The 9aiig Evening Visitor. "DBIiIBHBD IVRKT AFTKRHOOH. Eicept Snuday.l THE VISFTOR is served carrier in toe city t 'zn cents per montu, payable to the carriers in advance. Prices for mailing : SB per year, or M cents per month. No paper eon- tinned after expiration of the time paid (or unless otherwise ordered. Communications appearing in these oolumns are but the expressions of the opinion of the correspondents writing the same, and they alone are responsible. A cross mark after your name Informs you that your time Is out. Address all orders and communica tions to M BROWN & WILLIAMS, Raleigh. N 0 Local notices in this paper will be Five Ce.ots.per line each insertion. L'rkst City Circdi-attn BALFIGH. W.C , DE;. 5, 1891. The late Judge Jeremiah S. Black was famous for his prompt and ready answers to all questions, and many of bis responses have become histori cal. None were, however, more to the point than his definition of a " ring." It is well known that Judge Black was not a favorite with Chief Justice Sharswood, and at one time, while arguing before the Supreme Court, Mr. Black used the term 'ring.' The Chief Justice who, as was his custom, was walking up and down in the rex r of the other Justices, stopped and exclaimed sharply: " Mr. Black, wbat is a ring r " A ring, sir;" was the prompt repponse, " is an aggrega tion of talented but unscrupulous men banded together for public plun der." Yesterday a crank called at the of flee of Mr. Puss 11 Sage, one of the New York millionariesSand told him he wanted $ ,500,000. Mr. Sage attemp te 1 to get rid of him by postpone ment, when the man threw a dyna mite bomb at him. The xnlosion killed the iutru W and three others, besides destroying considerable pro perty. Mr. 8age was slightly injured. The Raleigh Methodists are pleased at their new piepchers, and so are the Wilmington Methodists so far as we nave beard. The Durham Methodists Trinity have got the greatest preacher in the Conference so far as we know or have h. ard, and the ablest Presiding Elder, who resides in that prosperous, driving manufac taring town. Wil. Messenger. Caught Like a Bali. A dispatch from New York says: A miraculous incident happened at Williamsburg yesterday. Mrs. Kune- garde Fushman went to the butcher shop and left her baby boy, George, asleep in the cradle upstairs. Soon after her departure, the child, anx ious to see if its mother w a return ing, hoisted the window, leaned for ward and tumbled out. At that mo ment, a brawny German, who ref used to reveal bis name, who was passing. happened to look up and, seeing the baby come bouncing down like a ball caught it. Neither was hurt and the mother, when.she heard the story of her boy's escape, was the only one to weep. A Water Cartridge. m A recent English invention is a wa ter cartridge, some very interesting experiments with which were recent )y tried in an English mine. An ex plosive charge of tonite is placed in a tin tube of a size snitable for a shot hole. "The tube is filled with water, and the cartridge is suspended in it by means of a wire epnnection with the detonator. The tube is securely plugged, the cartridge placed in the shot hole and ratr-med in the usual way. The advantage claimed is, that when the charge is exploded there is SO flame, and consequently no dans ger of igniting gas, while at the same time the coal is not shattered as in ordinary blasting. At tests mae with the cartridge tfWM ordinary, jjhpts were flrqd into the coal with four ounce charges of tonite without flame being observed. In a severe test two blown out shots were tried in hard metal with no in -dication of flame, while as final test, loaded cartri ge was frted on th mine floor, and aga'n there was no indication of flame. These tests were regarded by the mining experts pres ent as