W rrwmm u . - Personal mention. TbeeondittOD of M. B Barbee, Esq, ti ma oh improved today. Mr. J. M. Whitted. of Durham, U in the eity Mr. J. A. Harris, Mayor of Hillsboro, was io the eity last evening. Col. J. P. Cobb, of Florida was in the ei ty yesterday. Ool. Thomas B. Keogh who has been here in attendance on the World's Fair Commission, returned borne yes terday from whence he will go direct to Chicago. He is very hopefnl of the outlook for North Carolina, and says we will have funds to make a rery erediiable exhibit. The 11 Col." is a hustler when he takes a notion. Hon. W. A. B. Branch, member of Congress from the First District pass ed through Raleigh yesterday on bis way to Washington City We hear that he will receive the compliment a ry vote of several members for speak er of the House of Representatives Mr. J. D. Prinee, agent of Juoh Opera Company is in the eity, mak ing arrangemets for the appearance of the troupe here on the 9th inst. Miss Susie Timberlake and Miss Addie Bain of this city are visiting friends at Weldon. Raleigh Market Report. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Corrected weekly by W. C. St A. B. SfRONACH. Fayetteville and Wilmington streets 215 217 Meats C. R. sides, 6f 8 Bulk shoulders, 7i 10 Bacon " 8 Hie 44 breakfast 12 18 Hams sugar cured 124 15c 44 N. 0.&Va,,m 16c Baton N. O, hog round, 10 11c Lard Pure, 8 10c Compound 6e 8 Flour Best per bbl $6.00 $7.00 Family, 44 5.75 6.50 Good, 44 5.25 5.50 Coffee Rio Green 18 25c Sugar Granulated, 5 6$c Yellow extra C 4 5c Molasses Cuba 22 50c New Orleans, 224 60c Syrups, 25 60 Meal per bushel, 85 1.00 Corn per bushel, 90 1,00 Oats per bushel, 474 60c Hay per hun wt, 90 1 .10 Brah per pound, li lie Ship Stuff per pound, li lc Salt per sack, 1.50 1:75 COUNTRY PRODUCE. Butter 174 35c Eggs, 15 20c Chickens Spring, 15 25c Hens, 80 85c Potatoes Sweet, 85 60c NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. METROPOLITAN HALL SATURDAY, Dec. 5, 1891 LINCOLN J. GARTER'S GRAND SCENIC PRODUCTION. THE FAST MAIL. THPSsTM Ten Sets of Special Scenery. Flight of the Fast Mail Niagara Falls by Moonlight, with Boil ing A. ist. Practical working Engine and 14 .freight care, with Illuminated Caboose. The Dago Drive. Real istic River Scene and Steamboat Explosion. The Police Patrol and ion other startling effects. Reserved seats now on sale atMaRae's drug store. Admission 25, 50 and 75c. St Sale of Real Estate. On Monday, the 21st day of December, 1891, 1 will sell a public auction at the cou t house door of Wake county, 63 acres of land situate in Wake Forest township, adjoining the lands of C H Horton, L C Harris, H H 8 tell and others, known as the Carey Stell lnd. This sale will be n ade under an or der of the Superior Court of Wake county, in the bpecial proceedings, entitled H H Stell, executor of Carey Stell, de- eased, vs Lemuel Stell and others, being a petition to make real estate assets to pay the debts of the es tate. Time of sale,12 m; terms of sale.icash; bal ance in one year at 8 per cent interest on de ferred payment; title leserved until purchase money is paid. H H 81 ELL, Nov 18 fids Commissioner. Sale of Beat Estate. By virtue of a mortgage from P. F. Thoxna son and wife, to P. M. Wilson, registered in book 64, page 609, Register's office of Wake county, 1 will on Monday, January 4, 1892, at tilt: court house door in Ralei h, at 12 m., expose to public sale a tract of land in Bar ton's Creek township. Wake county, on the Raleigh and Oxford road, adjoining the land of John Norwood and others, containing about 73 rcres, described in a deed of May 12. 1881, from J W Harris to P F Thomason. Terms cash. P M WIL80N n. by FH BUSBEK, Attorney. nov27 lwtds SPECIAL : ANNOUNCEMENT." METROPOLITAN HALL EvGAGKKKNT OF THE FAMOPS EMMA J ITCH GRAND 0PFRA CO. Incorporated. MEMBERS. 