Whi School in Out. Di yon ever bear a rash and a roar, Such at you nev.T heard before? If you haven't, I pray you jaas the door OMhe public sch-ol wlien school is o er. A catracbvleft wi h a thunder cloud, A demon dancing about in a shroud, A thousand wild animals bellowing loud Could make more noise than this rollicking crowd. Gay little rebels sparkling with fun, Half resenting that school has begu ; A way they start on a race and a run, And lauding gay y, every one! And we who pass the school house door, Aud hear the rush -nd mud ing roar, 8igh that our own school dys are o'er' And long to run and shout once more! So run, boys, and enjoy the fun, The hippiest days have just begun; Dance and f-olic, shout and ru:i, Each and all and every one! No: ill. ill English. New York Tribune. Norman English is uiujh more used in America in ordinary conversation than in England, where among the cultured classes Saxon English great ly predominates. For example, an American would Bay "return" when an Englishman would say "come back." We, generally use "receive" where tbe English simply "get," and so on to any extent. People who are self conscious in their culture are apt to use the orroan derivatives al most together. Just now it is the fashion to be off band in modes of ex pression, and the genteelly elegant phrases of those who ttre not people of the world sound stilted and old fashioned. This, however, does not apply to writing, where more ornate diction is permit able. A Fugitive From Justice. John W, Turner, colored, was ar restee CD Gentilly road near the New canal by Officer Terrebonnel for kill ing his wife three weeks ago at Mag nolia plantation, parish of Plaque mines. The prisoner claims that he had a row with a laborer tbe day before the killing on account of his familiarity with his wife. On the morning of the killing, the prisoner asked his wile to mend a pair of pants. At noon, when he returned, he found that the pants had not been repaired and a quarrel ensued, during which he struck her over the head with an iron Lar and killed her. He fled and came to this city and seen red employment. Sheriff Thebault has been searching for the prisoner, and left his description at the I'm precinet, which resulted in Turners' arrest. Phil. Record. The good people of Pennsylvania have been taking a good deal of Con federate money lately. Two of the gang engaged in shoving this worth less paper have been captured, but others are still at large. For some time past Confederate money has vic timised, quite a number of people in New, York and Pennsylvania. It seems that anything with a picture and a figure on it will pass for money among busy people. Europe dreads a Russian invasion, but if recent reports are-reliable the invasion will assume the shape of the Asiatic cholera. , The . New York Tri bune has received advices to the ef fect that thousands of peasants in Russia are dying of this destructive plague, tend no country in Europe can hope to escape it. The chances are that it will not stop on the other side of the Atlantic. If it hi s appeared in Russia it will probably make a cir cuit of the globe. v Humor has its fasons. The funny men of the past generation do not please the readers of today. Mark Twain realizes this, and he is trying to strike a new vein. The Danbury News man, Bill Nye, Eli Perkins and a host of others have found their popularity waning, and they are working bard to adapt themselves to th&age in public taste. Their failure is inevitable. The average humorist has-' only one career. When the pub lic drop him he is at the end of his row, Pianos packed for shipment or moved from house to house. Charges reasonable. W. 8. Uzzle, 12 E. Har gett street. IiAlliMd Schedules, Ac. Balttch and 4 u casta A-L K It l'OUk tfOrCt Train mov ing South. No 41, Pass and Mali. Daily ex Sun. Ieave. 