Guilford Battle Ground. The Greensboro Record saye: "The Maryland Historical Society some time ao resolved to erect a monu meat on the Guilford Battle Ground Park, to commemorate tbe heroic conduct of the Marylandera on the sanguinary battle field of Quilford C. H in 1781. At a meeting of the so ciety, held in Baltimore last Monday night, a report of the committee was accepted. It recommends the erec tion of a bon'der monument 6 feet in length, 4 feet wide and 4 feet high, to cost $850. Tbe money to be raised by a valuable acqni ition to the me morial stones already upon these sacred grounds." Tbe Suspended Bank. Tbe following from the President of the First National Bank of Wilming ton which recently suspended will prove of interest: The causes which led to the suspen sion of tbe First National Bank have existed a long while The capital was impaired by heavy losses several years ago, as is generally understood from the fact that no dividends have been declared since 1887. Tbe Directors hoped that by care ful and conservative management tbe earnings of the Bank would be suffi cient in a few years to cover these old losses; but slow collections, in conse quence of the general stringency pre vailing in our section this fall, have compelled them to abandon this hope and close tbe Bank to protect the de positors, as well as the stockholders, against further risk. Notwithstand ing the shrinkage in value of many securities on account of the general depression in business, it is hoped that the resources of the Bank under prudent handling will yield more than enough to pay the depositors in full. Respectfully, B. F. Hall, President. Personal Mention. Justice M. B. Barbee is quite sick. We deeply regret to announce the serious illness of Mr. W. T. Mabry. Gen'l. and Mrs. Bradley T. John son arrived in tbe city last Wednes day afternoon from Baltimore. Mrs W. H. Billings and children, of Durham, are visit kg relatives in this city. We had a pleasant call to day from Mr. Millard T.Toft, Assistant Manager of the Wilmington, Delaware Eve ning Journal. We had the pleasure this morning of a call from Mr. R. E. Capron, of the Central County Courier, Ware River News, and the Monson Mirror, all in Massachusetts, and Mr. M. L Schaffof the Peoples Register, ('ham bersburg, Pa. These gent'emen are here looking around at things in gen eral and are as clever and t enial as are to be met with anywhere. We extend them a most cordial welcome to Raleigh. Why They Do Not Marry. Washington Star. A pretty young woman, with a ruddy bloom produced by the crisp November air on her cheeks and an earnestness in her manner that showed she meant just what she wrote, left the following at this office: "Several papers inquire in alarm, 'flow ts it that there are so many nice young girls in our cities unmarried and likely to remain so?" Our an swer is compromised in one word to bacco. In old times, when you could approach a young man within whis pering distance without being naus eated by his breath, he used when his day's work was over to spend his evenings with some good girl, or girls, either around tbe family hearth, or in pleasant walks, or at some innocent place of amusement. The young man of the present day takes his cigar and puffs away bis vitality till he is as stupid as an oyster, and then goes to some saloon to queLoh the thirst crea ted by smoking,, and sheds crocodile tears every time bis stockings are out at the toes that girls nowadays ar so extravagant that a fellow can't afford to get married. Wine young men out of ten deliberately give up respecta ble female society to indulge tbe soli tary, enervating habit oi smoking until their broken-do wu com titu t ion clamor for careful nursing; then they coolly ask some nice girl to exchange her health strength, beauty and un impaired intellect, for their sllow ace, tainted blood and breath and irritable temper and mental imbecili ty. Women ratv well hate smoking and siu 'kers. W hare known the moat gentle and refined meu to grow harsh in temper and uncleauly in their personal habits under the tbralldom of a tyranny which