125 125 CHAS K LOCKE, Director. ONE NIGHT OLY, WEON"J5Jv Y KK' KMHER 9T Presenting Gounod's Opera Faust MISS JUCH AS M ARGU KKI ri. The strength of the principal singers will be seen Irom the following list of artist SOPRANOS: CONTRA LTO8: TENOR8: RARlTONhS: BASSES: Emma Jucb, Lizzie MacNirhol. Albert Guille, Wm Mertens. W'ni Hrodrick, Amanda Fabris, (intrude Mav Stein, Mirhelena. tfennat Knmmski K N K r ight. Soda Rotnaui, Lina Goettieh, Marti Pat-he. 8 H Dud'ey, Warren Lombard Eva Cummings, Vm Stephen, (' W Colby. John K Iteltou. The Emna Juch Grand Orcnestra ot 40 selected ImtmnM i talists AND THE EMMA JUCH 3RAND CHORUS OF fO TRAINED VOICES which have given such general satisfaction in the past have been still further strengthened and improved. Mimical Director. (From Covent Garden, London,) Sig Enrico Berignani. Assistant Musical Director, Jose Van Der Berg. Seats on sale at MacRae s Drug Store Monday. Muut 50 and II. f,s,m,t,w CHRISTMAS-::: AND HOL IDAY GOODS. New Store, New Stock. Novelties and Attraction ts Please A I. Toys, Confo ctioneries Fancy Goods, &c. 129 FayettevUle St-E. D- SMITH-129 FayettevlUe St de4 tf McGee and Moseley's old stand. 1 Almond k Coconot licctroni, Meringues French Kisses, SPONGE FINGERS, JUMBLELS S 1 .49. ' Greatest Bar- chocolate and T mTT ' OAIN8 IN TOWN. ' . w a mm 9 IliJ 8oiyjs,li PLUN AND FANCY OA KE8 r?" 5 Cnlirt I flofhanChrtflc of m 'm Bals and Congress 8tyles. Our respected fellow citizen, Dr Hogg, speaks of getting a new kind of pavement for the walks in front of some of his prop rty. The Doctor thinks be can secure a much more dnrable walk than any heretofore used in Raleigh, which costs too mnch, usually for the time it will wear. NOTICE. The undersigned will, on Dec 1st, 1891, open a shorthand snd type writing school in this city. I will have day and night classes. Those desiring information will please call at W S Uzzle's music store, 12 East Hargett street. I teash the new rapid system. Respectfully, u nol9 tdl Mrs ELLA A CRUT : HFIELD. NOTICE OF SALE. On Satu-day. December 19, 1891, at 12 o'clock m., I will sell at public outcry at the Court House door in Kaleign, Pi. v., laouoie barrel Greener gun (hammerless) deposited as a pledge to secure f 75 00. Teims of sale, cash or on credit witn good note t or turtner in formation apply to, H. M. Farnsworth, Pledgee. PEELE & MAYNARD, Att'ys. ffl SALE -AT- 216 Favetteviile St. "TT'V"pi Dry Pine Wood, cut in VV VJ-""any length, delivered to any part of the city. T TTHT'DTT'D of any dimensions j U JLU JJJldV funrnislied V O A a . ''Which we wish to lemark and our language is plain," that we have been- having a good deal of trouble and delay in petting COAL fast as wanted. We have at lost succeeded and have now in and to arrive in the next few days. 600 Tons Anthracite Coal, Egg, Stove and Nut Sizes. 5D0 Tons Mingo Mountain- Splint Coal The hardest and best Splint !oal ever offered on this market. 100 Tons Gay ton, Egg and Nut 600 Tons Pocahontas Lump and RUH - 0 f - MIKE notice. Also shingles, laths, &c- on sho:t T7V"r My Special Horse and JD VV. JLJ""Cow Food is gaining quits a reputation wherever usen. it will pay you to give it a trial. WHEAT, &C.--A1H at lowest prices nnrau iuni, vuls, ivye, both for seed and feed. Also Bran. Corn Meal, Pea Meal, Cotton Seed Meal, choice Timothy Hay, Wheat and Kice Straw. These are i he best coals in America and the cheapest for the cash. For sale wholesale and retail bv -ALSO- Am JL' JLUXXi JL XJ.XJLLXt kJ' mom ated Fertilizers, Pure bone Meal, Land Plas ter, Acid Fhospnate Shell Lime in any quan tities. CT7T7"nC Choice Grass and Clo- k7LL A1 'JLIJ ver Seeds of every kind, both for field and farm. 1L- R. WYATT. TEYITJSimiT. By buying the soap mnnufactured by the Southern Soap Manufacturing Co, of Ral eigh, N C, upon the following conditions:' A.ny lady or gentleman presenting the largest number of- wrappers