. I Heard a I.iirk. JOn M009VUV. I herad a lark ami the morning cloud That wrapt his flight of song Aa if that lark, Seer of the dawn, rose on prophetic wing, The ran now gorged the canyons of the akyt And all the barriers of the zenith breaking, On happy Earth there flowed a shining ocean. With this thing seeing. I, poor wonderling, Made half of saddened sunlight, raised mine eyes, Cast off my baser part, a1 d grew eternal. Lark of the earth, thy song shall still go on Whn mocking blasts bestrow thy tiny plumes. E'en now thy notes of earliest morn may be Well out upon an awful pilgrimage, Where dumb, despised, unshapen worlds go by, And all i dark forever. Yea, although The hand of Cruelty might scarcely feel Thy heart beats in its gra p, not less to cry May pierce eternity, to leave behind Faith's low petition ind Doubt's loud har angue. Inland Printer. Raising Coffee In Mexico. From recent advices received at the bureau of American Republics it is learned that there are now in active operation in the district of tteconusco, State of Chiapas, Mexico, 28 coffee estates which employ over l,f 00 men. Id this district' there is still a very la'rge extent of first class coffee land not being cultivated which could easily produce over two million pounds of coffee. The cost of pro duction to the growers is about seven cents per pound, packed in bags and ready (or transportation. The de mand is always in excess of the sup ply, and sales are readily made at the plantation at twenty cents a pound. Tbe lack of suflieient labor is the great biudiacce .to the increase of production. The reports which have been circulated of the total failure of crops in Chiapas are denied by resi de nts .of the State. Although the yield of wheat and corn in several of the districts is less than usual in that very fertile section, yet the lands pro duce so bountifully even when uncul tivated that it is almost afk impossi bility for a condition of famine to ex 1st there. Superior Courts of North Caro III Bail 4lehd ule. Ktt hu ' Do in Pedro Very 111. 0 1 f Pari", Pec. 8. The condition of Dom Pedro, ex-Emperor of Brazil, is exciting the gravest apprehensions. He was attached by a chill yester day, and despite the attention of his physicians he has since continued to grow woree. What adds to the dan gerous feature of the cote is the fact that the chill is complicated with dia betes. The Countess d'Eu, Dom Pedro's daughter, is constantly at the bed side of her father. A Curious Name. London, Dec, 3. A remarkable, but not very serious accident oocur red at Portsmouth while the harbor was shrouded in thick fog. During the time the outlines cf the shore were thus hidden from sight, the British troopship Crocodile with 1400 men aboard ran against the structure on wbich is built the extension of the harbor railway. She was moving at full speed when she struck the mas si ve supports of the .railway and the force of the shock was so great that fifty yards of the railway were de stroyed and three carriages which had been standing on the track were rolled into tbe sea. Great alarm was felt for a time, but no one was killed, and singularly enough the troopship