The BaBy tjeou tfisitor. CBLISHBD IVIRT AFTBRWOOW, I Except Sunday, mam vraTTHB la aArvad bv carrier In the eity t 25 ceni per month, pavable to the carriers in advance. Prioee for mailing : $ per year, or 6 cents per month, no paper con tinued after expiration of the time paid for unless otherwise ordered. Communications appearing in these innn. , tmt the exuressions of wiumiw w " " - the opinion of the correspondents writing the same, and they alone are responsible. A erost mark X after yonr name Informs yon that yonr time is out. Address all orders and eommunica- tlOD BROWN & WILLIAMS, Raleigh. N 0 Local notices in this papr will be Five Certs per line each insertion. RALFIGH. N.C., DE;. 4, 1801. THE M Y ST ERI SOLVED. The Murderers of Senator J no. W. Stephens Brought to Light. After Twnly One Years The following astounding account of the murder o' Jno. W. Stephens in Caswell Court House in 180, is con densed from the State Chronicle of this morning: May 2 1st, 1870 was a notable day in the exciting history of the most ex citing times in North Carolina. On that day State Senator Stephens, whom Josiah Turner called "chicken Stephens" was murdered, and his lifeless body found Sunday morning in the office of the Clerk and Master at Tanceyville, Caswell county. When the news spread abroad it created a great sensation. It was a terrible deed and stunned all the peo pie. For more than twenty one years the perpetrators of the deed have been unknown and much speculation has beeu indulged in as to who they were. Governor Holden and other Republicans charged that the crime had been perpetrated by the Demo crats for political reasons, Senator Stephens being a leader of the ne groes in that section and a very bit ter Republican. The Democrats ez pressed the belief that the family of the Senator had procured his murder in order to obtain the insurance from the large policy which he held. But until a day or two ago all con jecture was vain. The murder seemed to be shrouded in impenetrable mys. tery. Yesterday Mr. Jos. A. Harris, editor of the Hillsboro Observer, was in Raleigh, and gave ue a most as tounding piece of information. In Irief, it was that Dr. Felix Roan, long a prominent and -influential citi zen of Caswell county, who died a few days ago, had made a confession on his death bed in which he impart ed the startling information that nViibAn Hr.pnhftTjR was murdered bv himself and two other widely known and prominent citizens. According to his,Jcbnfe8Bio'4; the men who killed Stevens were: Dr. Felix Roan, Dr. Sthve Richmond and Sheriff Wiley. We do not know whether the dying man gave the true theory of the kill ing or not. Mr. Harris could not tell ns whether be went into fuller par ticulars, ornot, am inree or. mese meu are ueau. , ry of Birth and Death. St Louis Republic &e eral of the world's most noted characters have died on the anniver sary of their birth day The Tal mud sayB : Moses died on the seveuth day of Ai'ar, the same day of the same month on which he wss born, his age being exactly IW years Shakespeare, .the l" Sweet Bard of Avon," was born April It, 16 ; died April 23, 1610 Sir Thomas Browne, author of 'Re ligo Medici," was born October 1C, 1605, died October 19. 1683 Timothv Swan, composer, was born July 23. 