conclusive as the absolute!) nameless properties of the cartridge. Bow Indians Prepare Grass hoppers. When' grasshoppers are very abun dant and in prhie condition the In dians dig a bole, build a fire in the bottom of it and drive the swarms of insects into it from 8 11 directions. Then they cover the opeui- g with blankets. The hoppers thus killed are taken out and put into bags with salt. Afterward they are spread out to dry in the eun The wings and logs are removed before rating Washington St ir. i III loi-i i 1'H in tfgg Farmington (Mo.) Timrs. We met our old friend, Mr. Jese Faton, on the street the otherd.iv, and he told ut of a wonderful egg his daughter came across a short time ago. On breaking it. she discovered another perfectly formed egg with a shell inside of it. It was about the size of a partridge egg. Another gen tleman standing by told of a curiosity in the shape of a double chicken that had been batched on his place. The backs of the twins were united, and while one would be standing on his feet the feet of the other would be pointing upward. When growing tired of this position it or they would flop over and stand on the other feet, the position being reversed. He said the chickens lived several days. Scientific American Agency for TRADE MARKS. DESIGN PATENTS COPVRIOHTS, etc. For Information and free Handbook write to MUNN & CO.. 361 Broadway, New York. Oldest bureau for securing patents In America. Every patent taken out by us Is brought before the public by a notice given free of charge in the Sf titntiUt mttitm Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent man should be without It. Weekly, 83.00 a year; 91.50 six months. Address MUNN & CO Publishers, 861 Broadway, New York. RA LEI H POST OFFICE MAIL SCHEDULE. OUTGOING MAILS. Via Keysville (R. P. 0.) for Richmond & wav. Via Goldsboro (Ex.Ft.j tor snort uut & Uolds. dis. Via Weldon and Norf . (R. P. O.) forN. &E. Via Goldsboro (R. P 0.) tAT ru W an1 h'ncit v 11,, kj. auu iJOOl, Via Gibson sta. (R. P. 0.) for Wil., Char. & South. ia Greensboro (R.P.O. ) forN., 8. and West, Via Weldon & Norfolk (Ex. FUfor N. & East. Via Greensboro (Ex. Ft.) tor jn., p. ana west, Departub" No. ofi Train 13 12 38 10 41 34 11' From:F rcn P.O. a m 8 45 8 15 10 40 p m 12 45 8 15 5 55 4 30 9 00 Dej (. a m 9 15 8 45 11 2 p m 1 30 4 00 3 4 5 r.0 a m 3 05 INCOMING MAILS. Via Greensboro (Ex.Ft,) irom jn.. a. ana West Via Weldon (Ex. Ft.) trom JNortn ana i&tst. Gibson sta, (R. P. O.) from Char., Wil. & S. Via Greensboro (R.P.O.) Irnni rJ M an4 Uaat 11VU1 11 kj. 1IU ITCOl, Via Weldon R. P. 0.) irom worth ana mat. Via Goldsboro (R. P. O.) from N., E. & South. Via Keysville (R. P. 0.) trom Kichmond, Ox ford Durham, etc.. Via Goldsboro (Ex Ft.) irom in or in, ARRIVALS. No. of Train 12 45 38 10 41 11 At. Depot a m 7 20 At P.O. a r 7 35 9 30 9 45 11 20 P n I 25 55 I I 3f Fm 40 4 10 1 55 2 10 10 40 11 f0 5 45 ' 6 0C Trains marked thus. do not move on Snn day. Mails for train 9 Koine west close at 3 d m 0" Bud day. t STAR ROUTES. OuTGoura Mail Departs . Raleieh vit Shotwell. Eagle Rock and Wakefield tc Unionhope, Tuesday and Friday ti a m. Raleigh via Mvatt's Mills to Dunn. Ti:ei day and Friday 6 am. Raleigh via Kelvyn Grove and Dayton to Fish Dam. Monday. Wednesday and Frid 6 am. Raleigh via Hutchinson's store and Bar gor to Rogers' store.Tuesday and Friday Into Ft da Raleigh to Masse v, Tuesdav and Mm. Incoming Mails Arrjvk Union hone. v Wakefield, Eagle Rook and Shotwell to Ps eieh, Wednesday and Saturday 7 p m. Dunn via Mvatt's Mills to Raleigh. Mon day and Thursday 7 pm. Fish Dam via Dayton and Kelwn dm- to Raleigh, Monday, Wednesday and Frkur 7 pm. Rogers' store via Bangor and Hutchinson 'i store to Raleigh, Tuesday and Friday 12 n JUassey. to Ualeigh Tuesday and F riday 10 a m. Fbkk Delivery