escaped damage. Governor, Tillman rode into office in South Carolina on a reform' platform in which "no free passes" was a lead ing plank. After he became governor he accepted all the free passes offered him How a bill prohibiting the use of passes by legislators and state offi cials has been Introduced in tbe leg islature by a leading representative of the old regime. In the natural course of events it will be defeated Evidently consistency is not one of "Brave Ben V crown jewels. Atlanta Journal. . By the death of Col. P. W. Clark, ' the. General Passenger Agent of the SettLoard Air Line system, which oo curred at f or folk on Monday night, it was a great loss to that system. Col. Clark was a very efficient officer. JUDGES. Name. District Residence. Geo H Brown, 1 Beaufort, Henry R Br van, 8 New Berne, H G Connor, 8 Wilson, Spier W h i taker, 4 Wake, R W Winston, Granville, E T Boykin, Sampson. J D Mclver, 7 Carthage, R F Armfleld, 8 Iredell, Jesse F Graves, 9 Surry, John G Bynum, 10 Morganton, W A Hoke, 11 Lincolnton, J H Merrimon, V. Buncombe. SOLICITORS. Name. District. Residence. John H Blount, 1 Perqnim's, H White, (col) Halifax, J E Woodard, Wilson,! E W Pou, Jr., 4 Johnston, Isaac R StrayMrn, 5 Durham, O H Allen, 6 Duplin, Frank McNeill, 7 Richm nd B F Long, 8 Iredell, Thomas Settle, 9 Rock'ham W C Newland, 10 Caldwell, Frank L Osborn, 11 Meck'b'g, Geo A Jones, 12 Macon. FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Fall Term Judge Brown. SECOND. Fall Term Judge Bryan. THIRD. Fa Term Judge Connor. FOURTH. Fall Term Judge Whitaker. Wake Jan 5th, fFeb 28, March 38th, t April 21st, July 9th, t Aug 27th, Sept 28th, tOct 26tn. Wayne Jan 19th, March lO.b, Ap'l 18th, Sept 14th, Oct 19th. Harnett Feb 2d, Aug 10th, Nov 30tb. Johnston Feb 9th Aug 17th, Nov 16th. For criminal cases. 1 For civil cases alone. FIFTH. Fall Term Judge Winston. SIXTH. Fall Term Judge Boykin. SEVENTH. Fall Term Judge Mclver. EIGHTH. Fall .Term Judge Armfield NINTH. Fall Tern?- Judge Graves TENTH. Fall Tejm Judge By num. KLKVBNTK Fall Term Judge Hoke. TWELFTH. Fall Term Judge Merrimon. Notice of Sale By virtne of a decree of the Superior Court of Wake county, in the special proceedings entitled T L Honeycutt, admr of f A Ranea, dec'd, vs J 8 Ranes et als, I will sell.on Mon day, the 7th day of December, 1891. at the court house door of Wake county, a tract of land in Wake Forest township, said county of Wake, containing 10 aeres, more or less, and adjoining the lands of J P Haywood, L N Ranes and others, and fully set forth in the proceedings above named. Time of sale, 12 o clock m. Terms, cash. T L HONEYCU LT, no2 tdsp Admr and Com'r. Notice to Creditois. Having qualified as Admn.jratrix of D. 8. Waitt, deceased, this is to give notice to all persons indebted to him to make immediate payment to me, and all persons having claims against the estate will file the evidences of the same with me on or before the 7th day of August, 1892, otherwise this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. HATTIE V. WAITT, Aug. 8 6w Administratrix. Notice of the Incorporation ot the Switchback Ka il way Go. of Raleigh, N. C. Notice is herebygiven, that