17 8. died July 93, 184 ttenenl McLean Taylor, a nephew of Pie-i dent Taylor, was born Ncvember It, 1828, died November 21, 1875 Saint John of God, one of the mst eminent nf the Portuguese saints, wrs born March 8, 1495 died March 8 1550. He was the founder of the Order of Charity. John Srbieski, the King of Poland, who deMvered Vienna from the Turks was born June 17, 1629. died June 17, 1696. Perhaps there are others equally as prominent in the world's history who have had the same remarkable coin cidence, but these are all I have been able to find record of up to the present time. i(rl' The Full Prospectus of Notable Feature for 189a and Specimen Copies will be sent Free. Brilliant Contributors. Articles have been written expressly for the coming rolume by a host of eminent men and women, among whom are The Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone. Count Ferdinand de Lesseps. Andrew Carnegie. Cyrus W. Field. The Marquis of Lome. - Justin McCarthy, M.P.- Sir Lyon Ptayfalr. - Frank R. Stockton. . Henry Clews. - Vasill Verestchagin. - W. Clark Russell. - The Earl of Meath.-Dr. Lyman Abbott! Camilla Urso. Mrs. Henry M. Stanley, and One Hundred Others. The Volume for 1892 will Contain Nine Illustrated Serial Stories. 100 Stories of Adventure. The Best Short Stories. Articles of Practical Advice. Sketches of Travel. Hints on Self-Education. Glimpses of Royalty. Popular Science Article; Household Articles. Railway Ufe and Adventure. Charming Children's Page. Natural History Papers. 700 Large Pages. Five Double HoKday Numbera. Illustrated Weekly Supplements. Nearly icoo Illustrations. Ne w York has a female defaulter in the person of Mrs. E. S. West, principal of Rutgers Female College, who is $3,000 short in her accounts. It was just like a woman to take no more than that. If it had been a man the amount would have been at leaBt enough to carry him to Mexico and let him live there a few years. The liquor dealers of Ottumwa, Iowa, are being treated to a very dis aereeable surprise just now. Several of them Lave juet been fined $301 each, and the judge who has juris diction of the cases announces that he intends to see that the local option law is respected in his district. This is not 8 8 it has lately been in that State and liquor men are naturally blue over it. Exchange. It ALE 111 POST OFFICE MAIL SCHEDULE. "A Yard of Roses." FREE TO JAN. I. 1892. To New Bnbscrlbers who will cut out and rnd ns thin slip with name and adilrep" and Sl.75 we will send The Campnnlon Free to Jan., 1893, anil for a Full Year from that Date. This offer Incladea the THANKS (JIVINO, CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR'S Double Holiday Numbers, We will also send a copy of a beautiful palatine, entitled "A YARD OF ROSES." Its prodactlnu has cost TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. Send Check, Pott-offlee Order, or Btoittered Letter at our rtik. Addrtts. 18 THE YOUTH'8 COMPANION, Boston, nana. Fire ! Are you insured? . Is the evidence of youi : fn . ,hfi onlv insurance for them. Have A gooa r ire rroui aaic iw iuw yU a fhenplfctng your insurance did you o tain bids from several companies and select T S'irS aBd decide that the best company would prove.the cheapest should a loss occur? , aowinn of . e0od Safe in Why not follow out tne same uue ui rawvy.b . rrf"" j". nlrHnnbvfire which to insr e your insurance policies, books and valuable papers from destruction by nre r WhefabLWmploy a lawyer for a case of importance, do you get bids from sev eral and accept the lowest? .knar and a good record? Or QO yOU employ a CUpuuie ujnii nuv m r Safe, Safe, Safe. We know how to build Vaults and Safes. We know the requirements of most custo- mOur work is the cheapest because it is the best. Our work is NOT the lowest in price. We have had experience. We have a first-class " recordextending i i -I,, l.oif o nonlnrv. aim is" Whe i yon wish to corsider the insurance i i. nJ ii lt.or'j from destruction by fiie or loss by burglars, consult or write the Die bold Safe and Lock Co. OUTGOING MAILS. No. of F rem F rcr Tram P.O. Deioi Via Keysville (R. P. 0.) for Richmond & way, Via Goldsboro (Ex.Ft.)' for Short Cut & Golds. dis. "Via Weldon andNorf. Tl P. O.I for N. & E. Via Goldsboro (R. P 0.) I- "VT 1 -r4. I0r a. ttiiu .EiaaL, Via Gibson sta. (R. P. 0.) for Wil., Char. & South. "ia Greensboro (R.P.O.) for N. 8. and West. Via Weldon & Norfolk (Ex. Ft.)for N. & East, Via Greensboro (Ex. Ft.) forN., S. and West, DPABTDR,", 13 12 38 10 41 34 11 a m 8 45 8 15 10 40 pm 12 45 ? 