4 no Dm ttgn, 4 19 " Oarv. 4 31 " A pel. ft At Moucure, 5 2t ' San ford, 6 64 " Cmeitn. 6 11 " Southern P'nes 7 20 " Hamlet, 12 " GHbaon, 'i ru, BnadaT, Sept. a?, wi. Trains mov lug North. No IS, tv and V -.iL Daily - Son A rrive. 11 10 am 11 )l am 10 49 am 10 16 am 9 r2 am 9 26 am 8 08 am 8 00 am 3 00 am 4.1 Northbound Traiu. Thro Frt aud Pass frl, Daily exct Stations Sunday, p M Lv Southbound Trains. Thro Frt and Pass- 92, - Daily exet Hnndfty. 10 35 55am f'6-vm 8 00pm 9 46pm 9 89pm 11 80pm A' Ar Raleigh Cary A pox Moncure Sanford Cameron Southrn,PLues Hamlet Lv a u 6 45 6 16 5 66 4 15 4 '0 3 2o 2 30 12 45 PITTSBORO R R. Leave Pittsboro, 9 10 a m Arrive Moncure 9 55 Leave Moncure 10 25 a m Arrive Pittsboro, 11 10 OARTHAUK R R. Leave Carthage, 8 00 a in Arrive Cameron, 8 45 Leave Cameron, 9 45 Arrive Carthage, 10 30 Leave Carthage, 4 00 p m Arrive Cameron, 4 45 p m Leave Cameroa, 5 50 Arrive Carthage, 6 35 WM SMITH, Bupt, Cape Fear A Yadklu Valley Railrowd Company. In effect Sept. 27th. 1891. BORi-UBOUND 1) . exB'y I D'yex S'v No 2 o4 Le Wilmington, 1" 45 a m Ar Fayetteville, 3 42 p to Le Payetteviile, 8 10 p m Le San'ord, 4 C8 p n A r Greensboro, 7 30 pm Le Greensboro, 7 35 p m Le Walnut Cove, 9 05 p in Ar Mt Airy, 11 00 p w Le Be anet i;6ville, 12 05 p m Le Maxton, 1 05 p m Ar Fayetteville, 2 40 p m No 16 daily except Sunday. Le RamBeur 7 25am Ar Greensboro, 10 05 a m Le Greensboro, 10 50 a m Ar Ma lison 1 05 p m southbound D'y ex S'y I P'y ex 8'v No 1 No 8 LeMtAiry, 7 30 am Le Walnut CoVe, 8 51 S Ar Greensboro, 10 15 a in Le Greensboro, 10 45 a ir Le Sanford, 1 18 p w Ar Fayetteville, 2 45 p m Le Fayetteville, 31pm Ar Wilmington, 6 35 p u Le Fayetteville, 8 13 p m Le Maxton, i 43 p m Ar Benuettevtiie, 5 40 p m No 15 daily except Sunday, Le Madison, 2 30 p m Ar Greensbcro. 4 35 p a Le GreenBboro, 5 25 p m Ar Ratnseur, 8 25 d m No. 11. Lv Mt Airy 2 10 p m Lv Walnut Cove 6 00 p m Ar Greensboro 9 00 p m W E KYLE, General Passenger Agex J vv Frt Bud. The treat National Paper The Brightest,, Best and Cheapest THE WASHINGTON Vv E KLY POST A Paper from the National Capital; should Go into every Family in tbe Country I THERE is no other paper in the United States that is growing so rapidly in circu lation as the Washington Weekly Post. This is because neither abor nor expense is spared to make it ihe best, as well as cheapest, paper published. It is A National Paper! Being printer1 at tbe seat of government, 1 he Weekly Post contains special features not found m any other publication. Every man should tirst subscribe for his home paper To it you owe your first, alkgiance. After that is done, if able to take another paper, the best one printed at the Capital of tbe coun try is tbe one that wi11 prove most profitable and entertaining. The Weekly Post will contain: A full resume of the proceedings of Congress, An epitome of all the news from the Nation al Capital. Political news and gossip impartially told, Serials and short stones by the best writers, Gems of ljtrraiure.art and selected .miscellany The latest telegrapic news from every section of the globe, Interesting Capital chat, Interviews with leading men from at- rartt of the country. ' Other features not coritinid in any other paper, The Post is an absolutely independent paper, 8 pages, 56 columns. The price of Tbe Weekly Post is 75 cents per annum in advance. Sample copies sent lren Addrtie, . 