System Free dliverir at 6:00 and 8:45 a m, 3:16 and 5:45 p m, ct, cept Sundays. Collections made at saror hours. Sunday, 6:30 to 7:30 a m. Free de liver) windows open on Sundays from 3:00 to 3:30 o'clock p m. A. W. SHAFFER, Postmaster. TrlEYOUTtfS QflPANION The Full Prospectus of Notable Features for 1S92 and Specimen Copies will be sent Free. Brilliant Contributors. Articles have been written expressly for the coming volume by a boat of eminent men and women, among whom are The Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone. Count Ferdinand de Lesseps. Andrew Carnegie. Cyrus W. Field. The Marquis of Lome. - Justin McCarthy, M.P. Sir Lyon PUyfair. Frank R. Stockton Henry Clews. Vasill Verestchagin. W. Clark Russell. - The Earl of Meath. Dr. Lyman Abbott; Camilla Urso. Mrs. Henry M. Stanley, and One Hundred Others. The Volume for 1892 will Contain Nine Illustrated Serial Stories. 100 Stories of Adventure. The Best Short Stories. Articles of Practical Advice. Sketches of Travel. Hints on Self-Education. Glimpses of Royalty. Popular Science Articles; Household Articles. i Railway Life and Adventure. Charming Children's Page. Natural History Papers. 700 Large Pages. Five Double Holiday Numbers. Illustrated Weekly Supplements. Nearly 1000 Illustration!. "A Yard of Roses." FREE TO JAN. I, 1892. To New Subscribers who will cat oat nod .end do this nil p with name and address and 81.73 wo will .mil The Companion Free to Jan., 1899, and for a Foil Year from that Dale. Tola offer include, the THANKS GIVING, CHRISTMAS and NBW YEAR'S Double Holiday Number.. We will also send a copy of a beautiful painting, entitled "A YARD OF ROSBS." It. production has coat TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, Send Cheek, Poet-offLoe Order, or Registered Letter at mr risk. Address, U The Youth's enMDiMiniu Rn..n. - This Slip and $1 ,75, Fire! FIRE Fire! Are you insured? Is the evidence of vour insurance insured? A Rood Fire Proof Safe for their protection is the only insurance for tLem. Have you a good Safe When plactng your insurance did you o' tain bids from several companies and select the lowest priced company? Or did you consider and decide that the best company would prove.the cheapest should a loss occur? Why rot follow out the same line of reasoning in the selection of a good Safe in which to insure your insurance policies, books and valuable papers from destruction by fire or from theft by burglars? When about to employ a lawyer for a case ot importance, do you get bids from sev eral and accept the lowest? Or do you employ a capable man who has had experlenor and a good record? Safe, Safe. We'know how to build Vaults and Safes. We know the requirements of most custo mers, Our work is the cheapest because it is the best. Our work is NOT the lowest in price. We have had experience. We have a first clas record ex'ending bck nearly half a century. --hSSSm Whea you wish to corsider the insurance of vour books and ppirs fiom lestruction by fire or loss by burglnrs consult or write the fZCmaCordid CURES DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, CHILLS and FEVERS, MALARIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, KIDNEY TROUBLES, NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM nit Invigorat- 1UK llghtful to and of great as a Medicine weak and Atlt&i WometuM dren. TT Elves NEW LIFE to the whole SYSTEM by Strengthening the Muscles .Ton ing the VERVES, a completely ut. gesting the food. forLYi -IMP if mm Die bold Safe and Lock Co. no!7 tf W. H. BUTLER, Agent, 79 Dnaue SlreetNewTork. The b'st thing in the United States for ONE CENT s the Philadelphia RECORD f 4 per year, dail" $3 pr year, omitting Sundays. For the Farmer and the bufliuesc mau the Record ha no equal. Address 4 TTe Record." Pbiladnl. ohi. Jp The f real