they bad not love nor respect enough for women to break through " Kuleigh Market Itepurt WHOLK84LK AND RKTAIL Corrected wkkkly bv W. 0 & A. B. St RONAOH rayetteville and Wilmington st 315 2' 7 MKAT8 C. R. sides, Of Bulk shoulders, 7i Bacon " 8 " breakfast Hams sugar en red 12 " N. 0. &Va , l ?i Bacon N. C , hog round, 10 Lard Pure, 8 Compound Pic Flour Best per bbl 6 o;) Family, " 5.75 Good, " 198 Oopfbb Rio Green 1 8 SceAR Granulated, 5 Yellow extra C 4 MOLA8SB8 Cuba 224 New Orleans, 2'3 SyruDS, 25 Mkal per bushel, 85 Corn per bushel, 90 Oats per bushel, 471 HAY per hun wt. 90 Brab per pound, ' H 8hip Stuff per pound, H Salt per sack, 1 50 reets. H 10 11c lit 15c 16cf 11c 10c n 7.00 6.50 5.50 25c 6Jc 5c POc 60c 80 1.00 1,00 60c 1.10 lie He 1:75 GrBJIlVU IEM0VAL rBLK. WALTER? MOD COUNTRY PRODUCE. Bdttbr 171 25c Eggs, 15 20c Chickens Spring, 15 25c Hens, HO 35c Potatoes Sweet, 35 60c NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Sale of Real Estate. By virtue of a mortgage from P. F. ThOiUa- son ana wile, to r. M . Wilson, registered in book 64, page G09, Register's office of Wake county, 1 wilt on Monday, January 4, 18'J'i at the court house door in Ralei?h, at 12 m., expose to public sale a tract of land in Bar ton's Creek township, Wake county, on the Raleigh and Oxford road, adjoining the land of John Norwood and other.?, containing about 73 'cres, described in a deed of May iz, jooi, irom J w Harris to r U inomason Terms cash. P M WILSON by P H BUSBKE, Attorney. nov27 lwtds Important Sale of Real Estate By virtue of a deed of mortgage, executed by R. P. Howell and registered in book 1U0, page 169, Register's office of Wake coantv. I will on January 4, 1892 at 12 m., at the Court House door in Raleigh, expose to pub lic , . . . r 1 a 1 .... 1 1 , iiu saie a iraci 01 lauu in dwiii ureeK town ship, adjoining the lands of T. A. Bowen, W. J. Crowder, W. G. Upchurch and Jas S. West, containing 101 1-2 acre , being the land conveyed to R. P. Howell by D. G. Fowle. Terms cash. ELIZA DONALDSON, Trustee, by F. H. BUSBEE, Attorney. Scientific America- Agency for t TIME HH CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. DESIGN PATENTS COPYRIGHTS, etc. For Information and free Handbook write to MUNN & CO.. 361 BKOADWAT, NEW YoilK. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. Every patent taken out by us i brought before the public by a notice given free of charge in the Scientific j&mtfitm Largest circulation of any . scientific paper in the world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent man should be without it. Weekly, $3.00 a year; $1.50 six months. Address MUNN & CO Publishers, 361 Broadway, New York. NOTICE OF SALE! On Satu day. December 19, 1801, at 12 o'clock m., I will sell at public outcry at the Court House door in Raleigh, N. C, 1 double barrel Greenergun (hammerless) deposited as a pledge to secure $75 00. Teims of sale, cash or on credit with good note For further in formation apply to, H. M. Parnsworth, Pledgee. PEELE & MAYNARD, Att'ys. SAL AT 216 Favetteville St. 7r"pv Dry Pine Wood, cut in TT ' "VJ-L'anv length, delivered to any part of the city. T TTlf"RT?T? of an5" dimensions J-J U iT-L-DUrf JV funrnished on sho:-t notice. Also shingles, laths', &c- T7,'V'T My Special Horse and JO JJJmmCovr Food is gaining quit a reputation wherever used. It will pay you to give it a trial. WHEAT, &C.A1E at lowest prices Wheat, Corn, Oats, Rye, both for seed and feed. Also Bran, Corn Meal, Pea Meal, Cotton Seed Meal, choice Timothy Hay, Wheat and Rice Straw. ALSO FERTILIZERS- Am- mom ated Fertilizers, Pure bone Meal, Land Plas ter, Acid Phosphate Shell Limein any quan tities. C!Xi,T?"PiC! Choice Grass and Clo- OJ2rfl1'jLK3""?er Seeds both for field and farm. of every kind, THE N V BUBSIII HOUSE has rental the store room forme' ly occupied by the Racket Store in the Adams building on Martin street next door to the Commer cial and Farmers' Bank. Being unable to move in to their new qui rtera bef re Dec 1, they have decided to make a GRA" P BEMQuAL SALE ! for IS days only comni'Micing Nov 17th. Everything in the