'J BP WEEKLY POST, ' Washington Post. m m n THE YOUTH 5 QttPANiOM The Full Prospectus of Notable Feature for 1892 and Specimen Copies will be sent Free. Brilliant Contributors. Articles taavs been written expressly for the coming volume by a host of eminent men and women, among whom arc The Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone. Count Ferdinand de Lessens. Andrew Carnegie. Cyrus W. Field. The Marquis of Lome. Justin McCarthy, M.P. Sir Lyon PUyfaJr. Frank R. Stockton. Henry Clews. Vasili Verestchagin. W. Clark Russell. The Earl of Meath. Dr. Lyman Abbotti Camilla Urso. Mrs. Henry M. Stanley, and One Hundred Others. The Volume for 1892 will Contain Nine Illustrated Serial Stories. Articles of Practical Advice. Glimpses of Royalty. Railway Life and Adventure. 100 Stories of Adventure. Sketches of Travel. Popular Science Articles. Charming Children's Page. The Best Short Stories. Hints on Self-EducaUon. Household Articles. Natural History Papers. 700 Large Pages. Five Double Holiday Numbers. Illustrated Weekly Supplements. Nearly 1000 Illustrations. FREE TO JAN. I, 1892. To New Subscribers who will cnt out and .end nit this slip with name and address and 91.75 we will send The Companion Free to Jnn., lS9'i, and for a Fall Year from that Date. This offer Inrlndes the THANKS. GIVING, CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR'S Double Holiday Numbers. We will also send a copy ofa beautiful painting-, entitled "A YARD OF ROSES." Its production has cost TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. Send Check, Post-cfflce Order, or Registered Letter at our risk. Address, 12 THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, Boston, Mass. This Slip and SI .75. igbbbS ALMItifJSa dABTOX R R. To take effect Sunday. April 5, 1S90. Trains moving North No 38, No 34, Stations. Mail train. Fas & Mail, Le Raleigh. 11 25 am 5 00 n m Wake, 12 05 6 39 Franklin ton. 12 28 6 01 KittrelL HendersoD Littleton, Ar Weldou, 12 44 1 00 2 or 2 45 Trn.ip moving fciontii. Id ti 3b 1 45 b 30 a n Stations. Le Weidon. Littieton, Henderson, Kittrell, Franklinton, Wake, Ar Raleigh Nc li. : i- Mail train. Past Aufrail. 12 iri p in t uy b. u 12 52 2 22 2 39 2cG 81? 3 55 p n. 6 U ? -3 8 il 8 '9 b 50 9 30 u 111 i Louisborg Ra'road. TruHq moving North. No 38, Pass, No 8, Stations Mail & Express. Le Louisburg, 7 35 a in 2 00pm Ar Franklint'n, 8 10 2 35 Trains moving Sooth No 41, PasB, No 25, Stations. Mali Express. Le Franlint'n, 12 iiO p m 0 0'ipa.; nr jLioaisonrg, nopm o u ATLLSTKA .V . 11 K , Time Table No 15. In effect December 19th, 1888. Groing eap Ho 51 Ar p m 417 4 49 6 18 9 26 Lve 8 30 420 454 641 p m Schedule. Pass trains Stations Holds boro La Grange Kinston New Berne Morehead Oitv la!l? Going west JNo5C Ar 1128 10 46 10 09 8 2V a m Lvt a u 10 48 10 14 TOBAO- O MARKET liported for the Evening Visitor by Parker & Harvey, Tobacco M an ufactnrers. Smokers Common. 5 6 Good 810 fillers-- Common 5 t- Good 716 Out trfl"Common 10 n Good 202t Fancy 283'; 'rapoers Common - 142i Good 89 5MM Wine f.n fnov- l ) -J- Fot Infants aaA Children Castovia promotes Digestion, end vcome? Flatulency, Constipation, dour f tiach Diarrhoea, and Feverishaess. ihur the cnild is rendered healthy and its sloej natural. C&storia contains no Morphine or other narcotic property, oastona is so veil adapted to children that t recommend it as superior to any prescript"! known to me." H. A. Arcbbr, M. p.. 111 South Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. "I use Castorla in my practice, and And It gpedally adapted to affections of children." A vol, Robertson, M. I)., 1057 2d Ave., New York. "TTrom persona. Knowledge and observation I can say tnat Castoria is an excellent medicine for children, acting as a laxntive and relieving the pent up bowels antf genera! system very much. Many mothers have told me of its ex salient effect upon their children." Da. G. 0, Osgood. kowell, VsM . o O wmv " Murrav 8tret X. t. QBtm Cri far BtcsrCtttore Fire! FIRE Fire! Are you insured? Is the evidence of your insurance insured? A (,'ood Fire 1'roof St1 fa for their protection is the only insurance for them. Have you a good Safe? When plactng