"7 She Uifitior VOL. XXVI. RALEIGH, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1891. NO. 45) NEWS NOTES ABOUT THE CI IV. What Our Reporters See and Hear ortta Giving to Oar Headers News in Brief. Ap- QTA new safe for sale cheap. ply at this office. ?or Sale. We have two fete of twenty five volumes each, of the th Edinburg edition of the great Encyclopedia Brittannica which we will sell at two thirds the publisher's price for the next ten pays. This is an opportu nityof a life time. See advertise ment and di8cription in this issre '"all at the Visitor cffice and exam ine them. Another sudden change in the weather bad on the grippe sufferers. The mayor had another quiet time this morniug. The Supreme court has now reached the 18th district. An early adjourn ment may be expected. The Hargett street Hue of street ova will be running by the last of this week, or the first of next. The beautiful bracing weather to day, has brought out the Christina purchasers in force. The etores have done a li ely busings Our wor'hy ntayO" hi 1 h delega tion from Ka'eigh u ' l u hau I to wit i-ss the Imouc luq of the war stiip R leigh." The Pavt.raiu" I i. ,e way und wi'l be here on the fca I ius. It is a popular perform nee ami we predict a lrge cr -wd. Mr Laac vV. llu'chins. a we 1 kuowu and agd citizeu of this county dieil at his home three roils east, of R leigli yesterday. Printer's ink pa when invested in the Visitoti. Don't fat this and come on with jour Chris uiat advertiseiuenrs The Enchanted Barrel will be pr sentad at Metropolitan Hall on h 9th inst for the benefit of at. JohuV Hospital. Unless work is unshed morn ra; i'i on the new Union Depot it in y in be finished by the Spring of 189 Burry it up The Buad of County 0onmie6io ers will meet again on the 9th tat to consider matters relative to the taxing of the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Another gen ral exodus of colon d people is expected in the spring of 1893. This is said to oansed from the shortage ot crops and hard times generally. The A. 6 M. College Allianeo wi meet tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock . All members are requested to be pre ent. Business of importance is to be considered. Additions to the penitentiary are daily being made. Six convicts were added yesterday, three from Rich mond and three from Du plin coun ties Sheriff Page says he is waiting' with much anxiety for the people to set tie He is mighty lenient, bur. hopes that, all the people will cornel rwarl with out trouble. The attend auce.at the Agricul'ural and Mechanica' college h daily in creasing. It will soon b one of the most progressive and prosperous in stitutions in the South. The legislative ojiu uittee to ex. amine the affairs of the Treasurer' office, are now eng ged in the dis charge of their duties (' course they will find everything nil right Attention U direct 1 to tin adver tiseotent of Mr. C. H AuMeisoi;. No 5 Hargett street. Be is tiering some splendid inducements for the holiday trade, aud the public will find at his establishment a first class line of goods. Call and see him. One hundred hands in the shops of the Central railroad of Georgia were recently discharged, the object being to cut down expenses on the road. This is one of the leased roads of the Richmond and Danville sys'em. Rev. Jno. N. Onle, the preacher for Edenton street M. E. Church arrived in the city this evening and is stop ping with Mr. Jos. G. Brown for the present. We are pleased to see our u iend Mr. J. D. Thompson out again after quite a severe spell of sickness. Mr. Thompson is one of our efficient po lice and we cannot long afford to be without the services ot such men. Col. J. A. Dodson, Superintendent of the Charlotte, Columbia and Au gusta railroad, is to be transferred to the Atlanta and Charlotte Air Line. Col. Dodson is from Greensboro, and is one of the best railroad men in ftorth Carolina. We congratulate him on his promotion. Rev. R. H. Whitaker is quite sick and has been for a number of days He is seen on the streets so little of late that a failure to meet him does not cause the same inquiry that the absence of one accustomed to be seen would, and hence few of his friends know that he wus sick. We hope he will soon b out. We ackn wledge our thanks to Mr. Moye, the gentlemanly and obliging Assistant Clerk of the Superior court for a liet of the jurors drawn for the January term of the court. Acorn modating officials are a blessing to th9 people generally, and where can any be found to fill the bill better than those now occupying the court house? The people of Wa e are in deed fortunate in seeming their ser vices. The catch of sea blue fish in the vicinity of Roanoke Island is reported to be euormous The fishermen can not get boxes an 1 barrels sufficient to packtbem