She a 1 r Visitor. VOL. XXVI. RALEIGH, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1891. NO. 55 tf A new safe for sale cheap, ply at this office. Ap For Sale. We have two Fete of twenty five volumes each, of the Cth Edinbnrg edition of the great Eneyclopedia Brittannica which we will sell at two thirds the publisher's price for the next ten pays. This is an opportu nity of a life time. Bee advertise' mentand discription in this issne Gall at the Visitor office and exam ine them. NEWS NOTES ABOUT THE CITY. What Our Feporterg S e and Hear Worth Giving to Our Readers News in Brief. Christmas Eve. Cold wave expected. Don't eat too much. "The Star of Bethlehem.'1 The old year is tottering fast. New resolutions soon be in order. "And He shall be called a Nazarine.' Nothing lefore the Mayor today. All the banks will be closed tomor row. The old year is fast waining with its joys and sorrows. Here's health to yourselves and families. Enjoy yourselves but do so in mo deration. They say that Santa Clans will come in a whirl wind tonight. Amid all yonr joys, remember the poor. No paper until Tuesday afternoon next. On Earth Peace, Good will toward men. Santa Clans will be here tonight on schedule time. ' I know that my Redeemer livetb and will stand at the latter day upon the earth." "For unto yon is born this day, Id the city of David, a Saviour v hich k Christ the Lord. Think over the past and make nev resolves for the fnture. By next Christmas we will have i new hotel and we hope a first class opera house. Capt. John B. Ferrall has been ap pointed a j net ice of the peace. Be will make a good one. The Richmond and Danville freight depot will be closed tcmoirow and on the first dy of January. The Supreme Court judges, living at a distance, will go home for the holidays. Little Jack Horner, sat in a corner Eating his Christmas pie, He put in his thumb And pulled out a Chestnut. Don't let the festivities of the sea eon make you forget the matter of taxes. Sheriff Page is anxiously waiting. Cashier Bowden, of the First Na tional Bank of Wilmington, deceived the government. The bank will hardly pay depositors twenty five cents on the dollar. The street cars seem to be hung up high and dry. This is peculiarly un fortunate, as the lines would undoubt edly have done a large business du ring the holidays. The trustees and board of stewards of Central Methodist church are called to meet together at the church on Friday evening at 7:80 o'clock. Every member is urged to be present as im portant busiuess must be considered "Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end, up on the throne of David, and upon His Kingdom to order it, and to establish ed it with Judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The seal of the Lord of hosts will perform this." It is understood that the Supreme Court has decided the merchants pur chase tax cases from New Hanover, in favor of the constitutionality of the tax. This had been anticipated. A pair of ladies shoes were lost yes terday afternoon between Heller's shoe store and the residence of Mr. C H. Beine. Reward if returned. Reduced rate tickets on account of the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of Masons, at Raleigh will be sold January 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th, good to return until January 18th inclusive. A tremendous crowd of colored peo pie were here today from the sur rounding country; all looking bright and happy, and preparing for Christ mas. Happiest folks in the world. If there is one day above another upon which children should be happy, it is Christmas day, it being speci ally their own. Whether in the midst of plenty or in the depths of poverty, every effort should be made to make the day one of sunshine and happi ness for them. Regular meeting of Beaton Gales Lodge tonight at 7 o'clock, sharp Members earnestly requested to at tend as business of importance is to be transacted. A cordial invitation to the members of Manteo Lodge and visiting brethren. Thikm, Rec. Bee. The Christmas tree given to the Sunday School by the Christian church last night was well attended and the recitations and songs ren dered were done well. Old Santa Claus and his lady made everything pleasant to the children. Everything passed off well. Tomorrow being a legal holiday there win be no money order or registered letter business transac ted at the post office. The general delivery window will be open from 9 to 10 a. in., and from 3 to 4 p. m. Car riers will make no collections or de liveries, but will serve their patrons at their window from 3 to 