I have this day issued letters declaring H. B. Battle, J J, Boushall and J.N. Holding, their associates and successors, a corporation under the name ana style ot tne witcnoacK Kaiiway to., of Raleigh, N. C, for the purposes set forth in the articles of agreement and plan of iuooi poration which nave been hied and recorded m this office, with all the privileges and pow ers under Chapter 16 of the Code of North Carolina ana the laws amendtitory thereof. The business proposed to be done by said Company is the owning, operating ana run ning Switchback Railways with power to charge and collect toll or fare for the use thereof: the construction and selling of Switchback railways and rights to operate and run the same, and to do py and all things necessary for the proper conduct of 3aid business. The place of business of said corporation is at or near the oity of Raleigh, Wake county, with power to do business anywhere in the State of North Carolina or the United States. The capital stock of said corporation is five thousand dollars divided into one hundred shares at $50.00 per share, with privilege to increase to filty thousand dollars. No stockholder or corporator of said Corporation is mdividually or person ally liable for the debt, contract omission, tort or liability of, or demand or said corpo ration. JNO. W. THOMrSCN 0.8.0. Sept. 21st 1891. 4wks. Richmond 4 Danville B R Co y , hp Evning Visitor Condensed Schedule In effect November 15th. 1891. Southbound. Daily. No 9 No U Lv Richmond, J 00pm 8"air Burkeville, ft 10pm ft llau Keysville, 6 63pm SSlau. Ar Danville. 8 10pm 8 Oam Ar Greensooro, 10 80pm 10 12nn Lv Goldsboro. 12 16pm tl 85pn Ar Ralelgb? 1 66pm ft 45pm Le Raleigt "6 4P 3 Uftvr Le D."ham. 144 5 07xn Ar G.eensboro, lf15 9 4 an Lv Salem, T8 40 H 60 Greensboro, 10 40pm 10 80 Ar Balisburv. IS 88am 11 67ait Ar Statesville, 1 62 1 09pT Ar Asheville, 6 65am 5 69 Ar Hot Springs, 8 60 7 4 Lv Salisbury. 1S 40 12 0rPm Ar Charlotte, 8 00 l?0im Spartanburg, 9 00 4 17 Greenville, 6 10 ft 84 Atlanta, 12 80 am 11 46am Lv Charlotte. 8 10 a m 1 BOptt ArColumb' 6 07 6fU Augusta, 9 80 o P ".eon Northbound Tally No 10 No l? Lv Augusta, 7 00 pm 2 OOan. Columbia, 10 60 ft 06ou Ar Charlotte, 8 Oft am 9 00 Lv Atlanta, 8 60 pm 1010am Ar Cbar.'otte, 6 M. am 8 60 p Lv Charlotte, 7 0fam 9 30pm Salisbury, 8 27 11 00 Lv Hot Spring 6 22 pm 12 89pm Asheville, 2 40 pm 4 rft Statesville, 7 07 pm 9 17 Ar Salisbury, 8 00am 10 12pm Lv Salisbury, 8 87 11 8 Ar Greensboro, 10 80 12 42 Salem, 1140am t2 20am Lv Greensboro 10 30 1 CO am Ar Durham, 12 32am 6 07 an Raleigh. 1 25pm 7 20 Lv Raleigh 1 30 t8 4Rfl tr Ar Goldsboro, 8 LP 12 (,8 prr Lv Greensboro , lt 80n, 12 60on Ar Danville 12 10pm 2 P6 am Keysville, 2 58pu. 5 02 u Burkeville. 