in for shipment. These sea bine fish are very seldom seen in our market for the reason that we have no sufficiently direct line 'of transportation to reach them, and most of them are shipped to northern markets. Some of them are carried to Edenton and to Washington. Ordination. The ordination of Bishop Lyman to the Priesthood will be celebrated in ( ol style next Saturday and Sun day. Answers to invitations have been received from prominent gentle men throughout the State, anion? them President 'Winston, of Chapel Hill It will be an occasion of much interest. "The Two Johns." At the People's Theatre "The Two Johns" again tickled the risibilities of a large audience of Philadelphians John Hart again appeared in his original part of Peter Johns, and was welcomed as an old friend come back gain, and the Cassie Sisters pleased everybody by their graceful dancing This well known and amusing play is sure to fill the People's all the week. Philadelphia Times. OUR PATRONS. JOHN T. MORRIS A CO Furniture is necessary, as w- II as food aud raiment. What nicer present could there be for a friend than a nice piece of furniture, a good mat tress or a comfortable lounge. Messrs. Jno. T. Morris Co., in the Prairie building have a moat complete line of everything in the house furnishing line v-hich they are offering at such prices as will meet the approbation of the public. Give them a call. Vou will find them all right iu every par ticular. JOHN w. COLK. What is a nicer present than a nice watch, a pair of earrings or some other piece of jewelry. At Mr. John W. Cole's yoa can find everything in stock that your heart can ish, and they can be had at the lowest rates. Mr. Cole is one of our best business gentlemen, and he is prepared to wait on you at all times and sell you to the best advantage. Call on him and make your selections, for your wives, daughters, sisters, cousins, auats and sweethearts. Youwill n t regret it. The Pay Traiu On Wednesday evening. December 33rd, we are to have at Metrop itan Hall the great actress, Miss Florence Bindley in her beautiful comedy drama, "The Pay Tram." Miss Bind ley is couceded by press and public, the cleverest soubrette now before the public, and it is marvelous to state, yet true, since the initial par formance of this piece, it his never received an adverse criticism. Mr E. M. Gotthoid, the minager in ads ranee of the company is not a stranger in this city. He was here during the exposition in 1881 at the time that the dead heroes of this State were brought from Virginia and rab'iried here a subscripsion at that time be ing raised for that purpose Mr Got thold in a very feeling letter iu which he enclosed $1 state 1 that during the war he had fought on the op posite side, but loved a brave soldier, no matter whether on the opposite side or not. The press of this 'city published his letters and it won for Mr. Gotthoid a warm spot iu the hearts of our people. In the interet-t of his company that appeal s here December 23rd 1b his business now and he was busy last night and today shaking hands and renewing bis old acquaintances. W. R Barker, J W. Boiling, Guilford Holland, col Wi liam Watts, K. E. Lileg, vv E Forest, W H Ho laud, S. A Aii-tici T. A. Holland W. H. Beasley, W. A. Jones, Bur k H rn Hardware, &c. ttkidt Ltttl 0 r"k Ma RI r. Or - k. Cre k. , Holly 8irin;s. Cedar Fork Bartons Creek. T O. O. F. Seat on Gales Lodge, No. 64, I. O. O. F , meets to night at 7 o'clock shar; Much business is to be dis posed of and every member earnestly requested to be on hand. All Odd Fellows cordially invited. Thkim. Tee'y. Died. At the residence of her parents ne-.r the western limits of the city yester day after a lingering illness, Mi s Eu'a Watson aged 23 years She leaves a large circle of friends and relatives to mourn their loss, with whom we heartily sympathize. Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets in great variety, and at bottom prices at dm 16 5t. Hughes'. Two Special Otteriugs. Tomorrow we will ghe our cus toinfrs both 'nale and f-mile 'n op portunity entirely new -tnd unheard of. For th Indies we will ofer to morrow, oue d iy ouly any corset in our store at w! olesale cost. Right here we would say, we have the lar gest stock of corsets in the citjV. For men we offer auy hat o our store at. wholesale cost; on tomorrow on'y. Ni w we know this old idea of selling goods at cost, baa long been looked upon with suspicion aud is a familiar Id chestnut, bur pirdou us for using the term as we dm't know any other way to express wlMt we mean. There are one of the two things certain, th'.se who Welieve this announcement will be profited, those who do not will only loose an opportunity, all who have followed up our advertisements will kuow we don't advertise any thing but truth. On next Monday we will