15 5 55 4 30 9 00 a m 9 15 P 45 11 2 P IT 1 30 4 00 8 4r 5 f 0 a m 3 05 AEH1VAL8. INCOMING MAILS. No. of, At. At Train 'Depot P.O. Burned to Death. Cumberland, Dec. 2. This even lag at 7 o'clock a. coal-oil lamp was upset at the residence of Richard Hoffman, in the northern section of this city, and burned to death his 8 year old child and badly burned his other two small children. Mrs Hoff man, the mother of the children, had gone just across tbe street to a store to make some purchases, leaving the children playing in their room. One of the children, it is supposed, pulled tbe lamp from the table and it fell to the floor, causing cne lamp io urea, and set fire to the house and the chil dren. When the mother returned, having only been out but a few min utes, she found the children in flames, as well as the house. She did all she could to save the little ones, and was terribly horned by so doing. The youngest child was rendered almost a crlsn, and one of the other two seri ovM 11 burned,- bat it is thought toot fatally. M. Hoffman, the father, was out at the time of the horrible Via Greensboro (Ex.Ft,) from N,. S. and West, Via Weldon (Ex. Ft.) from North and East, Gibson sta, (R. P. 0.) frnm Thar.. Wil. ft a. Via Greensboro (R.P.O.) irom JN., a. ana west, Via Weldon (R. P. 0.) from North and East, Via Goldsboro (R. P. 0.) from N.. E. & South. Via Keysville (R. P. O.) from Richmond, Ox ford Durham, etc.. Via Goldsboro (Ex Ft.) irom JNortn, 12 45 38 10 a m ! a r 7 20 7 35 9 30 9 45 11 20 ,11 3f Fin i p m 25 1 40 c 55 4 10 1 55 j 2 10 10 46 11 fO nol7 tf W. H. BUTLER,5 Agent, 79 Dnane Street 'Newark. The best thing in the United States for ONE CENT is the Philadelphis The i reat Micnal Taper The Brighten., Best and Cheapest THE WASHINGTON EF.KLY POS1 u 5 45 6 0C Trains marked thus, do not move on Sun, day. Mails for train 9 going west close at 3 p m on Sunday.! STAR ROUTES. Outgoihg Mail Dkpabtb , Raleigh vw Shotwell. Eagle Rock and Wakefield to TJnionhope, Tuesday and Friday 6 a m. Raleigh via Myatt's Mills to Dunn, Tuet. An-wr anT aVtrlair d a m uav auu i iiuuj w i u Raleigh via Kelvyn Grove and Dayton to ifisn Dam, Monuay, weanevnay auu p.' 6 am. DaloiMt tria TTi-.frliinBfin' s dtnrn and Bar gor to Rogers' store.Tuesday and Friday lnm Raleigh to Massev, Tuesday and Frds 12 m. Wakefield, Eagle Rock and Shotwell to Ps eigh, Wednesdav and Saturday 7 pm. Dunn via Myatt's Mills to Raleigh, Men day and Thursday 7 pm. Fisn Dam via .Dayton ana r.eivyn un--to Raleigh, Monday, Wednesday and Friria' t 0in.u -oia TtanoprtT and HnfoViinflnn't store to Kaieign, mesoay ana rnaay u . Massey to itaieigu Kioiuay uu rnu o to.. on n.i.miT Hvstkm. Free delivwrif e at 6:00 and 8:45 a m, 3:15 and 5:45 p m, er. cent ounuays. lwubchouo uiuo i bow k :mi trx 7:30 a m. Free de- livery windows open on Sundays trom 3:00 to 3:30 o'docK p m. a r. oujirrn, fUHUUBK, RECORD fZCwaCordid C XJ "R E S v DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, CHILLS and FEVERS, MALARIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, KIDNEY TROUBLES, NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM TT It Invigorat. TT gives NEW 1 ing and DcL LIFE to the ligl tful to take.BRl whole SYSTEM andof great valueJTlAlbv Strengtheninc d n a Mrrltcine fort tM M w II weak and Ailing Woma ana WUi dren. the Muscles, lon ing the NERVES, ft completely DU est inline iooo. rTTTTTTTTTTtTi fTTTTTTTTT iTTI 1 1 MMe'.MBH Nina UL MJ nOMTAM w no hurtfu Mineral, Is com