8 27 5 13 Richmond, 6 SO 7 10 WEST POINT AM' RICHMOND. t7 60 am Lv WeBt Point, Lv t8 5f am 9 loam Ar Richmond Ar.10 40 pa 8 10 pm Lv Richmond Lv 4 40 6 00pm Ar West 1'oint Ar 6 00pm BETWEEN RICHMOND AND RAL. EIGH via Keysville, 9 50 am Lv Raleigh Ar 10 46 pm fDaily except Sunday. ' -y S Daily, except M" lr" Sol H AAt. Jas L 1 'AVT,o -Traffic Man'g'r. ri T'-" ' r W. A. Turk, A G. P. A. Charlotte. N C Cape Fear A Yadkin Valley Railroad Company OOKDENBKD SOHJtDUJUM. In effect Dec. 1st. 1891. northbound D'y ex S'y I D'y ex S'v w Ho 2 HO 4 Le Wilmington, 10 40 a m Ar Fayetteville, 2 01pm Le Fayetteville, 8 IF pm Le Saoford, 4 42 p m Ar Greensboro, 710pm Le Greensboro, 7 20 p m Le Walnut Cove, 8 49 p m Ar Mt Airy, 10 45 p m Le Bennettsville, 18 55 p m Le Max ton, 1 42 p m Ar Fayetteville, 3 11pm No 16 daily except Sunday, Le Ramseur 7 86 a m Ar Greensboro, 10 06 am Le Greensboro, 10 35 a m Ar Madison 18 55 put southbound D'y ex S'y D'y ex S'y No 1 No 8 Le Mt Airy, 6 55 a w Le Walnut Cove, 8 45 Ar Greensboro, 10 10 a ny Le Greensboro, 10 P0 a n? Le Sanford, 12 45 p m Ar Fayetteville, 2T6pm Le Fayetteville, 8 15 p m Ar Wilmington, 6 40 p n Le Fayetteville, 2 11pm Le Maxton, 8 IP p jo Ar BennettBvIiie, 4 22 p in No 15 daily except Sunday Le Madison, 2 80 p m Ar Greensbc ro. 4 86 p m Le Greensboro, 5 10 p m Ar Rrmjsor, 8 25 o m No. 11. Lv Mt Airy 2 10 p m Lv Walnut Cove 6 00 p m Ar Greensboro 8 45 p m , W E KYLE, General Passenga- Kgvt J W Fa?, Gan Supt. . autli-4 t Line Wilmington H eiuou flat ro : uj Branches. Condensed Scaedale TRAINS GOINti Dated Nov. 21.No 88 1891. Daily. Daily. Le Weldon, 12 8Cpm 6 48pm ArRockyMt, 140pm Ar Tarboro, 2 18pm Le Tarboro, 12 68pm 6 00pm Ar Wilson, 818pm 700pm Le Wilson, t8 30pm Ar Selma, 8 30pm Ar Fay 't villa 530pm Le G'usboro, 8 16pm 7 42pm Le Warsaw, 414pm Le Magnolia, & 27pm 8 40pm Ar wu'gton ooopm BOOTH No 87 No 41 F'tm'l d'y, ex tSund'y ?4ain 7 68am 40ain 9 84am "49am N OREOLK AND CAROLINA R.R CONDENSED SCHEDULE. South Bound Train. No. 101. A. M. T50 1015 10 27 11 02 1120 11 37 1162 12 31 r2 63 120 P. M Dated AugUBl 9th, 1881, 8TATIOS8. North Bound Train. No. 100 P. M. L've Pinner's Point Arrive L've L've L'r L've L've L've L've L've Ar Drivers, Suffolk Gates, Tunis, Ahoskey, Aulander, Hobgood, Tarboro, Rocky Mount, Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Live 526 2 01 4 47 414 864 336 3 21 2 39 217 150 M. 9 65pm 1120am TRAINS GOING NOBTfl No K No 78, No 40, daily, d'y, ex daily Snnd'y. Lv Wil'gton, 12 86am 9 16am 4 25pm Lv Magnolia, 10 67am 1 10pm Le Warsaw, 11 11am 6 25pm Ar G'dsboro. 2 55am ' 05am 7 30pm Le Fay'tvillo. j 10am Ar Selma, 110?m Ar Wilson, 12 10pm Lv Wilson, 8 8f-am 12 68pm 8 23pm Ar Rock vM t, 1 80pm 8 5?pm Ar Tarboro, 6 30din2 18pm Lv Tarboro, '2. "8pm Ar Weldon, 5 05am 8 55pm 10 00pm Daily except Sunday. John F Divine, General Superintendent. J R KeniiY, Sup't TanB. T M Emerson, nral Pass Agt. Raleigh and AngiiHta A-L RB To tak effect 9 am, Sunday. Oct 25, 1891. I rs ins mov Train 8 mov ing South. ing North. No 41, No 88, Pass and Mail. Pass and Mail Daily ex Sun Daily ex Sun Leave. Arrive. 4 00 p m Raleigh, 11 20 am 4 19 " Cary, 11 01 am 4 31 " Apex, 10 49 am 6 05 " Moncure, 10 16 am 5 28 " Sanford, 9 52 am 5 54 " Cameron, 9 26 am 6 21 " Southern Pines, 8 58 am 7 20 " Hamlet, 8 00 am 8 18 " Gibson, Lv 7 00 am Northbound Trains. Thro Frt and Pass 28, Daily exct - Sunday. P M Lv 5 10 5 35 5 55am 7 06am 8 00pm 8 46pm 9 89pm 11 80pm Ar Stations Southbound Trains. Thro Frt and Pass 22, .Daily exct Sunday. Ar Raleigh Cary Apex Moncure Sanford Cameron Southern.Pines Hamlet p M 6 45 6 18 