have a special sal of ladies kid gloves. See Sunday's papers for the announce Jurojs. The following jurors have been drawn for the January term of the Superior Court of Wake county: NAMES. Van B. Moore, N. B. Broughton, W. N. Snelliogs, Chas. Thompson, W. H. Howard, A G. Jones, Sidney Partin, W. H. Ray, Caswell Bailey, W. H Riggn, L. H Wo d. Robt. Kimball; Geo. R Horton, W. D. O'Neal, F. P. Dunn, J T. Judd, E. F. Holt, G A. Breem, W. E Weathers, J M. Denniss. W. R Medlin, A J. D Cross, F H. Avent, Jordan H Hick?, J. A Honeycutt, D H. Pugh, Lynn Stephens, d. B Ferrell, W. R Stephenson, W. W. Tlpchurch. J. G. Strickland, R L Baker, J. W Jones, T. A Couucil, R N Griffin, G. E. Gill, SKCOND J. A. Burt, J H. Aycock, F. L Stepheo8on, C E J Goodwin, O H. Page, R 8. Stephens, W. B. Newsom, RF.SIDKJSCK. Raleigh a II Oak Grove, White Oik. Buck Horn. St Matthews. Bartons Creek. it Waktt-Forest White Oak Wake' Forest Marks Creek Wake Forest Buck Horn, it ,i Little River House Creek Burk Horn. Ntw Ligh. Holly Springs Buck Horn Cedar Fork Bartons ureek. . it Holly Springs. Oak Grove. Swift Creek Raleitrb. St Mary's. Little River. 8wift Creek. Middle Creek. iJew Ligt. Wake Forest, WKKK. Buck Horn. House Creek Swift Creek Rileigh. Cedar Fork Swift Creek. Raleigh. tnent. Yours truly, D. T. S-windkll. A House Girl Wanted. A colored eirl with some exDerionce in house work may obtain a good position upon application at 119 Fayetteville street. declS 3t A fine line of the best plated ware. almost equal to solid silver, may be bad at dec 16 5t. Hughes'. a Persons Who Desire to Make Practical Gilts. If any one wishes to make a gift, and desires it to be a useful one. then no better place than "Tuckers" can be found. We can show everything in the way of dress materials, ladies and Ohrildrens wrap , shoes, blan kets, ca'pets, rugs, chairs, china, in fact almont everything to wear, or that tends to make home comfortable and beautiful. We do not confine our patrons to any special line, but can snow something tor everybody, and at all prices. W. H & R S. Tucker & Co. For Sale or Bent. On the 1st day of January, 1892, the house No. 316, NewBerne Avenue, now occupied by Mr. E A. Carver. Apply to G Rosenthal. .'ec 14 Gt. A piece of Hughes' cut glass will be a st j lish present. dec 16 5t SPEUIJlL NOTICES. Our stock of Christmas and holiday goods is complete. It will pay every one who thinks of buying a present of auv kind to come and hnv nf us The largest aud best selected and cheapest we have ever put on sale For the acc jmmodation of onr ennt.n. mers we will from now till Christmas keeep our store open till 9pm no28 tf Woolcott & ScN. Hughes' Banquet Lamps are the latest sty les dec. 16 5t Norris' Dry Goods Store Stylish l)rHs Goods. Just received a large invoice of new and styli h dress goods, among them may be seen some of the latest and richest productions of the European markets High class novelties in woolen effects, fancy silks, velvets, &c.,witha magnificent line of dress trimmings to match. Narrow silks and jet gimps, jfc , at lower prices than ever quoted o-i same quality of goods. Norris' Dry Goods Stork. Ice Fish -Oysters. Ice in auv onant.it.v Un iVui.1, daily, at my cellar No 233, S. Wi mington Street, Fresh Norfolk Oys ters received daiit,'. OmIpph filial promptly. T. E. SorrblXi. Je8 tf. NO MAN can be In. py with bis face all scraped ana sore from SHAVING No man can shave well with a sor ry razor, The moral is to call and buy A GOOD RAZOR. We offer razors that are good; we have just received a large stock. Our name is stamped on the razor, and every one is WARRANTED. AZORS very light weight. 4ZORS medium weight, AZORS heavy weight. "Our ranor with name RALEJGH etched on it, is finest can be manu factured. rHOMAR B. BK1GGS SDNS, RALEIGH, N. C. R 1891. 1892. Millinery. Fall aad Winter. The latest novelties and best styles n HATS AN I BONNETS now readv FOR THE TRADE Hair Goods, Stamped Linens, Em broidery materials, Wools, .Zephyrs and Tarns of all kinds. Orders from a distance will receive prompt attention. MISS MAGGIE REESE ap9 tf 209 FAYETTEVILLE ST. Dry Goods, Notions, &e. W.H.f B S.TUCKER k CO. HOLIDAY ATTRACTIONS. HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS Of people have visited our store during the past week, and never before in this city, have they seen so many rare and beautiful wares for the CHRIST MA 8 HOLIDAYS - I-HOLIDAYS. NO BODY has been forgotten - rich or poor, onr store is the one place where every one can find all they want SMALL TABLES CHAIRS, DESKS, CABINE .8 and HALL STANDS.' o o- DAINTY WARES ( FOR 1 FOR ( FOR TH S THR1 THE TABLE, ) TABLE. V table, ) DINNER and TEA SETS, TEA and CHOCOLATE POTS, OYSTER and CAKE PLATES, SALAD BOWLS &0. ART POTTERY and BRIO A BR AC. CLOCKS, CANDELBRAS AND LAMPS,' I. H 4 i I .iMi ft Co.