Corporation is individually or person ally Mable for the debt, contraet omission, tort or liability of, or demand or said corpo ration, JNO. W. THOMrSCN 0. 8. C. Sept. 21st 1891. 4wks. The beet tning in the United States for ONE CENT h the Philadelphia RECORD WwwCbrdml C U R. E S DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, CHILLS and FEVERS, MALARIA, LIVER COMPLAINT KIDNEY TROUBLES, NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM TT It Invigorat- l.. rt iwg wuu llghtful to take ana ot great valui aa a Medicine foi weak and Aihn Women and CbQ dren. TT gives NEW LIFE to the whole SYSTEM by Strengthening the Musclea.Ton ing the NERVES, & completely Di gesting tne lood. rtr "IMA Minerals, is com posed ol caretull Bcieciea vege hi M.lrln. combined skill ftltlv. tnntrtnff i Safe and Pleasant Remedy Book.'Volina; -bv lead in? physicians, tell ing how to treat diseases at Howe, mailed, together WithaaetofhaK. some cards by na Heliotypc procest on receipt oi ioc Wm atom tm n lWn..i.ta tmM IwhMM ffiiniiMA.riMw nnr you not keep VOUHA f OKIUAL, reuilt MN hs mmm BWPB wui uk mil, uui KCB $4 per year, dail" . 3 pr year, omitting Sundays. For the Farmer and the busineee nai. the Record ha-1 no equal. Addreea 4 The Record." Fbiladelt 1BWW OMLT St wa ggwioai Oonpuu CWMren Cry Jbr. Pitcher't Catlorfag

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