of the Southern Family Magnolia ot Celebrated Champion Soap, bought at retail, within the next ninetv days will receive $10 in gold at our office. The lady or gentleman presenting the sec ond largest numher of wrappers, bought at retail, will receive 16 in gold. ine laay or gentleman presenting the largest number of wrappers of the Little Champion, will receive $3 in gold. In addition to the above we will give two cakes of soap for every twenty-five wrappers presented to us ir nice condition. These soaps are all made of the very best material and are guaranteed to be eaual to any on the market, and as a proof of U we make tins standing otter: Any one buying a bar of soap manufac tured by us and not being satisfied with the result can get double tne price paid tor the bar by calling at our office 114 East Davie street. . Patronize home industry thus giving em ployment to labor and aid in building up your city. WE WANT SOAP Grease and wll exchange soap for it or pay cash for the same. Southern Soap Manf'g Co Raleigh, N C, Dec 1st, 1891 lm PBijtf Cry for Prlchc CtittPf IB i & mm December 26t'i, Day After Christmas. r OWING TO DELAY in the work of preparing the store on Martin street, tht New York Bargain Establishment will not be rcmov d to its new quarters before DECEMBER 26th, the day after Christmas. In the meantime the slaughter of prices is going on and goods are being oneredat prices as never before have been beard rf in Rale'gh We are de termined to sell, and we aie equal ly dett rmined that our sales shall be such as will meet the approbation of all Come and see us. Be sure and make no dtlay, so that you may get the pick of the stock- Remember that we are selling at from 40 to. 50 per cent cheaper tfian any other house in Raleigh. H. A. LITTMAN& CO,, Proprietors NEW YORK BARGAIN HOUSE, 205 Fayetteville street, Raleigh, N C Mortgage Sale. By virtue of a certain mortgage executed to me by Henry I Hughes and Sally Ann H ughes, his wife, on the 7th day of October, 188i, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Wake -ounty, N C, in book 92, on gage 646, I will sell at public auction to the ighest bidder for cash at the court house door in Raleigh, N 0. on Mondav, the 14th day of December, 1891, at 12 o'clock noon, the following described real estate, situate in the city ofJRaleigh aforesaid, to-wit: Part of city lot No. 732 on Shaffer's map of said city, fronting east on Haywood strbet33 feet; north on Mrs Petigrew 80 feet; south on Wilson Iredell 80 feet and west on J W B Watson is'd feet; dc scribed in said mortgage as the property of said Sally Ann Hughes. Also, that part of city lot No 15, fronting 35 feet on the eas' cide of Blount street and running back easterly between Matthew Mar tin on the north and Mills Brown on the annlti W! ( I' . .11 f . 1 n i . . ouum, ieci. au in toe zci wara oi city of Raleigh. A W SHAFFER, nol2 oawtd $4 Mortgagee. JQHBf T. MOHBIS & CC DKALKRS IN FURNITURE, MATRESSES, L0UNGES,&C. We have in stock a neat line of Puirxiitiire snitable for the Exposition. Pernors expecting to entertain visitors daring tne exposition, woma consult their uesi interest it tuev would ca nm examine our stock and omnare prices. We still carry on our CABINET&UPHOLSTERY DEPARTM NT and all kinds of furniture repaired cleaned, varnlsned and upholstered. AH kinds of Mattresses to order. (Jhairs reseated, panVinjr, hoxiug, set ting up and moving iuiuunre a spe riality. Mr. Gt. W. Morris, so long with the firm of Messrs. Johnson & Barber, ie with ue, and would be pleased to have ins trieudf call and Fee hiu.- JCHHN T. MORRIS & CO.. 117 Wi'itiuxKr St.. Prairie Building, K w i ;.'u . . sep 8 r Le a. us1 no htui' sof their 0w la e l otlce. Tnjt th- ( venrri Bui), il.g und Loan As H ciati :i ( i Kr' wille, iet . , is prepared and uxi'tisioh' thcte v. !iing to try to help th in. iver- i-ieyri'. now Isc'iig in this city loans of : ,000. 