your insurance did you o taiu bids from several companies and select the lowest priced company? Or did you consider and decide th.it the best company would prove.the cheapest should a loss occui? Why not follow out the same line of reasoning in the selection of a good Safe in which to insure your insurance policies, books and valuable papers from destruction by fire or from theft by burglars? When about to employ a lawyer for a case ot impcrtance, do you get bids from sev eral and accept the lowest? Or do you employ a capable man who has had experience and a good record? Safe 9 $afe9 We know how tc build Vaults and Safes. We know the requirements of most custo mers, Our work is the cheapest because it is the best. Our work is NOT the lowest in price. We have had experience. We have a first-class record extending bick nearly half a century. When you wish to corsider the insurance of your books and pspers from destruction by tire or loss by burglars, consult or write the Die bold Safe and Lock Co. nol7 tf W. H. BUTLER, Agent, 79 Dnane Street, New York. .Notice of the Incorporation ot the Switchback l;t il way Co. of Raleigh, ST. C. 'Notice is hereby given, that I have this day issued letters declaring H. B. Battle, J. D. Boushall and J. N. Holding, their associates and successors, a corporation under the name and style of the Switchback Railway Co., of Raleigh, N. C, for the purposes set forth in the articles of agreement and plan of incot poration which have been tiled and recorded in this office, with all the privileges and pow ers under Chapter 16 of the Code of North Carolina ana the laws amendatory thereof. The business proposed to be done by said Company is the owning, operating and run ning Switchback Railways with power to charge and qollect toll or fare for the use ; thereof; the construction and selling of Switchback railways and rights to operate and run the same, and to do ny and all things necessary for the proper conduct of said business. The place of business of said corporation is at or near the city of Raieigh, Wake county, with power to do business anywhere in the State of North Carolina or the United States. The capital stock of said corporation is live thousand dollars divided into one hundred shares at $50.00 per share, with privilege to increase to lilty thousand dollars. No stockholder or corporator of said Corporation is individually or person ally Mable for the debt, contraet omission, tort or liability of, or demand or said corpo ration, JNO. W. THOjVfrSON 0. S. C. Sept. 21st 1891. jwjra. The b?st thing in the United States for ONE CENT if) the Philadelphia RECORD Wmaordti$il C U It- j S DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, CHILLS and FEVERS, MALARIA, LIVER COMPLAINT KIDNEY TROUBLES, NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM TT if Invigorat- Ins and De llghtfut to take. and of great valui as a Medicine foi weak and Ailini Womeu and Chil dren. TT gives NEW LIFE to the whole SYSTEM by Strengthening the Muscles.Ton- ing the NERVES, & completely Di gesting the toed. Mil .Km i s mm CONTAIN no hu rtf u Minerals, is com posed of carefulh selected Vecreta. ble Medicines combined skill iuiiv. maicinff Sate and Pleasant Kennedy ABookVolina.' by leading physicians, tell ing how to treat diseases at Horeo, .mailed, toKethv' with aiet of harv somecardsbynsv Hel iotype process on receipt 01 10 c $4 per year, dal . $3 pr year, omitting Sundays v. , For the Farmer and the bueinees maK the Record ha" no equal. Address 4 The Record." Philade'. Kor bO bv all Snuihli mnA Oracctm. ffhollM thft dMSer Mr yn not keep VOUN4 COUDUL, remit L U fuH JSS MM MM to eent, eharKee VV ftiina ruglnd'ctremica! Cowp ' CUMrwi Cry for Pitcher's Ctstorifi nuunu m. k. sl. il 1 '

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