4 p. m. Christmas Tree. The Rescue horses, Charlie and Henry, have each been presented with an adorned Christmas tree. Fresh Cut Flowers. Roses, Carnations, Hyacinths, and other choice flowers. Bouquets and Baskets made up at short notice. H. Stkinmetz, Florist. It Manteo Lodge, No. 8, J. O. O. F. The members of Manteo Lodge, No. 8, are hereby notified to meet at their lodge room this evening at 7 o'clock to make arrangements for the funeral of our deceased brother, Past Grand, Frank Jones. By order of the Noble Grand, Geo. L. Tonhoffski, R. 8. Died. This morning at five minutes to 2 o'clock, Mr. Frank Jones, of typhoid pneumonia. The funeral services will be held at the Baptist Tabernacle to morrow afternoon at 8 o'clock. Mr. Jones was about 34 years old He was a member of the Rescue fire company. Resigned. Rev. Dr. J no. B. Watkins, who for many years has been the belo-ed pas tor of the First Presbyterian Church, in this city, has tendered his resigna tion to accept a call to Spartanburg, 8. C. Our people will deeply regret to lose Dr. Watkins from our midst. Attention Rescue Fire Com lany. Every member is ordered to assem ble at Rescue Hall tomorrow after noon at 2 o'clock sharp, in full uniform for the purpose of attending the fun eral of our deceased comrade Frank Jones. By order of R. E. Lumsdkn, Foreman. City papers please copy. Useful and Ornamental. Chris, mas goods. All new styles at Fifth Waid Phaimacy. dccl9 6 Christ Church Christmas Day. Full morning service with Holy Communion ai 11 a. m. (Offerings for St. John's Hospital. ) All invited. Catholic Church The services at the Church of the Sacred Heart will be peculiarly inter esting tomorrow. First mass at six o'clock, a. m , sermon and holy coin munion and second mass at 0.15 a. m. High mass and sermon at 10 a. m. Pews all free. Publio invited. Servi ces conducted by Rev. Father Fran cis. 0. 8. B. Teachers Assembly. The Executive Committee of the Teachers assembly have decided up on Morehead City as the permanent place for meeting. The new executive committee will meet in Raleigh Dec. 89. to prepare the programme for the next session of the Assembly Jane 21 to July 2, 1892. A number of special ly valuable and attractive features have already been secured for the meeting and the outlook is for the biggest and best session of the Teach ers' Assembly yet. The Atlantic Hotel will be managed this season solely by the owners of the pioperty snd they will secure the most experienced hotelist in this country to manage the house under their direction. Christmas Proverbs. Christmas fills up many a lean stocking. Good will to all men and most of the women. Pride and the price of turkey must have a fall. Santa Claus doesn't forget even the bad boy. All old cotton stocking will hold an much as a silk one. The bad boy can become very good around Christmas time. Best presents of all The' fnll stom ach and contented mind. On Christmas day punish no child. Beat nothing but the drum. Turkeys will now be cut low in the neck and gored at both sides. On Christmas morning every child has a right to rise at 8 o'clock. For Rent. My residence, on the corner of Blount street and Oakdale Avenue. There is a i acre lot, and house with eight rooms, with servants' bouse and other necessary out houses. Apply to Jones & Powell. L. L. Nash. dec 22-tf . For Rent. Two dwellings on west Morgan St. near the railroad. Apply to Dr. J. H. Crawford. dec 23 tf. Sale of Toys by the Assignee. A good opportunity to buy toys &c, cheap for cash is now offered at No. 119, Fayetteville Street, the store recently occupied by E. D. Smith. A. w. a A. WOOD, dec 22 3t Assignee of E. D Smith. One Cent Is the Word. Seven thousand times were we asked this morning if we were going to sell ladies felt hats at one cent each on the first day of January nxt. Well, we never advertise anything we do not mean, and we shall sell ladies felt hats on Friday, Jan. 1st at one cent each from 9 to 12 o'clock in the forenoon. One cent, one eent, one cent each for ladies' felt hats. Yes, we know Dr. Wpod has a room with barred windows, but we are not go ing there till after these hats are sold at one cent each. We have the best bargains in trunks we ever had. Give your friend a nice trunk Christmas, but-get the tiunk at Swindell's. We have fifteen or twenty very fine French pattern Dress Robes, this fall's purchase, these we will sell at about half price. Christmas cards, jewelry, perfumery, toilet soaps, kid gloves, silk handkerchiefs and many Christmas goods at D. T. Swindell's. Personal mention. Mr. Cbas. B. Scales, of New York, who is