5 55 4 25 8 50 9 68 2 10 Lv 12 30 PITTSBORO R R. Lfeave Pittsboro, 9 10am Arrive Moncure, 9 55 Leave Moncure 5 10 p m Arrive Pittsboro, Q 55 OARTBAGU R R Leave Carthage, 8 00 a m Arrive Cameron, 8 45 Leave Cameron, 9 45 Arrive Carthage, 10 80 Leave Carthage, 4 00 p m Arrive Cameron, 4 46 p m Leave Cameron, 5 60 Arrive Carthage, 6 85 WM SMITH, Supt, &AZMI9E& (fA8T0JS $ R, To take effect Sunday, Oct 8Eth, 1891 Trains moving North. No 88, No 34, Stations. Mail train. Fas St Mail. o TO. Le Raleigh. wake, Franklinton, KittoeH, Henderson 1 Littleton, Ar Weldon, It 25 am 6 00 13 05 5 39 12 26 6 01 12 44 19 1 00 6 86 2 Or 7 45 2 45 8 30 am Tralnw moving South. No 41, No 45. .Stations. Mail train. Past &Mail. pm Le Weldon, Littleton, Henderson, Kittrell, Franklipton, Wake, Ar Raleigh, 18 15 p m 6 00 a m 18 52 6 42 2 82 7 58 3 89 8 11 2 56 8 29 8 17 S SO 8 55pm 980am Tiouisbnrg Ra'iroad. ', Trains moving North. No 88, Pass, No 8, Stations. Mail A Express Le Frauklint'n, 8 00 pm 8 8Pam Ar Loulsburg, 8 5 pm 9 10 Trains moving South. No 41, Pass, No 9, Stations. Mail A Express. Le L"isbT!ror, It 8" am 5 O'pm Ar Franltnt'n, 18 05 p to 6 85nrn SMITH, Sunt No 101 makes connection at Rockv Mount with W & W Train No 33 for aR points South, and No 78 tram for all points North, G M bERPBfc, J R KbNIiY, Gen'l Manage.' Supt Trans. T M Emkrson, Gen'l Passenger Agt. ATLANTIC AW. C.RB, Time Table No 1ft. In effect December 19th, 1888. Going eas.. Schedule. Going west No 51 Pass trains No 6C Ar Lve Stations Ar Lve ?m 8 80 Goldsboro 11 28 am 17 4 30 La Grange 10 46 10 48 4-49 4 64 Kinston 10 09 1014 6 18 6 4S New Berne 8 87 8 44 9 86 pm' MoreheadOitv am 88 Dallv CMIte Cr for Rtehir'i iCwtow IB P"T.I8PD tVFRY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY AT f i PER ANNUM, OR Twenty-Five Cents per Month. BY BROWN ft WILLI IMS, R A. LEIGH, N. C. The Book Trust Knocked Out. A Card to the fublio. The price of the great Encyclopedia Brit annica, $8 per volume for the English edi tion, and $5 per volume for the Seribner and the Stoddard t editions in the cheapest bind- Our new reprint of this work is furnished at f 1.50 per volume, the greatest bargain ever known in the book trade. We have sold over half a million volumes in six months; proof that the public appreciate so great a bargain. This reprint is not an abridgment, but are production of the entire twenty-five volumes of the great Edin burg ninth edition, page for page, with new and later articles on import ant American topics, and new maps, later and better than in any other edition. In all repects it compares favorably with the high priced editions, and in point of maps and du rability of binding it is superior to them. Heretofore we have sold onlv for cash. We now announce that we will deliver the set complete on small easy payments, Spkoial Offer. In order thai; you may see the bargain We offer, and examine its merits, we will furnish Volume 1 by express for 60 cts, a fraction of actual cost; add 40 eta postage if wanted by mail. Circulars and sample page will be sent free on applicatiox R. 8. Pkali A Co., je29 tf Publishers, Chicago.

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