posed of careful 1 3 bla Medicines combined skill nil. moWlncr I Safe and Pleasant Remedy, . BookVollna.' i x by leading physicians, tell ing bow to treat diseases t Home, nailed, together withasetofhao, some ca rds by nev Heliotype process on receipt oi ids Fbt ssls br ST! Brnggtsls rf freewe, ShooM Mr yoa not keep VOUHA COBDIAL. rsm S 0. mti ssm fcottis mm u mi, mutm v t?0lln Drag and Cfcemlotl Combmiv ajkunaaa. snt . a . ftstena $4 per year, dail" $3 pr year, omitting Sunday. For the Parmer and the busing mau the Record ha no equal. Address 'The Reoord." Philadel j ohla. P A Paper from the National Capital should Ckiuntry 1 mtruDif ;,, rtYar nnrmr in the TJnitei 1 States that is growing so rapidly in circu lation as tlie Wasmngton vveeaiy rusi. is because neitner aoor mi to make it ihe best, as wen bp uuranai paper publisbea. His A National Paper! Being printed at the seat of government, 1 he f.iiniil in on7 rifKAT Till hllnfltinn. Everv man 1UUUU 1U MUJ vaA , , " tn should first subscribe for his home paper Jo it you owe your first alltgiance. Alter that is done, if able to take another paper, the L..t T.torl o fV,o flnnitjll of the OOUIl- ML'Bt UllO 1iiAiiv. tw ""I try is the one that will prove most profatabJP and enteitammg. jne weeaiy " contain: A full resume of the proceedmgs of Congreswj An epitome of all the news from the Nation al Capital, . . PoUtical news And gossip impartially tola, Serials and short stones by the best writers, Gems of literature, art and selected miscellany The latest telegrapic news from every section of the globe, Interesting Capital chat, Interviews with leading men from aL rsrte rf irt nnnTitnr (Hher features not contintd in any other paper, The Post is an absolutely independent paper, 8 pages, 66 columns. The price of The Weekly Post is 75 cents per annum in advance. Sample copies sent T&F. WEEKLY POST, Wasninffton kobi. For Infante and Children Castoria promotes IWgesiiesA, and vcomes Flatulency, Constipation, dour i .v tecb. Diarrhoea, and Feverishnesa i'hut the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Castoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. - Castoria is so well adapted to children Oat I recommend it as superior to any prescripts known to me." H. A. Arohr, M. !.. Ill South Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. -1 use Castoria In my practice, and (tad it specially adapted to affections of children." v 3 Alex. Robertson, M. Dj, 1067 3d Ave., New York. "From personal knowledge and observation I can say that Castoria is an excellent medicine forchildren. acting as a laxative and reHerinjt the pent up bowels and general system very mucnT Many mothers have told me of its ex taUent effect upon their children." Da. G. 0. Cqoot fr -.rAUB OTAirr, 77 Murra Street, M. T. rfifA V We will par Hotel bill. 8 ft KaUraad ntres to OPIUMHOT SPRINGS USER(0 AnJCharGenoFes jror any case uiocureoi yyti" MAJLBWOOD IW3TITTJT1. HO UTtXKM, Ala TOBAOOO MARKET Reported for the EYKMilfQ Visitor by Parker ts- Harvey, Tobacco Man iifantnmnL .mr.ltAm P..iVll?;n tt 6 aood... 810 . - s-i. a fillers Common . m Glood 7tf Oatfers-Oommrn lOdlf f4nnrl 20fti Fancy........ nninmra Uav90 Qood 40 Fine 'ns - 40OW OtBdiw Cry H Pitcher's (km OMr Cr for ntdMsjCHlOfffe I ' t'i&ic i-i Li 'i fa if i fi u'tc P Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. X When Baby wu sick, we gave her Castoria. When she wu a Child, she cried for Castoria, RTisn she became Mlas, she clung to Oaatorla, whhrn.lMi ha)rawathamnsanrte. tn - t pure ri ' Standard n HOUSEKtEPfeRScah prove by'asingls trial thai these Extracts are the cheapest jjhey are true to their names, full me"! ftjud highly concentrated. Children Orjrfer s Cwtork v

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