1,?00, ' i,f. , $700 and 500. In lad. ao i ,m. 1 1 . i ;.ood security, has been n fn . 'J vi iors th' re is nothii g saff-r n i ..ii. i ti.. edcs;rini horn sof theirowi. iv i ci i' 'l to show you established t i mrxrs or nomes eing malt by i i nr . m this strictly first chiss asoci- tion, A wi'l be to your interest t see their age t, nyne Alicott and make arrange ment to own your home. no7 30d Tbe Best Cmlsimas The Christmas presents whi.h are always in good taite, flurrying with them longest and greatest hnpp!oess are Beautiful and Standard Books. Teachers' Bibles, Writing Desks.Fan cy Inkstands, Lap Tablets, (. hri8tma Cards Fireside Games, Gold Pens and Pencils and Boxes of Stationery Ttese tbines never fail to delight children cr frown prople, and a little money wil go farther in the Book store than in any other place We have an immense new display of Hoi iday gifts and you should make your selections early. ALPREP WILLIAMS & CO., Booksellers, &c , Raleigh, N. 0 Executor's Notice. Having qualified as executor of the last will and testament of . Walter R Womble, deceased, this v to give notice to ail persons having claims against bis estate to present the same to the undersigned on or before the 3d day of December, 1892, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please makt immediate payment. de2 6w O G WOMBLE. Executor. Important Sale of Real fi'tate By virtue of a deed of mortgage, executed by R. P. Flowed and registered in book 100, pane 169, Register's office of Wake county, I ...III a. 1 4 i i . . . . wni uu .iHiiuary t, 1002, to, ia m., I ine Court House door in Raleigh, expose to pub Uc sale a tract of land in swift Creek to wn ship, adjoining the lands of T. A. Bowen, W. J. Crowder, W. G. Unchurch arid Jas. S. West, containing 101 1-2 acre . being the land conveyed to H: P. Howell by D. G. Fowle. Terms cash. ELIZA DONALDSON, Trustee, by F. H. BUBBEE, Attorwy . Bst Bread In the State. Hot Hulls Every Afternoon. Graham, Rye and Brown Bread, BEST OP EVERYTHING. Only best materials used at J STRONACH'S BAKERY- W. C. St Av. B. 8TRONAOH, Proprietors. Wnere the buyer gets tbe ProC Is the Place TO BUY. In addition to oat ctoek clothirg we wish to call attention to our cents' mmm good?- OONSISTINft CV SHIRTS, larrdried and unUuLdried, CUFFS, :'(. 1 j COLLARS, DRAWERS. UNDER-SHIRTS HOSIERY, Black and colored- HANDKEPOBTRFP. RUK, LINEN, COTTON. and the base ball handkerchief. Susj penden, & Innlftfl p v. WAIT T COLfc'S i -SPECIALTIES-! t .... -ARE Gold k Silver Watches Diamond and Combination Stone Sets, Gold -tungs, jeweiry, uiocks, Spectacles, Ac He is a practical watchmaker and railroad watch inspector for the R & G and R & A A L R Roads, and from actual test of many brpnds, is prepared to offer yon the beat watch for accueatk time low for cash. rufflDE WALNUT OAK. AND MAPLE. 8UIT8 in great variety of style, ranging irom WM a. HUH' to taw. MAGNIFICENT t for ladies. Suitable for DESKS f presents. OUR 925 are great bargains. Hurl's (UK 1 Our 840 OAK SUITS are per- SUITS ) f.ect &ems' at extraordinary low CUEVAL I Our CHEVAL SUITS are Mil U N I periect marveia oi ueauiy, Htit.imie oak and "sixteenth century." t 'JKJS 1-1 we nave ine largest variety TIT It K C ot n vtmnva.ist w oeiouna 'ill UXAC XIJT , JJUIVU DWD '.III not afford to upply themselves until they hare examined our stock. ABRIDGES, BUGGIES, WAGONS and CARTS G in great variety of styles and prices. . Hie enlnrp'ement. of our afore bv Al TH the addition of fifty by forty feet, two stories, we are enabled to store a larger stock than any other establish ment in toe city. W Cordially invite the public to call and E examine our stocks before purchas ing elsewhere. Johnson & Barber. JJ7tf 110 and 1W East Martin Steset

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