visiting his sister, Mrs. John Waters, on the corner of East and Polk streets, is qaite sick Attorney General Davidson has gore to Ashoville to spend the h li days. Miss Annie L Jones, who has been sick with the grippe is much better and hopes to be out soon. Gov. Holt retuined to the city yes terday. We are glad to see in the city our friend, Mr. Hal W. Ayer, who will s p 'ml the Christmas holidays with his relatives and friends. He is look ing remarkably well. Mr. F. W. Faucett, of Macon, Ga , is spending the holidays in this city. Dr. W. T. Hodge is quite sick with the grippe. Mr. W. A. Eudy, of Pennsylvania is in the city visiting relatives. Mrs. R. A. Parrish, mother of Col. E. J. Parristi and Mrs. J. 8. Oarr, died last night in Durham, aged 74 years. SPECIAL NOTICES. Stockholders Meeting. There will be a meeting of the stockholders of the Grim Brown Stone and Improvement Company at the office of J. W. Hinsdale, over Citizens National Bank, on Dec. 31, 1891, at 10 o'clock, a. m. J. W. Hinsdale, President. dec 21 lOds. Hardware, &c. For Sale. The lease of two lots on the Saun ders' property, corner Boylan and Tucker streets. Terms easy. Apply to Wm. J. Saunders, Real Estate & Gan. Agt dec 18 lCt 426, Saunders St. At "Tucker's" Can be Fouud Gifts For Everyone. From our enormous stock, we are able to supply gifts for every person. A handsome dress, a fur cape or muff, a wrap, a pair of gloves, handker chiefs, gent's smoking jackets, gent's scarfs, inexpensive jewelry, fancy aprons, a skin rug, chairs, tables, um brella stands, infants chairs, dolls and doll clothing, silk umbrellas, and everything in the line of dry goods and fancy wares, and at prices that suit everybody's purse. W. H. & R. 8. Tucker & Co. Our stock of Christmas and holiday goods is complete. It will pay every one who thinks of buying a present of any kind to come and buy of us. The largest and best selected and cheapest we have ever put on sale. For the accommodation of our custo mers we will from now till Christmas kepep our store open till 9 p. m. no28 tf Woolcott & Son. Hughes' Banquet Lamps are the latest styles. dec. 16 5t Norris' Dry Goods Store Stylish Drags Goods. Just received a large invoice of new and styli h dress goods, among them may be seen some of the latest and richest productions of the European markets. High class novelties in woolen effects, fancy silks, velvets, &c, with a magnificent line of dress trimmings to match. Narrow silks and jet gimps, &c, at lower prices than ever quoted on same quality of goods. Norris' Dry Goods Store. Ice Fish Oysters. Ice in any quantity, also fresh fish daily, at my cellar No. 223, 8. Wil mington Street, Fresh Norfolk Oys ters received daily. Orders filled promptly. T. E. Sorrbll. je8 tf. CTOTXCOQ. HAVING this day qualified as the Execu tor of the late Isaac V , Hutchins, this is to give notice to creditors to present their claims to me for payment on or before the 22nd day of December 1892, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All per sous mueDiea vo me estate win please pay j wunoui lurtuer ueiuanu. CtfAS. W. BE VERS, Executor of Isaac W. Hutchins, deceased. dec21-6w NO MAN can be hat py wiihhis face all scraped and sore from SHAVING No man can shave well with a sor ry razor, The moral is to calhand buy AGOOD RAZOR. We offer razors that are good.we have just received a large stock. Our name is stamped on the razor, and every one is WARRANTED. AZORS verylight weieht. aA'iws mf aium weigttt, AZORS heavy weight. igy-Our razor with name RALEIGH etched on it, is finest can be manufactured. THOMAS H BB1GGS SONS. RALEIGH, N. C. R 1891. 1892. Mill inery Fall and Winter. The latest novelties and best styles in HATS ANT) BONNETS now readv FOR THE TRADE Hair Goods, Stamped Linens, Em broidery materials, Wools, (Zephyrs and Yarns of all kinds. Orders from a distance will receive prompt attention. MISS MM REESE. ap9tf 209 FAYETTEVILLE ST. Dry Goods, Notions, &c. tf. Hi RS. TUCKER ICO. Ghristmas ALMOST HERE. ONLY A FEW DAYS MORE UNTIL CHRISTMAS, and of all the places that one can visit to se lect a gift of any kind "TUCKERS" is the store, that containa gifts suitable for every one, useful and orna mental. "SIGNS OF CHRISTMAS" Were never so noticable, as have been in our store this season, for every portion of our big establishment ha' been in perfect holiday attire. o o GIFTS OF EVERY KIND.l I DIVIDUAL PIECES OF FUR NITURE, AND FRENCH CHINA. ART POTTERY and BRIO. A BRAG. Dolls And Fancy Goods, GENERALLY INEXPENSIVE KINDS. I. H. & i S Tieier 4 Co.

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