b .ti e is marked DOWN from 2J to 25 per cent below their Already?, "allied Low Prices which is from 41 to 00 per cent cheaper than any other store in th a y. They mean everything they state ai d do not wish to mislead the public by false ad vertisements, but invite one and all. Plenty room for everybody to come and examine their Removal Sale prices No goods re served. Come quick before thev are all pick ed over as this sale is POSITIVELY for 13 days only. Polite lady and gentleman clerks will take pleaure in showing you goods, whether you wish to buy or not. H. A. UTTMAN& OO Proprietors NEW YORK BARGAIN HOUSE, 205 Fayette ville street, Raleigh, N C. GEORGE N. WALTERS, MERCHANT TAILOR, v PPOSITB CITIZENS' NATIONAL BANK, Has a complete line of fine W0 0LE.N S, Thejlargest Jselectionlhe has ever hadj in shades and colors. the latest new york and london swell colors. AL80 The American and West End English fash ions. Give him a call. Sep 23. R- 167 Y ATT. COAL, -'Which we wish to emark and our language iS I)lain." tllftf WP hava Iwtui liavtna a rvrrA deal of trouble and delay in (retting COAL last as waniea. we nave at ist succeeded B!id have now in and to arrive in the next tew aays. 600 Tons Anthracite Coal, Egg, Stove and iNut sizes. 5J0 Tons Mingo Mountain Splint r-oal The hardest and best Splint i.oai ever onercu on tins market. IOC Tons Gayton, Egg and Nut 600 Tons Pocahontas Lump and These are i he best coals in America and the cheapest for the cash. For sale wholesale and retail by JOI PflWSLL Mortgage Sale. By virtue of a certain mortgage executed to me by Henry I Hughes and Sally Ann Hughes, his wife, on the 7th day of Octooer, 188H, recorded n the office of the Pegister of Deeds for Wake eouuty, N 0, in boot 92, on page 610, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the court house ut or in Kaieign, JN (J, on Monday, the 14th day of December, 1891, at 12 o'clock noon, the following described real estate, situate in the city ofRaleigh aforesaid, to-wit: Part of cily lot No. 732 on Shaffer's map of said city, flouting east on Httywood street 33 teet; nortli on Mrs t etigrew 80 leet; south on Wilsoii Iredell 80 feet, and west on J W B Watson 33 feet; described in said mortgage as the property of said Sally Ana Hughes. Also, that part of city lot No 15, fronting an teet on tne easi aoe or uicunt street ana runniim backeasterlv between Mat hew Mar- linonthe north and Mills Brown on the south, 210 feet. All in the 2d ward of city Oi Italeign. A W OtLXtftSiK, nol2 oav td $4 Mortgagee. Notice to Creditors. Having ouali.ied as Admii.x!ratrix of D. S. Waitt, deceased, this is to give notice to all persons indebted to him to make immediate payment to me, and all persons having claims against the estate will rile the evidences of the same with me on or before the 7th day of August, 1892, otherwise this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. HATTIE V. WAITT, Aug. 8 6w Administratrix. Executor's Notice. Having qualified as executor of Mary Tur ner, deceased, I hereby give notice to all per sons indebted to her to make immediate pay ment to me, and to all persons having claims against her estate to present the same to me on or before the ll th day of September, 1892, or otherwise this notice will he pleaded in bar of their recovery. CHARLES ROSS, Executor of Mary Turner, dee'd. Sept 15, 1891 6w Sale of Real Estate. On Monday, the 21st day of December, 1891, 1 will sell at-public auction at the cou t house door of Wake county, 63 acres of land situate in Wake Forest township, adjoining the lauds of 0 H Horton, L C Harris, H H Stell and others, known as the Carey Stell lnd. This sale will be n ade under an or der of the Superior Court of Wake county, in the special pjoceedings,entitled H H Stell, executor of Carey Stell, de- eased, vs Lemuel Stell and others, being a petition to make real estate assets to pay the debts of the es tate. Time of sile,12 m; terms of sale.i cash; bal ance in one year at 8 per cent interest on (de ferred payment; title leserved until purchase money is paid. HJ1S: ELL, Nov 18 tds Commissioner. INOTIGE. The