National Taper The Brighter, Best and Cheapest THfl WASHINGTON WEEKLY POST A Taper from the National Capital shouk' oo into every a amny in tue Country I THERE is no other paper in the Unite States that is growing so rapidly in circu lation as the Washington Weekly Post. This is because neither abor nor expense is spared to make it 'iie Dest, as well as cneapest, paper published. It is A National Paper Being printed at the seat of government,! he weeitiy rost contains special teatures noi found in any other publication. Every man should first subscribe for his home paper To it yon owe your first allegiance. After that is done, if able to take another paper, the best one printed at the Capital of the coun try is the one that will prove most profitable and entertaining. The Weekly Post will contain: v A full resume of the proceedings of Congrea; au epitome oi an me news irom tne .nation al Capita, Political news and gossip impartially told, Serials and short stories by the best writers, Gems of literature, art and selected miscellany The latest telegrapic news from every section of the globe, Interesting Capital chat. i Ir erviewswith leading men from hl rerie of the country. Other features not confointd in any other j to" I ff w-wl" " H"u l '"- 'opiumHotTpMgs UStR?Jj I And Charge no Fee l to cure of what is comraon IDM HABIT" which hi. I use of Opium Morphine, j kindred narcotic. Addreio." :rvn, uvt.urmtm. AtlT 3Foe An- Ma u. - 17 called tbo "OPIDlf HABIT,1 " kun ok.iiiuu ue ox uvsua ana other Ulnar mjjlkwood maimm paper, TheTost is an absolutely independent paper, 8 pages, 66 columns. The price of The Weekly Post is 75 cent per annum in advance. Sample copies sen) free addrt&c, TBF. WEEKLY POST, Washington Post. TO BAG' () MARKET owported for the Rvftjuae Vibitoh by Parker & Harvey, Tobacco Man ufacturers. ! makers Oonunon. M 6 ood .: 8O10 r liiers tornuiou 3tood .... luf era O juimor1. ood... Fancy ' r-pDers Oouimon Wood oo . x Fine to fanv ...... ........,. PONTAI no hurtfu Minerals, ia com' posed ot careiull elected Veget. Die HemciDe combined skill rullv. malcine Safe and Pleasant Remedy, raMWbyinPiutililimdeTBcom flboaMDMOwlir ear you not kwp TOElIA t'OKUIAL, rwnit C-Oft, - fui) .in hoUl will be mnt, dmrgM fv turn imp oavt at Voiina Drtrg and ONmloaf Copv A Book.'Volina,' bv leadins physlclana. tell ing bow to treat diseases at Home, mailed, together with a set of hare.' omecards by net. Heliatypeprocest op receipt of to e Oislaria For Infanta and Children, Castorla promotes Digestion, and rcomes Flatulency, Constipation, riour i . tech, Diarrhoea, and Feverishuesa, intu the child is rendered healthy and its deep natural. Castorla contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. -castorla is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescript known to me." H. A. Arcbkr, II. D.. Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. -I use Castorla in my practice, and And it pecially adapted to affections of children." Alkx. Robertson, M. D 1067 2d Ave., New York. 'From personal Know lodge and observation I can say that Castorla is an excellent medicine for children, acting as a laxative and relisting the pent tip bowels anv general system very much. Many mothers have told me of Its ex sellent effect upon their children." IV iKJua0rT,7MuTravBat,JI.T. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. When Baby wan sick, we gave her Castorla When she was a Child, she cried for Caitorta, Wna she Utrnm Mil, she clung to Oajlotja, shehadChlldrr ha gave them Oaatoria. f- ...3837 U30 Wtom Crr Pitche Ctrtjr Standar-rFlaYins f flaWssBBk H OUS EK tEPER S can prove by aaingta trial that these Extracts are the ch-west; are true to their names, full mep-'iro. concentrated. '

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