undersigned will, on Dec 1st, 1891, open a shorthand and type writing school in this city. I will have day and night classes. Those desiring information will please call at W S Uzzle's music stor , 12 East Harg-tt street. I tea-h the new rapid svstem. Respectfully, u nolOtdl Mks iiLLA A CRUT HFIELD. l i The Greatest Bar- . GAINS IN TOWN. a . Onr $1.49 ' Derby Hats, Latest Styles- i7.49Tl Our $1.49 lilxl ' SoftFurHats.correctshap's g i I Solid Leather Shoes Balsand Congress Styles. CLOTHEfiS SHATTERS E R. Stamps, Trustee. JOHN T. Minis k ll 1)KA LiKKS IH FURNITURE, MATRESSES, L0Ui'GES,&C. We have in stock a neet line of Furniture suitable fo- the Exposition. VWeons expecting to entertain visitors during the Exposition, would consult their best interest if they wouri eiM aOtl examine our stock and compare prices We still otrry on our CABINET&UPHOLSTERY DEPARTM NT and all kinds of furniture repaired, cleaned, varnished aud upholstered. All kinds of Mattresses to order. Chairs reseated, packing, boxing, set ting up and moving furniture a spe ciality. Mr. (. w. Moms, so long with the firm of Meters Johnson & Barber, is with us, and would be pleased to have hip friends call and see hiiu JOHN T. MORRIS & CO., 117 Wilmington St.. Prairie Building, Raleigh. K.O. sep 3 t Let all Desiring Honrs of their Own, Tae Notice. That the Covenant Building and Loan As sociation of Knoxville, Teun. is prenared and anxious to help those wilbng to try to help themselves. They are now placing in this city loans of $2,000, $1,200, $1,001', $700 and J 500. In fact, no applicat'on, if good security, has been re fused. To investors there is nothirg safer or better. To those desiring horn, s of their own we are prepared to show you established facts Numbers of hou es eing built bv money from this strictly first class associa tion, It wiil be to your interest t see their agent, Wayne Allcott and make arrange ment" to own your home. no7 iJOd NE W BOOK BAGS, ASD A FUIiI. TOCF Pencils, New Tablets Slates, And everything yon want For School Use. ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO., i Booksellers. Exam he our flue Stationery. i I Atad I Coconut Maccarooi, Meringues French Kisses, FPUNGE FINGERS, JUV6LELS, CHOCCOLATB AND VanillaJellyHrll, PLUN AND FANCY CAKES OF Brst Bread In the State. Hot Rolls Every Afternoon. Graham, Rje and Brown Bread, BERT OF EVERYTHING. Only best materials used at STRONACH'S BAKERY. W. C. & A. B. STRONAOH, Proprietors. litre the buyer gets tbe Profi Is the Place TO BUY. In addition to our ttoc nt clothing we wish to call attention to oar CENTS' FURNMINf GOODS 003ISISTIN or SHIRTb, larrdned aDd.unJwtdried, CUFFS, v X COLLARS, , DRAWERS.. UNDER-SHIRTS HOSIER r, Black a a am' colored., B A.ND&F POUT EF8 ' RUK, LINEN COTTON, and the base ball handkerchief. Sne; penders. A 1nn!fttl h y. WAITT COLfc'S i-SPECIALTIES-i ARE- Gold i Silver Watches Diamond and Combination Stone Seta, Gold Rings, Jewelry, Clocks, Spectacles, &c. He is a practical watchmaker and railroad watch inspector for the R & Q and R & A A L R Roads, and from actual test of many brands, is prepared to offer yon the best watch for accubatb time low for cash. II mm WALNUT OAK AND STAPLE. J SUITS in great vaiiety of style, ranging uviu vol a. OVil W y MAGNIFICKNT I for ladies. Suitable for DESKS f ni-MDYita ' OUR 126 are great bargains. II I ll Onrtin (Ulf -OTTITO . Si' ITS I fect gems, at extraordinary low tJHEVALi I Our CHEVAL SUITS are BUI la ) peneci marvels oi beauty, especially those finished 'n antique oak and "sixteenth century." .1 liuA i W- !...., .1 l i . i' j iin x- i no uovo uic iorgeak varieiy TURK J?f FURNlTURHi to be found J 1 UAVM uwo wtu- not afford to supply themselves until they have examined our stock. C ARRIAO8, RUQGlli8, WAGONS and CARTS in great variety of styles and prices. the enlargemeut of our stole by I TH the addiiion of fifty by torty feet, store a larger stock than any other establish ment in the city. ... Cordially invite the public to call and VVE examine our stocks before purchas Johnson & Barber. jeJ7tf 110 and 112 East Martin Street.